St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church October 12, 2014 Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil - 5:15 pm Sunday - 9 am and 11 am Holy Day - See inside Weekday (M-F) 12:10 pm First Saturday - 9 am Confessions Saturday 4-5 pm or by appointment Registration All new families are welcome to the parish and should be registered. Registration forms are available in the foyer of the Church and from the parish office. Parish facilities and services for Baptisms, Weddings and other Sacramental events, as well as sponsorship letters, etc. are available to active, registered members defined by: 1. Being properly registered in the parish for a sufficient period of time. 2. Faithful attendance at Mass on 8 Gillin Dr., Simpsonville, SC 29680 Office: 864-263-3445 Fax: 864-263-3428 Email: Website: Sundays and Holy Days. 3. Use of the envelope system in regular support of the parish. For particular Sacramental requirements, Please see inside bulletin. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church Parish Office Information Ministries/Organizations Parish Hours: Mon-Fri 8 am - 4 pm Parish Office (864) 263-3445 Rectory (864) 963-4892 Address: 8 Gillin Dr., Simpsonville, SC 29680 Adoration Adult Education Altar Linens Altar Servers Bereavement Boy Scouts Director of Music Parish Staff Rev. Patrick E. Cooper Sally Strickland Patti Blake Tanya Czajka Daniel Garrett Ron Stojek October 12, 2014 2 Pastor Ext 203 Office Manager Ext 200 Admin. Assistant Ext 201 Rel. Ed. Youth Ext 205 Maintenance Ext 204 Maintenance Assistant Parish Pastoral Council Facilitator : Alex Masotti Prayer and Worship Committee: Rich Mayernik Building Community Committee: Larry Baker Christian Formation Committee: Joan Blake Grounds and Building Committee: Joe Surber Social Service Committee: Tami Kiser Communication Committee: OPEN; Call the church 320-4609 787-4973 458-9822 862-3955 862-7636 297-4505 Dwayne Grassie Bill Hudson Mary Peters Sean Byrne Rosie Kilton Jordan Hudson Kathy Ratycz 963-7034 238-8456 963-4405 458-8342 288-1955 918-4594 263-3445 843-853-2130 800-921-8122 Diocesan Child Protection Office Diocesan Victim Assistance Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Anne Witkowski 963-0651 Finance Council Fr. Patrick E. Cooper 263-3445 HS Youth Ministry Lennon Murphy 553-0215 Immigration Attorney Sara Gorski 242-2233 Knights of Columbus Teg Edwards 963-5507 Ladies Auxiliary Barbara Mayernik 787-1612 Lay Carmelites Carolyn Amond 320-7889 Lectors Richard Mayernik 787-4973 MS Youth Group Tanya Czajka 263-3445 N.F.P. Ministry Tami Kiser Newcomers Rita Galley 438-1178 Parish Council Fr. Patrick E. Cooper 263-3445 Respect Life Christi Morrison 360-3108 Senior Citizens Margaret Moore 288-2476 St. Vincent dePaul Jan Surber Stewardship Team Jane Tyler 421-2651 Ushers Jimmy Mullikin 288-9948 Virtus Sandy Simpson 967-9854 Weddings Anne Witkowski 963-0651 Women’s Bible Study Stephanie Koshis 234-7526 263-3445 The Rosary is prayed every Sunday morning at 10:25 am in the Children’s Chapel. Come join us. Parents MUST accompany young children (under 12) to the restrooms in the Church and the Social Hall, for safety reasons. An older child may take the place of the parent. The “Buddy-System” works. Before Mass begins, please take a moment to notice the nearest exit. In the event of a fire or other emergency, please proceed calmly to the exit and follow the directions of the ushers. You can find a copy of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People on our website: Volunteer’s Code of Conduct Our Children are the most important gifts God has entrusted to us. As a volunteer, I promise to strictly follow the rules and guidelines in this Volunteer’s Code of Conduct as a condition of my providing services to the children and youth of The Diocese of Charleston. As a volunteer, I will: treat everyone with respect, loyalty, patience, integrity, courtesy, dignity, and consideration. Avoid situations where I am alone with children, and/or youth at Church activities. Use positive reinforcement rather than criticism, competition, or comparison when working with children and/ youth. Refuse to accept and refrain from giving expensive gifts from children and/or youth and/or their parents without prior written approval from the pastor. Report any suspected abuse to the pastor and appropriate local agencies. Cooperate fully in any investigation of abuse of children and/or youth. As a volunteer, I will not: smoke or use tobacco products in the presence of children and/or youth. Use, possess, or be under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol at any time. Pose any health risk to children and/or youth (i.e., no fevers or other contagious situations). Strike, spank, shake, or slap children and/or youth. Humiliate, ridicule, threaten, or degrade children and/or youth. Touch a child and/or youth in a sexual or other inappropriate manner. Use any discipline that frightens or humiliates children and/or youth. I understand that as a volunteer with children and/or youth, I am required to take a Virtus class and I am subject to a thorough background check including criminal history. I understand that any action inconsistent with this Code of Conduct or failure to take action mandated by this Code of Conduct may result in my removal as a volunteer with children and/or youth. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church 3 October 12, 2014 SACRAMENTAL AND PARISH GUIDELINES NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome! If you attend here regularly, please register. Registration forms are available in the church foyer or parish office. To avoid problems or misunderstandings, especially when planning baptisms, marriages, requesting sponsorship forms for baptisms or confirmation, or for other special requests, be sure that you are registered and are an active member. Active Membership is determined by the following criteria: 1. Being properly registered for a sufficient period of time (see below). 2. Faithful attendance at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. 3. Use of our envelope system (even if you are not able to contribute) as this allows us to identify your active attendance, and also to provide contribution statements for IRS tax purposes. There are many ways to contribute to the parish other than financially by giving of your time and talents. There are many ministries and activities available, one or more of which may appeal to you. ♦ BAPTISM PREPARATION requires 3 months active membership plus attendance at a pre-baptismal class. Pre-registration is required. Also, 3 months active membership is required for the issuance of a sponsorship form to be a godparent for Baptism or Confirmation. ♦ MARRIAGE requires 6 months active participation plus the 6 months marriage preparation period required by the diocese. RECEPTION OF THE SACRAMENTS The Sacraments of the Catholic Church are the saving activity of God effected through the ministry of His Church. It is superstition to attribute the effectiveness of sacraments to their mere external performance apart from the interior dispositions they demand of us. If the sacraments are to have their intended effects, we the recipients must be properly disposed to receive them, which ordinarily includes: 1. To have Catholic Faith and be in full communion with the Catholic Church, and 2. For all except Baptism and Confession, to be in the state of sanctifying Grace, i.e., free of the guilt of serious (mortal) sin which has not been previously reconciled via sacramental absolution in integral confession to a priest. This is a most serious requirement, for one who receives the Eucharist (or any other sacrament of the living) “in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the Body and Blood of the Lord.” cf. 1 Cor 11:27-29; CCC n. 1385 ADULT BAPTISM AND THOSE INTERESTED IN LEARNING ABOUT THE CATHOLIC FAITH St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish invites adults interested in the Catholic Christian Community to enter RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). This is a process of instruction, prayer, and experience aimed at helping adults grow in the relationship of faith. Please call the parish office for information. RECONCILIATION Scheduled confessions are every Saturday from 4 - 5 pm and by appointment. VISITATION OF THE SICK Please advise the office if you are admitted to the hospital or home-bound due to illness and/or age. USE OF PARISH FACILITIES Reservations are required. The Church and parish center are here for the use of our parishioners. Forms to reserve the buildings are in the parish office. BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS Information for the bulletin must be submitted in writing fifteen days prior to publication date. VISITORS Visitors are always welcome to worship with us. However, the Catholic Church does not offer open Holy Communion - the Sacraments of the Catholic Church are reserved exclusively for Catholics who are properly disposed to receive them. This is not a lack of Christian hospitality, but merely recognition of real divisions of faith and practice, which unfortunately separates rather than unite Christians. Catholic Faith is an expression of the Revealed Word of God communicated as the Deposit of Catholic Faith and Morals, while Holy Communion is the mysterious, yet real, true and substantial Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ communicated sacramentally. Jesus is The Way, The Truth and The Life, and in Him Truth and Life are inseparably One. Therefore in His Mystical Body, the Church, Catholic Faith and Sacrament