Ukra=ns;ka Katolyc;ka Cerkva Sv. Arxystratyha Myxa=la St. Michael The Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church 125-135 Wethersfield Ave., Hartford, CT 06114 Rectory (860)-525-7823; School (860)-547-0858; E-mail: ; Online Bulletins: Very Rev. Pawlo Martyniuk o. Pavlo Martynqk Trustees : Julie Nesteruk and Adrian Mishtal SLAVA ISUSU XRYSTU! PRAISED BE JESUS CHRIST! October 12, 2014 18-ta NEDIL| PO ZISLANNI SV|TOHO DUXA 18TH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Tone 1 Ap./Ep. 2Kor./2 Corinthians. 9:6-11; Wv./Gospel Lk./Luke. – 7:11-16. SERVICE SCHEDULE WEEKDAYS: MONDAY–FRIDAY 9:00AM or 7:00PM TBA SATURDAY: 9:00AM; 4:00PM (Vigil Sunday-Eng) SUNDAY: 8:30 AM; 10:30 AM (Ukrainian) CONFESSIONS are heard before each Divine Liturgy by req. Baptism – Arrangement for baptism to be made Personally at the Parish Office. Please call rectory for an appointment. Marriage – Arrangements for marriage are to be made at least 6 months prior to the Wedding date. Please call rectory for an appointment. Sick Calls – To arrange for Sacraments for the elderly and sick at home, please call Parish Office. Please advise the rectory of any hospitalization. Bulletin Notices – Notices for the bulletin must be e-mailed or in writing by Wednesday @8PM to be included in that week’s bulletin. Stewardship – Remember St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church in your will. Office hours – by Appointment Only! Please Call 860-525-7823 Special Share in the Eucharist *– bread & wine offered for a day, week, month, or year. Donations: one week - $20. Donors/intentions will be listed. Eternal Light *– offered to light for a week $10.00. Bulletin Sponsorship* - $5 per week *See Father Pawlo Martyniuk 18-ta NEDIL| PO ZISLANNI SV|TOHO DUXA 18TH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST SV|TYX OTCIV S:OMOHO VSELENS:KOHO SOBORU THE HOLY FATHERS OF THE SEVENTH ECUMENICAL COUNCILS Tone 1 Ap./Ep. 2Kor./2 Corinthians. 9:6-11; Wv./Gospel Lk./Luke. – 7:11-16. Sat. 10/11 4:00PM John MARTIN – req. by Penny Grogoza Sun. 10/12 8:30AM За парафіян * Pro Populo 10:30AM За парафіян * Pro Populo 10/13 10/14 10/15 10/16 10/17 10/18 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Private Intention Stefan ROHATYNSKYJ,(27th Anniversary) – req. by Krawec Family Private Intention Private Intention Private Intention Myron MACALAK,(1st Anniversary) – req. by daughters and their Families 19-ta NEDIL| PO ZISLANNI SV|TOHO DUXA 19TH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Tone 2 Ap./Ep. 2Kor./2 Corinthians. 11:31-12:9; Wv./Gospel Lk./Luke. – 8:5-15. Sat. 10/18 4:00PM Maria JAKYMIW – req. by Patricia Mokrycki Sun. 10/19 8:30AM God’s Blessings Health and Safety for Eric Lio McMORROW – req. by Nadia Fedytnyk and Family 10:30AM За парафіян * Pro Populo WELCOME to Our Visitors and Guests We, welcome you to our community. We are honored and pleased for your participation at the Divine Liturgies. We invite you to raise your hearts, mind and bodies in praise to God. All Catholics may receive Holy Communion. Infants and children of the Eastern Churches(Canon 710) who have received Communion at the time of their Baptism and Chrismation may receive Communion through the faith of their parent(s). Orthodox Faithful may also receive Holy Communion (Canon 671). If you have any question or would like to be part of our community, please kindly see Fr. Pawlo Martyniuk. SERDE?NO VITAWMO vsix naшyx parafi\n, `o sv\tkuvatymut; u ]ovtni mis\ci svo[ imenyny, urodyny ta qvile[. ~yro ba]awmo usim Vam `edryx Bo]yx lask, `astt\, zdorov#\ ta blahopolu//\ na Mnohi[ ta Blahi[ Lita! OUR SINCERE PRAYERS AND WISHES To our parishioners who celebrate their Birthday, Name Day and Anniversary in the month of October. May Our Lord Jesus Christ bestow his blessings of Good Health, Happiness, Peace and Grant You Many Blessed Years to Come! WHEELCHAIR & PARKING: We, kindly remind our parishioners and guests not to park any vehicles, during the Saturday and Sunday Divine Liturgies in the space behind the church and in front of the school, as it is a hardship our elderly parishioners to be able to use the backdoor for