DOVE the A Mighty Fortress is Our God Zion Lutheran Church, LCMS

October 2014
Zion Lutheran Church, LCMS
“Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever. ” —Psalm 125:1
A Mighty Fortress is Our God. Really?!?!? Is that really true? When we
ask that time-honored question “What does this mean?”, are we able to answer in a way as
mighty as the song claims? Perhaps we should answer the “What does this mean?” question
first. What is a fortress like? Why would Martin Luther use such a term? Is it Biblical to speak
in that way? When Dr. Martin Luther wrote this perennial hymn, it was after reading Psalm
46. According to the Psalm, God has many traits which point us towards a God that we may
call “A Mighty Fortress”. In Psalm 46, God is:
v1. Our refuge and strength / a true present help in times of trouble. A fortress is a place that
protects us and is there for us because we need the protection. vv2 & 3. Because of who He is, we will not fear no matter
what horrible things are going on around us. vv4-5. We get a picture of where God is. A paradise inhabited by the Most
High God. The Fortress is strong or “unmovable”. This is another picture of what a fortress is like. It is a place that is
inhabited and ruled by a powerful King. The fortress is as strong as the King and it will never fail. v6a. The Fortress is
surrounded by other Fortresses, but they are weak and inferior copies. They are not mighty; rather they are filled with
rage and are unstable. v6b. Amidst these false kingdoms and fortresses, God merely speaks a word and they all crumble.
v7. Points us back to our assurance in verses 2 & 3. The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. vv8-9.
Tell us what it means to have God with us. It says that our Mighty Fortress brings desolation on the earth and He also
makes wars cease. All of His enemies will be destroyed. Those whom He protects will survive. v10. So what does it all
mean when our God… our Mighty Fortress, speaks of Himself in such ways? What does He say to us? Verse 10 once
again is a comfort to the faithful. It reads: “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will
be exalted in the earth!” v11. In this final verse, we are reminded once again who and where God is. “The Lord of hosts
is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.”
What a wonderful image of our God! As a Fortress, we are promised that He is strong. Not only is He strong, He is
steadfast! This means He is unmoving… unwavering. He is not subject to the attacks of swords or the attacks of a
society that tells Him He is “old fashioned” and “not in touch with the times”. No Fortress in the history of the world
ever bent or swayed that didn’t eventually fall down. That is not the Biblical picture of God. When we read that He is
like a Fortress, it is meant to be the greatest of all Fortresses; the tallest, the most beautiful, the most powerful, and it
houses the “Most High God”.
Pastor’s Letter
Church Notes
From the Exec. Director 3
Lutheran World Relief 4
Pres. Matthew Harrison 4
What About
Zion Preschool
ALC Women’s Luncheon 7
Anchor Lutheran School 8
When we celebrate Reformation Sunday, we don’t celebrate “The Church doing something
new”, we celebrate an unchanging God who, by His Word and Sacraments, makes all things
new. The God we can trust is the one in the Bible. We can’t trust a god or a bible that
changes because of pressure or social climate. We can’t trust salvation that comes from a god
who is fickle. Why can we trust in God? Because He does not change. When we say that God
is steadfast, it means He can stand in the face of all manner of evil and not move. It means He
cannot be swayed, moved or bribed. It means He already knew what was right long before we
ever “struggled with it”.
This is why God is a Mighty Fortress. He is visible, knowable, formidable, faithful, steadfast
and protecting of all those who find shelter in Him. A Mighty Fortress indeed!
In His Service and in Yours,
Bible Study Opportunities
Adult Bible Study—Sundays at 11:00am
With One Heart—Wednesdays at 6pm
Women’s Study—Thursdays at 6:45pm
Human Care
This is an outreach program to help feed
residents at Brother Francis Shelter and Clare
House. On the 2nd Friday of each month, the
Helping Hands meet in the kitchen at 10am to
prepare meals and deliver them to the
shelters. We are in need of more Helping
Hands! If you would like to get involved, you
can do so by meeting to prepare the meals,
volunteer to prepare a menu item in advance,
help deliver the meals, or donate ingredients,
such as elbow noodles, fish, oil & vinegar
dressing, ranch dressing, salami, hamburger
meat, or hams. Also, Brother Francis would
appreciate clothes for men & women; Clare
House would like clothing for women &
children, as well as toys. If you have any
questions, please call Cayre at 337-1008 or
242-5280 (cell).
