Ukra=ns;ka Katolyc;ka Cerkva Sv. Arxystratyha Myxa=la St. Michael The Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church

Ukra=ns;ka Katolyc;ka Cerkva
Sv. Arxystratyha Myxa=la
St. Michael The Archangel
Ukrainian Catholic Church
125-135 Wethersfield Ave., Hartford, CT 06114
Rectory (860)-525-7823; School (860)-547-0858;
E-mail: ;
Online Bulletins:
Very Rev. Pawlo Martyniuk o. Pavlo Martynqk
Trustees : Julie Nesteruk and Adrian Mishtal
October 19, 2014
Tone 2 Ap./Ep. 2Kor./2 Corinthians. 11-31-12:9; Wv./Gospel Lk./Luke. – 8:5-15.
SATURDAY: 9:00AM; 4:00PM (Vigil Sunday-Eng)
8:30 AM; 10:30 AM (Ukrainian)
CONFESSIONS are heard before each Divine Liturgy by req.
Baptism – Arrangement for baptism to be made Personally at
the Parish Office. Please call rectory for an appointment.
Marriage – Arrangements for marriage are to be made at least
6 months prior to the Wedding date.
Please call rectory for an appointment.
Sick Calls – To arrange for Sacraments for the elderly and
sick at home, please call Parish Office.
Please advise the rectory of any hospitalization.
Bulletin Notices – Notices for the bulletin must be e-mailed or
in writing by Wednesday @8PM to be included in that week’s
Stewardship – Remember St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church
in your will.
Office hours – by Appointment Only! Please Call 860-525-7823
Special Share in the Eucharist *– bread & wine offered for a day,
week, month, or year. Donations: one week - $20. Donors/intentions
will be listed.
Eternal Light *– offered to light for a week $10.00.
Bulletin Sponsorship* - $5 per week
*See Father Pawlo Martyniuk
Tone 2 Ap./Ep. 2Kor./2 Corinthians. 11:31-12:9; Wv./Gospel Lk./Luke. – 8:5-15.
Sat. 10/18
4:00PM  Maria JAKYMIW – req. by Patricia Mokrycki
Sun. 10/19
8:30AM God’s Blessings Health and Safety for Eric Lio McMORROW – req. by
Nadia Fedytnyk and Family
10:30AM За парафіян * Pro Populo
Private Intention
9:00AM  Maria JAKYMIW – req. by Kowal sisters: Darka, Stefania & Hannie
Private Intention
Private Intention
Private Intention
9:00AM  Dmytro KRAWEC – req. by Krawec Family
Святого великомученика Димитрія Мироточця
The Holy and Glorious Great-Martyr Demetrius from Whose Tomb Myrrh Streams Forth
Tone 3 Ap./Ep. 2Kor./2 Corinthians. 11:31-12:9; Wv./Gospel Lk./Luke. – 8:5-15.
Sat. 10/25
4:00PM  Henry MARTIN – req. by Olga Kowalsky
Sun. 10/26
8:30AM Divine Liturgy of Thanksgiving for the Gift of Healing – req. by Igor and
Halyna Germanovych
10:30AM За парафіян * Pro Populo
WELCOME to Our Visitors and Guests
We, welcome you to our community. We are honored and pleased for your
participation at the Divine Liturgies. We invite you to raise your hearts, mind and
bodies in praise to God. All Catholics may receive Holy Communion. Infants and
children of the Eastern Churches(Canon 710) who have received Communion at the
time of their Baptism and Chrismation may receive Communion through the faith of
their parent(s). Orthodox Faithful may also receive Holy Communion (Canon 671). If you have any
question or would like to be part of our community, please kindly see Fr. Pawlo Martyniuk.
 SERDE?NO VITAWMO vsix naшyx parafi\n, `o sv\tkuvatymut; u ]ovtni mis\ci svo[
imenyny, urodyny ta qvile[. ~yro ba]awmo usim Vam `edryx Bo]yx lask, `astt\,
zdorov#\ ta blahopolu//\ na Mnohi[ ta Blahi[ Lita!
OUR SINCERE PRAYERS AND WISHES To our parishioners who celebrate their Birthday,
Name Day and Anniversary in the month of October. May Our Lord Jesus Christ bestow his
blessings of Good Health, Happiness, Peace and Grant You Many Blessed Years to Come!