the wheel chair access. Thank you for your cooperation! VI?NA LAMPA ETERNAL LIGHT An offering has been made for the Eternal Light to be lit for one (1) week, beginning Sunday, October 12th 2014, through October 19th 2014, in memory of George Oprysko by Panachyd Family PO}ERTVA NA CERKVU / CHURCH DONATION $180.00 UNWLA Branch – 106, Hartford PO}ERTVA NA CERKVU / CHURCH DONATION In Memory of Maria Jakymiw $30.00 Mrs. Anna Klokiw. Nexaj Vselaskavyj Hospod; vidplatyt; Vam storyceq! Thank You for Your kind generosity and love for Your Parish Church! ODFFU, WADFFU & CYM Hartford will host coffee hours after 8:30AM & 10:30AM masses at St Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church 125 Wethersfield Avenue Hartford CT on Sunday, October 12, 2014 to honor Svyato Pokrovy. We ask members in attendance to bring desserts to share. COFFEE HOUR: A gentle reminder concerning Coffee Hour after each Sunday Divine Liturgy: All Organizations and or Individuals who would like to cover the weekly Coffee Hour to please provide notice at least two weeks in advance. You may contact Lusia Galai (860) 529-8105 or you may write your commitment on the calendar located downstairs in the church hall. Please take note that every parishioner appreciates this weekly social gathering. Remember all proceeds are given to our church. A Hearty Thank You in Advance for everyones effort! NEDIL:NA KAVA. Xo/emo Vam pryhadaty pro va]lyvist; pryhotuvann\ kavy pisl\ ko]no[ nedil;no[ liturhi[. Vsi orhanizaci[ a tako] okremi osoby, \ki xotily b dopomohty i pidtrymaty cq va]lyvu tradyciq na'o[ parafi[ mo]ut; zapysatys; u kalendari, \kyj znaxodyt;s\ v cerkovnomu zali, abo zkontaktuvatys; z p. Lqseq Halaj(860)529-8105. @Nedil;na kava@ daw zmohu na'ym parafianam zijtys\ do cerkovnoho zalu i pospilkuvatys;, za `o vony Vam budut; `yro vd\/ni. Pam#\tajmo `o ves; zarobitok jde na potreby na'o[ cerkvy. Napered `yro vd\/ni za Va`u ]ertvennist; ta pidtrymku. STAMFORD DIOCESE CHARITIES APPEAL 2014 UNDERWAY The month of May is the start of the Stamford Diocese Charities Appeal for 2014. This fund is collected to provide financial support of our Eparchy and its many institutions (i.e., seminary, museum, library and offices which promote and support our church and community). The funds raised from this appeal also help the many needs of our Ukrainian Catholic Church, as well as our needy brothers and sisters in Ukraine, Europe, Asia and South America. Please help this fund as you have in the past. Please send/bring all donations to our St. Michael’s church. XRAMOVYJ PRAZNYK SV. ARX. MYXA{LA Naш xramovyj praznyk Sv. Myxa[la vidbudet;s\ v nedilq, 9-ho lystopada cr. Uro/ysta Bo]estvenna Liturhi\ rozpo/net;s\ o 10-ij hodyni ranku, pisl\ Sv. Lit. - sv\tkovyj obid. Kvytky na obid mo]na prydbaty pisl\ nedil;nyx vidprav v cerkovnomu zali u p. Lqsi Halaj (860) 529-8105, abo o. Pavla Martynqka (860) 525-7823. Vartist; kvytka na obid $25.00 (pidlitky vid 13 do 15 rokiv, - $10.00) PARISH FEAST DAY- ST. MICHAEL the ARCHANGEL We will celebrate our parish feast day of St. Michael on Sunday, November 9th 2014. The Day will begin with Divine Liturgy at 10am, followed by our parish dinner. Tickets for our dinner may be purchased on every Saturday and Sunday. Adults : $25.00 (children from 13 to 15, - $10.00). To buy the tickets please see Lucy Galai (860)-529-8105, or Fr. Pawlo Martyniuk: (860)-5257823. October 12, 2014 Tone 1 18TH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST SUNDAY OF THE HOLY FATHERS OF THE 7 TH ECUMENICAL COUNCIL TROPAR: Though the stone was sealed by the Jews and soldiers guarded Your most pure body, You arose, O Savior, on the third day, and gave life to the world. And so the heavenly powers cried out to You, O Giver of life: Glory to Your resurrection, O Christ! Glory to Your kingdom! Glory to Your saving plan, O only Lover of Mankind. TROPAR OF THE FATHERS: (Tone 8) O Christ God, You are above all praise, for You established our Fathers as lights to all the earth. * You led us to the true faith through them. O most bountiful Lord, glory be to You! KONDAK: You arose in glory from the tomb and with Yourself, You raised the world. All humanity acclaims You as God, and death has vanished. Adam exults, O Master, and Eve, redeemed from bondage now, cries out for joy: "You are the One, O Christ, Who offer resurrection to all." Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, ... KONDAK OF THE FATHERS: (Tone 6) How the Son proceeded from the Father our words cannot express; but having two natures, He was born of a woman. We do not reject His image when we behold it, but in faith we venerate and honor it. And the Church professes it as true belief when she honors the icon of Christ's Incarnation. now and for ever and ever. Amen THEOTOKION (Tone 6): Undaunted patroness of Christians, O steadfast intermediary with the Creator, turn not away from the suppliant voices of sinners, but in your kindness come to help us who cry out to you in faith. Be quick to intercede, make haste to plead, for you are ever the patroness of those who honour you, O Mother of God. PROKIMEN: (Tone 4) Blessed are You and praiseworthy, O Lord, the God of our Fathers, and glorious forever is Your Name! Verse: In all that You have done Your justice is apparent. A reading from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians (2Cor. 9:6-11) ALLELUIA: (Tone 1)The God of gods, the Lord, has spoken and summoned the earth, from the rising of the sun to its setting. Alleluia (3) Verse: Summon before Me My people who made a covenant with Me by sacrifice. Alleluia (3) COMMUNION HYMN: Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest! Alleluia (3) Exult you just, in the Lord; praise from the upright is fitting! Alleluia (3) Pope: an examination of conscience to defend us from the devil who "is patient" And "very clever" "To guard, to watch, so that the demons don’t enter in, we must be able to gather ourselves, that is, to stand in silence before ourselves and before God, and at the end of the day ask ourselves: ‘What happened today in my heart? Did anyone I don’t know enter? Is the key in its place?’ And this will help us to defend ourselves from so much wickedness, even from that which we could do if these demons, who are very clever and at the end would cheat all of us, even if they enter.” " Vatican City (10-10-2014) - To prevent evil from entering into our hearts, there is an ancient, but very good, practice, the examination of conscience. We should carry this out every evening, to "ensure" the devil who "is patient" and "very clever" does not enter . This was the focus of Pope Francis' homily at morning Mass in Casa Santa Marta, commenting on the Gospel of the day which reminds us that the devil always returns, he never stops tempting man: "The devil is patient", "he will never give up on what he wants for himself". As reported by Vatican Radio, the Pope observed that "After the temptations, in the desert, when Jesus was tempted by the devil, in Luke's version it says that the devil left Him for a time, but during the life of Jesus he returned again and again: when they put Him to the test, when they tried to trap Him, in the Passion, finally on the Cross. 'But if you are the Son of God... but you come, you come from us, so we cannot believe.' And we all know that these words touch the heart: 'But can you do it? Let me see! No, you can't.' That's how the devil even to the end [dealt] with Jesus... and likewise with us." We need to guard our hearts, where the Holy Spirit dwells, the Pope said, "so that other spirits do not enter. To guard the heart, as a house is guarded, with a key." And then to watch the heart, like a sentinel: "How often," he asked, "do wicked thoughts, wicked intentions, jealousy, envy enter in? So many things that enter in. But who has opened that door? Where do they enter from? If I do not realize [how much] enters into my heart, my heart becomes a piazza, where everything comes and goes. A heart without intimacy, a heart where the Lord cannot speak and cannot even be heard." "And Jesus says something else here - doesn't He? - that sounds a little strange: 'He who does not gather with me scatters.' He uses the word 'to gather.' To have a gathering heart, a heart in which we know what happens, and