Kelsey Malloy
Patrick McMillan
Martyjane Goodwin
Michael Dean
Zac Erickson
Cassie Kirkhart
Gene Murphy
Logan Wilkens
William & Marion Lampert
Pedro & Casey Davila
Donal & JoAnne Mueller
Michael & Donielle Dean
Reformation Celebration
Sunday, 10/26
Church Contacts
Our Reformation Celebration will be October
26th starting at noon. We will
again be having our Chili Cookoff and Brownie Bake-off this
day, with prizes going to the top 3
entries from each category. You
are welcome to bring a regular
potluck dish if you don’t wish to
participate in the contest. There
will be food, prize drawings,
music and fun! Don’t forget to bring a muffin
pan to carry your chili taste samples.
Church Office:
Church Office Fax:
Preschool Office:
Pastor Hoffman:
Lutheran Women’s Advent Brunch
Save the Date!
Saturday, December 6th at the Egan Center
Doors open at 8:30am
Brunch/program commence at 9am
From the Executive Director
Brothers and Sisters of Zion,
Greetings to all. What a blessing God has given to each and every one of us: the life saving
sacrifice God has bestowed upon us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ through
Baptism and the word brought to Zion. We are truly blessed.
Thank you to all of you that work so diligently at Zion performing the “good works” that God
has prepared for you. Many hands make light work; all the work the members of this
congregation do at Zion makes this a wonderful place to worship and fellowship with your
brothers and sisters in Christ.
As the seasons change, we are reminded of the harvest time and putting forth our “First Fruits”.
As you may have noticed in our weekly bulletins, times have been tight regarding the budget.
We have seen increased giving in donations, such as supplies to make events happen (Scottish
games fundraiser, VBS food donations) and items to beautify our worship, such as hymn boards
and the wonderful sounding organ. Individuals have donated time and labor to paint, clean and
update our church building. Still, please consider your tithing this time of year, as we Alaskans
are about to receive our annual permanent fund dividend. There have been many lean months
this summer that contributions have not reached budgeted amounts. We continue to be watchful
of expenses and have been able to pay all of our bills, but it has been stressful for our board of
Finance to make sure ends are met.
We continue to look for an individual willing to serve as Chair of the Zion Preschool board.
Also, we have interviewed several candidates to replace our janitor, Percy Williams, who
retired over the summer. Unfortunately, they have all wanted more money for the job than we
were paying Percy, and with our present financial situation, council does not feel we are able to
increase our expenses in this area. If you are able to volunteer some time to clean the church
and the preschool once a month, there is a sign-up sheet in the narthex to share the work load
amongst the congregation to keep this cost down. Or, if you are interested in the position at the
level of pay we were providing for Percy, please contact the church office at 338-3838.
Reformation Sunday is coming up at the end of the month on 10/26. We combine this
celebration with our Chili and Brownie cook-off beginning at noon following the worship
service. Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 entries in each category. Please consider attending,
participating and enjoying this event.
We are thankful for the many blessings God provides to Zion. We pray for His continued
guidance and blessings to keep Zion in the faithful proclamation of God’s Word and
administering of his Sacraments.
Many Blessings,
Robert A. Wilkens, Executive Director
Thanks to everyone who donated supplies and time to assemble school kits
for Lutheran World Relief. We will be sending 48 kits this year!
President Matthew Harrison
Where Is the Church?
Although the true Church in the proper sense of the word is in its essence invisible,
nevertheless its existence can be (definitely) recognizable, namely, by the marks of the pure
preaching of God’s Word and the administration of the Sacraments according to Christ’s
institution (Thesis V from Walther’s Church and Office).
