澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单 2014年10月 联系方式 资源开发处 资源开发 处 思岩 地质处处长 电话: +618 8999 5377 电邮: ian.scrimgeour@nt.gov.au 潘菲娜 处长 招商引资 电话: +618 8999 1385 电邮: fiona.park@nt.gov.au www.nt.gov.au/d/china © Northern Territory Government, October 2014 Disclaimer This publication has been compiled by the Northern Territory of Australia as a guide ONLY to the exploration and investment opportunities in the Northern Territory of Australia and is not intended to qualify for, be utilised or interpreted as a prospectus for any contributing party or to give any impression that the Northern Territory of Australia endorses any particular exploration project. Further information should be obtained directly from any contributing entity (including by way of due diligence enquiries) where you are considering opportunities outlined in this publication. Reliance should not be placed upon any information contained in this publication for the purpose of making any legal, corporate or investment decisions. The Northern Territory of Australia recommends any person proposing to invest in any exploration activity or entity conducting exploration in the Northern Territory of Australia to obtain relevant independent financial and legal advice which specifically takes into account matters relating to your particular situation. The Northern Territory of Australia disclaims any liability or responsibility or duty of care towards any person for any loss or damage whatsoever caused by the use of, or reliance on the information contained in this publication. The Northern Territory of Australia compiled this publication using materials and information provided by private sector entities. While all care has been taken to ensure that information contained in this Northern Territory Mineral Investment Opportunities publication is correct at the time of publication the Northern Territory of Australia has not independently verified the information provided. Changes in circumstances of the private sector entities contributing to this publication after the time of its publication may impact on the accuracy of information contained in it. The Northern Territory of Australia gives no warranty or assurance, and makes no representation as to the accuracy of any information or advice contained in this publication provided by any private sector entities, or that such information or advice is suitable for use in relation to legal, corporate or investment decisions. 2 澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单 Project Status Summary STATUS Grassroots Exploration Opportunities Bowgan Minerals Bowgan Minerals Crossland Strategic Metals Red Metal Red Metal Spectrum Rare Earths Daylight Jack Ismins USI USI Early Stage Exploration Crossland Strategic Metals Outback Metals Outback Metals Spectrum Rare Earths Spectrum Rare Earths Thundelarra Exploration TNG Ltd Uranium Equities Advanced Exploration Alligator Energy Crossland Strategic Metals Deep Yellow KGL Resources Rum Jungle Resources Rum Jungle Resources Thor Mining Project Development Aard Metals Arafura Resources TNG Limited Thor Mining Tellus Holdings COMMODITY PROJECT Au, Cu, Ag