From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 1995 85: 580-587 Bone marrow transplantation in major histocompatibility complex class II deficiency: a single-center study of 19 patients C Klein, M Cavazzana-Calvo, F Le Deist, N Jabado, M Benkerrou, S Blanche, B Lisowska-Grospierre, C Griscelli and A Fischer Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. Bone Marrow Transplantation in Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I1 Deficiency: A Single-Center Study of 19 Patients By Christoph Klein, Marina Cavazzana-Calvo, Frangoise Le Deist, Nada Jabado, Malika Benkerrou, Stephane Blanche, Barbara Lisowska-Grospierre, Claude Griscelli, and Alain Fischer Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II deficiency (bare lymphocyte syndrome) is a rare inborn error of the immune system characterized by impaired antigen presentation and combined immunodeficiency. It causes severe and unremitting infections leading t o progressive liver and lung dysfunctions and death during childhood. As in other combined immunodeficiency disorders, bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is considered the treatment of choice for MHC class II deficiency. We analyzed the filesof 19 patients who have undergone BMT in our center. Of the 7 patients who underwentHLA-identical BMT, 3 died in the immediate posttransplant period of severe viral infections, whereas the remaining 4 were cured, with recovery of normal immune functions. Of the 12 patients who underwent HLA-haploidentical BMT, 3 were cured, 1 was improved by partialengraftment, 7 died of infectious complications due t o graft failure or rejection, and 1 is still immunodeficient because of engraftmentfailure. A favorable outcomein the HLA-nonidentical BMT group wasassociated with an age of less than 2 years at the timeof transplantation. All the patientswith stable long-term engraftment had persistently low CD4 counts after transplantation (105 t o 650/pLat last follow up), but no clear susceptibility t o opportunistic infections despite persisting MHC class II deficiency on thymicepithelium and other nonhematopoietic cells. We conclude that HLA-identical and -haploidentical BMT can cure MHC class II deficiency, although the success rate ofhaploidentical BMT in other combined immunodeficiency synis lower than that dromes. HLA-haploidentical BMT should preferrably be performed in the first 2 years of life, before the acquisition of chronic virus carriage and sequelae of infections. 0 1995 by The American Society of Hematology. M Patients AJOR HISTOCOMPATIBILITY complex (MHC) class I1 deficiency is a rare combined immunodeficiency syndrome characterized by profoundly deficient HLA class I1 expression, inconsistent and incomplete expression of HLA class I molecules, and lack of cellular and humoral immune responses to foreign antigens.' The underlying pathophysiologic defect is impaired transcription of HLA class 11-encodinggenes.*,' MHC class I1 deficiency is one of the few diseases known to be caused by gene regulation defects. At least three complementation groups seem to be responsible for the immunodeficiency, suggesting that several distinct genes can be mutated in theMHC class IInegative phenotype. However, clinically, no corresponding heterogeneity has been identified. Recently, one of the genes involved in MHC class I1 deficiency has been c10ned.~Affected patients are prone to severe and recurrent bacterial, viral, fungal, and protozoal infections, beginning in the first year of life, owing to inefficient CD4 T-cell developmen? and absent CD4 cell function. The natural history of MHC class I1 deficiency is dismal, with patients dying at a mean age of 4 years: often of overwhelming viral infections. Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is now a recognized treatment of primary immunodeficiency disorders' and can cure the underlying genetic trait in MHC class I1 deficiency.',' We describe the outcome of BMT in 19 such children. FromtheUnite' d'lmmunologie et d'H6matologie andINSERM U132, Hipital Necker Enfants Malades, Paris, France. Submitted April 21, 1994; accepted September 26, 1994. Supported by grants from INSERM and ARC. C.K. is a recipient of a Fritz Thyssen fellowship. Address reprint requests to Alain Fischer, MD, Unite' 132 INSERM, Hipital Necker Enfants Malades,149, rue de Si.vres, F75743 Paris Ckdex, France. The publication costsof this article were defrayedin part by page chargepayment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section I734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1995 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/95/8502-0018$3.00/0 mn PATIENTS, MATERIALS, AND METHODS Nineteen children with MHC class 11 deficiency underwent BMT atthe HGpital Necker-Enfants Malades from April1981through June 1993. All received transplants from related donors, who were HLA-matched in 7 cases. Extended specificity serotyping'" and genotyping" for HLA A, B, and DR antigens were applied to potential transplant recipients and their family members. Age at BMT ranged from 6 months to 6 years. Diagnosis was based on deficient HLA class 11 expression on peripheral blood monocytes, B cells, and phytohemagglutinin (PHA) activated T cells. The cut-off date for the analysis was December I , 1993. Treatment Regimen The conditioning regimens are depicted in Table 1. In HLAcompatible BMT, graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) prophylaxis consisted of methotrexate (10 mg/m*) on days l, 3, 6, and 11 and cyclosporine for a total of 180 days, except for patient no. I , who received only methotrexate. The mean number of infused mononuclear cells was 3 X 108ikg(range, 0.6 to 6.2 X 108/kg). In HLA-mismatched BMT, the conditioning regimen was further reinforced by the infusion of 0.2 mgikglday of a monoclonal antiLFA-I antibody (25-3 murine IgGl specific for the LFA-la subunit [CDlla]) from day -3 to day +6 from 1987 onwards,2hexcept for patient no. 7, who received 0.1 mg/kg/d of anti-LFA-l antibody on S occasions.'2 From1991 onwards, a combination of anti-LFA-I antibody (0.2 mg/kg/d on days -3 to + I O ) and a monoclonal antiCD2 antibody (murine BE2, isotype IgG2b; 0.2 rngkgld on days -2 to + 11) was administered (patients no. 14, IS, 16, 18, and 19)." GVHD prophylaxis wasbasedon graft T-cell depletion by Erosetting" or by treatment with Campath-LMantibody" (Dr G. Hale, Cambridge, UK) plus human complement, according to the protocol. The residual T-cell content of the infused marrow was always less than 1.1 X I O 5 T cellsikg recipient body weight, based on limiting dilution analysis after expansion in interleukin-2 (IL-2L"onditioned medium. Patients no. 10 and 1 I received nondepleted donor marrow. In the case of T-cell depletion by E-rosetting, cyclosporine was administered intravenously (3 mg/kg/d) starting on day 0 before marrow infusion until day 60. Doseswere adjusted according to GVHD severity andrenal or other toxicity. Other treatments of GVHD included corticosteroids and anti-IL-2 receptor monoclonal antibodies.IG Patients were infused with a mean of 3.6 X 10' (range, 0.5 to Blood, Vol 85, No 2 (January 15). 1995: pp 580-587 From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. BMT IN MHC CLASS II DEFICIENCY 581 9.8 x 10') donor BM mononuclear cells/kg recipient body weight. Depleted marrow was checked in the cases of patients no. 14 through 19 by determining hematopoietic precursor cell numbers. Mean colony-forming unit granulocyte-macrophage (Cm-GM) numbers were 53 X 104/kg(range, 30 to 89.4 X 104/kg). angitis occurred in 10 cases. Meningoencephalitis was diagnosed in 2 cases before BMT. Thirteen patients had persistent viral infections, a major cause of death in MHC class I1 deficiency. Four patients had slight CD3 lymphopenia, and 14 of 17 patients tested had reduced CD4' cell counts. Most patients had elevated CD8+ cell counts, but 2 patients had evidence of CD8 lymphopenia.