CHAPTER #87 COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA October — December 2014 QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER Volume 10, Issue 4 William Toney Legislative Report for Quarter Ending September 30, 2014 Our legislative advocacy efforts moved forward during the month of September. NARFE Chapter 87 members met with Congressman Joe Wilson and one of his staffers on September 3rd (picture below). NARFE members met with Amanda Loveday, Congressman Clyburn’s Communication Director, on September 19th. Both of these meetings were productive in getting NARFE issues presented and discussed in detail. Issues addressed at these meetings were (1) NARFE’s opposition to any effort to use the “Chained Consumer Price Index” in determining our annual cost of living raise, (2) No further targeting of federal workers’ pay and benefits for deficit reduction, (3) NARFE’s opposition to pending Postal Reform that threatens the Federal Employee Health Benefit Program (FEHBP) and (4) the planned personnel reductions at Fort Jackson. For the remainder of this year, thanks in part to the efforts of NARFE, federal workers and retirees should see no negative legislation affecting pay and benefits. A Continuing Resolution (CR) has been passed to keep the Government running through December 11th. There will be no action on Postal Reform and the CR almost assures a 1% raise for federal workers. The issue of the “Chained CPI” is delayed for now as well as any matters relative to the FEHBP and federal worker retirement contributions. The 114th Congress convening in January 2015 will begin our continued strong defensive strategy to protect federal worker and retiree pay and benefits. NARFE will not rest during this period and will remain watchful and fully engaged on the legislative issues. Listed below are some brief legislative highlights from our National NARFE Convention held August 24-28, 2014 in Orlando, FL. U. S. House of Representatives John L. Mica (R-FL 7th District) and Alan Grayson (D-FL 9th District) addressed NARFE delegates. Both expressed the highest regard for federal workers and retirees. There was an acknowledgement of the vilification of federal workers by the public, most politicians and in popular culture. The popular message was that we should be proud of our federal service and we do not have to apologize for having been a public servant. Congressman Grayson indicated his intention to introduce legislation to expand Medicare to include hearing, vision and dental coverage for seniors and call it “seniors have Ears, Eyes and Teeth Act.” Jessica Klement, NARFE’s Legislative Director, provided an extensive overview of NARFE’s legislative accomplishments, current issues and legislative challenges. She urged NARFE members to become more involved in the legislative process and use the Protect America’s Heartbeat (PAH) Toolkit. Dr. Aubrey Jewett, Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Central Florida gave a forecast of this year’s mid-term elections and the 2016 Presidential race. His predications are that the Democrats may maintain control of the Senate but it is more likely Republicans will pick up enough seats to take control of the Senate. It is certain Republicans will maintain control in the House and will gain a few seats. For the 2016 Presidential race, Clinton is the favorite for the Democrats and one of the seven (7) Republicans expected to run will be the nominee. Here is Dr. Jewett’s prediction for the final November 2016 matchup—Clinton vs. Bush II. As always, you as a member of NARFE are urged to visit the NARFE website at narfe/home to support legislation by sending prepared letters to your elected Representatives. NARFE members are urged to VOTE ON NOVEMBER 4, keeping in mind our pay and benefit interests. Inside this Issue Legislative Report 1 Chapter Officers 2 Oct, Nov & Dec Programs 2 Membership Report & $10.00 Recruiting Incentive 2 President’s Report 3 Service Officer’s Report 3 Open Season Checklist 3 2015 State Convention 3 NARFE’s Mission, etc. 4 Health & Happiness 4 Note from Federation President & Request for Officer Nominations for 2015 5 Guest Speakers October 10, 2014 Alzheimer’s Disease — What You Need to Know Sheila Lewis Midlands Area Program Director for SC Chapter of Alzheimer’s Association November 14, 2014 Health Care Needs of Active & Retired Federal Employees Sandy Alexander Ward, Jr. Senior Marketing Representative for Blue Cross/Blue Shield of South Carolina Federal Employee Program December 12, 2014 Pictured here from left to right are William Toney, Chapter 87 3rd VP & Legislative Chair, Joe Wilson, U.S. Representative from South Carolina’s 2nd District, and John Geiger, former South Carolina federation president and now Legislative Chair for Chapter 934 in Aiken. In addition to William and John, six other members from Chapters 87 and 934 met with Mr. Wilson in his Columbia office to discuss key issues important to active and retired federal employees in the 2nd district. Mystery Guest Chapter 87 meets the second Friday of each month, at 11:30 A.M., at Seawell’s at 1125 Rosewood Dr., Columbia, SC, directly across from the main entrance to the SC Fair Grounds. Doors open at 11:00 A.M. A complete buffet lunch costs $14.00, payable at the door. A reservation is not required. Please be prompt. 