We, kindly remind our parishioners and
guests not to park any vehicles, during the Saturday and Sunday Divine Liturgies in the
space behind the church and in front of the school, as it is a hardship our elderly
parishioners to be able to use the backdoor for the wheel chair access.
Thank you for your cooperation!
ETERNAL LIGHT An offering has been made for the Eternal Light to
be lit for one (1) week, beginning Sunday, October 19th 2014, through October 26th 2014, in
memory of Myron Zelez, by Kolinsky Family
 SERDE?NO D|KUWMO PAN|M> Zirci Rudyk, Oksani Myxajlqk ta Tet\ni Car
za prybyrann\ ta upor\dkuvann\ kimnaty, de zberihaqt;s\ novori/ni \lynkovi
prykrasy. ~yro d\kuq za Va'u pracq ta zatra/enyj /as.
In Memory of  Maria Jakymiw
$100.00 Helen, Mary and Carol Scott
Nexaj Vselaskavyj Hospod; vidplatyt; Vam storyceq!
Thank You for Your kind generosity and love for Your Parish Church!
COFFEE HOUR: A gentle reminder concerning Coffee Hour after
each Sunday Divine Liturgy: All Organizations and or Individuals who
would like to cover the weekly Coffee Hour to please provide notice at
least two weeks in advance. You may contact Lusia Galai (860) 5298105 or you may write your commitment on the calendar located
downstairs in the church hall.
Please take note that every parishioner appreciates this weekly social gathering.
Remember all proceeds are given to our church.
A Hearty Thank You in Advance for everyones effort!
NEDIL:NA KAVA. Xo/emo Vam pryhadaty pro va]lyvist; pryhotuvann\ kavy
pisl\ ko]no[ nedil;no[ liturhi[. Vsi orhanizaci[ a tako] okremi osoby, \ki xotily b
dopomohty i pidtrymaty cq va]lyvu tradyciq na'o[ parafi[ mo]ut; zapysatys; u
kalendari, \kyj znaxodyt;s\ v cerkovnomu zali, abo zkontaktuvatys; z p. Lqseq
Halaj(860)529-8105. @Nedil;na kava@ daw zmohu na'ym parafianam zijtys\ do
cerkovnoho zalu i pospilkuvatys;, za `o vony Vam budut; `yro vd\/ni.
Pam#\tajmo `o ves; zarobitok jde na potreby na'o[ cerkvy.
Napered `yro vd\/ni za Va`u ]ertvennist; ta pidtrymku.
Your prayers are requested for the repose of the soul of  Maxim Kocur
who fell asleep in the Lord on October 13, 2014. May God grant him eternal peace!
The month of May is the start of the Stamford Diocese Charities Appeal for 2014. This fund is collected to
provide financial support of our Eparchy and its many institutions (i.e., seminary, museum, library and
offices which promote and support our church and community). The funds raised from this appeal also
help the many needs of our Ukrainian Catholic Church, as well as our needy brothers and sisters in
Ukraine, Europe, Asia and South America. Please help this fund as you have in the past. Please
send/bring all donations to our St. Michael’s church.
XRAMOVYJ PRAZNYK SV. ARX. MYXA{LA Naш xramovyj praznyk Sv.
Myxa[la vidbudet;s\ v nedilq, 9-ho lystopada cr. Uro/ysta Bo]estvenna Liturhi\
rozpo/net;s\ o 10-ij hodyni ranku, pisl\ Sv. Lit. - sv\tkovyj obid. Kvytky na obid
mo]na prydbaty pisl\ nedil;nyx vidprav v cerkovnomu zali u p. Lqsi Halaj (860)
529-8105, abo o. Pavla Martynqka (860) 525-7823. Vartist; kvytka na obid $25.00
(pidlitky vid 13 do 15 rokiv, - $10.00)
PARISH FEAST DAY- ST. MICHAEL the ARCHANGEL We will celebrate our parish feast
day of St. Michael on Sunday, November 9th 2014. The Day will begin with Divine Liturgy
at 10am, followed by our parish dinner. Tickets for our dinner may be purchased on every
Saturday and Sunday. Adults : $25.00 (children from 13 to 15, - $10.00). To buy the tickets
please see Lucy Galai (860)-529-8105, or Fr. Pawlo Martyniuk: (860)-525-7823.
