ywca 95 YWCA Carlisle Program - Fall 2014

eliminating racism
empowering women
YWCA Carlisle Program - Fall 2014
Board of Directors
Karen M. Galbraith
Michelle Grochalski
Carlesha G. Halkias
TaWanda Hunter
Camille C. Marion, President
Jennifer F. Metz
Nichole R. Purcell
Michelle Sharp
Virginia H. Smith
Sarah A. Taby
Angela L. Thomas
Tracy K. Wertz
Stephanie A. Witmer
Elizabeth Jamieson Boyle
Jane Burke
Hubert Gilroy
Janice Hays
June Lutz
Patricia Strickler
Nancy George, Honorary Lifetime
Sonya Browne
Hope Comeau
Adrienne Dugan
Shelly Farmery
Barbara Kohutiak, Executive Director
Thomas Kohutiak
Donoré Lantz
Amy Lowther
Laura Masgalas
Sandy Musser
Shannon Pavlovcic
Amanda Roush
Shannon Snyder
Michele Willard
Fonda Zeigler
Vol. 19, Publication III August 11, 2014 (Published 3 times a year)
YWCA Carlisle invites you to a celebration
of Friendship, Loyalty and Commitment!
Please join us to honor the work of the YWCA and Barbara Kohutiak’s retirement. YWCA Carlisle 95th Annual Meeting Friday, October 17, 2014 Carlisle Country Club 1242 Harrisburg Pike Carlisle, PA 17013 Presentation of The Ruth K. and Nancy J. George Award to Barbara Kohutiak Presentation of YWCA Carlisle’s Inaugural Racial Justice Award to Michelle Shupp 6:00 Reception/Cash Bar; 6:30 Dinner followed by the Annual Meeting $30 per person RSVP by October 1, 2014 Follow us on:
Register now for Fall YW Preschool Programs!
YWCA Carlisle · 301 G Street, Carlisle, PA 17013 · (717) 243.3818
Unless otherwise noted, eligibility includes all adults.
Yoga Fusion: This class is a combination of traditional Yoga
poses mixed in with Core Yoga, Yin Yoga, Qigong, and Pilates.
Designed to bring balance to the body as well as strengthen
and stretch every major muscle group in the body.
Session 1: Sept 8 – Nov 3 (no class 10/13)
Session 2: Nov 10 – Dec 22
5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
$70 YW Member or $10 per class
$80 Non-Member or $12 per class
Instructor: Bonnie Berk, MS, RN, HNB-BC, ERYT
Qi Yoga for Health: Learn and practice the many therapeutic
tools in both the Yoga tradition and Chinese Medicine including
Qigong and Mindfulness Meditation to reduce pain,
inflammation and improve the quality of your life. Especially for
people with cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and other
chronic diseases.
Tuesdays (evenings)
Session 1: Sept 9 – Oct 28
Session 2: Nov 4 – Dec 23
5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
$70 YW Member or $10 per class
$80 Non-Member or $12 per class
Thursdays (mornings)
Session 1: Sept 4 – Oct 23
Session 2: Oct 30 – Dec 18 (no class 11/ 27)
Time: 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
$70 YW Member or $10 per class
$80 Non-Member or $12 per class
Instructor: Bonnie Berk, MS, RN, HNB-BC, ERYT
Chair Yoga: Experience the many benefits of practicing yoga
in a chair. This class is especially good for people who have
hip/knee issues or limited mobility of the legs.
Session 1: Sept 10 – Oct 29
Session 2: Oct 30 – Dec 18
Time: 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
$70 YW Member or $10 per class (Session 1)
$80 Non-Member or $12 per class (Session 1)
$60 YW Member or $10 per class (Session 2)
$70 Non-Member or $12 per class (Session 2)
Instructor: Bonnie Berk, MS, RN, HNB-BC, ERYT
Partners in Wellness: Provides complementary therapies
including massage, Reiki, Yoga as Medicine, holistic health
coaching and sound therapy to people with chronic diseases
including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, fibromyalgia,
asthma, depression, and chronic musculoskeletal diseases
such as recurring back problems. These therapies have been
shown to reduce pain, alleviate fatigue and sleep problems,
reduce stress and anxiety, and control nausea. $65 per session
of massage, Reiki, holistic health coaching, and sound therapy.
