NATIONAL A CTIVE & R ETIRED F EDERAL E MPLOYEES A SSOCIATION NARFE CHAPTER N EWSLETTER Volume 34, Number 21 December 2014 MIDWEST C ITY/DEL C ITY CHAPTER 946 (OKLAHOMA) OFFICERS DECEMBER 19 th MEETING PROGRAM President PROGRAM: It’s our annual Christmas celebration! Join us for a tasty Billie Ripple ........... 601-7404 holiday luncheon, beautiful Christmas music by our own Ethel Broiles, and IS` Vice President lots of NARFE friends to share the fun. Also on the agenda will be some Ron Cannefax ....... 259-9979 jokes and stories with a holiday theme presented by various NARFE elves. 2nd Vice President James Crowder ..... 840-5870 Secretary & Assistant Virginia Douthitt ....... 732-3910 Bill James ………. 739-0035 * 2015 CONVENTION UPDATE * Treasurer & Assistant(s) What: State NARFE Convention, hosted by our MidBob Oltmanns ....... 755-7009 Del Chapter 946, May 14-15, 2015. Kenneth Dungan .... 732-2615 Where: Rose State Career Development Center Jo Ann Dungan ..... 732-2615 1720 Hudiberg Dr., Midwest City. Chaplain Hotel: Hawthorn Suites, 5701 Tinker Diagonal, MWC Bill Mullins ............. 737-3975 Ways we can all help right now: Sergeant-At-Arms & Asst. Talk to friends & business contacts to obtain ads for our Jerry Ryan ............. 794-8188 convention book. (Call Joyce Woodring, 602-8043.) Vacant Assemble a gift basket. (See details below.) Service Officer Attend next convention planning meeting, Tues., Jan. 6th, Marilyn Kipps…….. 250-2708 9:30 a.m., MWC Sr. Ctr., 8251 E. Reno (east of MWC library) Trustees Bill Mullins ............ 737-3975 ____________________________________________ Ken Dungan………. 732-2615 Bill Thompson…….. 259-9646 WE ARE HAVING A STATE CONVENTION, IN 2015. ARE YOU HELPING Advisory Board US? Here are some things you can help us do: Get ads for our convention Vacant (3) book. That is how we make money, and our chapter needs money to Resolutions/Const&Bylaws keep going. We have always had a state convention every year, but now Bill Mullins ............. 737-3975 we will begin to have one every other year. Our chapter will give away District IV V.P Marilyn Componation.. 741-1934 Service Center MWC Senior Center on call, Mon 9-12 ... 737-7611 gift baskets at the convention. Please bring a gift basket, wrapped in pretty colors and filled with non-‐perishable items, to our January meeting. Give it to Nancy Watson or Norma Baxter to keep until convention time. We need your assistance to help make this a good convention and make our chapter m oney. 1 We are planning on a good program the 19th of December. We will have our favorite lady, Ethel Broiles, to entertain with her beautiful voice. Also, do you know our chapter has some Vacant very good comedians? We will be hearing from them, reading or reciting poems or maybe jokes for us. Do not miss this meeting. Our chapter will also install our officers for the next two years at the Christmas meeting. I have asked Federation President James Olden to install them for us. If you haven’t gotten to meet James, this is a good opportunity. This is a meeting you don’t want to miss. Our membership chair Ron Cannefax is the best one to work at getting us new members and keeping the ones we have. But again, we cannot expect him to do it alone. Ask anyone you know to our chapter meeting if they are retirees or active federal employees. Ron will do the rest. He knows how to convince people to join. We need FERS employees or retirees. We can also work at helping them keep the annuities they worked for. As you read this, remember that NARFE is still the only organization that will work with federal retirees. As good as AARP is, it does nothing for us. At this meeting we have several gifts that just might help you finish your Christmas shopping. Nancy Watson and others will have a table of Christmas items for sale. This money goes into our chapter fund. Thanks, ladies, for helping us maintain a working chapter. It takes money to operate. We have the best food, the best wait staff, excellent entertainment, and friendly people. Where else could you spend a Friday afternoon and have this much fun? Will I see you there? Also, bring non-‐perishable food for our Food Pantry in the Mid-‐Del Area that we give to each year. We have our good-‐looking SGT-‐AT-‐ARMS, Jerry Ryan, who volunteered to deliver the food to the Pantry for us. See you Friday, the 19th, okay? M EM BERSHIP REPO RT: By Ron Cannefax December is upon us and the end of another year of NARFE activities is almost gone. Boy, talk about time flying!! But, we all have been busy in many aspects of our lives. It is almost time for our December End-‐ of-‐Year Holiday Celebration. Hope to see as many of you as will come on Friday, December 19th, for conversation, good food and fellowship. GREAT NEWS. At our last luncheon meeting, we reported five new members, three of which were guests invited by Joyce Woodring who then submitted applications for membership. We welcome Crystal & James Laughlin, George & Julie Longnecker, Georgette Barnett and Johnny R. Evans to our chapter. These additions give us a total of eleven new members for the year to date. As of this report, we only have nine chapter members who have been reinstated. Sadly, twenty-‐seven chapter members have been dropped for non-‐renewal, including eight over the last two months. As of this report, we have had seventeen members pass away. Eugene R. Clark, Claude J. Humble, and Sylvia McGlamery passed away this past month. 