U, Au, base metals REE, U Cu, Au, NI Cu, Au Base metals, Au Diamonds and base metals Au, Ag, Cu, Sn Mn,Cu,Pb-Zn,U Cu, Pb-Zn,Mn Neutral Junction Bowgan Mount Stafford Irindina Tennant Creek Calvert Kirkimbie Compass Creek Amadeus Lorella U, Au, base metals Sn, W, Au, Ag, Cu SN (Cu, Au) REE REE, U U Cu U, PGE, Au Chilling Maranboy/Yeuralba Mt Wells Stromberg and Skyfall HREE District Quantum Ngalia Basin Mount Hardy Nabarlek U REE U Cu, Zn, Ag, Pb Potash P (P2O5) Au Tin Camp Creek Charley Creek Napperby Jervois Karinga Lakes Ammaroo Spring Hill Fe REE V, Ti, Fe W, Mo NaCl Warrego Tailings Nolans Mount Peake Molyhil Chandler Salt Mine 澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单 3 项目状况定义 亩ⴞ⣦ߥᇊѹ สई᧒ᵪՊ ᰙᵏई᧒ ᡀ⟏ई᧒ 亩ⴞᔰਁ Thiscategoryisforexplorationtenementswithidentifiedprospectivity,butwithlittleornodrilling undertaken. 䈕亩ⴞ↓༴Ҿ䈳ḕⲴࡍ↕䱦⇥DŽ㲭❦ޜਨᡆ䇨ᐢ㓿ᨀӔҶаӋई᧒㔃᷌ᣕˈնṩᦞlj◣ བྷ࡙ӊ㚄ਸⸯ⸣ۘ䟿ငઈՊ߶ࡉNJ˄JORCCode˅ˈ䘉Ӌؑн䏣ԕՠ㇇ⸯӗ䍴ⓀⲴ㿴⁑DŽ ई᧒㔃᷌䏣ԕՠ㇇ࠪㅖਸ JORC Ⲵⸯӗ䍴Ⓚᡆⸯ⸣ۘ䟿DŽ ṩᦞlj◣བྷ࡙ӊ㚄ਸⸯ⸣ۘ䟿ငઈՊ߶ࡉNJ˄JORCCode˅᰾⺞Ҷⸯӗ䍴Ⓚᡆⸯ⸣ۘ䟿ਾˈ ޜਨ⧠↓൘䘋㹼⹄ウ઼/ᡆራ≲ᢩ߶ˈԕߣᇊሶ䈕亩ⴞਁኅᡀѪ⭏ӗⸯᱟਟ㹼DŽ 亩ⴞᔰਁⲴᇊѹ ᾲ⮕⹄ウ ਟ㹼ᙗ⹄ウ ᾲ⮕⹄ウ˄ScopingStudy˅ᱟа亩ԕҶ䀓䘁լ㓿⍾ᆖ˄ApproximateEconomics˅઼ཊਁኅ ⁑ᔿⲴਟ㹼ᙗѪⴞⲴˈ䪸ሩ䟷ⸯ઼ⸯᒺ༴⨶Ⲵࡍ↕㓿⍾઼ᢰᵟ⹄ウDŽަवਜ਼ањᾲᘥкⲴ ᡆࡍ↕Ⲵⸯ४ᒣ䶒മ˄MinePlan˅DŽ䈕മሶ㻛Ѫߣᇊᱟ㔗㔝䘋㹼ᴤ䈖㓶⹄ウⲴṩᦞDŽ ᾲ⮕⹄ウ˄ScopingStudy˅ᱟаᡀ⟏Ⲵ༽ࡦ䇑ࡂ˄CopyingPlan˅DŽަᢺ⧠ᆈ㊫լⲴˈф ᐢ൘࡛༴ᆼᡀⲴ亩ⴞѝⲴᐢ⸕ᡀᵜѪ㘳㲁ഐ㍐DŽ䈕⹄ウⲴ߶⺞㤳ത൘↓䍏 35%ࡠ 50%ѻ 䰤DŽ ࡍ↕ਟ㹼ᙗ˄PreliminaryFeasibility˅ᡆ亴ਟ⹄˄PreͲFeasibilityStudy,PFS˅ᱟа亩∄ᾲᤜ⹄ ウ˄ScopingStudy˅ᴤ䈖ቭⲴ⹄ウDŽ亴ਟ⹄˄PFS˅㻛⭘Ҿ䴰䉘༴⨶Ⲵᐕˈԕߣᇊᱟ 䴰㾱䘋а↕䘋㹼ᴰ㓸ਟ㹼ᙗ⹄ウ˄DefinitiveFeasibilityStudy˅ˈᒦѪањĀ⧠ᇎỰ傼 ˄realitycheck˅āᶕߣᇊ䈕亩ⴞ൘ଚӋᯩ䶒䴰㾱ᴤ䈖㓶Ⲵ⌘ޣDŽᆼᡀࡍ↕Ⲵᢰᵟǃᐕ〻઼ ⸯӅ䇮䇑ਾˈਟ䙊䗷ᢺᐢ⸕ⲴঅսᡀᵜѪ㘳㲁ഐ㍐ˈᒦՠ㇇ᙫ㿴⁑ᡆᮠ䟿ᶕᆼᡀ亴ਟ⹄ ˄PFS˅DŽ亴ਟ⹄˄PFS˅а㡜Ⲵ߶⺞㤳ത൘˄↓䍏˅20%㠣 30%ѻ䰤DŽ ᴰ㓸ਟ㹼ᙗ⹄ウ˄DefinitiveFeasibilityStudy,DFS˅ᱟᴰѪ䈖ቭⲴ⹄ウˈᒦሶᴰ㓸ߣᇊ䈕亩 ⴞᱟሶ㔗㔝䘋㹼DŽᴰ㓸ਟ㹼ᙗ⹄ウ˄DFS˅㾱≲儈≤߶Ⲵᢰᵟǃᐕ〻઼䇮䇑ᐕˈԕ৺䈕 亩ⴞ䈖ቭⲴ䍴䠁઼⭏ӗ亴㇇ᮠᦞDŽᴰ㓸ਟ㹼ᙗ⹄ウ˄DFS˅Ⲵ߶⺞㤳ത൘˄↓䍏˅10%㠣 15%ѻ䰤DŽ 䬦㹼㶽䍴ਟ㹼ᙗ⹄ウ˄BankableFeasibilityStudy,BFS˅ᱟа亩у⌘Ҿ䍒઼࣑亴㇇ᯩ䶒Ⲵᴰ㓸 ਟ㹼ᙗ⹄ウ˄DFS˅DŽ䬦㹼㶽䍴ਟ㹼ᙗ⹄ウ˄BFS˅㻛⭘ҾᨀӔ㔉䍴䠁ᨀᯩԕ㧧ᗇ亩ⴞ䍴 䠁DŽṩᦞޣ䠁㶽ᵪᶴⲴ㾱≲ˈ䈕⹄ウⲴ߶⺞㤳തҏ൘˄↓䍏˅10%㠣 15%ѻ䰤DŽ ަᆳᇊѹ lj◣བྷ࡙ӊ 㚄ਸⸯ⸣ۘ 䟿ငઈՊ߶ ࡉNJ ◣བྷ㾯ӊ˄Australasia˅ᣕ䚃ई᧒㔃᷌ǃⸯӗ䍴Ⓚ઼ⸯ⸣ۘ䟿Ⲵ߶ࡉ㻛〠Ѫlj◣བྷ࡙ӊ㚄 ਸⸯ⸣ۘ䟿ငઈՊ߶ࡉNJ˄JORCCode˅DŽ lj◣བྷ࡙ӊ㚄ਸⸯ⸣ۘ䟿ငઈՊ߶ࡉNJ˄JORCCode˅ᱟа䜘уъⲴ㹼ъ߶ࡉDŽᆳ䇮・Ҷޜ ᔰᣕ䚃ⸯӗई᧒㔃᷌ˈⸯӗ䍴Ⓚ઼ⸯ⸣ۘ䟿Ⲵᴰվḷ߶DŽ ṩᦞሩޜᔰᣕѝൠ䍘⸕䇶ǃᢰᵟ઼㓿⍾ഐ㍐Ⲵؑᗳ〻ᓖˈlj◣བྷ࡙ӊ㚄ਸⸯ⸣ۘ䟿ငઈ Պ߶ࡉNJ˄JORCCode˅Ѫⸯӗई᧒㔃᷌ˈⸯӗ䍴Ⓚ઼ⸯ⸣ۘ䟿Ⲵ࠶㊫ᨀҶањᕪࡦᙗࡦ ᓖDŽ ԫօሩई᧒㔃᷌ǃⸯӗ䍴Ⓚᡆⸯ⸣ۘ䟿Ⲵޜᔰᣕ䚃ᗵ享➗lj◣བྷ࡙ӊ㚄ਸⸯ⸣ۘ䟿ငઈ Պ߶ࡉNJ˄JORCCode˅ˈ⭡ањᴹ䍴ṬⲴӪㆮ㖢਼DŽ ањᴹ䍴ṬⲴӪᗵ享ᱟԕлᵪᶴⲴՊઈᡆઈᐕ˖◣བྷ㾯ӊ䟷ⸯоߦ䠁ॿՊ˄The AustralasianInstituteofMiningandMetallurgy˅ˈᡆ◣བྷ࡙ӊൠ䍘ᆖᇦॿՊ˄TheAustralian InstituteofGeoscientists˅ˈᡆĀ㻛䇔ਟⲴ⎧ཆуъ㓴㓷ā˄2004 ᒤ⡸ᵜ˅ˈᡆĀ㻛䇔ਟⲴ уъ㓴㓷ā˄2012 ᒤ⡸ᵜ˅DŽ ањᴹ䍴ṬⲴӪᗵ享ާᴹ㠣ቁӄᒤоⴞࡽᐕⸯⲴޣᒺ㊫රⲴᐕ˄઼⹄ウ˅㓿傼DŽ 4 澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单 Northern Territory Mineral Investment Opportunities COMMODITY URANIUM 铀 U U, Au, base metals UPDATED U UPDATED U UPDATED U, PGE, Au RARE EARTHS 稀土元素 UPDATED REE REE REE COMPANY PROJECT STATUS PAGE Alligator Energy Crossland Strategic Metals Deep Yellow Thundelarra Exploration Uranium Equities Tin Camp Creek Chilling Napperby Ngalia Basin Nabarlek A E A E E 6 13 20 24 31 Arafura Resources Crossland Strategic Metals Spectrum Rare Earths Nolans Charley Creek Stromberg and Skyfall HREE District Quantum PD A E 39 43 51 E 57 A E 66 72 PD PD PD 79 84 91 A E 95 98 A A 106 112 PD 117 Maranboy/Yeuralba Mt Wells E E 123 130 Neutral Junction Bowgan Mount Stafford