My sainted teacher, the Rev. Dr. Kurt Marquart, used to put it this way: “We cannot infallibly
know the ‘who’ of the Church (because faith is unseen), but we can know the ‘where.’ ” As
Ignatius of Antioch put it: “Where there is Christ, there is the Church.” The presence of the
Church is not determined by a priesthood sanctioned by the papacy. The presence of the
Church is not guaranteed by the morality of the church members. The presence of the Church
is not guaranteed by an Office of the Ministry passed from minister to minister in succession.
The presence of the Church is not guaranteed by a voters’ assembly. The presence of the
Church is not guaranteed by the size of the congregation. The presence of the Church is not
determined by the activity of individual members.
The presence of the Church is determined and guaranteed by Christ in His Word and
Sacraments. Christ creates and sustains faith by these means. Where they are present and
distributed, there is the Office of the Ministry and believers who receive these Means of
Grace. This teaching is enormously comforting, because in this life, we are associated with
Christians who are purely poor sinners, just like ourselves. They fail. We fail. Pastors fail. Some
fail horribly. We are often loveless. Our righteous deeds are as filthy rags, as Isaiah says (64:6).
Our congregations are often beset by controversy and conflict. Why? We are sinners, just like
the apostles at the time of Jesus and just like the congregations in Galatia, Ephesus and
Corinth. The beautiful and comforting teaching of the New Testament is this: the Church lives
where Jesus is in His blessed Word and Sacraments. There faith is created. There is the Church.
"Pastor Matthew Harrison
The Lutheran Witness, March 2014
Web page:
What About . . .
The Lord’s Prayer
What About . . . The Lord’s Prayer
The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin,
reconciles us to God and thus makes it possible for us
to come to God in prayer. Prayer is a marvelous
privilege from the Lord. He not only commands us to
pray, but He invites us to pray to Him. He wants our
prayers. What a fantastic blessing prayer is! The Lord’s
Prayer is the prayer above every other prayer because
our Lord Jesus Christ personally gave this prayer to the
church. Let’s spend a few moments here exploring the
Lord’s Prayer.
and purity, and live holy lives according to His Word.
Anyone who teaches or lives contrary to the Word of
God is actually profaning and blaspheming the holy
name of God.
Hallowed be thy name. ...By grace You have brought
me into Your kingdom of salvation. Ever keep me in
the true faith and help me through my words and
actions to hallow Your name.
The Second Petition:
Thy kingdom come.
Your kingdom come, guard your domain and your
eternal righteous reign. The Holy Ghost enrich our day
with gifts attendant on our way. Break Satan’s power,
defeat his rage; preserve your church from age to age.
The Introduction:
Our Father who art in heaven.
Our Father, who from heaven above has told us here to
live in love. And with our fellow Christians share, our
mutual burdens and our prayer, teach us no
thoughtless word to say, but from our inmost heart to
pray. 1
Again, God’s kingdom does not depend on our prayers,
but we pray here that His kingdom would come among
us in all its grace and truth. God’s kingdom does not
come because we make it come, but because the Holy
Spirit is working powerfully in us so that we believe
His Word and live godly lives here in time and
eventually in all eternity.
What a marvelous blessing! We are able to come to the
Lord of the heavens and the earth, the maker of all
things, both seen and unseen, the all-powerful and
almighty God, and call Him “Father.” By nature, we
human beings are not inclined to faith, trust and love
in God. Instead, the Scriptures reveal we are by nature
children of wrath, in rebellion against God, fallen and
lost. Thanks be to God through Christ our Lord we are
able to call God “Father.”What is more, He even wants
us to come to Him in prayer. We pray to our heavenly
Father with boldness and confidence, through Christ
Jesus, our Lord, knowing that He will hear and answer
our prayers, according to His good and gracious will.
Thy kingdom come. ...Lord, use me mightily to share
your saving Gospel with others.
