Syllabus for Math 3: Precalculus :: Fall 2014 :

Syllabus for Math 3: Precalculus
:: Fall 2014 ::
Earth and Marine Sciences B206
TTh 8:00-9:45 pm
Ryan Carroll
McHenry Library 4146
Cohen, Lee, and Sklar, Math 3/Precalculus: A Problem-Oriented Approach (7th Edition)
Office Hours: McHenry 4146
Monday 10:30 - 12:00 pm
Thursday 1:00 - 2:30 pm
TA Office Hours: Posted on my website once determined
 Section Participation and Quizzes (10%): Sections are mandatory and you must enroll
in one. You will get help with your homework and review for exams. In addition, you will
take a weekly quiz in section, reflective of the homework assigned from the previous
week. Section times are posted on my website. If you wish to switch from the section
for which you are signed up in MyUCSC, simply contact the TA in advance to make sure
there is space available and start attending.
 Online Homework (10%): The homework in this class will be submitted online at All instructions regarding which sections are due and their
corresponding due dates and times will be communicated through the WebAssign
website. The class key to sign up for this class is ucsc 4771 2954 and the institution code is
ucsc. Homework will normally be due on Mondays and Thursdays at midnight.
 2 Midterms (40%): There will be two (2) midterms each valued at 20% of your final
grade. The exams are currently scheduled for Thursday, October 30th and Thursday,
November20th. Note: No exam will be given late unless there is an emergency and
documented by official paperwork.
 Cumulative Final (40%): The final will be comprehensive and is scheduled for Thursday,
December 18th from 4:00-7:00pm in Earth and Marine Sciences B206.
All resources related to this class such as practice exam questions and solutions, weekly class
notes, worksheets, etc… will be posted in my website.
If you feel unprepared for this course or that you are falling behind, you can get help with
tutoring in small group sessions at the following resources:
MSI Time and Locations:
MSI Schedule:
Math Drop-in Tutoring: Tuesday – Thursday 5pm to 7pm McHenry 1279
In addition, selected practice questions from the review sections at the end of each chapter are
posted on my website. Doing these problems will help you understand the concepts and my
expectations better. There is also a Trig Review sheet for a quick review of trigonometry.
DRC Accommodations: If you qualify for classroom accommodations because of a disability,
please submit your Accommodation Authorization Letter from the Disability Resource Center
(DRC) to me as soon as possible outside of class (e.g. office hours), preferably within the first
two weeks of the quarter. Contact DRC by phone at 831-459-2089 or by email
at for more information on the requirements and/or process.