Irindina Tennant Creek Calvert Kirkimbie Compass Creek Amadeus Lorella G G G G G G G G G G 136 145 151 156 161 166 176 183 189 192 REE, U Spectrum Rare Earths BASE METALS 贱金属 UPDATED Cu, Zn, Ag, Pb KGL Resources Jervois UPDATED Cu TNG Ltd Mount Hardy FERROUS METALS & FERROALLOYS 锰、钨、钼、钒、镍、钛 UPDATED Fe Aard Metals Warrego Tailings Project UPDATED V, Ti, Fe TNG Limited Mount Peake UPDATED W, Mo Thor Mining Molyhil GOLD 黄金 Au Thor Mining Spring Hill UPDATED U, Au, PGE Uranium Equities Nabarlek PHOSPHATE, POTASH 磷酸盐 UPDATED Potash Rum Jungle Resources Karinga Lakes UPDATED P (P2O5) Rum Jungle Resources Ammaroo SALT 盐 UPDATED NaCl Tellus Holdings Chandler Salt Mine TIN 锡钽 Sn, W, Au, Ag, Cu UPDATED Outback Metals UPDATED Sn (Cu, Au) Outback Metals Grassroots Exploration Opportunities 基础勘探机会 Au, Cu, Ag Bowgan Minerals UPDATED U, Au, base metals UPDATED Bowgan Minerals REE, U Crossland Strategic Metals Cu, Au, NI Red Metal Cu, Au Red Metal Base metals, Au Spectrum Rare Earths Diamonds, base metals NEW Daylight Jack NEW Au, Ag, Cu, Sn Ismins Mn,Cu,Pb-Zn, U USI NT Cu, Pb-Zn, Mn USI NT Key to symbols PD: 项目开发 (Project Development) A: 成熟勘探项目 (Advanced Exploration) E: 初期勘探项目 (Early Stage Exploration) G: 基础勘探机会 (Grassroots Exploration Opportunities) 澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单 5 磷酸盐 励ы᷇䍴Ⓚᴹ䲀ޜਨ ⸯӗ୶૱ 亩ⴞ〠 亩ⴞᡀ⟏ᓖ ޜਨ〠 ޜਨ㊫ර ޜਨ㿴⁑ ⻣䞨䫮ǃ䖟䫮䭱⸮ ḟ⚥䰱⒆˄.DULQJD/DNHV˅ⴀ≤⻣䞨䫮 ᡀ⟏ई᧒亩ⴞ 励ы᷇䍴Ⓚᴹ䲀ޜਨ˄5XP-XQJOH5HVRXUFHV/LPLWHG˅ ൘◣བྷ࡙ӊ䇱ࡨӔ᱃ᡰкᐲ˄$6;˖580˅ ᒤ ᴸ ᰕⲴᐲ٬Ѫ з◣ݳ 亩ⴞާփᛵߥ 励ы᷇䍴Ⓚᴹ䲀ޜਨ˄5XP-XQJOH5HVRXUFHV/WG˅ᤕᴹDŽ 亩ⴞ⧠⣦ з⺛䞨䫮˄.62˅ⴀ≤䍴Ⓚˈަѝ䎵䗷 ൘⺞ᇊ઼᧘ᇊ㤳 ⮤ˈᖃҾ з䖟䫮䭱⸮DŽѝॆഭ䱵䈒ޜਨ˄&,&&&˅ Ⲵᾲᤜ⹄ウণሶᆼᡀDŽ ൠ⛩઼㿴⁑ 䈕亩ⴞսҾ⡡ѭᯟ⋹˄$OLFH6SULQJV˅ьই ޜ䟼ˈ亩ⴞ४䶒 〟Ѫ ᒣᯩޜ䟼DŽ ส䇮ᯭ䇑ࡂ 䙊䗷ሱ䰝ᔿⲴ㧡ᯟ⢩ޜ䐟˄/DVVLWHU+LJKZD\˅ਟࡠ䗮亩ⴞ४ˈ亩 ⴞ४䐍◣བྷ࡙ӊѝ䜘䫱䐟Ⲵаᶑ᭟㓯 ޜ䟼DŽаᶑཙ❦≄㇑ 䚃о䫱䐟ᒣ㹼DŽӗ૱ᰒਟ䙊䗷䫱䐟䘀䗃ࡠ䗮ቄ᮷ਓࠪਓˈҏਟ䙊 䗷䫱䐟䘀㠣े䜘઼ই䜘䬰DŽ 亩ⴞᡰ൘ൠ४শਢ ቭ㇑ަᆳޜਨ൘ ц㓚 ᒤԓ઼ ц㓚 ᒤԓᔰኅҶᴹ䲀Ⲵᐕ ˈնᱟˈᆳԜⲴⴞḷᱟަᆳⸯ⢙䍘ˈᒦфӵӵተ䲀Ҿቁᮠࠐњ⒆ ४DŽ励ы᷇䍴Ⓚᴹ䲀ޜਨ˄5XP-XQJOH5HVRXUFHV/LPLWHG˅Ӿ ᒤᔰо⪎⊳ᗧⸯӗޜਨ˄5HZDUG0LQHUDOV˅䘋㹼ਸ䍴㓿 㩕DŽ励ы᷇䍴Ⓚᴹ䲀ޜਨ⧠൘ ᤕᴹ䈕亩ⴞDŽ 㓿㩕ਁኅ䇑ࡂ x ѝॆഭ䱵䈒ޜਨ˄&,&&&˅↓൘䘋㹼ᾲᤜ⹄ウ x ࡠਟ㜭ᴹ৲о亩ⴞᔰਁǃᒦфㆮ㖢ᴹࣙҾ亩ⴞᣅӗⲴ 䍝ॿ䇞Ⲵ▌൘䫮㛕ⴀ㓸ㄟ⭘ᡧDŽ ޜਨㆆ⮕ 励ы᷇䍴Ⓚᴹ䲀ޜਨ˄5XP-XQJOH5HVRXUFHV/LPLWHG˅ᱟаᇦ ᡀ࣏Ⲵཊࡍॆݳ㓗ई᧒ޜਨˈई᧒ⴞḷѫ㾱䳶ѝ൘㛕ᯉ㊫ⸯӗ˖⼧ 䞨ⴀǃ⻣䞨䫮DŽ䈕ޜਨᐢ㓿⺞䇔Ҷㅖਸ◣བྷ࡙ӊ㚄ਸⸯ⸣ۘ䟿ငઈ Պ˄-25&˅ḷ߶Ⲵ⼧䞨ⴀ઼⻣䞨䫮DŽ ᣅӗⲴⴞḷᙗᰦ ޜਨ䇮ᜣҶԕлਟ㜭Ⲵᣅӗᰦ䰤㺘˖ 䰤㺘 x ˖ᆼᡀᾲᤜ⹄ウ઼亴ਟ㹼ᙗ⹄ウ x ˖䬦㹼㶽䍴ਟ㹼ᙗ⹄ウ˄%)6˅ x ˖ᔪ䇮 x 亴䇑Ӿ ᒤᔰᣅӗDŽ ራ≲Ⲵᣅ䍴㊫ර x ޜਨ↓൘ራ≲Ӿᴹޣ㓿傼Ⲵޜਨ઼ᡆ▌൘Ⲵ⻣䞨䫮㓸ㄟ ⭘ᡧ㧧ᗇሩḟ⚥䰱⒆˄.DULQJD/DNHV˅亩ⴞⲴᣅ䍴DŽ਼ᰦ ൘ራ≲ਸ䍴Չդ઼ᡆ䍝ॿ䇞DŽ Chris Tziolis ޜਨ㚄㌫ᯩᔿ Managing Director Phone: +61 8 8942 0385 Email: ctziolis@rumjungleresources.com.au Updated August 2014 106 澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单 磷酸盐 Rum Jungle Resources Limited COMMODITY: POTASH COMPANY CONTACT DETAILS Company: Contact Officer: Position: Phone: Fax: Email: Web: PO Address: Head Office: Market Capitalisation: Number of Shares: ASX Code: Rum Jungle Resources Limited (RUM) Mr Chris Tziolis Managing Director 61 8 8942 0385 61 8 8942 0318 ctziolis@rumjungleresources.com.au www.rumjungleresources.com.au GPO Box 775, Darwin, NT 0801 20/90 Frances Bay Drive, Stuart Park, Darwin, NT 0820 AUD$32.76 million at 22/08/2014 385,504,597 as of 22/08/2014 RUM PROJECT DETAILS Project Name: Karinga Lakes Potash Project Project Proponents: 100% Rum Jungle Resources Location: Approximately 220 km southwest of Alice Springs Project