The Third Petition:
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Your gracious will on earth be done, as it is done
before your throne, that patiently we may obey in good
or bad times all you say. Curb flesh and blood and
every ill that sets itself against your will.
God will have His way with us and with the world, that
is sure and certain. Here we are praying that His will
may be done among us. We are asking God to prevent
anything in our lives—including the devil, the world,
and our own sinful nature—from placing an obstacle
between us and the will of God. We ask that He would
give us strength to keep us steadfast in His Word until
our death. This is what God’s good, gracious will is all
Our Father who art in heaven. .You who loved us
enough to send your only begotten Son to save us from
our sins, I now come before You in prayer, even as
Your Son has taught us to pray.
The First Petition:
Hallowed be thy name.
Your name be hallowed. Help us, Lord, in purity to
keep your Word, that to the glory of your name, we
walk before you free from blame. Let no false teaching
us pervert; all poor deluded souls convert.
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. ...Daily
cause Your holy will to be done in my life, and when
the world would entice me to turn from You, give me
the strength to remain faithful to You.
God surely does not need our prayer to make sure His
name is kept holy. It is holy in and of itself, and it is
holy among us when we teach His Word in all its truth
What about The Lord’s Prayer?
The Fourth Petition:
Give us this day our daily bread.
And lead us not into temptation. ...Lord, help me to
resist and overcome the temptations that assail me in
this life.
Give us this day our daily bread, and let us all be
clothed and fed. From warfare, rioting, and strife,
disease, and famine save our life, that we in honest
peace may live, to care and greed no entrance give.
The Seventh Petition:
But deliver us from evil.
Deliver us from evil days, from every dark and trying
maze; redeem us from eternal death, console us when
we yield our breath. Give us at last a blessed end;
receive our souls, O faithful friend.
We are asking God to lead us to recognize all the
fantastic blessings He showers on us in this life, and so
lead us to thank and praise Him for these blessings,
which include all that we need or require in this life.
We are praying here that the Lord would rescue us
from every evil in this life, evils that have to do with
our body, our soul, those things God has given us, our
good name and so forth. We ask that when the time
comes for us to be taken home to be with the Lord, God
would extend His loving protection over us and take us
from this valley of sorrow to be with Him forever in
Give us this day our daily bread. ...Thank You for all of
those temporal blessings You daily pour out into my
life, and which I can so easily forget.
The Fifth Petition:
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who
trespass against us.
Forgive our sins, let grace outpour, that they may
trouble us no more; we too will gladly those forgive,
who harm us by the way they live. Help us in each
community to serve with love and unity.
And deliver us from evil. ...Keep from me all those
hurts and evils in life that would assail me, and ever
give me the power always to resist the evil one.
Here we ask our heavenly Father not to see our sins, or
deny our prayer on account of them. We recognize and
here confess that we are not worthy of any of the
abundant gifts God gives us and that we surely do not
deserve His blessing, but only His punishment, because
we sin. Through Christ our Lord, who gave Himself for
us, we are able to ask God to grant us His mercy, for
the sin that daily we commit. Being forgiven so
graciously by God, we want to forgive and do good to
people who sin against us.
The Conclusion:
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,
forever and ever. Amen.
Amen, that is, it shall be so. Make our faith strong that
we may know we need not doubt but shall receive all
that we ask, as we believe. On your great promise we
lay claim. Our faith says “amen” in your name.
At the conclusion of the Lord’s Prayer, we express a
confident hope in the truth that our Lord is the mighty
One, whose kingdom and power and glory are for all
eternity. With these words we are saying to the Lord,
“You are a great and glorious God.”
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who
trespass against us. ...Help me to be forgiving of others,
even when this is difficult, always remembering how
forgiving You have been of me.
With the word, “Amen” we are saying, “Yes, yes, it shall
be so.”And thus, with the certainty that rests on the
promise of God that He both invites and hears our
prayer, we conclude the prayer He taught us. We say,
“Amen” that is, “Yes, Lord, you have commanded me to
pray to you and you promise to hear me.”