October 19, 2014
Tone 2
TROPAR (Tone 2): When You went down to death, O Life Immortal, You struck Hades dead
with the blazing light of Your divinity. When You raised the dead from the nether world, all the
powers of heaven cried out: "O Giver of life, Christ our God, glory be to You!"
Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
KONDAK (Tone 2): You rose from the tomb, O almighty Saviour, and Hades, seeing this
wonder, was stricken with fear; and the dead arose. Creation saw and rejoices with You, and
Adam exults. And the world, my Saviour, sings Your
praises forever.
now and for ever and ever. Amen.
THEOTOKION (Tone 2): The tomb and death could not hold the Mother of God, unceasingly
in her intercession and an unfailing hope of patronage, for as the Mother of Life she was
transferred to life by Him Who had dwelt in her ever-virgin womb.
PROKIMEN (Tone 2) : The Lord is my strength and my song of praise, and He has become
my salvation.
Verse: The Lord has indeed chastised me, but He has not delivered me to death.
A reading from the Epistle of St. Paul to Corinthians (2 Cor. 11: 31-12:9)
ALLELUIA (Tone 2) : The Lord will hear you in the day of tribulation; the name of the God of
Jacob will shield you. Alleluia. (3)
Verse: Lord, grant victory to the king and hear us in the day that we shall call upon You.
Alleluia. (3)
Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise Him in the highest. Alleluia. (3)
Do you ever let the emptiness of others create an emptiness in you? Do you encounter aridity, or spiritual
attack (oppression), due to the pretensions of others? Are you subject to others' shortcomings?
We all do -- feel that aridity. And sometimes we are the transmitters of it.
Call it aridity. Call it the desert. For many, it is a constant state because they have not filled their lives with
what's worthwhile, what is part of their mission -- and expect us to do this for them.
While exercising charity and sympathy, and full of love -- while praying favor into their lives -- we should
always be careful not to catch the "emptiness" bug and we should not let others make us feel guilty
because we're not doing for them what they should be doing or should have done for themselves.
How often this happens (and causes a guilt trip)! Emptiness comes in many ways. It comes through
laziness: There are folks who simply are paralyzed by their inertia -- just won't take the discipline and
energy to move forward. They blame anyone or anything around them, or contrive a malady. Woe to them.
And woe to us, if we do this. It goes to the sin of sloth, which attracts demons, as does pretension, which
causes us to be "puffed up."
When a person is puffed up, he or she may appear big but can be moved by the slightest wind.
Note how often in deliverance spirits are cast out through the breath -- air.
When we're "empty," we are quick to take umbrage; we constantly look for slights. We drain energy from
others (because we're on "empty"). We blame friends or relatives or co-workers for everything that's
"wrong" in our lives.
There are those who suffer phobias. They're afraid of experiencing life. There are those who
are never content, no matter what good happens to them. They complain about the weather when it's too
hot, when it's too cold, when it's too wet, when it's too dry. There are the fearful. Remember this: it is
impossible to be fearful, negative, and joyful at the same time. Behind their cordiality is often emptiness.
Behind our cordiality, at times, is aridity. Dry, wind-blown dunes of sand.
If you feel this -- a space in your soul -- fill the emptiness with new challenges, with new interests, with
reading, with praying, with going somewhere new, with the Word of God, which brings contentment. Joy
is truth. It fills you. And it takes you beyond hard times.
No difficulties survive longer than hope does.
Hope and joy are partners.
Both fill us with the right stuff.
(Fear fills you with stale air.)
They are opposites of each other and so can't exist in the same place (for fear requires a vacuum). Joy is
rich in the real things. And there is no way to buy it. Try, try, try, so many do; they accumulate things. But
things have no substance spiritually.
When we leave vacant space within, it can be the home or resting stop, as I said, for spirits. There are those
who have pretense. Pretense is the first stage in obsession. This is a hollow shell, a false exterior. It is
worrying about appearances. There are those who have large egos. Same thing. An ego is a balloon; it is
filled with air. (All it takes is a pinprick.) (Remember the Hildenberg?)
The fruit of arrogance (a "blowhard") is frustration. He seeks after himself and keeps finding nothing.
