Saints Philip and James Parish 1 Carow Place ▪ St. James, NY 11780 PASTORAL CENTER OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Thursday 9am - 9pm Friday & Saturday: 9am - 5pm Sunday: 10am - 2pm PARISH OFFICE: 631-584-5454 PARISH FAX: 631-862-9675 E-MAIL: WEBSITE: PARISH SCHOOL: 631 584-7896 YOUTH OFFICE: 631-862-SSPJ RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: 631-584-3204 LITURGICAL SCHEDULE Weekdays: (Monday - Friday) 7:30am & 9:15am Saturday: 9:15am Saturday evening: 5:00pm Sundays: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am & 12:00Noon Eucharist Adoration: every Thursday from 2:00pm - 4:00pm & Friday from 8:00pm - 10:00pm in the Church SACRAMENT of BAPTISM...Celebrated twice a month. Dates vary. In order to participate in this celebration, parents must register at the Pastoral Center for our pre-baptism program. SACRAMENT of MARRIAGE….Couples planning to marry should contact a priest or deacon before you visit a reception hall at least nine months before your proposed wedding date. Call the Pastoral Center for further information. PASTORAL MINISTRY Rev. Thomas J. Haggerty, Pastor Rev. Rene Tapel, Associate Pastor RECTORY STAFF John Cordes, Director of Facilities Theresa Ellner, Business Manager Linda Kushins, Administrative Assistant Debbie Wunderlich, Bookkeeper Deacon Ronald Blasius Deacon Robert Heschl Deacon John Keenan Deacon V. Anthony Maggipinto Deacon Kenneth Maher Deacon Gerard Reda SACRAMENT of CONFIRMATION….Children in the seventh and eighth grade are prepared to celebrate this Sacrament through programs of the Catholic school or the Religious Education Office. Older people can prepare for this important Sacrament through the RCIA process which can be explained at the Pastoral Center. Trustees: Virginia Portanova, Parish Trustee Jerry Linder, Parish Trustee SACRAMENT of RECONCILIATION (Confession, Penance) ....Saturdays from 4:00pm - 5:00pm in the Church at any time in the Pastoral Center with a priest. FAITH FORMATION of CHILDREN and YOUTH Ruth E. Testa, Principal of SSPJ School Christine Ewald, School Secretary Lorraine Cortina, Director of Religious Education Patricia Kaleita, Religious Education Administrator Suzanne Fitzgibbon, Religious Education Secretary Frank Brancaccio, Youth Minister ANOINTING OF THE SICK...In the case of serious unexpected illness, please contact the Pastoral Center at any time of the day or night to arrange for a priest to pray with the person who is sick. For those about to enter the hospital, we also celebrate this Sacrament on the first Sunday of the month after the 12noon Mass. R.C.I.A. ..Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (Non-Catholic adults desiring to become Catholic). Please contact the Pastoral Center for information LITURGY Margaret Adams, Director of Music Michele Familette, Sacristan OUTREACH Elizabeth Wittish, OFS, Director of Parish Social Ministry Parish Council Members: Jerry Borrelli Bryan Gill Rita Byrne Glee Hoonhout Jessica Commiso Luke Ledva Joseph Giacalone Michael Morbillo Carmela Montesano Terri Pace Mary Ann Pose Margaret Remhild October 12, 2014 ~ Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS INTENTIONS For Week of October 12, 2014 SUNDAY, October 12, 2014 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30am For the people of the parish 9:00am 10:30am Grace Ehmann Karen Naclerio-Negrin 12:00Noon Collective Mass: Steven Clark John & Elizabeth Kenney Maria Cervo Brother Jack Moylan, OSF NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS ~October 19, 2014 Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 We are to worship God alone, the God who calls us by name. Psalm 96 “Give the Lord glory and honor.” 