2014 CHAPTER OFFICERS & COMMITTEE CHAIRS President Bob Shear (803) 386-2027 Greeter — Welcome Eddie Adams (803) 234-2247 1st Vice President Clara L. Gillentine (803) 796-3106 Health & Happiness Donna Kea-Smith (803) 427-4338 2nd Vice President Linda Toney (803) 786-1097 Historian Nellie Bodenhamer (803) 894-3245 3rd Vice President William M. Toney (803) 786-1097 Legislative William M. Toney (803) 786-1097 Secretary Annie Gilchrist-Settles (803) 865-1090 Membership Clara L. Gillentine (803) 796-3106 Treasurer Kathy Hensley (803) 957-7750 NARFE — FEEA Charles (Randy) Herald (803) 520-7169 Chaplain Donald Myers (803) 695-9396 NARFE — PAC Tom Castellucio (803) 786-1783 Sergeant-at-Arms W.K. “Chub” Jordan (803) 783-0230 Nominations Carl R. Caughman (803) 776-6045 Executive Committee Elaine Von Eck (803) 738-1569 Programs Linda Toney (803) 786-1097 Executive Committee Marion Eargle (803) 779-4227 Public Relations Linda Toney (803) 786-1097 Executive Committee Olivia Williams (803) 783-6825 Registration Cashier Dale Kneece (803) 798-8225 Executive Committee Charles (Randy) Herald (803) 520-7169 Registration Betty Schwartz (803) 776-0760 Parliamentarian Kathy Hensley (803) 957-7750 Service Officer Ernest Williams (803) 783-6825 Alzheimer’s Linda S. Waters-Hamilton (803) 794-0110 Newsletter Bob Shear (803) 386-2027 Audit Raymond Jensen (803) 568-3939 50/50 Drawing Nellie Bodenhamer (803) 894-3245 Greeter — Welcome Loretta Canonica (803) 520-6447 50/50 Drawing Steve Thomas (803) 256-7955 Programs Linda Toney October 10, 2014 — Sheila Lewis, Midlands Area Program Director for the Alzheimer’s Association–South Carolina Chapter, has been working with caregivers and older adults for the last 10 years, most recently at the Greenville Area Office of the Alzheimer’s Association. A Columbia native, Sheila received her bachelor’s degree in nonprofit administration from the University of South Carolina-Upstate and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in public administration. Her connection with the Alzheimer’s Association started many years ago when her grandmother developed the disease in the early 80s. Sheila’s mother, Dr. Delores Macey, founded the Alzheimer’s Association in Columbia after discovering the lack of and the need for resources for those affected by the disease. Sheila is dedicated to promoting awareness of this disease and providing support to those affected. November 14, 2014 — Sandy Alexander Ward, Jr. is the Senior Marketing Representative for Blue Cross/Blue Shield of South Carolina Federal Employee Program. He specializes in the health care needs of active and retired Federal employees. Sandy has been employed with Blue Cross/Blue Shield for thirty-three and a half years. He is a graduate of South Carolina State University. Sandy and his wife, Dianne, have been married over thirty years and are the proud parents of three children (David, Michael and Vanessa). One of his son’s is a graduate of USC and the other is a graduate of Coastal Carolina University. His daughter will be a freshman at Coastal Carolina in the Fall. Sandy gives credit for his success to his father, the late Sandy A. Ward, Sr., a retired Postal employee, and his mother, Roberta D. Ward. December 12, 2014 — Mystery Guest Clara Gillentine Membership Report The membership drive originally planned for September 2014 only has been extended through the end of the year! The Incentives — Recruiters will receive $10 for each new member, active OR retired, who joins between September 1 and December 31, 2014. Applications must be postmarked, and calls or website joins must be received, by the December 31 deadline. Successful recruiters will also be entered into a drawing (once for each new member recruited) for a Kindle Fire tablet. Gather Your Materials — A NARFE membership application, the F-135 pamphlet, is available at monthly meetings; an application is also on page 60 of your August NARFE magazine. You might want to review the sample “Elevator Speech,” or Page 2 summary of NARFE’s focused sales pitch, available online at Once logged in, go to Officer Resources, “Tips, Tools and Templates,” and you’ll find it is the last link on that page. Familiarize Yourself With Ways to Join — Mail the completed F-135 or the application that appears in every issue of NARFE’s monthly magazine; go online to and click the Join link; or call 800-627-3394. Don’t Forget Recruiter Membership ID & Chapter #0087 — Credit for recruitment can be given only if ID number of the recruiting member is provided upon joining. Membership IDs & chapter #s are shown on the monthly