Don't inherit their wind. They are the kind who grip, who grab at you, who demand, who are always the
"victim." Pray for them but don't become trapped by them.
Be charitable. Compassionate. Help them in any way you are meant to, that doesn't infringe on God's Plan
for you. Make a habit out of aiding the lonely, the unhappy, the the negative. Be a joy to them. Joy is a
marker that you are living and thinking right.
Don't lose that nor let others take it from you; nor be suppressed by the egos of others. Don't let them tear
you down, make you feel like someone other than yourself, or take you on a "guilt trip." Don't let them
make you feel or do what your spirit does not want you to feel or do, nor go where your spirit does not
want to traverse. Don't accede to their demands that you "be like them," that you fill the void caused by
their way of life.
Approach it always with prayer, which fills you with wisdom and leads to perspective. "Prayers of praise"
-- said the Pope -- "bring us this joy, the joy of being happy before the Lord. Let’s make a real effort to
rediscover this!” And bring it to others -- instead of them bringing emptiness to us. The Holy Spirit gives
you your identity. It does not come from others. Never concede to appease. Your name -- and destiny -are written in God's Heart.
Beware those who treat every aspect of living as a threat and never grow nor mature nor find true joy as a
result. Help them with your joyful faith. But let no one and nothing steal your joy. For at the end of this
journey on earth we die into our joy or lack thereof. Love them, but don't let them pull you into their mire - or desert. The One you owe is God, Who fills you with life abundantly.
Тропарі і Кондаки:
Тропар (2): Коли зійшов Ти до смерти, Життя безсмертне, тоді ад умертвив Ти сіянням Божества; коли ж і
померлих з глибин підземних Ти воскресив, всі сили небесні взивали: Життєдавче, Христе Боже наш, слава Тобі!
Слава Отцю, і Сину, і Святому Духові.
Кондак (2): Воскрес Ти з гробу, всесильний Спасе, і ад побачивши чудо, зжахнувся та й мертві встали; а творіння,
бачивши, радіє з Тобою, й Адам веселиться, і світ, Спасе мій, повсякчас Тебе оспівує.
І нині, і повсякчас, і на віки вічні. Амінь.
Богородичний (2): У молитвах невсипущу Богородицю, і в заступництві несхитне уповання не втримали в собі гріб
і смерть; бо як Матір Життя покликав до життя Той, Хто в лоно вселився повсякчас дівственне.
Прокімен (2): Господь - моя сила і моя пісня, і Він став моїм спасінням.
Стих: Тяжко покарав мене Господь, та не передав мене смерті.
Прокімен (2): Господь - моя сила і моя пісня, і Він став моїм спасінням.
До Корінтян другого послання св. апостола Павла читання
(2Кор 11,31-33;12,1-9)
Браття, Бог і Отець Господа Ісуса, - благословен вовіки! - знає, що я не говорю неправди. В Дамаску правитель царя
Арети стеріг місто дамащан, щоб мене схопити; та мене спущено віконцем у коші з муру, і я втік з його рук.
Чи треба хвалитися? Воно й не личить, але я таки приступлю до видінь та до об’явлення Господа. Я знаю чоловіка в
Христі, що чотирнадцять років тому, - чи то було в тілі, не знаю, чи то було без тіла, не знаю, Бог знає, - був узятий
у рай і чув слова несказанні, яких годі людині вимовити. Таким буду хвалитися, собою ж не буду хвалитися, хіба
лиш моїми немочами. А коли захочу хвалитися, я не буду безумний, бо кажу правду; але я стримуюся, щоб про
мене хтось не сказав більше, ніж у мені бачить або від мене чує.
А щоб не згордів надмірно висотою об’явлень, дано мені колючку в тіло, посланця сатани, щоб бив мене в обличчя,
щоб я не зносився вгору. Я тричі благав Господа ради нього, щоб від мене відступився, та він сказав мені: “Досить
тобі моєї благодаті, бо моя сила виявляється в безсиллі.” Отож, я краще буду радо хвалитися своїми немочами, щоб
у мені Христова сила перебувала.
Апостольські Стих (Алилуя):
Стих (2): Вислухає Тебе Господь у день печалі, захистить Тебе ім'я Бога Якова.
Алилуя, алилуя, алилуя.
Стих (2): Господи, спаси царя і вислухай нас, коли будемо взивати до Тебе.