*' HLA-DR expression was, by definition, absent or low. Patients with residual DR expression had no milder clinical presentation. All patients had positive lymphocyte stimulation tests with PHA and negative stimulation tests with antigens. Nine of 11 evaluable patients had hypogammaglobulinemia and IgA levels were reduced in 16 patients and normal in 3, whereas IgM levels were reduced in 14 patients, normal in 4, and increased in 1. Three patients fell into complementation group A, 10 patients into group B, and 6 patients could not be classified. However, neither residual DR expression nor clinical manifestation correlated strictly with the complementation group. As shown in Table 3, 7 patients received HLA-identical transplants and 12 patients received HLA-haploidentical transplants. Six patients required more than one BMT procedure, owing to engraftment failure. The median age at the time of the first transplant was 27 months in the HLA-identical group and 34 months in the HLA nonidentical group. Eight patients are alive 6 months to 1 1 years post-BMT, with a functional graft (median follow-up, 50 months). Supportive Care Engraftment Patients were placed in a sterile isolator (Isoconcept, Paris, France) or in isolation rooms with laminar airflow. All patients received gut decontamination, and broad-spectrum antibacterial and antifungal antibiotics were administered empirically for episodes of fever. Irradiated red blood cells and platelets were transfused as needed. If evidence of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection was found before BMT in the donor (serology) or recipient (serology and/or culture or polymerase chain reaction), acyclovir (1,500 mg/mz/d) was administered from day 0 to 60. Patients with no evidence of CMV infection received blood components from CMV-negative donors. Intravenous immune globulin was administered prophylactically (200 mglkglwk) until reconstitution of endogenous immune globulin production. Patient no. 18 also received intrathecal anti-enterovirusenriched immune globulin for chronic enterovirus meningitis. Engraftment could be evaluated in 18 patients (Tables 3 and 4). Of the 7 patients who received HLA-identical BMT, 3 had initial signs of mixed hematopoietic chimerism but died from infectious complications. Four patients had stable long-term engraftment, with 3 showing full chimerism and l (patient no. 2) showing partial engraftment with less than 50% of donor-derived B cells and monocytes. Stable longterm engraftment occurred in only 3 patients who underwent nonidentical BMT. All 3 patients were less than 2 years old at the time of transplantation. In this group, 1 patient (no. 10) had mixed and 2 (nos. 14 and 19) had full hematopoietic chimerism. Another patient (no. 11) had full chimerism but died 3 months post-BMT of severe GVHD and viral infections. One patient (no. 8) had partial T-cell and complete Bcell engraftment with normal production of specific antibodies. However, five years after BMT, she only has 2% of donor B cells. One patient (no. 9) transiently achieved full T-cell function, but gradually rejected the graft over 5 years. Interestingly, full hematopoietic chimerism wasonly observed after introduction of a protocol using anti-LFA-l and anti-CD2 antibodies to reduce engraftment failures. No engraftment occurred in 6 patients, despite up to three transplantation attempts; only one of the five Campath-depleted grafts (patient no. 9) resulted in engraftment, although the transplant was gradually lost. Two patients developed stage 3 GVHD, whereas mild to moderate GVHD (sstage 2) occurred in 10 cases. No cases of chronic GVHD occurred. Tabla 1. Conditioning Regimens I. HLA-compatible BMT Cyclophosphamide (50mg/kg) Antilymphocyte serum 2. Cyclophosphamide (50 mgikg) CCNU (300mg/m*) Procarbazine (280 mg/kg) Antilymphocyte serum 3. Busulfan (20 mgkg) Cyclophosphamide (200 mgikg) II. HLA-mismatched BMT 4. Busulfan (20 mgkg; 16 mgkg if age >6 yr) Cyclophosphamide (200 mgfkg) 5. Busulfan (20 mgkg; 16 mgkg if age >6 yr) Cyclophosphamide (200 mg/kg) Anti-LFA-l antibody 6. Busulfan (20 mglkg; 16 mg/kg if age >6 yr) Cyclophosphamide (200 mg/kg) Anti-LFA-l antibody Anti-CD2 antibody 1. Assessment of Engrafhnent and GVHD Engraftment of donor cells was confirmed by testing for HLADR expression on peripheral B cells, monocytes, and PHA-activated T cells. Karyotyping in case of sex mismatch, erythrocyte phenotyping, and chimerism analysis by means of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)" on DNA extracted from peripheral mononuclear cells served