2 Norma Baxter, Marilyn Componation and your Membership V. P. manned a NARFE information table at the Tinker AFB Health Fair, November 4, 2014. We passed out over 100 membership brochures with applications, NARFE Magazines and other literature. So, we had a good opportunity to put NARFE awareness out to a lot of current employees, the majority of which did not know anything about NARFE. This past year we forwarded to our Oklahoma Federation Treasurer, Johnny Hanlon, the names of the eight chapter members who were dropped for non-‐renewal and then reinstated. Two checks for $40 each were received from the Federation for member reinstatements, which were forwarded to our Chapter Treasurer Bob Oltmanns. This brings us to a total of $80 in federation rewards placed into our chapter funds for reinstating dropped members during 2014. Don’t forget, you can help by recruiting new members on a personal basis and participating in the NARFE incentive effort extended through December 31st. Right now, Joyce Woodring leads the chapter with three new members recruited. Dorothy Branson is right behind with two new members recruited. The Incentives are: > Recruiters will receive $10 for each new member. > All recruiters will be entered into a drawing for each new member recruited. > A Kindle Fire Tablet will be awarded to a randomly drawn recruiter from the pool. LEG ISLATIVE REPO RT: By Jam es Crow der In the NARFE Chapter 946 Newsletter for September, I wrote a report about the 2015 Budget Highlights written by the Oklahoma Policy Institute. In the first paragraph of that report it says, “An additional $253.7 million was appropriated from cash reserves, agency revolving funds, and other one-‐time revenue sources. In response to that statement I wrote, “What happens when next year comes along and the one-‐time revenue sources are not available? This is no way to run a business, let alone an entire government.” We didn’t have to wait long to see what will happen. On Friday, September 5, 2014, the Oklahoman newspaper published an article headlined, “Legislature is accused of raiding aeronautics fund.” I would like to quote a number of statements from that article. I can’t quote the whole thing, but enough so that you will be able to see what will be happening as more and more different state agencies realize what is happening to them. The article states: “The vice chairman of the Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission has accused state lawmakers of illegally taking $3 million from the agencies’ revolving fund to help balance the state budget. ‘I feel the state has acted illegally in the taking of these funds,’ commission Vice Chairman Tom Stephenson said in a letter this week to legislative leaders. This removal of funds from the account of the Oklahoma Aeronautics (Commission) without approval leaves the commission of soon not being able to meet its obligations,’ said Stephenson, an Oklahoma City attorney. Victor Bird, Director of the Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission, said he has requested an informal state attorney general’s opinion on the legality of the legislature’s taking of the funds, but has yet to receive a response. In the story headed, “AG report: State Improperly Diverted Funds,” published in the Oklahoman on Thursday, November 20, 2014, the article says, “A recent Oklahoma attorney general’s opinion concluded the legislature improperly took $5 million out of a fund for uncompensated care and diverted it to balance the budget. Rep. Mike Shelton, D-‐Oklahoma City, requested the opinion from Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt’s office, which released it Tuesday. ‘State leaders are telling constituents how great the state is doing financially,’ Shelton said Wednesday, ‘but that is not the case because they are raiding the funds to show progress after depleting state revenues as a result of tax cuts.’ The Trauma Care Assistance revolving fund was created in 1999 and is used to reimburse uncompensated trauma facilities like hospitals and ambulance services. It was later expanded 3 to include the reimbursement of doctors for uncompensated treatments. “On June 3 Gov. Mary Fallin signed Senate Bill 2127, which diverted $5 million from the fund to the Special Cash Fund. The money went for a variety of purposes, such as the operations of the Oklahoma House of Representatives, according to the opinion. Senate Bill 2127 was the state’s general appropriations bill for fiscal year 2015 and doled out $7.1 billion. The opinion said the transfer violated the state constitution ‘by transferring fully appropriated tax revenues for purposes other than those for which the taxes were levied,’ the opinion said. “In June, another opinion by Pruitt’s office at the request of House Minority Leader Scott Inman, D-‐Del City, found a similar problem. It found that the transfer of $7.9 million from the Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program to other areas was improper. The transfer was contained in Senate Bill 2127 as well. The Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program provides for thousands of Scholarships for middle and low-‐income college students. “Oklahoma City attorney Jerry Fent, who has successfully filed suit against several bills, said an appropriation bill can only appropriate dollars, not transfer money.” I wish that all of these bills that have possible problems could be reviewed and the problems fixed once and for all rather than to keep stringing them out over a long period of time. I will keep you informed as new facts are