Алилуя, алилуя, алилуя.
(Лк 8,5-15)
Сказав Господь притчу оцю: “Вийшов сіяч сіяти своє зерно. І як він сіяв, одне впало край дороги й було потоптане, і
птиці небесні його видзьобали. Друге впало на камінь і, зійшовши, висхло, бо вогкости не мало. Інше впало між
тернину, і тернина, вигнавшися з ним вкупі, його заглушила. Врешті, інше впало на добру землю, і, зійшовши,
сторицею вродило.” Кажучи це, Ісус голосно мовив: “Хто має вуха слухати, нехай слухає.”
Учні його спитали, що б вона могла значити, оця притча. Він сказав їм: “Вам дано знати тайни Божого Царства;
іншим же в притчах, щоб вони, дивлячись, не бачили, і слухаючи, не розуміли.”
Ось що значить оця притча; зерно це слово Боже. Тії, що край дороги, це ті, що слухають, та потім приходить
диявол і вириває геть з їх серця слово, щоб вони не увірували та й не спаслися. Ті ж, що на камені, це тії, що
почувши, з радістю приймають слово, але не маючи коріння, вірують дочасу й під час спокуси відпадають. А те, що
впало між тернину, це ті, що вислухавши, ідуть, та клопоти, багатства і життєві розкоші їх душать, і вони не дають
плоду. Нарешті те, що на землі добрій, це ті, що чувши слово серцем щирим, добрим, його держать і дають плід у
терпінні. Хто має вуха слухати, нехай слухає.
Причасний Стих:
Хваліте Господа з небес, хваліте Його на висотах.
Алилуя, алилуя, алилуя.
“To the Light of Resurrection through the Thorns of Catacombs”
St. Basil Seminary
November 15, 2014
4:00 PM
This year we commemorate 25th Anniversary of the Reemergence of the Ukrainian Catholic
Church. We cordially invite you to visit exhibit entitled: “To the Light of Resurrection
through the Thorns of Catacombs” at St. Basil Seminary in Stamford, CT. The exhibit is
sponsored by the “Sophia” Association of the Ukrainian Catholics in U.S.
This Exhibit is a collection of unique photo materials and eye-witness testimony of clergy,
religious and faithful who live through the years of Church in Catacombs (1939-1991).
We cordially invite everyone who wishes to learn about the life of the Ukrainian Catholic
Church in the 20th century and heroic witness of faith.
Виставка «До Світла Воскресіння крізь терни катакомб»
25-ліття виходу УГКЦ з підпілля
St. Basil Seminary
November 15, 2014
4:00 PM
Цьогоріч минає 25 літ з часу легалізації УГКЦеркви. З цієї нагоди
запрошуємо відвідати виставку «До Світла Воскресіння крізь терни
катакомб» у Семінарії Св. Василія Великого у Стемфорді, Коннект.
В Сполучених Штатах ця виставка присутня завдяки зусиллям
Товариства «Свята Софія». Виставка базована на споминах
очевидців та активних учасників підпілля та на документах
державних архівів, фотографій з приватних збірок. У виставці
показано життєві історії представників греко-католицького клиру,
чернецтва, мирян, у кожній з яких — неповторна людська доля.
Всі разом вони є свідченням глибокої християнської віри та
незламної вірності своїй Церкві й народу.
Хронологічно виставка охоплює період від 1939-го до 1991 рр. та
відображає три важливі етапи трагічної і водночас героїчної історії
УГКЦ ХХ ст. — насильницьку ліквідацію, підпілля та легалізацію в
1989 р.
Запрошуємо на відкриття виставки, під час якого ви матимете
нагоду дізнатися про тернистий шлях нашої Церкви в умовах
St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church
October 19, 2014
Ukrainian National Home
961 Wethersfield Avenue, Hartford
New England’s Premier Ukrainian Cultural Center
Andrew Salak
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Welcomes New Members
Come and meet your fellow Ukrainians!
Gatherings on Fridays @ 8pm
Serde/no vsix zapro'uwmo!
Hovorymo ukra=ns;koq movoq
Hovorymo po ukra=ns;ky
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Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Newington, CT 06111
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Alexandra Terlesky
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Hlux rada Vam dopomohty !
St. Michael’s Ukrainian Church