Tenements: The tenements cover over 1,600 km2. Some titles are yet to transferred to RUM. Tenement EL 24987 EL 25080 EL 28272 EL 28273 EL 28205 EL 28872 EL 29890 ELA 30300 ELA 30381 ELA 30382 AA 30119 Area km 410 699 230 174 121 245 165 12.41 479.2 325.1 - 2 Sub-Blocks 132 225 74 56 39 79 53 4 154 114 - Grant 10/10/2006 09/10/2006 14/04/2011 14/04/2011 09/03/2011 06/03/2012 29/11/2013 application Expiry 09/10/2014 08/10/2014 13/04/2017 13/04/2017 08/03/2017 05/03/2018 28/11/2019 25 years from grant Holder RUM Tyson RUM/RWD RUM/RWD RUM/RWD RUM RUM RUM RUM RUM RUM Karinga Lakes potash titles Updated August 2014 澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单 107 磷酸盐 MAP SHOWING PROJECT LOCATION – Southern Northern Territory Location of the Karinga Lakes Project, roads in red, rail in black. Karinga Lakes Project titles. Applications shown in red. The Karinga Creek drainage system contains dozens of normally dry salt lakes representing the Central Australian Groundwater Discharge Zone. These playa lake sediments and the weathered rocks beneath them contain sub-surface brines enriched in salts such as potassium, magnesium and sulfate. Brines could be pumped to surface and evaporated and/or treated to produce fertiliser minerals such as schoenite and potash. Sodium chloride (common salt) will be a major by-product. Updated August 2014 108 澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单 磷酸盐 HISTORY OF PROJECT AREA Previous studies of the Karinga Lake brines were undertaken by NT Evaporites Pty Ltd and the NT Department of Industries and Development in the late 1980s and early 1990s. This work was focused on sodium sulfate, not potash, and was confined to the few lakes available to them. Rum Jungle Resources has a different suite of target minerals, secure tenure over a much larger number of lakes, and is testing the whole of the Karinga drainage to much greater depth. RESOURCE The total resource is contained beneath 25 lakes with a total area of 132 km2. The average thickness of the identified resource is 17 m. Resource Potassium K2SO4 Schoenite Category (tonnes) (tonnes) (tonnes) Measured 2,600,000 5,800,000 13,000,000 Indicated 210,000 460,000 1,100,000 Inferred 950,000 2,100,000 4,900,000 Total 3,800,000 8,400,000 19,000,000 Karinga Lakes Brine Resource (entries have been rounded) The sulfate of potash tonnage represents the in-situ brine with no recovery factor applied. It will not be possible to extract all of the contained brine by pumping of trenches; the amount which can be extracted depends on many factors including the permeability of the sediments, the drainable porosity, and the recharge dynamics of the aquifers. COMPANY MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE & SKILLS David Muller, Non-Executive Chairman David Muller has over 40 years experience in the Australian mining and exploration industries. He has a BSc, MSc and MBA from the University of Melbourne. His early career included work with the Electrolyte Zinc Co of A'asia Ltd ('EZ'), during which time he was responsible for the discovery of the Beltana Zinc deposit in South Australia. Later, David worked with May and