Please call for further information.
Abundant Body Yoga: Designed to celebrate practitioners of
all shapes and sizes. Using compassion, kindness, respect, and
a number of props, we will explore the body through traditional
yoga postures and breath work. Reflect on what is right with the
Session 1: Sept 10 – Oct 29
Session 2: Nov 5 – Dec 17
Time: 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
$70 YW Member or $10 per class (Session 1)
$80 Non-Member or $12 per class (Session 1)
$50 YW Member or $10 per class (Session 2)
$60 Non-Member or $12 per class (Session 2)
Instructor: Renee Warren, Registered Yoga Teacher
Yoga: Just one hour a week of yoga can restore peace and
relaxation to your daily routine!
Dates: Thursdays, on-going class
6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
$10 per class YW Member; $12 Non-Member
Instructor: Hagar Levine, PT, Certified Yoga Instructor
Zumba with Toning: Fitness-parties that blend upbeat world
rhythms with easy to follow choreography for a total body
workout. Choreography includes hip-hop, samba, salsa,
merengue, mambo, martial arts, and Bollywood belly dance
moves. Squats and lunges along with toning help strengthen,
sculpt, and tone.
Dates: Mondays
Session 1: Sept 9 – Oct 13
Session 2: Oct 20 – Nov 24
Time: 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
$20 YW Member; $30 Non-Member
Instructor: Terre Bonshock, Certified Zumba Instructor
Qigong: Can help you achieve vibrant health and balance of
body, mind and spirit by directing and enhancing your life force
Dates: Tuesdays
Session 1: Sept 9 – Oct 14
Session 2: Oct 28 – Dec 2
Time: 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Fee: $50 YW Member; $60 Non-Member
Instructor: Diane Bowers, RD, CMT, CHT, Holistic Health
Holistic Health Counseling: Available to individuals interested
in understanding and embracing the ongoing process of building
total health and achieving balance on all levels of mind, body,
and spirit. Each person is uniquely “sculpted” by a variety of
experiences of the body, emotions, the intellect, and the spirit.
Call to schedule an appointment with Bonnie Berk, MS, RN,
HNB-BC, ERY, Board Certified Holistic Nurse.
Check our website for complete information on programs and services - www.ywcacarlisle.org
For women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer
or have a family history.
Individual, Couples, and Family
Counseling Services
CO-LEADERS: Karen Byers and Connie Middleton
Shannon Snyder
Support for those going through a separation or divorce.
2nd WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH: 7 - 8:30 p.m.
LEADER: Wenda Deardorff
Specializing in
Depression · Anxiety · Relationship Issues
Anger and Stress Management · Self Esteem and Body
Image · Grief and Loss · Bullying
Coping with a traumatic event · Personal Growth
For clients 12 years or older · Sliding fee scale
The BIGGEST reason to become a member of YWCA Carlisle is to show your support for the mission –
YWCA Carlisle is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice,
freedom and dignity for all. The cost is low and the rewards are big! Your membership fees help to provide
mission-based programs/services to those in need. Membership at the YWCA is required for children
participating in Young Wonders Summer Day Camp and for a parent/guardian enrolling a child in a YWCA
Preschool Program. Some programs/classes are discounted as a result of your membership.
Adult Female (18 & over)
Senior Female (60 & over)
Associate Male (18 & over)
Senior Associate Male (60 & over)
YWCA Pal (5 - 18) $10
The Board of Directors invites you to review the
recent revisions to the organization’s bylaws, which
are available online at www.ywcacarlisle.org and
will be voted on at the Annual Meeting on October
17, 2014. Members are invited to attend the Annual
Dinner meeting to cast their vote (RSVP required).