as additional engraftment markers. The clinical diagnosis of GVHD was confirmed by appropriate biopsies and graded according to Glucksberg et al." Lymphocyte populations were determined by immunofluorescence with T- and B-cell-specific monoclonal antibodies. Mitogen, antigen (Candida albicans, tetanus toxoid, and CMV), and allogeneic cell-induced lymphocyte proliferation tests were performed as previously described.19 RESULTS Pretransplant clinical and immunologic characteristics of the 19 patients are shown in Table 2. Chronic enteritis (16 cases) and respiratory tract infections (18 cases) were the hallmarks of the clinical presentation. Hepatitis and/or chol- Immunologic Reconstitution T-cell reconstitution. T-cell reconstitution was confirmed in 6 patients by the presence of HLA-DR expression From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 582 KLEIN ET AL > r - S v ) I V I > S2 .-2 > : >g I= zI= : c c c E :$ ~ d l I l > = ; 2 a 8 '22 20 S > $ 5 5 0 rrc U U U rU d< U v ) l 2m >z 3 c 2; " c v) L En o5 v) .E a mn m m m 2: w"r a, v m ?0 m0 ?:F: 2 m m m '- S - f .-:C : g L ._ + + + + + + + + l + + + + + + + + + gg + .- G Y - 0 . 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For personal use only. BMT IN MHC CLASS II DEFICIENCY 583 vi v ) v) E 2 i .- m g 5 05 i 2 - .- .-2> 5 m U G.!? Ev)+I-. $%Er g : v+ )vm) ? ! v) ! .-2> :..'E v 6 5g ;n;o v) 0 P Y Y $?::.;$E%, ~ s g : ~ o 2yzW.gW 5 m 0" F W . - = 3:": I I n o o _ - I a: I l e .- v- 5 5 + I+ m z I-. g + F'z. g g z g a Pn a~ %%%.E: = / " 1 - 1 I I U v) .> P m U i E * ? F O o n y ; ? s2 dz Bs32E 3: - L " .-c $; 5 $ < g $ : :a swms, m 52 m c =$ c; im i E z %%.?E m $ ~ m . 55 a m 0 0 g gg z$ z$ -+.. m .-c +- +++ E C > 2 gm ;2 g0 $0 U ." 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Eg 'I 2 e EE E€ E; : $ g IiJ;JJJ SJirOir~ a n C ra .c c cal .$.E - N m m a p U e * m m m m f m m m m m m w W ~ m m a m w a m D .- S= U U) i E c 5.g x $ W W W W & & & S 2 $$R P P m m 2 P PPPPPeePePeePeP p m m m m w m m m m m w m m m m m W c ..-c i 5 zgzcozg m z m 222 ~w - E Z z ~ -mI r- N r m N re W m P m -w r ~- -r rN nN ~ N- m m ~ - m o r - 4" U a n m r D + 2' a m n - - r m m e *?c36 e@e e N m m m m m - P-P- e @ s $3 ;+$s.$$$$$$$s$%;g$g W I - C C Q - ~ N N N N N N - ~ d ~ ~ I~ E 1 g e 2 14 Q gs 2 $ 5 c- U $ 2 H u E I U Z u u E Z Z Z U E Z U E Y & .!? $ 'E..,?.= > m ti z- .- ,z N C P .$? c? 2 -n " i;iK zz -g S G G N W d ~ N W m * '= E=% W P - m m "m I - N O * m m 'Z' ?c32 c -" NP-m m m w NNY 2 2 -m ID N P tp); " 0O " WP- m m NN z~ ~z C g E c 0 .g c .S x $ $ p S::$ =Pa:* b From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. KLEIN ET AL 584 :;i ._ 0 'g .- :: 0as <2"*; ? g a s m 2.E a ,zP + +++++g l ;P g g p <si? C ._ P ._ 0 I e- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 % zv?$.%%g S m m w m m W gz $z 9C O0 p W : 2:c 0 B> E, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ / ? % a % ~ g - a w e m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 90.999959 O o c m ~ c n o - S a Pzbf,em z X "?" T" ,c q a m m -!~~?x~~~ e cqc?cqo?cq??? P ? B - m t@?? 0 LL c 2 -m m A c p. -m ;i c 2 $ zb~9Q)~~r N n .-(1 .- +l " E .-5 g e 2 m ~ Q) m m m o O o mcar-cnzm v) m 5 .-m L 0 a m w m b m z m L 5 z e2qeee.e N O Q ) C O ~ Q ) O rD r s W * r b m r n m ~ U - r 0 z -E 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 BV % s . c q q s g % m i + F - ? OI $ sg J 8 .c 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 3*%2$3m? o o o o o o o m a k u EI J I F ;$g p am O ~ ~ I " O N ~ 0 ~ Q).o.N.w-m~."m r m ~ r - - m o o o o o o o ( o o o o m m o o = *.Q).*.w.m.--=P- N ~ ~ N N N U J - . 0 0 $?.?.$$?.E€ 0 r W W V ) N N O W ai 7 0 U c i W P EE w w C E - 0 0 S.$$%%% E E 2 m w b w m k Z l l - ._ $ 6 I= a d z C ..-> I 2 n N c a z ~ 9~ ~ > on activated T cells and normalization of antigen-specific T-cell stimulation(Table4).Patients with HLA-identical transplants showed normal total lymphocyte counts andnormal CD3' cell counts 2 to 6 months after BMT. Patients with nonidenticaltransplantationrequired up to 2 yearsbefore lymphocyte counts reached normal values for age. Patients no. 14and 19 remain lymphopenic 2 yearsand 6 months post-BMT, respectively. With the exception of patient no. 2, who took 4 years to develop normal lymphocyte stimulation tests, and patientno. 