Mellor where he was involved with the financing and restructuring of listed junior mining companies. In 1975, David floated Samantha Mines, Samson Exploration and Cape Range Oil. These companies were involved in the successful development of gold mines and the Turbridgi gas field. David was chairman of all three companies until 1985. In the same year he listed Julia Mines and was in full gold production by 1987. David worked privately on mineral exploration in NT until Rum Jungle Uranium (as it was then) was floated in 2007. Robert Annells, Non-Executive Director Robert Annells is a qualified accountant and a former member of the ASX with over 40 years experience in the securities industry, including experience in the provision of corporate and investment advice to businesses operating within the resources sector. He is the chairman of several ASX-listed resource companies. Jeff Landels, Non-Executive Director Mr Jeff Landels was appointed to the Board in late 2012. Jeff has a BSc (Hons) in Chemistry. He brings extensive experience in the fertiliser industry having been the General Manager of WMC’s fertiliser operations at Phosphate Hill, Mount Isa and Townsville from 2002-2006. Prior to that, he had spent over 30 years as General Manager of several pulp and paper industry companies in both Australia and New Zealand. Chris Tziolis, Managing Director Mr Chris Tziolis is based in the Darwin head-office. Chris previously held senior management roles at Rio Tinto, most recently as the Chief Development Officer of Energy Resources of Australia Ltd. He was also the Manager of Business Development and Manager of Rail and Port Infrastructure with Rio Tinto Coal Australia. Before that, he worked for McKinsey and Company primarily engaged on strategy development and performance improvement for global mining companies. Chris is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and has a MBA, MA in International Relations and a BSc in Chemistry. Updated August 2014 澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单 109 磷酸盐 CURRENT PROJECT STATUS The figures below show the current understanding of the geo-hydrology of the project. Map of the Central Australian Groundwater Discharge Zone which feeds brine into the Karinga Lakes via subsurface recharge. Schematic cross-section of the Karinga Lakes being feed from both groundwater discharge and surface runoff. Updated August 2014 110 澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单 磷酸盐 Typical trench showing the sub-surface brine which flows into it. Brine would be pumped from larger trenches and evaporated at the surface to produce potash. PROPOSED FUTURE ACTIVITIES x x x x Complete scoping/prefeasibility studies 2014/2015 BFS 2015/2016 Construction 2016/2017 Potential production from 2017. DETAILS OF DRILLING AND OTHER RESULTS Thepotashbrineresourceisbasedondataacquiredoverfouryears,including: x x x x x x x x x x 93 brine samples from hand dug pits 4 small backhoe trenches which were pump tested 8 vibracore drill holes 73 sonic drill holes 200 aircore drill holes 42 installed 50 mm piezometers around drill holes and 48 piezometers around trenches 47 installed 