are morally inseparable. Non-Catholics and those Catholics who should not receive Holy Communion (including those Catholics married outside the Church and those in need of the Sacrament of Confession) are asked to pray for a spiritual communion with the Lord Jesus and for the unity of His Church. Twenty-Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time Saturday, October 11 5:15 Michael William David Wagman Sunday, October 12 9:00 Pro Populo 11:00 Sister Mary Clare Bergman Monday, October 13 12:10 Maureen Howey Tuesday, October 14 12:10 Jim Waugh † Wednesday, October 15 12:10 Quynh Dinh † Thursday, October 16 12:10 Special Intention Friday, October 17 12:10 Dee Bartus † READINGS FOR THE WEEK MONDAY: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1; Ps 113:1b-5a, 6-7; Lk 11:29-32 TUESDAY: Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48; Lk 11:37-41 4 October 12, 2014 Food and drink are important at parties, but more important are the hosts and guests we hope to meet there. Parties and banquets can be the beginnings of beautiful friendships, or seal or deepen existing relationships. The invitation to a banquet is a favorite Scriptural image of Messianic times. Today’s Old Testament and Gospel readings describe the bliss of God’s kingdom established by Christ. The faithful are related to God in sacred partnership called covenant. Inspired by God, prophets have described this covenant in marital terms. The banquet is seen in the context of a wedding in which God, the bridegroom, takes to Himself the Church as His bride. By virtue of our baptism, all the faithful have received a standing invitation to God’s eternal banquet. Nevertheless, when you accept God’s invitation to communion with Him in heaven, (anticipated in reception of The Blessed Sacrament during this life), you are required to be cleaned (of the guilt of serious sin) and clothed with the works of faith animated by charity. WEDNESDAY: Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 11:42-46 THURSDAY: Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98:1-6; Lk 11:47-54 FRIDAY: Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lk 12:1-7 SATURDAY: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 SUNDAY: Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 7-10; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 REMEMBERING YOUR LOVED ONES The Book of Remembrance is in the foyer of the Social Hall. Please feel free to stop by and add the names of your deceased loved one’s to the book. The book will remain open until October 31st and will then be placed before the Altar for the month of November. Please join Worldwide Marriage Encounter and the Family life office of the Diocese of Charleston in celebrating and affirming the men who commit their lives to the Lord and the Church in the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Worldwide Marriage Encounter, concurrently with Serra Club’s Priesthood Sunday, honors our priests on World Priest Day, October 26th. Please take this opportunity to thank and affirm your priests who live out their call to serve as Jesus does, in self-giving love for all. 2014 SC CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC CONFERENCE The 2014 Catholic Charismatic conference will be held from Oct. 24–26 at Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church in North Myrtle Beach. The theme this year will be “Give Thanks I Have Chosen You By Name”. Sign in begins 6 PM Friday, Oct. 24th. The cost is $42 for individuals and $75 for married couples which includes a box lunch if you register before Oct. 10.To register call Ross Gamble at 803-788-4480 or email him at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church 5 October 12, 2014 Collection for October 5, 2014 Parish Collection Operating Budget 9237.71 9092 Net 145.71 This week 164 families out of 617 used their Offertory Envelopes. We received $27.58 from 29 children and young adults. Thank you for your support and generosity. Last week’s Second Collection for St. Vincent DePaul collected $2,175.26!! Thank you so much for your generosity! Next week’s Second Collection is for World Mission Sunday. THIS WEEKS’ EVENTS AT SEAS Sunday, October 12 9:00-12:30….…………Ladies Auxiliary Bake Sale in Narthex 10:00 AM-1:30 PM……………………....RE Family Program 12:30-1:30 PM……………………. RCIA Class in Social Hall 6-7 PM……………………Prayer Group in Children’s Chapel Monday, October 13 OFFICE CLOSED 10:30-12:00 PM……...Women’s Bible Study in St. Bernadette 7-8 PM………………………………..Adult Ed in Social Hall Tuesday, October 14 12:30 PM...……………………….Senior Bingo in Social Hall 6-9 PM……………………….………..