here and there you can perform a practice as old as the Church, but good: the examination of conscience. Who of us, at night, at the end of the day, remains by himself, by herself, and asks the question: what happened today in my heart? What happened? What things have passed through my heart? If we don't do this, we have truly failed to know how to watch and guard [our hearts] well." The examination of conscience "is a grace, because to guard our heart is to guard the Holy Spirit, Who is within us": "We know - Jesus says clearly - that the devil always returns. Even at the end of life, He, Jesus, gives us an example of this. And to guard, to watch, so that the demons don't enter in, we must be able to gather ourselves, that is, to stand in silence before ourselves and before God, and at the end of the day ask ourselves: 'What happened today in my heart? Did anyone I don't know enter? Is the key in its place?' And this will help us to defend ourselves from so much wickedness, even from that which we could do if these demons, who are very clever and at the end would cheat all of us, even if they enter." 18-а НЕДІЛЯ ПО ЗІСЛАННІ СВ. ДУХА НЕДІЛЯ СВВ. ОТЦІВ СЬОМОГО ВСЕЛЕНСЬКОГО СОБОРУ Тропарі і Кондаки: Тропар (1): Хоч запечатали камінь юдеї і воїни стерегли пречисте тіло Твоє, воскрес Ти, Спасе, на третій день, даруючи життя світові. Тому сили небесні взивали до Тебе, Життєдавче: Слава воскресінню Твоєму, Христе, слава царству Твоєму, слава провидінню Твоєму, єдиний Чоловіколюбче! Тропар (8): Препрославлений Ти, Христе Боже наш, що на землі Отців наших появив світилами і ними навів усіх нас на істинну віру. Багатомилосердний, слава Тобі! Слава Отцю, і Сину, і Святому Духові. Кондак (6): Сину Божий, що несказанно засяяв із Отця і від жінки народився у двох природах. Оглядаючи Тебе, ми не відрікаємося виду Твого зображення, але, побожно його намалювавши вірно почитаємо. Тому-то Церква, зберігаючи істинну віру, цілує ікону Твого воплочення. І нині, і повсякчас, і на віки вічні. Амінь. Кондак (1): Воскрес Ти у славі як Бог із гробу і світ з Собою воскресив; людське єство Тебе, як Бога, оспівує і смерть щезла. Адам же ликує, Владико, і Єва нині, з узів визволившись, радіє, взиваючи: Ти, Христе, той, Хто всім подає воскресіння. Прокімен: Прокімен (1): Милість Твоя, Господи, хай буде над нами, бо ми надіялись на Тебе. Стих: Радуйтеся, праведні, в Господі, правим належить похвала. Прокімен (4): Благословенний Ти, Господи, Боже Отців наших, і хвальне, і прославлене ім’я Твоє навіки. Амінь. Стих: Бо Ти праведний у всьому, що вчинив Ти нам. Апостоль: До Корінтян другого послання св. апостола Павла читання (2Кор 9,6-11) Браття, хто скупо сіє, скупо буде жати; хто ж щедро сіє, той шедро жатиме. Нехай дає кожний, як дозволяє серце, не з жалю чи примусу: Бог любить того, хто дає радо. А Бог спроможний обсипати вас усякою благодаттю, щоб ви у всьому мали завжди те, що вам потрібне, та щоб вам ще й зосталось на всяке добре діло, як написано: “Розсипав, дав убогим; праведність його перебуває вічно.” Той, хто достачає насіння сіячеві, додасть і хліб на поживу, і примножить ваше насіння та зростить плоди вашої справедливости, щоб ви у всьому збагатилися всякою щедротою, яка через нас складає Богові подяку. Апостольські Стих (Алилуя): Стих (1): Бог, що дає відплату мені, і покорив народи мені. Алилуя, алилуя, алилуя. Стих (1): Ти, що звеличуєш спасіння царя, і даєш милість помазаннику Своєму Давидові і родові його повіки. Алилуя, алилуя, алилуя. Стих: Бог Господь прорік, покликав землю від сходу сонця до його заходу. Алилуя, алилуя, алилуя. Стих: Зберіть Мені побожних, які над жертвою союз зо Мною учинили. Алилуя, алилуя, алилуя. Євангелія: (Лк 7,11-16) 20-а НЕДІЛЯ ПО ЗІСЛАННІ СВ. ДУХА Того часу, Ісус пішов у місто, що зветься Наїн, а за ним ішли його учні й сила народу. Коли ж вони наблизились до міської брами, якраз виносили мертвого сина, єдиного в матері своєї, що була вдовою; і було з нею досить людей з міста. Побачивши її, Господь зглянувся над нею і сказав до неї: “Не плач.” І приступивши, доторкнувсь до мар, і ті, що несли, зупинились. Тоді Ісус сказав: “Юначе, кажу тобі, встань!” І мертвий підвівся