The Sixth Petition:
And lead us not into temptation.
Lead not into temptation, Lord, where our grim foe
and all his horde, would vex our souls on every hand.
Help us resist, help us stand firm in the faith, armed
with your might; your Spirit gives your children light.
Amen, amen, may all these things we have prayed be
so, for Jesus’ sake.
Here we are asking that God would protect us from
temptation and keep the devil from attacking us
through the world and our own sinful flesh. We are
asking that we not be led astray into false belief, or
despair, or other shameful sins. We know we are
attacked daily and tempted to live contrary to God’s
will. We have the sure promise from God that Christ
has overcome the world for us and will, in our final
hour in this life, grant us final victory over them.
Martin Luther, Our Father Who from Heaven Above, Hymn
431,Lutheran Worship (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing
—Dr. A.L. Barry
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
Zion Preschool
Happy Fall Zion Families!!! Thank you everyone who donated to our school at the bake sale last
week! We love to share yummy goodies with you.
We had our health and safety inspections last month and we did really well. Thanks to Louie
Monzon for fixing the bench outside and securing it to the deck!
Our preschool is going through some changes like the leaves on the trees have last month. We no
longer have Mrs. Leanna working for us. However, our wonderful parents have been volunteering
their time both in the classroom and at home. A big thanks to Gretchen Roe for volunteering her
time!!! Thank you to all of our parents for your tolerance during this transition.
This month, the fire fighters will be visiting the children here at Zion. Every year, they take time
out of their busy schedule to teach the young children about fire safety. I am not sure who enjoys it
the most, the fire fighters or the children! Wayde Carroll Photography will also be here at the end of
the month.
The preschool has been collecting crayons and pencils for Lutheran World Relief. We use this as a
learning experience for our young children, teaching them a lesson on how important it is to be
helpful to those in need. The children count each item before we hand them over to Marilyn Freitag
for shipment. We thank everyone that has made this opportunity possible.
We continue to explore God’s Wonderful World in Genesis. “God keeps his promises”. The
children will learn about Adam and Eve, as well as Noah.
Thank you Christie Mascelli for the donations you made to the school, as well as those anonymous
donations I find at our doorstep. Thank you parents and Zion families for all you do for the
Mrs. Gloria Vuocolo
ALC Women’s Guild Salad Luncheon
Women - Young, old and in-between,
you are invited to enjoy a salad luncheon on
Saturday, October 4 at 12:30
with the three F's:
Food (pot-luck salads)
Fellowship (with old and new friends)
Fun (light music, door prizes, white elephants).
All hosted by the Lutheran Women Missionary League
of Anchorage Lutheran Church.
Servant Project:
We will be starting at 10 a.m. with an easy project consisting of putting together simple
(no sewing needed) tied fleece blankets for Lutheran World Relief. Some materials (and
help) will be available, or bring your own. Each blanket requires two pieces of fleece
fabric 58" or 59" wide by 80" long. Please join us if interested.
Want more information? Call Joanne Fritz 245-1925.
For ten days in the latter half of September, I traveled as part of a group of 46 Junior
High students, parents and other adults, and staff members, experiencing our semiannual East Coast Heritage Tour. This amazing experience is something we put
together as a “top of the mountain” type of event for our students, traveling to historical
destinations the students learned about over the years, as well as introducing them to
cultural venues rooted in the fabric of our country. The trip is a little different every
time we go, so each traveler has a different experience as compared to other years
we’ve traveled. For this year, here is a sampling of some of our top destinations:
Boston and area, including Plymouth Rock, American Revolution sites, Harvard,
and Fenway Park.
The FDR Presidential Library in Hyde Park, NY.
West Point Military Academy
New York City, including the Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge, National
September 11 Memorial, Wall Street, Central Park, Times Square, and both a
Broadway Show and Yankees game.
Philadelphia, seeing the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall.
The Amish region of Pennsylvania.