released. ALZHEIMER’S REPORT: By Dorothy Branson Assisted by Norma Baxter Thanks to all of you who purchased books at the Alzheimer’s Table at our November meeting and for your contributions to Alzheimer’s Research. A special thanks goes to JoAnn Ross for operating the table and to Norma Baxter for selling the books. Laughter May Be the Best Medicine We are all familiar with the saying, “Laughter is the best medicine.” And this motto may ring true when it comes to tackling age-‐related memory loss. A new study from Loma Linda University in California finds that humor may reduce brain damage caused by the “stress hormone” cortisol. Past research has shown that stress can worsen memory and learning ability in elderly individuals. This is because stress increases production of cortisol – a hormone that can cause damage to neurons in the brain. Since it is well known that laughter can be a stress reliever, the research team wanted to determine whether humor may reduce brain damage caused by cortisol. Loma Linda’s research team, led by Dr. Gurinder Singh Bains, analyzed one group of elderly individuals who had diabetes and another group of elderly people who were healthy. Both groups were required to view a 20-‐minute humorous video, before completing a memory test that measured their visual recognition, learning ability and memory recall. A third group of elderly individuals were asked to complete the memory test without watching the funny video. The team then compared the results of all three groups. Cortisol levels for all participants were recorded before and after the experiments. The investigators found that both groups who watched the humorous video showed a significant reduction in cortisol levels, compared with the group that did not view the video. The groups that watched the funny video also showed greater improvement in memory recall, learning ability and sight recognition, compared with those who did not watch the video. The diabetic group demonstrated the greatest improvement in both cortisol levels and memory test scores. According to Dr. Lee Burk, the study co-‐author, “Laughter is turning out to be not only a good medicine, but also a memory enhancer adding to our quality of life.” 4 MAY YOU ALL ENJOY THE HOLIDAYS WITH LOTS OF FUN, HAPPINESS, AND GOOD CHEER! IT’S GOOD FOR THE BODY, IT’S GOOD FOR THE SOUL, AND IT’S GOOD FOR ALL THOSE AROUND YOU! -‐-‐ Dorothy and Norma SU N SH IN E REPO RT: By Joyce W oodring and H elen C annefax If you know of anyone that is ill or has passed away, contact your SUNSHINE LADIES so we can send cards and/or acknowledge loss of a loved one. To have your birthday or anniversary noted, call a Sunshine Lady with date and details. Call Joyce Woodring, 602-‐8043, or Helen Cannefax, 259-‐9979. Cards sent in November 2014: Sympathy – Family of Claude Humble, Ethel Broiles for loss of a family member. Birthdays & Anniversaries acknowledged at November meeting: Birthdays – Bob Oltmanns (91 yrs. young) and Suzi Guy. Anniversaries – Ken & JoAnn Dungan, 13 yrs.; Bob & JoAnn Ross, 2 yrs. TIME TO PLAY SANTA Remember to bring non-‐perishable food items to the meeting December 19th. Jerry Ryan will deliver these to the Mid-‐Del Food Pantry. Your gift will bring a holiday blessing to someone in need. Thank you! __________________________________________________________ LET’S GO SHOPPING! When you come to the Christmas celebration on December 19th, expect to find an array of Christmas goodie-‐filled mugs and Christmas novelties, all compliments of Nancy Watson and her helpers. Proceeds go to chapter funds. 5 National Active & Retired Federal Employees Association Midwest City/Del City Chapter 946 2606 N.W. 56th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73112-7143 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Norman, OK Permit No. 295 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED PROGRAM: Sit back and enjoy some holiday festivities, featuring lovely Christmas music by vocalist, Ethel Broiles. You’ll also be welcome to share your own holiday readings, songs or stories during “Open Mike Xmas” time! th WHEN: Friday, December 19 , 2014 TIME: 11:30 a.m. WHERE: Twin Hills Golf & Country Club LOCATION: 3401 N. E. 36th. (From Sooner Rd. travel west on N. E. 36th St., 1.8 miles. Turn into the gate on the north side of 36th St. and drive to the parking lot.) Handicapped parking spots are near the entrance. The meeting room is on the second floor. There is a nice large outside elevator north of the main doors of the building. Drive carefully and slowly in Forest Park. The local police watch for speeders. MENU: Hot buffet with two meats, two vegetables, salad bar, desserts, coffee and iced tea. Cost is $13 per person. RESERVATIONS REQUIRED: You will be contacted by one of our "Calling Committee" Volunteers. Be ready to give them a "yes" or “no” concerning your reservation. If you want to make a reservation or if you have to cancel, call Helen Cannefax at 259-‐9979 by NOON on Wednesday, before meetings (December 17th, 2014). If you make a reservation and do not attend or cancel on time, please send payment to Treasurer Bob Oltmanns, 14901 N. Penn. Ave., Apt. 169, OKC, OK 73134. The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) is open for m embership to all federal civilians who a re current employees, retirees, former employees, spouses, surviving spouses of those eligible to join NARFE, and former spouses who are eligible for a federal or survivor annuity.
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