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b We have received the gospel not only in word, but in the power of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 22:15-21 Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God. MONDAY, October 13, 2014 7:30am 9:15am Prudence Frances Settoducato Angela Giaquinto 7:30am 9:15am TUESDAY, October 14, 2014 Steven Clark Charles Thide 7:30am 9:15am WEDNESDAY, October 15, 2014 Lou Peck John Walsh 7:30am 9:15am THURSDAY, October 16, 2014 Saint Hedwig Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque Virginia Stanton (Living) Collective Mass: Marie Amoroso Peter Chamberlin John Hooghuis Judy Ciano Walter Jezsik FRIDAY, October 17, 2014 Saint Inatius of Antioch, Bishop & Martyr 7:30am Lawrence Marchiony 9:15am Thomas DeMarco SATURDAY, October 18, 2014 Saint Luke, Evangelist 9:15am Salvatore Vasturo 5:00pm* Peter Byrne *Confirmation I Rite of Enrollment Mass SUNDAY, October 19, 2014 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm For the People of the Parish Anna Zubris & Albert Seeley Leon Gish Collective Mass: Maria Barlin Louise Fasano Charles J. Notaro Barbara Pollina John Kalabza Weekly Collections: October 5, 2014 Collection: $15,126. Plus Faith Direct (109 donors) $3122. Plus Children’s Basket $92 2nd Collection Respect Life: $2825 Total - $21,165. Last Year: $21,820. Many thanks for your prayers and generosity to SSPJ as we endeavor to live the gospel together! Minimum weekly collection to maintain and operate our Parish Buildings, Ministries and Program, including salaries: $21,018. “We pray for peace in the world” and for those who serve…. CDR. D. WILSON MARKS, USN STEPHEN McAULEY LT. MICHEL DOLAN, JR. LT. COL. JOHN KAIRES LT. COL. STEPHEN A. SCHNELL ANTHONY & STEPHANIE MERINGOLO U.S.C.G. 2LT JAKE SHELTON SPC NICOLE A. CANNON SGM MICHAEL P. BORRELLI (US ARMY) CDR. JOHN TULLY, USN MAJ. JAMES TULLY, USA 2 JOSEPH SAGGIO, USN LT. PAUL WILLMS STAFF SGT. MICHAEL LONGHENRY GRACE BRENNAN, U.S.N. LT. COL. PAUL T. JACKSON SR AIRMAN E4 ALEXANDER PARRELLA STEVEN CAVA, USN ERIC SEELIN, USMC PVT. CHRISTOPHER HOWELL USA PFC. DEVON CHRISTIAN, USMC CW2 CHRIS MUNZ CW2 NATASHA WORTMAN RICHARD SOTOMAYER, USAF LCPL. CONNOR F. SCOTT USMC PVT. VIINCENT QUAGLIATA PVT. DANIEL P. STEELE. USMC SGT. CORY O’HARA USMC A LETTER FROM FR. TOM Dear Friends, Think how much has changed since many of us learned the old “in fourteen hundred ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue”! We even learned later on that Chris was not the first to consider the world to be round. But, he did have another perspective from many of his day, and he acted upon it. We, as Apostles of Hope, are invited to consider God’s world from God’s perspective, given to us in the One who bids us to follow him. We are called to put our footprints on our part of the world and to discover anew the riches we have within us and around us – and the abundance of richness which is revealed when we walk and work together. Have you considered broadening the vista of our communal journey through joining one of our many parish ministries or service groups? Sharing an hour of your time as you are able – once a year or month or week - will enable us to serve more people in more ways. Among our immediate needs are Eucharistic Ministers to serve on an as available basis at parish funeral Masses. We are still seeking input on creating opportunities for little ones and their parents at SSPJ. And there are many other possibilities – already in existence, or perhaps just a seed in someone’s imagination at the moment. Please, consider, “In Two Zero One Four, how might SSPJ do even more – with my help!” We are hoping to better utilize the rectory basement for meeting space and are in need of furniture - used but in good condition. For example - a conference table from an office, or chairs - desk or “waiting room”. A media storage cabinet would also be useful. If you might be able to assist with our furniture hunt, please call the rectory. Here’s some wisdom I came across online! Have you seen that joke about not being able to go to bed because “someone is wrong on the Internet”? It sounds funny, but sometimes we spend far too much energy trying to convince others we’re right. On the Internet, we call people who can’t let go of an argument “trolls.” But this behavior often happens in face-toface communications too. Sometimes, even if we walk away, the unsettling bad vibrations from such an encounter can last for days—or longer. When Jesus said “Blessed are the peacemakers,” he meant more