Most changes reflect YWCA Carlisle’s relationship
to the newly restructured YWCA USA. If you
would like a hard copy of the bylaws’ revisions, call
the front desk at 243-3818.
When cleaning out your closet, please bring your
old clothes to the CommunityAid bin located in the
front parking lot of YWCA Carlisle.
Your donations help the community and YWCA
Carlisle receives 4 cents for every pound!.
Check our website for complete information on programs and services - www.ywcacarlisle.org 2
Registra on is ongoing for Fall 2014/2015. Once a class is full, a wai ng list is formed. $25 non‐refundable registra on fee required for each class. Special Time For Me ‐ 2 & 3 year old classes: YWCA adult membership ($30/year) is required. This program offers many opportuni es for your child. Each class is loosely structured to meet the developmental needs of children at different ages, with an emphasis on socializa on and learning through play. All “Special Time” classes have guided free play, gym me, cra s, and stories. Snack is provided. Please provide a packed lunch. HOURS: 9 a.m. ‐ 1 p.m. 2 year old classes ‐ Must be two by Sept. 1, 2014 3 year old classes ‐ Must be three by Sept. 1, 2014 DAYS: Mondays & Wednesdays COST: $150/month DAYS: Mondays & Wednesdays COST: $150/month DAYS: Tuesdays & Thursdays $150/month DAYS: Tuesdays & Thursdays $150/month DAY: Thursdays $75/month DAY: Fridays $75/month Pre‐Kindergarten: YWCA adult membership ($30/year) is required. Child must be eligible to a end kindergarten in Fall 2015. This class is a gentle introduc on to a classroom situa on providing kindergarten readiness skills and socializa on. Snack is provided. Please provide a packed lunch. HOURS: 9 a.m. ‐ 1 p.m. DAYS: Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays COST: $225/month DAYS: Tuesdays & Thursdays COST: $150/month Early Start Community Preschool: Child must be 3 and toilet trained by September 1, 2014. This subsidized program is open to children 3, 4, and 5 years old from eligible families with limited resources. It is a fun and s mula ng classroom experience providing kindergarten readiness and socializa on. DAYS: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays HOURS: 12 to 3 p.m. COST: None – Student Aid Forms must be submi ed along with copies of the previous year’s tax informa on. Funding provided by the United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County and private dona ons. Be sure to register your Giant bonus card for the 2014/2015 school year
using YWCA Carlisle’s A+ School Rewards code: 02609.
Every purchase you make from October through March will benefit the YWCA preschool.
Go to www.giantfoodstores.com/aplus and click on the red “Register” button after Aug 26.
Need help registering your card? Call us with your bonus card number and we can sign you up! Remember, you
can register to support two schools. It’s a small thing you can do that will help the kids have a great year!
Teachers for After School Homework Clubs
Great job for aspiring Teachers and Social Workers!
Applicants must be 18 years or older. Must be
available to work at least two afternoons, Monday
through Thursday from 3:30 - 5:45 p.m. Pay rate is
$7.50 - $8.50 per hour. Stop by the YWCA to fill out
an application! Applications must be received by September 12.
For further information, contact Amy Lowther
at 717-243-3818 or
YWCA Homework Clubs
The YWCA offers FREE Homework Clubs at Hope Station in
Memorial Park and at 1380 Grandview Court. Programs run
Monday – Thursday, 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. We help with homework,
make crafts, play games, provide daily snacks and offer COOL
rewards for participation and great attitudes!
Registration information is available at Carlisle Family Public
Housing at 60 West Pitt Street, Hope Station, in elementary
schools, and at YWCA Carlisle, 301 G Street.
Eligibility: Elementary students in grades 1– 5 living in the Hope
Station Area, Family Public Housing and Grandview Court.