…...Choir in Sanctuary 7-9 PM……………………………..Boy Scouts in Social Hall Saturday, October 18 3:30 pm……...World Wide Marriage Encounter in Social Hall Sunday, October 19 12:30-1:30 PM……………………. RCIA Class in Social Hall ALTAR FLOWERS The Altar Flowers this week are in memory of Raymond Ferris from his daughter Mary. Come Walk With Mary All are invited to walk the SEAS campus Monday mornings from 9-9:30 am while praying the Rosary. Contact Tanya Czajka at 864-884-4200. MANY THANKS TO OUR GOOD STEWARDS: - those who meet on the second Sunday to pray the Liturgy of the Hours and the Rosary for the needs and intentions of Father Cooper and the Parish. - those who serve by being Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at Mass and for the sick and homebound. Kay Maluchnik, Kathy Miller, Aaron Knight, Kathryn Corasaniti, Mia Phillips, Joe & Marta Conway, Kathy Hess, Lourdes Robbins, Bud Hadden, Eleanor Dangerfield, Ariel Eighmey, Maria Perez, Kimberley Smith, Bruce Niedbala, Charles Surber, Max Bausback, Vilma Lange, Jose Amador, the Abed family, Art Zeitelhack, Donna Stansell, John Baldwin, Baldwin Family, Rose Caliva, Gladys Morrison, Dale Simpson, Pat Hergott, Robert Brant, Matilda Vaughn, Fin Rowland, Jonathan Kiniry, John King, John Reynolds, Raymond Harmer, Bhagyam R, Josette and Andre Maignan, Andrea Emanuel, Camille Romano, Sgt. James Davenport, all previously listed, and all parishioners in need of prayer not mentioned here. Beginning October 1st, all people on our prayer request will be listed for 3 months. If you, or your loved one need to remain on the list, please contact the church office @ 263-3445. Please also pray for those on active duty in the service of our country: Brandon Liberator, Chris Hadden, Kyle Williams, Michael Plant, Sarah & Kenny Kingcade, Justin Simpson, Captain Anthony Rokofsky, Lance Keefe, and Lieutenant Daniel Hodge, MD. DIOCESE OF CHARLESTON NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE CELEBRATION Saturday, November 8th at Corpus Christi Catholic Church, 2350 Augusta Highway, Lexington, SC12 Noon to 3:00 PM. All are invited to attend the 2014 Native American Catholics’ Heritage Celebration, “Amazing Grace: Balancing the Heritage and Spirituality of the Native American People.” The Most Rev. Robert E. Guglielmone, Bishop of Charleston, will serve as celebrant and homilist for the Mass at noon, and a luncheon and social will immediately follow. This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate with our Native American brothers and sisters and learn more about the gifts that they bring to the Church. RSVP by Oct. 31st to the Office of Ethnic Ministries at 864-331-2627 or by email to Our church is in need of volunteers for the following: • Clean and keep up the library • Clean the Brass in the Sanctuary • Extra-Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist-(Must be registered and active at least one year.) St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church 6 October 12, 2014 Director of Religious Education: Tanya Czajka Office 864-263-3445 ext. 205 Email: Religious Education - Family Program: Please remember to complete the chapter work on a regular basis. Lessons 1 - 7 (Fill in the Blanks). Homework is due at 12:15 PM in the St. Michael Classroom THIS Sunday October 12, 2014. Religious Education Wednesday Classroom Program: NO CLASS Wednesday, October 15, 2014. Those of you taking advantage of the public school calendar and traveling, please be safe and enjoy your family and friends. Please keep the Confirmation Candidates and Sponsors in your prayers as they continue preparing themselves for the sacrament of Confirmation on Feb. 4, 2014. The next required classes from 6:30 to 9:00 PM will be November 8, 2014 and January 10, 2015. High School Youth Minister – Lennon Murphy 864-553-0215 Email: Middle School Youth Leader – Tanya Czajka 864-263-3445 ext. 205 Email: High School Youth, come to our Halloween party on Sunday, October 26th from 5-7 p.m. in the Social Hall. Prizes will be given out for best costume, and we will have food and games! Please contact Lennon Murphy for more details. All Middle School Youth are invited to Movie-Bon Fire Night Saturday, October 25, from 6:30 to 8:30 PM after the 5:15 Mass at the pavilion on SEAS Campus. Bring a friend!! If you know that you will be attending, please contact Mrs. Czajka and let her know. IF you don’t get a chance to tell her and find out that you can make the meeting, PLEASE COME anyway!!! (please wear sneakers) Thank you to all the families and friends who participated in the Life Chain as well as the Walk for the Homeless. Please pray that these events help us to remember that God’s gift of life begins at conception and ends at natural death. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church Rosaries for Life - The Diocese of Charleston is again supporting the Rosaries for Life campaign this fall and during the 40 Days for Life. This campaign becomes part of the prayer and fasting aspect of the 40 Days for Life. Pray 5 decades of the Rosary from Sept 24th – Nov 2nd. Turn in your counts at your local parish or email your count each week to 40 Days For Life is a PEACEFUL prayer vigil held outside of abortion facilities nationwide to pray for an end to abortion and to offer support and alternatives to women in crisis pregnancies. The Fall 40 Days campaign will be held thru November 2nd, and it’s not too late to participate! For more information please go to RACHEL’S VINEYARD RETREAT Our Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat, a weekend that assists post abortive women and men find healing from their abortion experience, will be November 7-9 in Rock Hill, SC. For more information, contact Christy 803-554-6088 or Kathy 803-546-6010 or “SHAKESPEARE IN HOLLYWOOD” St Joesph’s Catholic School Fine Arts Department will present their fall play “Shakespeare in Hollywood” to be performed on campus October 30-November 2. More information can be found on the school website at ST. JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Admissions for Fall 2015, grades 6-12, will be held on Sunday, Nov. 9th on the school’s campus. The program begins at 1:00 PM and will offer an opportunity to learn more about the school, pick up applications, tour the facility with current students, and meet the teachers and coaches. The event is open to all prospective students and parents. For more information, call 234-9009. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Do you have a good marriage, but would like to have a GREAT one? Attend a World-Wide Marriage Encounter weekend. The time spent with each other on this extraordinary Weekend of Discovery can enrich your marriage in ways you never thought possible. Go to to apply now for our Weekend being held in Myrtle Beach on Feb. 27-March 1st or call 803-810-9602. Don’t wait to begin living a Lifetime of Love! 7 October 12, 2014 NOTRE DAME GLEE CLUB FALL TOUR Greenville has been selected once again for the University of Notre Dame Glee Club’s Fall tour. The 60 member group is well known nationally and internationally, performing Friday, October 24th at 7:30 PM at Prince of Peace Catholic Church, 1209 Brushy Creek Rd., Taylors. Conducted by Daniel Stowe, selections range from Medieval to contemporary to sacred to African-American Spirituals - including the Notre Dame Victory March. Advance purchase is encouraged. Tickets are $10 each-family tickets are $40. For more information please contact Gail Hediger at 630-3036 or email MARRIAGE FOR LIFE A marriage preparation course serving the Diocese of Charleston prepares and strengthens couples seeking the holy vocation of marriage. Marriage For Life explores those aspects of marriage that will help couples discern their readiness, deepen their love for each other, and grow in grace through their gift of self in married life. This course is for engaged couples, recently married couples and more-experienced couples. Workshops are Oct. 18th in Florence, SC or Feb. 28th & March 14th in Aiken, SC . For more information please contact Deacon Bob and Donna Pierce at 803-474-6011 or email or go to FERTILITY AWARENESS/ NATURES WAY There is an alternative to artificial methods of birth control and artificial reproductive technologies. Learn about the Creighton Model FertilityCare System and NaProTechnology, a new reproductive science that is a highly method effective to achieve and avoid pregnancy, and offers couples who are experiencing infertility the hope of achieving pregnancy naturally while following the teachings of the church. Couples can plan and space their children with ease using modern natural methods of family planning. Today’s Creighton Model FertilityCare Services are highly effective and 100% natural. A free, introductory session of the Creighton Model FertilityCare System will be held on Monday, October 20th, at 7PM at the Connor Ministry Building at St. Mary Magdalene Church in Simpsonville. To register, please contact Karen Meyer, PhD, FCP at 864-326-6959 or email her at Private introductory sessions may also be available upon request. (864) 963-3855 A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. MON-SAT 11:00-9:30 SUNDAY 11:00-2:00 FUNERALS • CREMATION • PRE-PLANNING Catholics Serving Catholics Northwest Chapel Southeast Chapel & Cremation Center 1604 NE Main St., Simpsonville 6710 White Horse Rd., Greenville 864-688-1600 864-294-6415 Downtown Chapel 639 North Main St., Greenville 864-232-6733 101 Alive Avenue • Open Since 1985 JUDY TANCIBOK REALTOR® Serving: Greenville, Simpsonville, Fountain Inn, Mauldin and Gray Court Cell: 864-616-8740 Fax: 864-679-5580 217 East Park Ave. Greenville, SC 29601 Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and What We Can Offer a related verse from the Old Testament. 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