than preventing war. Peacemaking is avoiding needless conflict or domination of others in the name of power or pride. Jesus, by his own example, calls us to gentleness, submission and empathy, not to one-upmanship. Next time, try giving up your need to be right. Agree to disagree, shake hands and walk away. More wisdom may be found in Fr. James Martin’s book My Life with the Saints. Why not plan on reading the book this month, and gathering with others on All Saints’ Day, Saturday, November 1st, to share some “saintly wisdom”. More info is in today’s bulletin. And, Gladys was the preacher's wife and accompanied her husband each Sunday to church. One particular Sunday when the sermon seemed to go on forever, many in the congregation fell asleep. After the service, to be sociable, she walked up to a very sleepy looking gentleman. In an attempt to revive him from his stupor, she extended her hand in greeting, and said, "Hello, I'm Gladys Dunn." To which the gentleman replied, "You're not the only one!" 3 4 Ron Rolheiser Week of October 5 2014 Sacred Permission to be Human and the Tools to Handle Frustration Sometimes certain texts in the bible make you wonder: Is this really the word of God? Why is this text in scripture? What's the lesson here? For example, we have verses in the Psalms, in passages that we pray liturgically, where we ask God to bash the heads of the children of our enemies against a rock. How does that invite us to love our enemies? We see passages in the Book of Job where Job is in despair and curses not on only the day he was born but the very fact that anyone was born. It's impossible to find even a trace of anything positive in his lament. Similarly, in a rather famous text, we hear Qoheleth affirm that everything in our lives and in the life of this world is simple vanity, wind, vapor, of no substance and of no consequence. What's the lesson here? Then, in the Gospels, we have passages where the apostles, discouraged by opposition to their message, ask Jesus to call down fire and destroy the very people to whom they are supposed to minister. Hardly an exemplar for ministry! Why are these texts in the bible? Because they give us sacred permission to feel the way we feel sometimes and they give us sacred tools to help us deal with the shortcomings and frustrations of our lives. They are, in fact, both very important and very consoling texts because, to put it metaphorically, they give us a large enough keyboard to play all the songs that we need to play in our lives. They give us the laments and the prayers we need to utter sometimes in the face of our human condition, with its many frustrations, and in the face of death, tragedy, and depression. To give a simple example: A friend of mine shares this story: Recently he was in church with his family, which included his seven year-old son, Michael, and his own mother, Michael's grandmother. At one point, Michael, seated beside his grandmother, whispered aloud: "I'm so bored!" His grandmother pinched him and chided him: "You are not bored!” as if the sacred ambience of church and an authoritative command could change human nature. They can't. When we're bored, we're bored! And sometimes we need to be given divine permission to feel what we're spontaneously feeling. Some years ago, for all the noblest of intentions, a religious community I know wanted to sanitize the Psalms that they pray regularly in the Divine Office to rid them of all elements of anger, violence, vengeance, and war. They had some of their own scripture scholars do the work so that it would be scholarly and serious. They succeeded in that, the product was scholarly and serious, but stripped of all motifs of violence, vengeance, anger, and war what resulted was something that looked more like a Hallmark Card than a series of prayers that express real life and real feelings. We don't always feel upbeat, generous, and faith-filled. Sometimes we feel angry, bitter, and vengeful. We need to be given sacred permission to feel that way (though not to act that way) and to pray in honesty out of that space. My parents, and for the most part