19, all patients with durable grafts responded positively to specific antigens within 1 year after BMT. All the patients had persistently low CD4' cell counts, ranging from 105 to 650/pL at last follow up (Fig 1 and Table 3 ) . This finding is consistent with impairedthymicmaturation caused by defective HLA class I1 expression on thymic epithelia. B-cell reconstitution. In the 7 patientswith durable engraftment, B-cell counts returned to normalwithin a few weeks or months post-BMT. Ig levels normalized, with the exception of 1 patient who had reduced IgA levelsand 2 patients with increased polyclonal IgM levels. All 7 patients with durable engraftment had specific antibody production in response to immunization antigens (tetanus and diphtheriatoxoids, poliovirus). None of the patients developed B-lymphoproliferative disorders. Two patients (no. 2 and 10) have normal B-cell function despite chimerism (10% to 46% B cells of host origin). Clinical course and infections. Seven patients died within 3 months after BMT of infectious complications. All of these early deaths were attributable to overwhelmingviral infections leading to vital-organ failure, such as encephalitis andpneumonia,or lethalmultiorgan involvement.CMV, enteroviruses,and adenoviruswereresponsible for the deaths, as shown by viral culture of bodyfluids. All but 3 patients(no. 7, 10, and 18) receivedgrafts from CMVseropositive donors, which may have been responsible for the CMV infection of 2 recipients. All other patients with positive CMVculturespost-BMThadevidence of CMV infection before BMT. In 4 cases, the viruses incriminated in lethal infections post-BMT had been identified before the procedure (2 cases of CMV and 2 cases of enterovirus). Three patients died morethan 1 year post-BMT of infectious complications after graft failure. One patient (no. 1) who had chronic CMV andenterovirus infection leading to intractable diarrhea, chorioretinitis, and psychomotor regression died of Pseudomonas sepsis.Patient no. 5 developedCryptosporidium-associated sclerosing cholangitis and liver failure and died of Pseudomonas sepsis.Patient no. 9 hadrecurrent bacterial and fungal infections, chronic enterovirus infection, pancreatitis,hepatitis, and oligoarthritis and died 5 years post-BMT of meningoencephalitis and cardiac arrest. One patient(no. 8) with partial engraftment is momentarily stable 5 years post-BMT. One patient was rescued by autograftingafter two unsuccessfulhaploid BMT procedures. All the other patients are well, free of serious infections, and show normal physical and psychosocial development.Onepatient (no. 10) developed typicalKawasaki disease 3 years post-BMT thatresolvedwithoutsequelae. At that time she was no longer receiving intravenous Igs. ~There was no correlation of favorable or unfavorable outcome with assignment to complementation groups. From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 585 BMT IN MHC CLASS II DEFICIENCY 0 0 patient 62 0 patient #8 patient #IO 0 patiem #l2 patient U13 o patient #l4 A patient #l7 A patient W19 i Fig 1. CD4 T-cell count before and after BMT. p po r es-tB - BMMT1 Of 12 comparable children seen in our institution who did not undergo BMT, 5 died of overwhelming viral infections within the first 2 years of life and 1 died at age 16 of liver failure and gram-negative sepsis. The remaining 6 children (aged 2 to 16 years) have severe sequelae from recurrent infections and various autoimmune diseases. DISCUSSION BMT is now the treatment of choice for severe combined immunodeficiency disorders and has been shown to reconstitute the immune system in MHC class I1 deficiency (bare lymphocyte ~yndrome).