Washington, D.C., including various monuments, The White House, and Mt. Vernon
(George Washington’s Home), and Arlington National Cemetery.
While I value the experiences of the trip, what I value more is the growth of
relationships it supports. The students grow closer together, spending so much time
with each other while having these experiences. Parents develop deeper bonds with
each other; some have known each other for years, others less, but they all come back
with a greater knowledge and appreciation for each other. At the same time, traveling
staff members (myself included) have a wonderful opportunity to grow our relationships
with both these children and their parents.
Having led this trip multiple times, I can share with complete confidence that the ties
developed amongst the travelers are long lasting. Most significantly, caring for each
other as one family in Christ is one of the most important things we do at Anchor, and
this trip year after year supports amazing growth in our Anchor family. I’m thankful we
are able to arrange such an experience, and look forward to doing so again in 2016!
Yours In Christ,
Jim Scriven, School
Giving is a spiritual issue. The Scriptures are replete with how giving and believing go hand in
hand, that our trust and faith in God are commensurate with our giving. In 2013, the Religion News
Service reported that the average annual percentage of income given to the church had fallen to 2.3
percent ( So, what does this confess about our trust in the God who has given us all that we
need for body and soul, not sparing His own Son into death so that we would not die but live? What
does this say about our faith, when even the Jew gave at least ten percent, while we, having received
the fullness of God’s generosity, barely give one fifth of that?
Meanwhile, churches and schools fall into disrepair or close their doors because of lack of funding;
pastors and teachers live at or under the poverty level; and the State replaces the Church as the
source for care of the widow, the fatherless, and the poor. Something is wrong with this. Though we
have received generously from our generous God, we have not given in like manner. How can this
be? How can we, as Christians and especially as Lutherans, who stake everything on that most
beautiful doctrine of justification—that God, out of His divine goodness and mercy, has saved us by
grace through faith on account of Christ’s death and resurrection without works of the law—not
help but give of our income just as generously? How can we who have received so much give so
It is a shame, and we need to repent. As the Lord spoke through prophet Malachi, “Return to me,
and I will return to you, says the Lord of hosts. But you say, ‘How shall we return?’ Will man rob
God? Yet you are robbing me. But you say, ‘How have we robbed you?’ In your tithes and
contributions. You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing me, the whole nation of you. Bring
the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test,
says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a
blessing until there is no more need” (Mal 3:7b–10).
Do not these words even cut us to the heart? Are they not true for us even as they were for them?
Are we not now reaping what we have sown in faith? We have sown little, we have sown sparingly,
and so is our harvest. But what if we were to take the Lord at His word? What if we, like them, were
to put Him to the test and give to support the work of the church as our generous God has given all
things to us? Would not the storehouses burst open? Would not the windows of heaven pour out
blessings upon His church so that they could be a blessing and a light to the world? Imagine it.
But doing it takes faith. It takes trust that the Lord will be faithful just as He promised. For if God
has given you His own Son, will He not give you all things? Yes, He will. This is His sure and
certain promise. God provides for His people. He provides everything we need for this body and life
and for the life that is to come.
Christ’s merits have set us free from the tithe. Giving is no longer something we have to do. It is
what we do because of what God has first done for us. We give not because we must in order to
keep the law. We give as a response of faith, a confession of faith in deed about what God has done
and continues to do for us. For in Christ, we are freed from the tithe, freed that our giving is not out
of compulsion or reluctance but generously from a cheerful heart and a life richly lived in the
forgiveness of all our sins and for the good and blessing of those around us. And a life so lived
enriches us all with blessings until there is no more need and thanksgivings to the One who
promised to make it happen.
Lutheran Social
Services of Alaska
As always, fall is an exciting and busy time at LSSA, and we have many opportunities for you
to help with our ministry.
The preparations for the annual Thanksgiving Blessing are well underway, and we will again be
asking for your help in collecting green beans, corn, sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce. We
are planning on serving 1,300 families from out site at Central Lutheran Church on Monday,
November 24th. We will need volunteers on that day for shifts that run 9am to 1pm, 1pm to
5pm and 5pm to 8pm. More information on how you can be involved in this important ministry
will be coming to your congregation shortly.