**Fall Semester begins on September 29**
Check our website for complete information on programs and services - www.ywcacarlisle.org
95th Anniversary/Celebra on Annual Mee ng: Friday, October 17, 2014 Week Without Violence: October 19 ‐ October 25, 2014 Tuesday, October 21: Youth Leadership Conference for 9th & 10th graders from area schools Wednesday, October 22: Sexual Assault/Rape Crisis Services event Thursday, October 23: Children’s Peace Fes val – Pre‐K ‐ 5th graders King’s Kamp: Monday, January 19, 2015 Day‐long program for elementary students focused on the teachings of Mar n Luther King, Jr. 4th Annual Race Against Racism: Saturday, April 25, 2015 5K Walk/Run beginning and ending at YWCA Carlisle to promote awareness of racial jus ce issues. YWCA 2014/2015 CORPORATE SPONSORS
Carlisle Regional Medical Center Madison Se lements Services Benefit Connec ons, Inc. Bobby Rahal Automo ve Group GALBRAITH/Pre‐Design, Inc. Highmark Blue Shield Jacqueline L. Powell & Associates, Inc. Orrstown Bank R.S. Mowery & Sons, Inc. Bimbo Bakeries USA Boyer & Ri er, CPAs & Consultants Greenawalt & Company, P.C. J. Rodney Fickel Insurance, Inc. Karns Quality Foods Quality Digital Office Technology UGI U li es, Inc. Thank you to all the vendors, sponsors, and volunteers who made the Queen
of the Green event on August 21 a great success. Proceeds will benefit the
youth programs at YWCA Carlisle.
Check our website for complete information on programs and services - www.ywcacarlisle.org
YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! SEXUAL ASSAULT/RAPE CRISIS SERVICES OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY IS LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS! Rape Crisis Volunteer Training begins September 9, 2014. Sexual Assault/Rape Crisis Services of Cumberland County is offering a volunteer training on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:30 ‐ 9:00 p.m. beginning September 9, 2014 at YWCA Carlisle. Training topics include ac ve listening, crisis interven on, the dynamics of sexual assault and domes c violence, medical and legal issues, diversity and much more. This comprehensive dual training prepares volunteers to provide hotline counseling, medical and legal accompaniments, and referrals to other community agencies. Now is your chance to be proac ve and help your community by becoming a Rape Crisis Volunteer. Pre‐registra on is required to a end this class. To obtain an applica on or for more informa on, please call Hope at 258.4324 or 1.888.727.2877 (toll free), or email hcomeau@ywcacarlisle.org. Sexual Assault knows no barriers. We need community involvement and support. We need to work together to make a change. Sexual Assault/Rape Crisis Services provides the following services:
24-hour hotline
Individual counseling
Support groups for adult and teen survivors
Medical and legal advocacy/accompaniment
Prevention education programs for students, professionals and community
Office hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., 717.258.4324 24-Hour, toll-free hotline number is 1.888.727.2877.
Dinosaur School Sexual Assault Support Group Sexual Assault/Rape Crisis Services of Cumberland County will be offering a support group for women survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Par cipants will have the opportunity to share experiences in a safe and suppor ve environment. The group is forming now and will meet at YWCA Carlisle beginning in late September. The group is free to par cipants but pre‐registra on is required. For more informa on or to register, please call Shannon at 717‐258‐4324 or 1‐888‐727‐2877. 5
Dinosaur School is set to begin in early Fall of 2014. Boys ages 5‐10 years who are either vic ms of sexual violence or at risk of being vic mized are invited to a end. Par cipants will learn important skills about managing their feelings, effec ve problem solving, and how to develop non‐violent ways of coping. Parents and caregivers of youth par cipants are invited to a end the Parent Group for four sessions to learn posi ve ways of managing their child’s feelings and behaviors. Please contact Shannon at 717‐258‐4324 or 1‐888‐727‐2877 to register or for more informa on. Check our website for complete information on programs and services - www.ywcacarlisle.org
Abuse Vic m Protec ons Expanded in Pennsylvania Recently, abuse victims gained new protections under Pennsylvania law. These developments expanded
protections for children and broadened who is eligible to obtain court-ordered protection. Effective December
31, 2014, the definition of child abuse will be extended in several ways. Among other things, bodily injury
will no longer be required for certain acts which endanger a child, including kicking, biting, burning, throwing
or forcefully shaking a child under age one. Serious physical neglect may occur from a singular egregious act,
rather than requiring repeated or prolonged activity. The legislation will also expand the list of persons who
can be a perpetrator of child abuse and enhanced sentencing in child pornography cases.