і почав говорити. І він віддав його матері. Страх огорнув усіх, і вони прославляли Бога та й говорили: “Великий пророк устав між нами,” і: “Бог навідався до народу свого.” Причасний Стих: Хваліте Господа з небес, хваліте Його на висотах. Радуйтеся, праведні, у Господі, правим належить похвала. Алилуя, алилуя, алилуя. Виставка «До Світла Воскресіння крізь терни катакомб» 25-ліття виходу УГКЦ з підпілля St. Basil Seminary November 15, 2014 4:00 PM Цьогоріч минає 25 літ з часу легалізації УГКЦеркви. З цієї нагоди запрошуємо відвідати виставку «До Світла Воскресіння крізь терни катакомб» у Семінарії Св. Василія Великого у Стемфорді, Коннект. В Сполучених Штатах ця виставка присутня завдяки зусиллям Товариства «Свята Софія». Виставка базована на споминах очевидців та активних учасників підпілля та на документах державних архівів, фотографій з приватних збірок. У виставці показано життєві історії представників греко-католицького клиру, чернецтва, мирян, у кожній з яких — неповторна людська доля. Всі разом вони є свідченням глибокої християнської віри та незламної вірності своїй Церкві й народу. Хронологічно виставка охоплює період від 1939-го до 1991 рр. та відображає три важливі етапи трагічної і водночас героїчної історії УГКЦ ХХ ст. — насильницьку ліквідацію, підпілля та легалізацію в 1989 р. Запрошуємо на відкриття виставки, під час якого ви матимете нагоду дізнатися про тернистий шлях нашої Церкви в умовах підпілля. “To the Light of Resurrection through the Thorns of Catacombs” St. Basil Seminary November 15, 2014 4:00 PM This year we commemorate 25th Anniversary of the Reemergence of the Ukrainian Catholic Church. We cordially invite you to visit exhibit entitled: “To the Light of Resurrection through the Thorns of Catacombs” at St. Basil Seminary in Stamford, CT. The exhibit is sponsored by the “Sophia” Association of the Ukrainian Catholics in U.S. This Exhibit is a collection of unique photo materials and eye-witness testimony of clergy, religious and faithful who live through the years of Church in Catacombs (1939-1991). We cordially invite everyone who wishes to learn about the life of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the 20th century and heroic witness of faith. St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church October 12, 2014 SPILKA UKR+NS:KO+ MOLODI OSEREDOK HARTFORD PLAST UKRA{NS:KA SKAVTS:KA ORHANIZACI| u HARTFORDI Ukrainian National Home 961 Wethersfield Avenue, Hartford New England’s Premier Ukrainian Cultural Center WEDDINGS●ANNIVERSARIES BANQUETS●SHOWERS●MEETINGS Tel. Andrew Salak Financial Advisor Client Relationship Manager Smith Barney 185 Asylum Street Hartford, CT 06103 433 South Main Street, Suite 100 West Hartford, CT 06110 (860) 313-7110 860-296-5702 or 860-296-4661 Welcomes New Members Come and meet your fellow Ukrainians! Gatherings on Fridays @ 8pm Serde/no vsix zapro'uwmo! Ddff Hovorymo ukra=ns;koq movoq Hovorymo po ukra=ns;ky Maria Gluch Briggs MD Obstetrics & Gynecology 39 E. Cedar St. Newington, CT 06111 (860) 874-2239 REALTOR Alexandra Terlesky Connecticut Multispecialty Group [Type a quote from the document or the summary of an interesting point. You can position the text box anywhere in the document. Use the Drawing Tools tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.] Cars are not the only things recalled by their maker. UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Inc. Br. 277 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated UKRA+NS:KYJ NARODNYJ SOQZ, Ink. Viddil 277 Hartford, CT MYRON KUZIO (860) 633 –1172 UNSOQZ - ce Va’a orhanizaci\, Korystajte z ne=! LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITIES AND MORE….. Support those who advertise in our bulletin! God isn’t politically correct He’s just correct. 533 Cottage Grove Road Coincidence is when God Bloomfield (860) 769-6820 85 Seymour Street (Suite 1019) chooses to remain anonymous. (860) 246-4029 For Hartford your AD info, message 1260 Silas Deane Highway (Suiteor 102A) Call 860-525-7823 Wethersfield (860) 258-3440 Hlux rada Vam dopomohty ! St. Michael’s Ukrainian Church
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