Please mark November 14th as the date for the annual Harvest of Hope auction that supports the
ministries of LSSA. We will hold this exciting event at the Sheraton Anchorage starting at
6pm. If you have an item that you could donate for the silent or live auction, or would like to
volunteer with this year’s event, please call the LSSA office. Posters and flyers advertising the
gala and how to make reservations will be sent to your congregation.
The Food Pantry continues to see many families weekly. We are short of items like canned
meats, chili, soup, canned fruit, dried potato mixes, and peanut butter. Thanks to all that support this important ministry to our community through you donations and volunteering at the
Food Pantry and the Mobile Food Pantry.
Attention all Thrivent members: A new opportunity on the Thrivent website called Thrivent
Action Teams is a one-time fundraiser, service activity or education event that can be completed within 90 days. The guidelines are :
Involve others, friends, family or congregation members to have a greater impact.
Not a gift or a grant. Use the seed money to purchase project supplies and material to make
your project a success.
Go to teams to find out more information. Give me a call and I can give
you some suggestions for projects.
Save the date:
Nov. 14th - Annual Harvest of Hope Auction - Sheraton Anchorage - 6pm
Nov. 24th - Thanksgiving Blessing - Central Lutheran Church
Dec. 15th and 16th - Neighborhood Gift - Sullivan Arena
Together caring for others,
Alan Budahl
Executive Director LSSA
1303 W. 33rd Ave.
Anchorage, AK 99503
Zion Lutheran Church (LC-MS)
2100 Boniface Parkway, Anchorage, AK 99504-3166
Phone No. 907-338-3838/Fax No. 907-333-4014
e-mail: or
Pastor Out For NOW Dist. Conference --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9am Men's Bible
7pm Prayers &
10am Anchorage
9:30am Divine Service 5pm Thrivent
8pm Choir
Social Security & Squares
Lutheran Women’s
Guild Salad Lunch
11am Adult Bible Study/
& Fleece Blanket
Sunday School
Preschool Bake Sale
9:30am Divine ServiceIwinski baptism
10:30am Chapel
1:30pm Chapel
11am Adult Bible Study/
Sunday School
7pm Prayers &
10:30am Chapel
1pm Hymn
6pm With One
2pm Anderson baptism
5pm Confirmation 1 Pastor's Day Off 9am Men's Bible
6:45pm Women's 10am Helping
Hands Meal Prep
7pm Property Mtg
8pm Choir
7pm Evangelism 10:30am Chapel 10:30am Chapel Sue off --------------------------------------- 9am Men's Bible
11am Adult Bible Study/
6pm With One
1:30pm Chapel
5pm Confirmation 1 Pastor's Day Off
Sunday School
9:30am Divine Service
6pm Education Mtg 8pm Choir
7pm Council
12pm Elders Meeting
6:45pm Women's
Preschool closed
for In Service
7pm Prayers &
Sue off --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9am Men's Bible
11am Adult Bible Study/
10:30am Chapel 10:30am Chapel 5pm Confirmation 1 Pastor's Day Off
Sunday School
6pm With One
6:45pm Women's Preschool closed
1:30pm Chapel
for Prof. Training
9:30am Divine Service
7pm Prayers &
Reformation Sunday 26
9:30am Divine Service
8pm Choir
10:30am Chapel
10:30am Chapel 11am Preschool
Pastor's Day Off 9am Men's Bible
Dress-up Party
11am Adult Bible Study/
Sunday School
1:30pm Chapel
6pm With One
5pm Confirmation 1 2pm Preschool
Dress-up Party
12pm Reformation
Celebration with Chili &
Brownie cook-off
7pm Prayers &
8pm Choir
6:45pm Women's
7pm Stewardship
October 2014
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Anchorage, Alaska 99504
(907) 338-3838