College of Ethnic Studies 45th Anniversary Celebration Sunday, October 26, 2014, 12 PM – 3 PM Seven Hills Conference Center at San Francisco State Join San Francisco State University in celebrating the 45th anniversary of the founding of the nation’s first and only College of Ethnic Studies. WE’RE SUPPORTING THE COLLEGE’S 45TH ANNIVERSARY! The event will feature notable speakers, exquisite food and refreshments, live entertainment, and a silent auction. The event will benefit the College’s Community-University Empowerment Fund and student scholarships. Title: _______________________________________________________________ Sponsorship Levels Platinum Sponsor - $15,000 One prime full-page recognition ad in the program, front or back inside cover Verbal recognition during the event Logo on event website, invitation, and digital program. Recognition on the College’s social media channels Listing in the University’s Annual Report of Giving 8 complimentary event tickets Gold Sponsor - $10,000 One full-page recognition ad in the program Verbal recognition during the event Logo on event website, invitation, and digital program Recognition on the College’s social media channels Listing in the University’s Annual Report of Giving 6 complimentary event tickets Silver Sponsor - $5,000 One half-page recognition ad in the program Logo on event website, invitation, and digital program Recognition on the College’s social media channels Listing in the University’s Annual Report of Giving 4 complimentary event tickets Bronze Sponsor - $2,500 One quarter-page recognition ad in the program Logo on event website and digital program Recognition on the College’s social media channels Listing in the University’s Annual Report of Giving 2 complimentary event tickets Sponsorship payments, less the value of complimentary tickets ($25 each), may be tax deductible. Name: ______________________________________________________________ Company: __________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ City, State, ZIP: ____________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________ Add’l Contact & Phone: ___________________________________________ Sponsorship Amount: $______________________ PLEASE SELECT YOUR PAYMENT METHOD A check is enclosed payable to “University Corporation SF State” Please charge my: American Express Visa Discover Card MasterCard Acct. Number: _____________________________________________________ Expiration Date: ___________________________________________________ Name on Card: ____________________________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ____________ In lieu of sponsoring the event: We’re donating $______________________. We’re buying ____________ (qty) event tickets ($45 each) for a total of $______________________. Contact me about donating a silent auction item. PLEASE RETURN BY OCTOBER 1, 2014 Office of University Development San Francisco State University 1600 Holloway Avenue, ADM 153 San Francisco, CA 94132 Questions? Contact Alex Sanchez, Director of Development, at (415) 338-1032 and College of Ethnic Studies 45th Anniversary Celebration Sunday, October 26, 2014, 12 PM – 3 PM Seven Hills Conference Center at San Francisco State Sponsor Recognition Sponsors are recognized with company logos in promotional materials including the event website, flyers and invitations. Sponsors are also recognized in the event’s program. Event Program Recognition Ads Sponsors may design their own recognition ad or submit their company logo with a tribute message such as: “We’re pleased to support the 45th anniversary of the College of Ethnic Studies at San Francisco State University.” Recognition ads must follow the Qualified Sponsorship Recognition Guidelines. Sizes Platinum Sponsor ($15,000)—Full Page: 7.25x10.25 inches Gold Sponsor ($10,000)—Full Page: 7.25x10.25 inches Silver Sponsor ($5,000)—Half Page: 7.25x5 inches Bronze Sponsor ($2,500)—Quarter Page: 3.5x4.5 inches Artwork TIFF, JPEG or PDF (preferred) 300 dpi Grayscale recommended Qualified Sponsorship Recognition Guidelines The sponsorship recognition ads may include: Logos or slogans that do not contain qualitative or comparative descriptions of a product or service List of locations, telephone numbers, or Internet addresses of the company Value-neutral descriptions of product or service The sponsorship recognition ads may not include: Messages containing qualitative or comparative language Messages containing price information or other indications of value Messages containing an endorsement Messages containing an inducement to purchase or sell a product or service Submission Send your recognition ad artwork or company logo and tribute message to Alex Sanchez at by October 10, 2014. Questions? Please contact Alex Sanchez, Director of Development, at (415) 338-1032 and Thank you for your support! College of Ethnic Studies ▪ San Francisco State University 1600 Holloway Avenue, EP 121 ▪ San Francisco, CA 94132 (415) 338-1693 ▪ ▪
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