YWCA OF GRAND ISLAND 211 E FONNER PARK GRAND ISLAND, NE 68801 308-384-9922 OFFICE: MON-FRI 7:00 AM- 6:00 PM CHILDCARE: MON-FRI 6:30 AM- 6:00 PM YWCA of Grand Island Eliminating racism and empowering women for over 100 years! Inside this issue: The Language Program 2 Spanish Immersion YWCA Preschool Ad 2 YWCA’s Youth Leadership Council 3 Career Opportunity 3 Empower Hour— Vikki Deuel—Bullying in the Workplace 3 ABC Preschool 3 Bountiful Baskets 4 Financial Peace University 4 Step It Up Dance Academy 5 Annual Fund Drive Save the Date 5 YWCA Information 5 At The YWCA 6 October Calendar 7 With Gratitude 8 October 2014 The First Annual Gloria Wolbach Conference on Respect, Responsibility and Caring “The Bully, the Bullied and the Bystander: Breaking the Cycle of Violence” with Barbara Coloroso Barbara is an internationally recognized speaker and author in the areas of parenting, teaching, school discipline and non-violent conflict resolution. It is easy to point fingers; place blame; fortress our schools; push zerotolerance plans; mandate a bully awareness week; stiffen penalties for bullying; or simply ignore the problem and hope it will go away. It is more difficult—and necessary—that we as individuals, families, and entire communities create safe harbor for all of our children,” Coloroso shares. “We need to give kids the tools to be able to stand up for their own rights while respecting the rights and legitimate needs of others; to handle conflicts nonviolently; to act with integrity when confronted with difficult situations such as peer pressure to cause harm; and to develop a personal inner moral code that gives them the wherewithal to do what is right in spite of external consequences and never merely because of them. No easy task; no simple answers.” Saturday, October 18, 2014 8:30 am - 1 pm YWCA Grand Island, 211 E. Fonner Park Road Adults and youth age 16+ welcome to attend. Free to Attend—Light Breakfast and Lunch Included In-service hours have been approved for DHHS Child Care Licensing. Educator training points approved. Page 2 eliminating racism and empowering women The Language Project/Spanish Immersion Program The Language Project is now offering Spanish Immersion Programs for YWCA Child Care & After School Care students 3-5 years and K-5th grade! TLP teaches Spanish using natural and active play methods which means these classes are A LOT OF FUN! We are excited to join with the YWCA to offer language learning to your child. Spanish programs began September 2! Another great reason your child will want to attend Child Care here!! A Bright Start in Preparation for Kindergarten YWCA PRESCHOOL Curriculum builds knowledge in four main areas: Cognitive - Math, Social Communication and Literacy Physical - Coordination, Gross and Fine Motor Skills Creative Expression - Music and Art Personal and Social - Cooperation, Self-Esteem and Problem Solving YWCA Preschool 211 E Fonner Park Road 308-384-9922 preschoolteacher@ywca-gi.org Mrs. Jenny (Stelk) Morrick Classes now in session eliminating racism and empowering women YWCA’S Youth Leadership Council The YWCA’S Youth Leadership Council is now accepting applications for girls ages 14 and up (high school age). The YLC meets 2-3 times a month to work on leadership and service skill development. Applications are available at the YWCA front desk or you can email frontdesk@ywca-gi.org and an application will be emailed to you. Page 3 Career Opportunity at the YWCA Daycare If you love kids and want to work in an environment that nurtures the potential of every child, we have a great opportunity for you at the YWCA. We are accepting applications for Child Care Teachers and Aides. These positions may be full or part-time and will be during the hours of 7:00 am - 6:00 pm Monday through Friday. Two years experience working with children or a background in education is required. Apply by stopping by the YWCA for an application. Questions? Call and visit with Lindsey Robison, Child Care Director. 