Words of Life First United Methodist Church www.fumcedna.org

First United Methodist
October 2014
Words of Life
Blessings Saints,
Fall is upon us. The weather is getting cooler (slightly) and Pumpkin Patches are springing
up at the church (pumpkins arrive on Oct. 18). High school, college and professional football is in
full swing. Wednesday Nite Live is going strong, the Pastor’s Bible Study is also ongoing, cottage
meetings are starting up and pastoral home visits are ongoing (just a reminder, please call the
church office with times that work for the pastor to visit you.)
Amidst all the activities of October (including the Jackson County Youth Fair), is the holiday
Halloween at the end of the month and All-Saints Day.
I know All-Saints Day occurs on the first Sunday of November, but as we prepare for our
observance of that holy day, I invite congregation members to help us in remembering those who
have passed away by providing pictures of these saints so we can include their picture in the
worship service. You can bring pictures to the church office during office hours or email them to
us at fumcblessed@sbcglobal.net or pastoradamknapp@gmail.com.
Thank you for helping us remember those who have gone before.
In Christ,
Rev. Adam R. Knapp
Rev. Adam R. Knapp, Pastor
Rachel Fuller, Secretary
Cheryl Gray, Music Director
Noble Gray, Lay Leader
Lindsey Floyd, Wesley Nurse
Victor Cruz, Custodian
Beverly Hobratschk, Nursery Director
Michelle Thompson, Nursery Attendant
Rachel Hobratschk, Nursery Attendant
Office Hours:
Mon - Thurs
8:45am - 12pm &
1pm - 3:15pm
9am - 12pm
Contact Us
216 W Main/PO Box 790
Edna, TX 77957
361-782-3561 (Office)
361-782-3562 (Fax)
Find us on Facebook!
Attendance &
Pledges received…………………$13,151.25
Armed Forces
Budgeted for 2013 Annually . . . . $ 223,544.86
Sun Sch
Ashley & Zac
Julie Abraham
Kathleen Aiken
Kay Aiken
Michael Aiken
Joseph Berkley
Dorothy Boggus
Linda Seale Browning
Leon Burney
Joseph Campos
Dr. Donna Cole
Dorothy Davis
Martha Davis
Matthew Dukes
Richard Ferguson
Nancy Garcia
Corinne Garza
Nick Gerjes
Micki Gomez
Andrew Gonzales
Cordia Hatcher
Don Haven
Lauren Huntsman
David Johnson
Jake Jones
Linda Karl
Betty Kilgore
Raeniece Kucera
Boyd Mabry
Tammy McCormack
John Mercer
Tim Montgomery
Jessie Mae Moody
Father Dan Morales
Tammy Morton
Justin Aiken
Kathleen Aiken
Russell Carpenter
Robert Delgado
James Edwards
Marshel Etheridge
Nathan Foster
Humberto Gamez
Khris Graham
Ben Harcrow
Patrick Harriman
Captain Bryce Haynes
Angela Horton
Monthly . . . . . .$18,628.74
Donations received………………$ 2,749.09
Wayne & Martha Gene
June Page
Sophie Paine
Billy & Wanda Porche
Mike Reichert
Bobbie Richard
Tracy Russell
Hope Browning Sebek
Dorothy Lee (Correll)
Peggy Shearer
Roy Smith
Josef Storz
Brandi Bates Stringfeld
Patsy Storz
Larry Stuzman
Karen Tackett
Taylor Murphy
Jason Payne
Corey Pedeville
Juan Perez
Michael Powell
Alyssa Rodriguez
Ralph Rodriguez
Zach Rogers
Omar Rosa
Stuart Taylor
Adam Teaff
Bradley Thomas
Kody Watkinson
Donna Tate
Mary Tate
William Taylor
Beverly Underwood
Vernon Rose
Charles Watkins
Dick & Rose Wiegand
Earl Wiegand & Family
Major Jason E Williams
Jason Young
Come join us for Soul Food Thursday! We
meet the 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month
at 11:30 am in the Fellowship Hall!
We have a wonderful Bible Study followed
by a nutritious meal served at noon!
Need a ride? Call the church office at 7823561 and we’ll be happy to arrange for you
to be picked up!
Good news! I have gotten our church a Group Rate
membership at the Wellness Center at the Jackson
County Hospital. The group rate will be $30. IF you
are interested in joining, go to the wellness center,
fill out an application and in order to get the group
rate let them know you are a member of the First
United Methodist Church. The have Zumba and
water aerobics classes now, along with their
valuable exercise equipment.
Lindsey Floyd, WN
The UMW book club met September 4th at the Port Alto
home of Shelley Menefee. Kat Kirst was guest author and
shared her experiences of being an author. The UMW book
club meets the first Thursday of each month in members
homes. Anyone interested in joining please contact Holly
Myers (361-781-2768) or Jane Browning (361-782-7365).
Diabetes Classes
Newly diagnosed with diabetes or need a refresher course? Come learn
the basics to take care of your health.