100 mm wells 10 pumping tests from 100 mm wells 4 long term pump tests from 3 trenches and a well 142 porosity samples POTENTIAL Further pilot-scale on-site work will determine the processes required and the likely amount of primary product, such as sulphate of potash or schoenite, could be produced. INFRASTRUCTURE The sealed Lasseter and Stuart Highways provide road access. The Central Australian Railway is 100-200 km away and there is an existing siding at Kulgera. This would access both to the north and south to local markets. Product shipped north by rail and then through the Port of Darwin would be available to Asian markets. BUSINESS PLAN Identify potential partners with relevant experience and/or end users of potassium fertiliser salts that may wish to join in the development of the project and also have off-take agreements that would help in commissioning the project. This project compliments Rum Jungle Resources’ major phosphate deposits at Ammaroo, some 500 km northeast, on the eastern side of the railway. Updated August 2014 澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单 111 磷酸盐 Rum Jungle Resources Limited (䍴Ⓚᴹ䲀ޜਨ ⸯӗ୶૱ 亩ⴞ〠 ⼧䞨ⴀ 䱯傜励˄$PPDURR˅ 亩ⴞᡀ⟏ᓖ ޜਨ〠 ޜਨ㊫ර ޜਨ㿴⁑ ᡀ⟏ई᧒亩ⴞ 励ы᷇䍴Ⓚᴹ䲀ޜਨ˄5XP-XQJOH5HVRXUFHV/WG˅ ൘◣བྷ࡙ӊ䇱ࡨӔ᱃ᡰкᐲ˄$6;˖580˅ ᒤ ᴸ ᰕⲴᐲ٬Ѫ з◣ݳ 亩ⴞާփᛵߥ 励ы᷇䍴Ⓚᴹ䲀ޜਨ˄5XP-XQJOH5HVRXUFHV/WG˅৺ަᆀޜ ਨ ᤕᴹ䈕亩ⴞ४(ަѝᴹа亩ⸯӗ䍴Ⓚᱟо Fertoz ਸ䍴Ⲵ)DŽ ᙫ䍴Ⓚ䟿Ѫ ӯˈᒣ൷૱սѪ ˈ䗩䱵૱սѪ Ⲵӄ≗ ॆҼ⼧˄32˅˗ᡆ ӯˈᒣ൷૱սѪ ˈ䗩䱵૱սѪ Ⲵӄ≗ॆҼ⼧˄32˅DŽᐢᆼᡀᾲᤜ⹄ウDŽ⊳࡙ᑅᯟ˄:RUOH\ 3DUVRQV˅ޜਨⲴࡍ亴ਟ㹼ᙗ⹄ウণሶᆼᡀDŽ 亩ⴞ⧠⣦ ൠ⛩઼㿴⁑ ส䇮ᯭ䇑ࡂ սҾ⡡ѭэ⋹˄$OLFH6SULQJV˅ьे ޜ䟼DŽ亩ⴞ䶒〟䎵䗷 ᒣᯩޜ䟼DŽ 亩ⴞ४䐍䱯ᗧ㧡ᗧ˄$GHODLGH˅㠣䗮ቄ᮷˄'DUZLQ˅Ⲵ䫱䐟㓯ӵ ޜ䟼DŽаᶑཙ❦≄㇑䚃о䫱䐟ᒣ㹼DŽӗ૱ਟ䙊䗷䫱䐟ᡆ䖖䘀 㠣䗮ቄ᮷ࠪਓˈᡆ⭡䫱䐟䘀㠣ই䜘ԕᓄ◣བྷ࡙ӊᵜഭᐲ൪DŽ 亩ⴞᡰ൘ൠ४শਢ 励ы᷇䍴Ⓚޜਨ˄5XP-XQJOH5HVRXUFHV˅Ҿ ᒤਁ⧠⼧䞨 ⴀDŽ 㓿㩕ਁኅ䇑ࡂ ᾲᤜ⹄ウᐢ㓿ᆼᡀˈ亴ਟ㹼ᙗ⹄ウণሶᆼᡀDŽ ޜਨㆆ⮕ 励ы᷇䍴Ⓚᴹ䲀ޜਨ˄5XP-XQJOH5HVRXUFHV/LPLWHG˅ᱟа ᇦᡀ࣏Ⲵཊࡍॆݳ㓗ई᧒ޜਨˈई᧒ⴞḷѫ㾱䳶ѝ൘㛕ᯉ㊫ⸯ ӗ˖⼧䞨ⴀǃ⻣䞨䫮DŽ䈕ޜਨᐢ㓿ਁ⧠ᒦ⺞䇔Ҷㅖਸ◣བྷ࡙ӊ㚄 ਸⸯ⸣ۘ䟿ငઈՊ˄-25&˅ḷ߶Ⲵ⼧䞨ⴀ઼⻣䞨䫮DŽ ᣅӗⲴⴞḷᙗᰦ䰤㺘 ራ≲Ⲵᣅ䍴㊫ර ྲ᷌ਟԕ⺞ᇊᣅ䍴ˈޜਨ䇮ᜣҶԕлਟ㜭Ⲵᣅӗᰦ䰤㺘˖ x ᒤйᆓᓖᆼᡀࡍ↕ਟ㹼ᙗ⹄ウ x 䘋㹼䬦㹼㶽䍴ਟ㹼ᙗ⹄ウ˄%)6˅ᒦ൘ ᒤйᆓᓖࠪڊ ᴰਾⲴᣅ䍴ߣᇊ x ਟ㜭Ⲵᣅӗᰦ䰤Ѫ ᒤᒤᓅࡠ ᒤᒤࡍDŽ ޜਨ↓൘Ӿ▌൘Ⲵ⼧䞨ⴀ㓸ㄟ⭘ᡧѝራ≲ሩ䱯傜励˄$PPDURR˅⼧ 䞨ⴀ亩ⴞ䘋㹼ᣅ䍴ˈᒦራ≲ਸ䍴Չդ઼ᡆ䍝ॿ䇞DŽ ޜਨ㚄㌫ᯩᔿ Chris Tziolis Managing Director Phone: +61 8 8942 0385 Email: ctziolis@rumjungleresources.com.au Updated August 2014 112 澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单 磷酸盐 Rum Jungle Resources Limited COMMODITY: PHOSPHATE COMPANY CONTACT DETAILS Company: Contact Officer: Position: Phone: Fax: Email: Web: PO Address: Head Office: Market Capitalisation: Number of Shares: ASX Code: Rum Jungle Resources Limited Mr Chris Tziolis Managing Director 61 8 8942 0385 61 8 8942 0318 ctziolis@rumjungleresources.com.au www.rumjungleresources.com.au GPO Box 775, Darwin, NT 0801 20/90 Frances Bay Drive, Stuart Park, Darwin, NT 0820 AUD$32.76 million at 22/08/2014 385,504,597 as of 22//08/2014 RUM PROJECT DETAILS Project Name: Ammaroo Phosphate Project Project Proponent: Rum Jungle Resources and subsidiaries (one title in JV with Fertoz) Location: Western Georgina Basin, Ammaroo, Northern Territory (230 km north east of Alice Springs and 95 km east of the Central Australian railway) Project Tenements: All tenements are owned 100% by Rum Jungle Resources and its subsidiaries, except EL 26915 which is a JV with Fertoz. 