Adult victims also gained recent protections in Pennsylvania. Specifically, victims of sexual assault may
acquire a “Sexual Violence Protection Order” that offers relief similar to that available from a protection from
abuse order. Additionally, the new legislation provides an opportunity for minors who are victims of
harassment and stalking to seek protection under an “Intimidation Order.” This law becomes effective July 1,
These important developments were the result of effective advocacy. YWCA Carlisle dedicates staff and
financial resources to advocacy, which is only possible with the loyal support of YWCA Carlisle donors!
Transition is in the Air…
Transition is in the air with the school year fast approaching. The playgrounds, pools, front yards, and camp
sites will soon be shadows of their former selves once absent of the mid-day laughter and shouts of the
children who now occupy them. As our youth trade in kick balls and floaties for text books and SmartBoards,
it seems like the perfect time for us to focus our attention on our youth, take stock in the community-supports
that are available to them, and determine how best we can leverage our limited resources to nurture them.
This summer has been a wonderful season at YWCA Carlisle. Young Wonders Summer Day Camp, which is
held over the course of eleven weeks, has filled the days of 84 young people, ages 5 to 11, with safe
supervised play, socialization, exercise, adventure, and nutrition. The impact, however, does not stop there.
This program allows working parents to head out to their places of employment each morning confident that
their children are in good hands. Employers have indicated that the availability of quality child care improves
productivity, reduces absenteeism and turnover. This is a win-win for our youth, families, businesses, and the
Our youth also need less obvious supports than those afforded by a quality summer camp program. Some of
them are survivors of sexual abuse and/or rape. This summer while some YW staff members were hard at
work making sure our youth were having the time of their lives at summer camp, other YW staff were working
hard to help those suffering from the devastation of sexual assault and/or rape. The YW is a good steward of
the community’s youth and the finite resources it has been entrusted with to serve many of our community’s
needs. The YW continually strives to maximize its sexual assault and rape crisis resources by utilizing trained
volunteers for some of its sexual assault and rape crisis services and by leveraging partnerships and building
Chief among the partnerships that the YW has fostered are those with many of the local school districts. Over
the past fiscal year, these partnerships have allowed the YW to provide over 4,600 students with sexual assault
and rape prevention education by way of age appropriate curriculum and instruction. The YW also has two
After School Homework Clubs, an annual Youth Leadership Conference, an annual King’s Camp, a leadership
development program for middle and high school girls, preschool programs, and Early Start. Please visit the
YW website or ask a staff or board member for information about these and any other YW programs.
Check our website for complete information on programs and services - www.ywcacarlisle.org
Your membership shows an intentional declaration of support for the YWCA’s Mission of
empowering women and girls and eliminating racism. Won’t you join us in our efforts?
I would like to become a new YWCA member.
I would like to register for an activity.
Adult Female (18 & over)
Senior Female (60 & over)
Associate Male (18 & over)
Senior Associate Male (60 & over)
YWCA Pal (5-11)
Address:_____________________________________________Home Phone:________________Work Phone:________________
Email: _____________________________________
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Class Fee
_________ Membership Fee
Enclosed :
_________ Donation
Account #________________________________________ Expiration Date:_______________
Signature: _______________________________________
Please provide phone number if you are using a credit card. Hm: _________________ Wk: ________________
A copy of the official registration and financial information of YWCA Carlisle may be obtained from the PA Department of State by
calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1.800.732.0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
YWCA Carlisle
301 G Street
Carlisle, PA 17013-1389
Phone: (717) 243.3818
Fax: (717) 243.3948
e-mail: info@ywcacarlisle.org
U. S. Postage
Permit No. 92
Carlisle, PA