Classes will be held on the second Tuesday of the month
from 8:00am to 12 noon—free of charge
October 14, 2014
November 11, 2014
December 9, 2014
Self care (medication, sick day management, needed exams) will be covered by Wesley
Nurse—Lindsey Floyd, RN
Nutrition care (meal planning, portion sizes, label reading) will be taught by Jackson County
Hospital District Dietitian/Nutritionist—Elizabeth Sommerfeld, MS, RDN, LDN
Contact Elizabeth at 361-782-7854 to register
Walk It OFF!
The Wesley Nurse is at it again…..
It’s time to shed the pounds, do not
Join us 3 days per week to help you reach
that goal weight. If you don’t have a goal,
LETS SET ONE! If you are interested please
contact Lindsey at 782-2413. If you have
previously signed up for the exercise class
join us Mondays and Fridays at the
Children’s Park and Wednesdays in the
Wesley Center for a fun filled 2 mile exercise video.
Methodist Healthcare
Wesley Nurse
Lindsey Floyd
Methodist Youth Fellowship
Donation List
If you are coming to MYF, please take interest in the needs in OUR community.
Every month we will be collecting different items to benefit the needy in our
community. You can bring these items any Wednesday of the month that you
choose and the Wesley Nurse will collect them there.
October- Deodorant
November- Toothbrushes/Toothpaste
December- Shampoo
January-Body Soap
February- Fruit
March- Detergent
April- Diapers (HEB has for $5)
May-Hand soap
These are the items I am giving out on a regular basis to needy people in our
Please share in my mission.
Thank you!
Your Wesley Nurse,
Lindsey Floyd
With any questions, please call, 782-2413.
The Fellowship Committee will be coordinating small
group meetings so Pastor Adam Knapp may get to know
our church family in a home setting. Suggestions for
guests would be to invite those who share similar interests/activities or groups of friends, or even those who live
in close proximity to the host family.
The idea is for one person/couple to invite as many as 10
others to their home, not for a meal (the specific request
of the pastor) but for something simple (like a glass of
lemonade), in a setting where meaningful conversation
could be achieved.
Pastor Adam envisions having one meeting a week,
starting in October, probably on a Monday or Thursday
evening, and that the meetings would last approximately
1 ½ - 2 hours.
He is interested to know:
What do you love about this church?
What is the one thing you feel will help you grow in
your faith?
What would you like to see this church strive for or
accomplish in the next few years?
Please prayerfully consider hosting a meeting, then contact either Jan Respondek (782-5656) or Martha Davis
(782-5796) if you would like to be a host. It is hoped that
there will be no duplication of those who attend so Pastor
Adam has the opportunity to meet as many people as
possible in a casual setting.
Honoring Our
Jackson County Youth Fair
Oct 9, 2014
Harry Hafernick Center
10:00 am
Coffee, Orange Juice & Muffins
12:00 pm
Hamburger, Chips, Drink and Cookie
Music Entertainment 1:00 pm
Provided by Morris Hopes & Anna Garcia
Bingo Games/Door Prizes 2:00 pm
Complimentary Glucose Test & Blood Pressure Screening
Flu Shots will also be available, $20
Please bring your Photo ID & Medicare Card
Sponsored By:
OCTOBER 2014- Seasons of Wholeness Message
“…the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.”
Revelation 22:2
Medications are used to maintain a certain level of health,
prevent an illness, or cure a physical condition. For example
when your doctor orders a drug for blood pressure or diabetes, a specific level of that drug needs to be in your system to
attain the desired outcome. Therefore in order to reap the
most benefit, it is important to understand why you need the
medication, how to take it, how to store it, and what to expect from it. “…give her medicine.
Perhaps she can be healed.” Jeremiah 51:8 Understand the medications that are prescribed
for you. It is very import to know why your doctor has prescribed them and how they are
supposed to improve your health. Ask the doctor when you should take them, what side
affects you might experience, what you should do if you miss a dose, and how long the
course of mediation should last. According to the World Health Organization only around
50% of people typically follow their doctor’s orders when it comes to taking prescription
drugs—and the rates are lower for certain medical conditions. Only 43% of patients take
their medicine as prescribed to treat acute asthma. Between 40%-70% follow the doctor’s
orders for depression medication. Just 51% of patients take the prescribed doses of high
blood pressure medicine. Remembering to take your medicine is the key to compliance.
Medicines will be effective only when taken as prescribed by your physician.
“Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses.”
Deuteronomy 30:19
When taking mediations do not be afraid to ask questions because the more you know, the
more compliant you will be with your treatment. Please be sure to inform your physicians of
any over-the –counter or herbal supplements that you are taking. These non-prescription
items may be helpful but can change the effectiveness of many medications because of the
way they interact. They can cause excessive medication levels, block medication absorption,
and in the case of aspirin, will interfere with the body’s ability to clot. For example, Coumadin, Prozac, Verapamil, and some anti-inflammatory drugs are affected by supplements, vitamins, or herbal preparations and teas. Without full disclosure, you may not be receiving the
correct medication for your condition and could even be harming you health. So in order to
receive the most benefit, inform your doctor of everything that you are taking.