their whole generation, would, daily, in their prayers, utter these words: To You do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Our own generation tends to view this as morbid, as somehow denigrating both the beauty and joy of life and the perspective that faith is meant to give us. But there's a hidden richness in that prayer. In praying in that way, they gave themselves sacred permission to accept the limits of their lives. That prayer carries the symbolic tools to handle frustration; something, I submit, we have failed to sufficiently give to our own children. Too many young people today have never been given the symbolic tools to handle frustration, nor sacred permission to feel what they are feeling. Sometimes, all good intentions aside, we have handed our children more of Walt Disney than Gospel. In the Book of Lamentations we find a passage that while sounding negative on the surface, is paradoxically, in the face of death and tragedy, perhaps the most consoling text of all. The text simply states that, sometimes in life, all we can do is put our mouths to the dust and wait! That's sound advice, spoken from the mouth of experience and the mouth of faith. The poet, Rainer Marie Rilke, once wrote these words to a friend who, in the face of the death of a loved one, wondered how or where he could ever find consolation. What do I do with all this grief? Rilke's reply: "Do not be afraid to suffer, give that heaviness back to the weight of the earth; mountains are heavy, seas are heavy." They are, so too is life sometimes and we need to be given God's permission to feel that heaviness. Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser, theologian, teacher, and awardwinning author, is President of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, TX. He can be contacted through his website Now on Facebook 5 October 18/19, 2014 ~ Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time SATURDAY 5:00PM H. KEENAN M. LATINO M. LAUB M. LOUGHLIN C. MASI-HAYES P. MAUCERI R. PIAZZA G. PRIEBE L. RUOCCO J. SMALDINO SUNDAY 7:30AM C. CZUJKO R. FABIAN J. HARVEY S. INSERRA P. KANUIKA L. KENNEY M. KENNEY A. MANTIA P. MARTIN L. MUSCHITIELLO SUNDAY 9:00AM M. DRECHSLER A. GIORDANO M. GUIDA J. KIRDAHY M. KOKE N. LOCASTRO B. LUNA K. MAYS M. MORBILLO D. MULHALL SUNDAY 10:30AM D. PENNINGTON C. RAFUSE N. RANNAZZISI S. RICCCI W. RODRIGUEZ A. SANTO J. SCOTT L. SISTI J. SWEENEY M. TANGEL SUNDAY 12NOON P. ROMAN F. ROMANELLI R. ROMANELLI E. SOTOMAYER T. SPELLMAN, JR. P. TULLY D. UY P. AGOGLIA R. DODA, SR. H. AUSTIN ALTAR SERVERS SCHEDULE ~ OCTOBER 18-19, 2014 SATURDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY 5:00PM 7:30AM 9AM 10:30AM 12NOON KEVIN GOULD CHRIS HAFF C. MORBILLO WILLIAM TANGEL DILLON REYNOLDS RAYMOND GREENE WILLIAM HAFF C. DAWSON MARK STEPHEN DOUG REYNOLDS GWYNETH KNOTT JACK SPINKS KEVIN KEESE DAN LEBER M. REYNOLDS OONAGH KNOTT DREW WERNER BRIAN KEESE MICHAEL LEBER REBECCA WALSH 6 PRO-LIFE ROSE OCTOBER 12, 2014 The Pro-Life Rose is dedicated this week In Loving Memory of STEVEN CLARK (October 8, 2013) “1st Anniversary in Heaven” Love, Your Family (If you are interested in dedicating a rose please contact: Linda Kushins at the Rectory Donation $15.00) 2nd MICHELLE DOLAN (SSPJ) TO DUSTIN GROSSO (ST. ROCCO’S –GLEN COVE) BANNS OF MARRIAGE MARIAH GRACE (SSPJ) TO BRIAN TURIZO (ST. RAYMONDS-VA.) The Sts. Philip and James Rectory will be closed on October 13, 2014 in observance of Columbus Day. ESTELLE FIMBEL (SSPJ) TO MICHAEL QUINN (ST. LEO, NJ) We will re-open on Tuesday, October 14th at 9:00am FYI The Gathering of Women will resume in November. Please watch the bulletin for details. 