~,’ However, preliminary analyses suggested that MHC class 11-deficient patients did less well after BMT than other patients with combined immunodeficiencies.” This finding is apparently borne out by our series of 19 patients, although no statistical analysis is possible. Four of seven children who underwent HLA-identical BMT were cured (the other 3 children died early, possibly due to inadequate conditioning and/or infection control). In contrast, only 3 of 12 children who underwent HLA-nonidentical BMT were cured, a rate lower than in other severe combined immunodeficiencies. One of the main obstacles to HLA-nonidentical BMT is infectious complications.” Severe and persistent viral infections are a hallmark of MHC class I1 deficiency. Obviously, chronic viral carriage is a major danger in patients with BM ablation. Although the prognosis of HLA-nonidentical BMT has improved, mainly through better control of infections,23 the mortality rate among MHC-deficient patients, mainly due to overwhelming CMV, enterovirus, and adenovirus infections, remains high. The main cause of treatment failure in HLA-nonidentical BMT is graft failure. This finding may be of particular importance in immunodeficiencies in which residual immune func- tion inhibits engraftment, which include PNP-deficiency and combined immunodeficiency syndromes.” In contrast to other forms of SCID, MHC class 11-deficient patients develop a normal T-cell and show inducible alloreactive T lymphocytes that can initiate immunologic rejection or hamper engraftn~ent.’~Over the last few years, significant improvements have been made in promoting engraftment. A protocol including anti-LFA-l antibodies has been shown to facilitate engraftment.26A subsequent protocol designed to further facilitate engraftment by addition of anti-CD2 antibodies is now being tested. In our study, the introduction of these protocols coincided with the development of full hematopoetic chimerism, without graft rejection, in successfully transplanted children, although engraftment failures still occurred. Other factors, such as the detrimental influence of viral infections, may play a role in engraftment failure.27 Age at the time of transplantation has been identified as a risk factor in BMT for immunodeficiencies. Patients less than 2 years of age do better than older patients.” This difference seems to be especially true of MHC class IIdeficient patients, because only one child underwent successful HLA-identical BMT (no cases of successful haploidentical BMT) after 24 months of age. The kinetics of immune reconstitution after BMT did not differ from that in other primary immunodeficiency condition^.^*^^^ Before BMT, patients with MHC class I1 deficiency showed low CD4” cell counts, with a compensatory increase in CD8+ lymphocytes. This combination is reminiscent of MHC class 11-knockout mi~e.~’.~’ However, in contrast to MHC class 11-deficient mice, the proportion of CD4’ lymphocytes was higher in the patients, possibly due to residual HLA class II expression in the thymus.32Interestingly, low CD4+ cell counts persisted after BMT, possibly reflecting From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. KLEIN ET AL 586 impaired thymic maturation of CD4’ cells due to decreased MHC class I1 expression in the thymic epithelium. This also provides indirect evidence that donor BM-derived cells are not critical for positive thymic selection of CD4’ T cells.” Clinically, CD4 lymphopenia was not associated with increased susceptibility to infections. In addition, despite a lack of MHC class I1 reconstitution in nonhematopoietic cells, infection control does occur. The antigen-presenting function of activated endothelial and epithelial cells therefore seemsto be dispensable when BM-derived antigen-presenting cells are functional. Further studies to identify molecular defects are underway. There is some hope that, as in other primary immunodeficiency disorders,34gene therapy might improve the cure rate in MHC class I1 deficiency in the future. Given the dismal prognosis of patients with MHC class I1 deficiency, BMT is, in our opinion, the treatment of choice today, provided it is performed early in life, before the onset of infection-related complications. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We are indebted to the medical and nursing staff taking care of the patients, to the referring physicians, and to Dr Geoff Hale and the staff of the Therapeutic Antibody Center (Cambridge, UK) for providing the Campath-IM antibody. REFERENCES 1. 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