308-384-9922 Empower Hour Bullying in the Workplace Vikki Deuel The primary reason bullying occurs so frequently is workplaces is that bullying is not yet illegal. Bullying is four times more common than either sexual harassment or racial discrimination on thevideos job. & lively Join us for a Babysitting Class that will have fun activities, exciting discussions. Training on Tuesday, making good October decisions, 28, problem 2014 solving, Noon-1 and handling p.m. emergencies. If you have a play babyLunch doll, bring it to practice putting on diapers! will be provided If you are looking to become a role model and keep the children you babysit safe, FREE for Members; $5 for Non-Members join us for this wonderful opportunity. We encourage ages 10 & older to attend! at 308-384-9922 Thursday, JanuaryR.S.V.P. 2 or Friday, January 3 8am -October 4pm Please R.S.V.P. by Friday, 24 at 5 p.m. to guarantee lunch! (please bring a sack lunch) Cost is $30 for Members; $40 for Non-Members Registration and payment due by December 30 Price includes a tote, workbook, and helpful resources. ABC PRESCHOOL AT THE YWCA 211 Fonner Park Rd 308-379-1153 308-384-9922 Discover a high quality program that promotes your child’s learning. You can drop your child off with confidence that your child is safe, happy, having fun and thriving with our nurturing teachers. We provide individual attention; understanding and activities that help your child grow socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually. Your child will experience excitement and curiosity about learning and a strong sense of self-esteem that can last a lifetime! Accepting on-going enrollment when available Welcoming children ages 2 through 5 years Classes offered Monday-Thursday Potty training not required Page 4 eliminating racism and empowering women Bountiful Baskets Food Co-op Bountiful Baskets Food Co-op is a grassroots, all volunteer, no contract, no catch co-operative. Since there are no employees at Bountiful Baskets, the group pays rock bottom prices for food. The co-op would not happen without volunteers. Volunteer opportunities include helping prepare the baskets, breaking down boxes, assisting with the distribution, and packing up. To help out, simply arrive an hour early dressed and ready to work. Participants all save a substantial amount of money on healthy food. Bountiful Baskets will be coming to the YWCA yet this year. If you are interested in volunteering for Bountiful Baskets, please email frontdesk@ywca-gi.org or call 308-384-9922. Speechcraft: Communication, Leadership & Public Speaking Speechcraft is a series of short, seminar-style presentations that teach basic speaking and evaluating skills. Great opportunity to gain confidence and improve your communication skills plus meet other like-minded people who are interested in improving themselves. To register please call 308-384-9922. Wednesdays, Oct.1-22 from 7-9pm Members $25; Non-Members $35 (all 4 sessions) FREE Common Sense Parenting Classes Geared toward parenting children age 6 and up These classes are a practical, skill-based program that can be applied in any family. October 2 - November 6 at 6 p.m. English and Spanish classes are available! To register please call 308-384-9922 Free child care provided Financial Peace University Want to get out of debt? It will be hard work but worth it!! Join us in January for this Dave Ramsey curriculum Nine week course—classes start again Sunday, January 11, 2015 Time: 6-8pm Cost: Adults: $135; $150 for Non-Members; Children: $30 Childcare: Available at no cost for children 0 to age 8 (family members only). eliminating racism and empowering women Page 5 Step It Up Dance Academy Classes start September 9th Register today to ensure class placement! Call Jody McKee 384-5085 for any questions. Registration forms are available at the YWCA. Mondays: 5:15-6:00 Ballet (ages 8 and up) 6:00-6:45 Jazz (ages 8 and up) 6:45-7:30 Lyrical (ages 8 and up) 6:00-6:45 Beginner clogging (ages 6 and up) 6:45-7:30 Wild and Free clogging (12 and up experienced) 7:30-8:15 Adult Clogging Beginner (12 and up) 8:15-9:00 Adult Clogging Advanced (12 and up with experience) 7:45-8:30 Advanced Hip Hop (ages 10 and up) Tuesdays: 5:30-6:00 Dancing divas (ages 3-5 with little or no experience) 6:00-6:45 tip and toes Tap/Ballet (ages 5-10 with little or no experience) 6:45-7:15 Beginner Twirling Starts Baton (ages 6 and up) 7:15-8:00 Power Step Clog (ages 10 and up with one year experience) Thursdays: 5:00-6:00 Twist and Turn Acro (ages 5 and up) 6:00-6:30 Pom Pom/Cheer (ages 6 and up) 6:45-7:15 Beginner Hip Hop (ages 5 and up) The YWCA’s Annual Fund Drive is moving to a new date. Stay tuned for exciting updates! Nov./Dec. 2014 YWCA Information Donations We can always