2 Tenement EL 25183 EL 25184 EL 25185 EL 28116 EL 28402 EL 28403 EL 28978 EL 28979 EL 28980 EL 29266 EL 29267 EL 26196 EL 29773 EL 29826 Area km 431 356 775 118 99 409 224 128 173 96 38 528 115 89 MLA 29463 6,375 hectares 2 Sub-Blocks 137 112 243 37 31 128 70 40 54 30 12 165 36 28 na Tenement EL 24726 EL 25664 EL 27987 EL 28648 EL 29373 EL 29374 EL 26915 Area km 939.57 54.36 111.91 19.21 575.90 618.70 743.87 Sub-Blocks 294 17 35 6 180 193 236 ELA 26225 444.40 161 EL 26226 EL 26227 EL 26228 203.80 347.03 971.38 66 114 316 MLA 29854 9,074 hectares na Grant 19/04/2007 19/04/2007 19/04/2007 18/01/2011 20/06/2011 20/06/2011 11/04/2012 06/03/2012 11/04/2012 03/08/2012 03/08/2012 22/07/2008 01/08/2013 22/08/2013 application 30/03/2012 Expiry 18/04/2015 18/04/2015 18/04/2015 17/01/2017 19/06/2017 19/06/2017 10/04/2018 05/03/2018 10/04/2018 02/08/2018 02/08/2018 21/07/2015 31/07/2019 21/08/2019 30 years from grant Holder Territory Phosphate Territory Phosphate Territory Phosphate RUM RUM RUM RUM RUM RUM RUM RUM RUM RUM RUM Grant 01/04/2008 23/08/2007 27/10/2010 25/10/2011 14/09/2012 14/09/2012 08/04/2009 ALRA veto ended 30/04/2013 19/02/2008 19/02/2008 19/02/2008 application 14/02/2013 Expiry 31/03/2014* 22/08/2015 26/10/2016 24/10/2017 13/09/2018 13/09/2018 07/04/2015 Holder CEN CEN CEN CEN CEN CEN Fertoz - CEN 18/02/2014* 18/02/2014* 18/02/2014* 25 years from grant CEN CEN CEN RUM CEN Ammaroo phosphate titles. All tenements are able to be renewed subject to the Mineral Titles Act. 澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单 113 磷酸盐 MAP SHOWING PROJECT LOCATION – Central Northern Territory Location of the Ammaroo Phosphate Project, roads in red, rail in black. Rum Jungle Resources’ tenement holdings and JV. 114 澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单 磷酸盐 HISTORY OF PROJECT AREA Previous exploration mainly by VAM and Trans Pacific Petroleum in the late 1960s, NTGS testing of waterbore cuttings and NTGS basin studies, identified an extensive area in the southern Georgina Basin in which Middle Cambrian shelf-facies marine carbonate and clastic sediments were prospective for rock phosphate. This was pursued by Rum Jungle Resources Ltd who began systematic exploration of the entire basin edge. Exploration drilling led to discoveries in 2009 and 2010. RESOURCES The main Ammaroo resource is 1.08 billion tonnes P2O5 at an average grade of 14% P2O5 using a 10% cut-off or 338 million tonnes at 18% P2O5 using a 15% P2O5 cut-off. Scoping Study Completed. Prefeasibility Study by Worley Parsons is almost complete. Ammaroo South is a satellite resource of 70 Mt at 13% P2O5 using a 10% cut-off. It has surrounding exploration potential to significantly increase this. EXPLORATION POTENTIAL There is considerable, as yet untested, exploration potential to both the northeast and northwest of the defined resources. INFRASTRUCTURE The sealed Stuart Highway and the Central Australian Railway from Adelaide to Darwin via Alice Springs are approximately 90 km from the Ammaroo Resource A gas pipeline parallels the railway. COMPANY MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE & SKILLS David Muller, Non-Executive Chairman David