magazine mailing label or your official NARFE membership card. Here’s to a terrific recruitment season — one that will earn money for Chapter 87 members and perhaps a Kindle Fire. Volume 10, Issue 4 Bob Shear President’s Report The NARFE National Convention held from August 24-28 in Orlando, FL, was a big success with between 900 and 1,000 attendees. The 21 South Carolina chapters were well represented. This was my first convention and I found it most rewarding from both a learning and networking standpoint. Who knew that we had such a great organization representing about a quarter of a million active and retired folks. NARFE’s next national convention will be held in Reno, NV, from August 28-September 1, 2016. Two years later, the convention will be back in Florida in Jacksonville from August 26-30, 2018. Begin now thinking about attending one or both of these conventions. They are very informative in terms of finding successful ways to protect our earned benefits. It’s also a great time to share ideas with fellow active and retired federal employees from many different agencies. I even had a chance in Orlando to visit with an old friend that I hadn’t seen in 30 years. The most amazing thing was that we recognized each other after so many years. Two more items of emphasis for your consideration: Pay particular attention to Ernest Williams’ report below on the upcoming federal benefits open season and the open season checklist that follows his report. See the information box below on the next South Carolina state convention scheduled for April 27-29, 2015. Mark you calendars now to reserve these dates. CHALLENGE TO ALL MEMBERS — Go out on a limb where the fruit is and recruit a new member! Earn $10.00 for your efforts and bring them to our next luncheon! online. Go to: open-season. Ernest Williams Service Officer’s Report OPM has a separate website for this year’s Federal Benefits Open Season that contains information on the various benefits that employees and retirees can enroll in or change enrollment in. It also contains information about Open Season web casts that will be available for viewing Open Season runs from the Monday of the second full workweek in November through the Monday of the second full workweek in December; therefore, Open Season this year will be Monday November 10, 2014 – Monday December 8, 2014. Federal Employees Dental & Vision Insurance Federal Employees Health Benefits Program If in a dental or vision plan, check premium for next Check to see if your current plan is leaving the program year. or if the service area is changing. Review current plan’s benefit brochure to identify any Check if your plan’s premium has changed from last changes. year. See if out-of-pocket costs are changing. Review your current plan’s 2015 brochure to see if there Compare plans by looking at Appendix I of the “2015 Guide to Federal Benefits” ( healthcareinsurance/healthcare/planinformation/guides). For even more details on different plans, go to and use the “Compare Plans” tool or a tool provided by PlanSmartChoice. Get your flu shot! South Carolina State Federation Convention for 2015 For next year, the State Federation Convention will be held in Famously Hot Columbia, SC. The convention kicks off the afternoon of Monday, April 27, and wraps up at about noon on Wednesday, April 29. Please Volume 10, Issue 4 are changes to covered services or out-of-pocket costs. Determine what’s the best plan for you; e. g., fee-for- service, high deductible, consumer driven, or HMO. Compare plans by looking at Appendix E of the “2015 Guide to Federal Benefits” or go to www.opm/insure and use the “Compare Health Plans” tool or tools provided by PlanSmartChoice and Checkbook. mark your calendars now and plan to attend. Our own Chapter 87 is the lead chapter on convention planning. We’ve already partnered with the Columbia Marriott located at 1200 Hampton Street. The Marriott is an exceptional hotel with great convention facilities plus lots of nearby shopping, restaurants and entertainment. Before taxes, the room rate is $94.00 per night with free parking. Parking will also be free for members who drive to the convention each day but don’t stay at the hotel. Page 3 Columbia, SC CHAPTER #87 National Active & Retired Federal Employees Association 104 Parkview Court Lexington, SC 29072 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 273 Columbia S.C. WWW.87.SCNARFE.ORG Time Sensitive As you read the NARFE mission statement, please review pages 38 and 39 in the October 2014 NARFE magazine to see how South Carolina’s U. S. Representatives and Senators voted on issues important to active and retired federal employees. NARFE’s 33rd National Convention was held in Orlando, Florida, from August 24 to 28, 2014. Chapter 87 representatives attending the convention were Bob Shear, chapter president, and Linda and William Toney, chapter vice-presidents. Chapter 87 member, Kathy Hensley, also attended in her role as