use monetary donations to help offset our many expenses. Your gifts will allow us to continue to improve our programs and services to the local community. The YWCA front desk can accept donations and provide you with a receipt. Thank you! Special Needs Sizes 2, 3, 4 (unisex) underwear & socks, quart size Ziploc Bags, seasonal napkins, construction paper, dry erase markers, washable markers, empty plastic grocery bags, kid-appropriate movies, first aid kit items: bandages, antiseptic spray, peroxide, etc., 5’ round and 8’ long tables, silverware (new or gently used), small plastic cups Volunteers The YWCA can always use volunteers! Everyone has special gifts and talents they can share and we appreciate you sharing your talents with us! Room Rentals The Multipurpose Room will hold up to 280 guests with the adjacent kitchen and cafeteria, plus there are two studios and the conference room for smaller group rentals. Contact Anita at 308-384-9922 for more information. Page 6 eliminating racism and empowering women At the YWCA YWCA Child Care YWCA Preschool Serving 6 weeks To 5 years old Member Coffee FREE for Members $2 for Non-Members Check Us Out On The Web Now you can see what’s happening here at the YWCA on the web! There are 5 places to check us out at! www.ywca-gi.org facebook.com/ywcaofgrandisland twitter.com/@YWCAGI facebook.com/ywcaChildcareLearningCenter facebook.com/YWCAPreschoolGrandIsland Adults and youth are welcome! Please join us! 211 E. Fonner Park Rd. Grand Island 308-384-9922 ywca-gi.org Gateway Toastmasters 10 a.m. -11a.m. Join Sandy Yager as she speaks about “Breast Cancer and You” Tuesday, October 7, 2014 5:30-6:30 p.m. After school program serving K-5th grade Transportation available from select schools. Now Accepting fall registration for AM & PM Classes Building our future one child at a time Stand for the Silent Almost Home Wednesdays 7-8 pm Toastmasters is a friendly, supportive environment where you can learn to think on your feet, deliver feedback and present information that is polished, well-structured and easy to understand. For more information please call Anita at 308-384-9922 or email ywcaexec@ywca-gi.org Zumba Zumba is an aerobic fitness program featuring movements inspired by various styles of Latin American dances and performed to Latin American music. $10 a month (payable on the 15th of each month) Zumba classes are held Monday-Thursday 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Caregivers Support Group Wednesday, October 15, 2014 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. Support group for those who care for a child, parent, spouse or friend. Call 308-384-9922 for additional information. www.ywca-gi.org Cards, Cards, Cards Wednesday, October 29, 2014 Noon-4 p.m. Join us for a potluck lunch followed by an afternoon of Bridge, Pinochle or Pitch. YWCA Members bring a dish to serve 10-12 people or pay $5; Non-Members pay $6. facebook.com/ywcaofgrandisland 308-384-9922 eliminating racism and empowering women Page 7 October 2014 Sunday 5 Monday 6 Zumba Tuesday 7 Zumba Stand For The Silent Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 Zumba Speechcraft Zumba Common 3 4 8 9 10 11 Zumba Speechcraft Sense Parenting Zumba Common Sense Parenting 12 13 Zumba 14 Zumba 15 Zumba Caregivers Support Group Speechcraft 16 Zumba Members’ Coffee Common Sense Parenting 17 18 Gloria Wolback Conference on Respect, Responsibility and Caring 19 20 Zumba 21 Zumba 22 Zumba Speechcraft 23 Zumba Common Sense Parenting 24 25 26 27 Zumba 28 Zumba Empower Hour with Vikki Deuel 29 Zumba Cards, Cards, Cards Toastmasters 30 Zumba Common Sense Parenting 31 Page 8 YWCA OF GRAND ISLAND 211 E FONNER PARK GRAND ISLAND, NE 68801 308-384-9922 Check out our website at www.ywca-gi.org or Facebook.com/ywcaofgrandisland eliminating racism and empowering women With Gratitude Thank you, to each of you for your support. A special thank you to all who attended and participated at the International Day of Peace breakfast. “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” ~~Jimi Hendrix Have you felt rewarded when helping others? We have a place for you at the YWCA! Call Anita at 308384-9922 for details. 211 E Fonner Park Road Grand Island, NE 68801 Don’t forget to renew your membership! Call us today at 308-384-9922 to see if yours has expired.
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