7 8 NEW TO THE AREA? NEW TO OUR PARISH? Our Parish Family welcomes you! We invite you to a welcome breakfast on the First Sunday of the month after the 10:30am Mass. Join us at the 10:30am Mass and then for fellowship in the Auditorium. We look forward to seeing you!! OUR LADY OF MERCY ACADEMY has informed us of the following students from our parish who have exhibited academic excellence for the Fourth Quarter marking period. Congratulations to all!! From the moment of our conception, God has initiated a relationship with us. How important it is on our part to nurture that relationship so that we can draw upon the strength and life that He alone can offer us. MARY ERICKSON GR. 12 FIRST HONORS ELIAZBETH O’SULLIVAN GR. 12 FIRST HONORS KAITLIN TUBBS GR. 10 FIRST HONORS Feel free to submit this form to the rectory so that we can give you more details about our registration process. ABIGAIL CIRELLI GR. 10 PRINCIPAL’S LIST VERONICA CIRELLI GR. 12 PRINCIPAL’S LIST LAURIANN KORMYLO GR. 12 PRINCIPAL’S LIST JESSIE MALATESTA GR. 10 PRINCIPAL’S LIST ERIN DUFFY GR. 9 NAME:_____________________________________________ PHONE: ________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS:____________________________________ PLEASE CHECK OFF WHAT APPLIES. NEW TO AREA _____ NEVER REGISTERED IN PARISH__________ 1ST TIME/RETURNING TO CHURCH_________ SCHOOL/RELIGIOUS ED_____________ BAPTISM______________ OTHER__________________ 9 SECOND HONORS PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY The SSPJ Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet this week on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16th from 10am to 12pm in the Philip and James Room. Come and join us as we pray for each other and for the people who will rec3eive the blankets and shawls. Instructions and yarn are available. For information: Call Marge at 631-439-0468. 10 PRO-LIFE ROSARY In celebration of Respect Life month and in conjunction with our Diocesan Respect Life Office, Sts. Philip and James Parish will have Adoration and Rosary on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17TH from 8pm to 10pm. Please join us for anytime during the evening for prayer for life in all its stages. Remembering Loved Ones The Bread and Wine The cost of bread and wine or the altar candles for one week, usually in memory of a loved one, living or deceased are listed below. If at any time you are interested in making such a donation please call the Receptionist at the Pastoral Center (584-5454) or stop in to make arrangements. An acknowledgement of your offering will appear in the bulletin. this week is dedicated in Loving Memory of DOROTHY OWEN DOWLING Requested by James THE BREAD & WINE DONATION………….$25.00 THE ALTAR CANDLES DONATION ...……$25.00 Next weekend, World Mission Sunday, our Holy Father, Pope Francis, calls every Catholic to celebrate at the Eucharist, our vocation to be missionary and to help the Missions. As Catholics around the world, here at home and in the Missions, gather at the Eucharistic table, let us pray for the Church’s worldwide mission and offer financial help through the Propagation of the Faith for more that 1,150 dioceses in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Pacific Islands. Thank you for your generosity. ST. MONICA PRAYER GROUP RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY Come join us on TUESDAY OCTOBER 14TH at 7pm in the kitchen of the Rectory Office to pray for your loved ones. We pray the rosary and prayer petition to St. Monica, patron saint of mothers, husbands, grandparents, aunts, uncles or just special people who need our prayers. The first meeting of this year for the Respect Life Ministry will take place on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14TH at 7:30pm in the Cantina of the Rectory Office Building. Please consider joining our parish ministry. All are welcome. Please join us! 11 12 PARISH CALENDAR For the week of OCTOBER 12, 2014 SUNDAY, October 12, 2014 7:00am PSM Handcrafting Justice Sale 8:30am RCIA 10:00am 7:00pm Hospitality Sunday AA Meeting Auditorium Philip & James Rm. & cantina Auditorium Old Church MONDAY, October 13, 2014. 