Muller has over 40 years experience in the Australian mining and exploration industries. He has a BSc, MSc and MBA from the University of Melbourne. His early career included work with the Electrolyte Zinc Co of A'asia Ltd ('EZ'), during which time he was responsible for the discovery of the Beltana Zinc deposit in South Australia. Later, David worked with May and Mellor where he was involved with the financing and restructuring of listed junior mining companies. In 1975, David floated Samantha Mines, Samson Exploration and Cape Range Oil. These companies were involved in the successful development of gold mines and the Turbridgi gas field. David was chairman of all three companies until 1985. In the same year he listed Julia Mines and was in full gold production by 1987. David worked privately on mineral exploration in NT until Rum Jungle Uranium (as it was then) was floated in 2007. Robert Annells, Non-Executive Director Robert Annells is a qualified accountant and a former member of the ASX with over 40 years experience in the securities industry, including experience in the provision of corporate and investment advice to businesses operating within the resources sector. He is the chairman of several ASX-listed resource companies. Jeff Landels, Non-Executive Director Mr Jeff Landels was appointed to the Board in late 2012. Jeff has a BSc (Hons) in Chemistry. He brings extensive experience in the fertiliser industry having been the General Manager of WMC’s fertiliser operations at Phosphate Hill, Mount Isa and Townsville from 2002-2006. Prior to that, he had spent over 30 years as General Manager of several pulp and paper industry companies in both Australia and New Zealand. Chris Tziolis, Managing Director Mr Chris Tziolis is based in the Darwin head-office. Chris previously held senior management roles at Rio Tinto, most recently as the Chief Development Officer of Energy Resources of Australia Ltd. He was also the Manager of Business Development and Manager of Rail and Port Infrastructure with Rio Tinto Coal Australia. Before that, he worked for McKinsey and Company primarily engaged on strategy development and performance improvement for global mining companies. Chris is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and has a MBA, MA in International Relations and a BSc in Chemistry. Updated August 2014 澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单 115 磷酸盐 CURRENT PROJECT STATUS x A scoping study has been completed and a prefeasibility study by Worley Parson is almost complete. PROPOSED FUTURE ACTIVITIES x Continue negotiations over Native Title Agreement as a pre-cursor to granting of a Mineral Leases. x Progress environmental approvals. DETAILS OF DRILLING RESULTS x The resource was defined based on 3,246RCholesand88diamondcoreddrillholesforatotalof 104,500mdrilled. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PLAN x Complete prefeasibility study in Q3 2014 x Undertake BFS and make final investment decision Q3 2015 x Potential production from late 2016 to early 2017. 116 澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单
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