South Carolina’s state federation president. Health and Happiness NARFE’S MISSION STATEMENT To support legislation beneficial to current and potential federal annuitants and to oppose legislation contrary to their interests. To promote the general welfare of current and potential federal annuitants by advising them with respect to their rights under retirement laws and regulations. To cooperate with other organizations and associations in furtherance of these general objectives. Donna Kea-Smith SPECIAL THANK YOU NOTE FROM DONNA TO CHAPTER 87 FRIENDS: Please allow me to thank each and everyone of you for the cards, texts, e-mails, calls and most of all your prayers during the hospitalization of my sister, Betty Anne Kea. Then, to those of you who made time to attend her funeral there are no words to express my appreciation. May God bless each and everyone of you. DECEASED MEMBERS: John E. “Jack” Kunesh, husband of member Joyce Kunesh, died on June 6; Terry L. Goldring, wife of member Stephen Goldring, died on June 22; Mary Ann Kelly McGee died on July 3; Dorothy Mumford Daniels died on July 20; and Edna M. Swartzbeck died on August 6. SYMPATHY CARDS: To Joyce Kunesh on the death of her husband, Jack; Stephen Goldring on the death of his wife, Terry; Thomas Daniels on the death of his wife, Dorothy; and Jan Urban on the death of her mother. CORRESPONDENCE: Rebecca McKiver called on August 9 advise me of Daniel Adams’ health crisis and a get well card was sent to him. A condolence letter was sent to the family of Edna M. Swartzbecks; NOTIFICATIONS TO NARFE: For Mrs. Swartzbeck’s death. Page 4 Volume 10, Issue 4 Newsletter Extra The two articles below were added after the newsletter went to print so only people receiving the newsletter electronically will see these articles before the next chapter meeting on October 10. South Carolina Federation News After a very successful State Convention in North Charleston in May, we turned our attention to the National Convention in August. Our state delegation consisted of 27 people representing eleven chapters and with proxies from the other ten chapters in the state. This 100% participation was much appreciated. After hearing from three candidates running for National President, the delegates to the convention elected Dick Thissen, former National Treasurer, to lead us for the next two years. The position of National Vice President was eliminated and the position of National Secretary was merged with National Treasurer position. Jon Dowie, from St. Augustine, FL, was elected Secretary/Treasurer for the next two years. He is extremely well credentialed to be the treasurer. A newsletter from the Federation will be coming out soon but you can go to and tune in to the convention happenings. Our modern technology allowed for live streaming during the event, and it is still on the web site. Kathy Hensley President, SC NARFE Federation CALL FOR NOMINATIONS It’s that time of year again. Have you noticed that some of us would like to change positions or just be a loyal member of NARFE? Some of our officers have expressed a desire to train a new person … so now is your opportunity. The officer and Executive Committee positions are: President – requires an individual who can lead and supervise the various aspects of the chapter. 1st Vice President – of all the positions, this one requires a person who is willing to commit many hours of nuts and bolts work. This person serves as the Membership Chair which involves following up on prospective members, contact with members whose renewal dates are near or in arrears, and providing an active recruitment effort in local agencies. 2nd Vice President – this person arranges speakers on a quarterly basis, confirms their attendance before the meeting, and identifies any A/V needs. 3rd Vice President – this individual needs to be on top of legislation that affects active and retired federal workers. It also involves active communication with members of Congress and reminders to our members to contact Congress. Secretary – records votes on any business that comes before the chapter and a brief report on other items of information in the meeting. Treasurer – requires some experience with banking and accounting. All the above positions require that the individuals have some basic computer skills. A commitment to attend meetings is very important. Additional officer positions are: Chaplain and Sergeant at Arms The Executive Committee is composed of four individuals from the general membership and should include at least one past President if a past president does not occupy an officer position. Committee chairs and other positions are appointed by the President. If you are interested in continuing in your current position or are willing to be considered for any of the above positions, please contact Kathy Hensley (, 957-7750) or Clara Gillentine (, 796-3106). Volume 10, Issue 4 Page 5
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