5:00pm Religious Ed-8th Gr. Class Philip & James Rm. TUESDAY, October 14, 2014 10:00am Com. I Parent Workshop 1:00pm Spirit of Love Prayer Group 4:30pm Children’s Choir 7:00pm St. Monica Group 7:30pm Respect Life Meeting 7:30pm Chords of Faith 7:30pm Ministry of Consolation Meeting Old Church Old Church Church Cantina Cantina Church Old Church WEDNESDAY, October 15, 2014 10:00am Catechist Workshop Gr. 3 & 4 10:00am Yoga 7:00pm Youth Ministry 7:00pm 7:00pm Boy Scout Troop 7 Leadership Mtg. Conf. I Candidate/Parent Meeting THURSDAY, October 16, 2014 10:00am Prayer Shawl/Blanket Ministry 2:00pm Eucharistic Adoration 5:30pm Youth Ministry Retreat Meetings 7:00pm Catechist Workshop Gr. 3 & 4 7:30pm Adult Choir FRIDAY, October 17, 2014 5:00pm Secular Franciscans 7:00pm 8:00pm AA Meeting Eucharistic Adoration SATURDAY, October 18, 2014 5:00pm Conf. I Rite of Enrollment Mass 7:00pm You’re Never Too Young Philip & James Rm. Old Church Philip & James Rm./ Cantina/Old Church Monte Lab Church Philip & James Rm. Church Old Church office Philip & James Rm. Church Philip & James Rm/ Cantina Old Church Church Church Old Church SUNDAY, October 19, 2014 8:30am RCIA Philip & James Rm. 9:00am Chaminade Soccer Team Mass/Breakfast Church/Auditorium 10:00am Peanut Butter & Jelly Gang Auditorum 6:00pm Thanksgiving Music Practice Church 7:00pm AA Meeting Old Church 13 VIVIEN CORDES MARY DAUM LORRAINE KEENAN FLORENCE PARKER* GREGORY PARKER* VINCENT BRIANTE PATRICIA ESPOSITO LOUIS ESPOSITO GINNY STANTON DAVID MURRAY DYLAN BEACH AL ALIO PHILIP S. MASI LORRAINE CASTELLI FRED ZAPF PATRICIA PAPROCKY CONNIE & FRED POLIK FRANK PEREZ BABY FRANK SAPIENZA MONIQUE TRATT RAYMOND AGOSTINO BERNARD AGOSTINO MARIE FABRY EDDIE FABRY MARIA MANCINO* FREDDY FOX MSGR. CHARLES GUARINO LINDA KUSHINS EILEEN SULLIVAN CATHERINE NESFIELD TOM BOURGUIGNON EVA ALAIMO BETTY SMITH RUTH ANNE YOUNG JANET CLARKE ROSEANN YACONE PAULETTE CHASE LUCI VISCONTI DAN O’NEILL KATHLEEN WANAMAKER JEANNE CHRISTINE SERVERIO THOMAS MILOSCIA VINNY FRANCO THOMAS MORRISON PETER RAMOS KAITLYN CAHILL GLORIA MONTESANO LUCILLE WEIDNER VINCENT PAGNOTTA RENEE SKRAPITS KITTY CLARK ROCHELLE VERRALE KYLE MUTSCHLER DIEGO STINCONE TINA NAPOLI TARA DOUGHERTY JEAN FLAHERTY STEVE ROBERTS ROSEANN DEFEDE PATRICIA JONES MARIE DELCIELLO FRANK ROTOLO JERRY BORRELLI JEAN ANDRUCKI ELAINE STOWE JULIANNE GERARD LAWLOR PATTY JONES LUCILLE DATTOMA JOSEPH JACK ROBERTA ENGLISH BRIDGET ENGLISH OTTO PETERSEN INKY KEAVENY JOSEPH (CHICK) MARTIN ANN FALZARANO THOMAS COLLINS AL BUKOFSKY NICHOLAS GULOTTA TOM UNVERZAGT PATRICIA JONES ANNMARIE CORTINA PAUL WEI NER MARYBETH COLLINS DON CINNCIONE ADRIAN DIAZ JENNIFER KENNEDY LILLIAN ANDREASI MARGE FOX CAROLINE PIZZORUSSO JOHN C. JACK FELIX TALAMO VIRGINIA SAVASTANO JACQUELINE TALLMAN MICHAEL KEENAN LORRAINE LEE JOAN TARNOWSKI BABY LUKE MIKE AMOROSO SR. MARGARET PATRICIA O.P. JOAN COOPER SR. JOAN KELLENBERG BABY AUBREE ATAMANCHUK ANTHONY MALATESTA 14 STAINED GLASS CLUB UPCOMING EVENTS HALLOWEEN SOCIAL SPONSORED BY THE STAINED GLASS CLUB OCTOBER 25TH FROM 7PM TO 10PM IN THE SSPJ AUDITORIUM ALL SIXTH GRADE AND ABOVE ARE WELCOME Games, music, pizza, snacks and drinks served. Costumes encouraged - Donation—$10.00 Hospitality Sunday will be hosted on THIS Sunday October 12th in the Auditorium after the 9:00am and 10:30am Mass. A light breakfast of bagels, muffins, fruit, and beverages will be served . Please join us at our monthly breakfast sponsored by our Knights of Columbus where parishioners and their families have an opportunity to meet each other MUSIC MINISTRY NEWS Now is the time to join the choir. Exciting new things are happening, we are expanding our music repertoire for the coming year. Come see what we are all about. The Adult Choir (18yrs and up) rehearse Thursdays at 7:30pm in the church and sing for the 10:30am Mass. The Chords of Faith (Grades 7-12) rehearse Tuesdays at 7:30pm in the church and sing for the Saturday 5:00pm Mass. The Children’s Choir (Grade 3-6) rehearse every other Tuesday and sing every other Saturday with the Chords of Faith. Next rehearsal is October 14th and Mass is October 18th. Our Christmas Concert is fast approaching. Now is the time to join and be a part of it. No audition is required …...just a love of God and Music. For more information contact the Music Director, Margaret Adams at 584-5454, or check the parish website, Music is listed under opportunities to serve. Or, just stop and see me or talk to choir members after mass. See you in church!!! 