“…a time to keep and a time to throw away.” Ecclesiastes 3:6
Most everyone at some point has medication in their cupboard that they no longer take or
which is expired. Proper disposal is important to ensure that no one takes the medication
unintentionally or illegally and to protect the environment. One way is to take the medication and mix with kitty litter or sawdust (or any material that absorbs the dissolved medication and makes it less appealing for pets or children to eat). Then place in a sealed plastic
bag before tossing in the trash. Remove and destroy ALL identifying personal information
(prescription label) from the container of the medicine. Talk to your pharmacist as they are
medication experts on the team of health, and are available to guide you on how to
properly dispose of unused medications. Following these simple steps can help protect
your family and community, minimize a potential negative impact on the environment, and
prevent the illegal diversion of unused medications. DO NOT FLUSH UNUSED MEDICATIONS. Recent environmental impact studies report that this could be having adverse impact on the environment. Talk with your pharmacist. Lastly, check with your local sheriff’s
office for their community drug “take back” program that centrally gathers medication for
safe disposal. These methods prevent our water supply from being contaminated.
“You heard their cries for help and saved them. They put their trust in you and were never
disappointed. Psalm 22:5
Generic medications can provide great savings but are they as effective as the brand name
meds? According to the Food and Drug Administration, before generics can be sold, they
must go through a rigorous examination in order to show they are as effective as their
brand name counterparts. This includes proof that the product provides the same amount
of active ingredient in the same timeframe as the brand name med; though it must be
different in shape, color, and other characteristics that do not impact the drug’s effectiveness. Since the generic has not research or development costs, the company can provide it
at a much lower price. Next time you receive a prescription, ask your doctor whether a generic is available for substitution and if it would work for you.
Medications are to be helpful nor hurtful. Learn as much as you can to get the greatest
benefit from them.
Your Wesley Nurse,
Lindsey Floyd, RN
Reference: Merila, N & Slutz (2009) Seasons of Wholeness Monthly themes and programming for faith community ministry.
Volume VI International Parish Nurse Resource Center; St. Louis MO.
First United Methodist Church
Annual Pumpkin Patch
216 West Main
Edna, Texas
********** We need all the help we can get **********
Please mark your calendar to help unload the pumpkins
Pumpkins in all shapes and sizes… for all your needs!!! Prices start as low as $.50 and are
priced according to the size of the pumpkin. All proceeds will benefit our Scholarship Fund.
Get your supply of Pumpkins, Gourds, Indian Corn, Corn Stalks and mini pumpkins that are
great for decorating, teacher’s gifts and other activities.
Bring your family, neighbors and friends…HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!
Pumpkin Patch Hours
Monday – Friday,
4 PM – 7 PM
9 AM – 6 PM
1 PM – 5 PM
If you would like to help out during the patch by working a time, call us, and we’ll
get you signed up.
Jeannie Smith
Lesli Tipton
Lindsey Floyd
Leah Latimer
Tara Orsak
Church Budget Chart 2014
18,628.74 37,257.48 55,886.22 74,514.96 93,143.70 111,772.4 130,401.1 149,029.9 167,658.6 186,287.4 204,916.1 223,544.8
YTD Received 15,255.82 36,444.32 65,763.52 83,215.37 97,410.87 118,820.8 132,929.6 154,411.1 167,562.4
216 W Main
PO Box 790
Edna, TX 77957
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage Pd.
Edna, TX 77957
Permit #41
Address Service Requested
NO WNL, Fair Day
8th-9th WN Out of Office
8th-11th Fair Week
12th FUMC Relay for Life Hamburger Fundraiser,
Fellowship Hall, 11am-1pm (Pre-Sale Only, $7)
14th Mary Circle, Nancy Bergstrom, 9:30am
14th Ruth Circle, LeNora Dollar & Gail Jordan,
9:30am, Meet at Gail Jordan’s Home
14th Trustee Committee, Parlor, 5:30pm
14th WN Out of Office
15th Finance Committee, Parlor, 5:30pm
15th Lydia/Martha Circle, Serve WNL, 6pm
16th Soul Food Thursday, Fellowship Hall, 11:30am
Please help unload if you can!
Blood Drive, Moon Building, See Lindsey Floyd,
WN for more info, 9am-11:45am
21st UMM Breakfast, Fellowship Hall, 6:30am
21st WN Out of Office
22nd Flu Shots, Moon Building, 5:30pm-7:30pm
$20 or Bring Medicare Card & Photo ID
25th Lighthouse 2911, Moon Building, 8:30am-2pm
25th Relay for Life, EHS Stadium
Recurring Events
Walk it OFF Class w/Lindsey Floyd, WN
Mon & Friday @ the Children’s Park, 9am
Wednesday @ the Wesley Center, 9am
Lighthouse 2911
Tuesday & Thursday’s, Moon Building, 3:30pm
Sunday: 9:00am Worship Service, Wesley Center
9:30am Round Table Sunday School Class, Moon Building
10:00am Sunday School Classes
11:00am Worship Service, Sanctuary
5:00pm Harmony Chimes Rehearsal, Moon Building
6:00pm Wednesday Nite Live
6:00 pm Sanguine Six Rehearsal, Choir Room
7:00pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room