15 16 SSPJ SCHOOL UPDATE The first graders at SSPJ were enthusiastic about the start of the new school year! They began the year by learning about new Common Core math concepts. Using counting cubes, the students worked with partners to come up with different ways to make eight, nine and ten. This studentcentered discovery made challenging math problems easier for the students to grasp. Our students took their learning even further when they wrote the corresponding number sentence to go with each of the many ways to make eight, nine and ten. In the next few months, the first graders will be applying the strategies that they have learned throughout this addition unit to new subtraction concepts. They cannot wait to expand their math skills even further. We are off to a great mathematical year here in first grade! ~Danielle Komyathy First Grade Teacher FOURTH GRADE NEWS ! Fourth grade hit the ground running when they arrived at SSPJ in September. They have been working diligently in all subject areas especially in Math preparing for their NY State Math test. Technology has also been integrated into our curriculum with our state of the art computer under the direction of Mrs. Baldauf. The integration is all part of the STEM initiative. However our foundation is our Catholic Identity which we foster in all our children. Here our children are discussing the Rosary and daily through October will be saying a decade of the Rosary to honor Mary as “Queen of the Rosary”. ~Patti-Jean Rowland Fourth Grade Teacher 17 Eucharistic Ministers for Adoration We are in need of a Eucharistic Minister to assist at Friday’s Eucharistic Adoration—to expose and repose the Blessed Sacrament. You would be assigned on a fixed schedule basis, once every 2 months. If you are interested please contact: Dan Liddy at 751-2869. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS NEEDED! The Catholic Chaplain’s Office at Stony Brook University Hospital is seeking Eucharistic Ministers to bring Communion to patients at the hospital. Eucharistic Ministers are scheduled to serve one day a month (Sunday or Wednesday) and spend 1-3 hours at the hospital per assignment. Training will be provided. If interested in learning more about this special ministry, please contact Greg Shemitz at (631) 751-2446, email:, or Ueli Laeng at (631) 7374164, email: Attention Young Adults ages 18-28 Are you looking for a gathering of your peers which will also bring you into a closer relationship with God? Are you looking to care for creation and work in the field of ecojustice? If so, perhaps Franciscan YOUFRA may be for you. YOUFRA is built upon the tenets of prayer, fellowship and service within the Roman Catholic tradition. You are invited to come and check us out at St. Louis de Montfort RC Church, 75 New York Avenue, Sound Beach, NY on the second Wednesday of the month at 7PM.Please call Jean D’Onofrio, OFS, Coordinator for Young Adults for the Tau Cross Region at 6531-928-7894 or email her at for more information. CHRIST THE KING R.C.C 2 Indian Head Road, Commack TAIZE PRAYER AROUND THE CROSS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2014 7:00PM IN THE CHURCH Join us for a candlelight prayer service to help us reflect on the mystery of the cross and the glory of the resurrection. Consider setting aside 45 minutes to join ST. JOSEPH PARISH in this beautiful form of prayer. presents A Special Cancer Mass For more information, please contact: of God’s Strength, Healing & Mercy Joseph Smaldino at 631*864-1623 or Please join us for Mass on Tuesday evening, October 14th at 7:30pm in the Church Families & friends are invited to join us at the Eucharist and the anointing of the sick. Hospitality will follow at Travis Hall. St. Joseph Parish, 59 Church St., Kings Park, NY Pastor, Rev. Sean J. Gann 18 OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY RETREAT with Father Hugh Gillespie, SMM Dates: Sat., Oct. 10, Sun., Oct. 12, and Mon., Oct. 13 At the Shrine of Our Lady of the Island, 258 Eastport Manor Road, Manorville, NY, 11949 Free to attend, donations appreciated. A 3 day retreat on Our Lady of the Rosary. See or call 631-325-0661 for more details
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