Tel. 22371019 ARUNODAYA SR. SEC. PUBLIC SCHOOL (Senior Secondary – C.B.S>E. Affliated) I-1 Karkarduma Industrial Area, Vikash Marg, Delhi- 110 092 Form – I REGISTRATION / ADMISSION FORM PHOTOGRAPH PHOTOGRAPH PHOTOGRAPH OF OF OF FATHER MOTHER STUDENT No. APS/REG/ 3644 (For Official Use Only) Registration for class 1. Name of the Student (In block letters) 2. Date of Birth: (In Words) 3. Sex: 4. SC/ST/OBC: Date Male Yes Month Year Femal e No Tick the Appropriate box Enclosed Proof 5. Class for which admission sought 6. Father’s Name (In Block Letter) Official Address ( if any) Occupation Off. Tel. No. Mob. Designation E-mail id Residential Address: Education Qualification: 7. Mother’s Name (In Block Letter) Official Address ( if any) Occupation Off. Tel. No. Mob. Designation E-mail id Residential Address: Education Qualification: 8. Is the School Transportation required ? Yes 9. Medical Information: Does the child have some special needs ? If Yes, give details No 10. Information on parameters adopted by the school : (Tick the appropriate category) (A) Core Categories Religious / Linguistic Monority Economically Weaker Section Socially Disadvantage Section Is the Admission sought under seats reserved For economically weaker section of society: Yes No If Yes, Total annual income of parents: Sibling (Real Brother / Sister only) (Tick the appropriate) Yes No If sibiling in the same school Sibiling Name Give detail of sibiling Class & Section School Alumni (A) Father Yes No (B) Mother Yes No Yes No Child who is physically challenged (A) Distance from the school (Tick the appropriate) 0-5 Km 5-8 Km Beyond 8 Km 11. Please register my son/ daughter/ ward namedabove in the school I shall the reqisite document at the time of admission : Signature Undertaking I father/ mother of hereby declare that information given above by me is based on fact and authentic records, Admission of my child may be cancelled if any information is found to be false. Enclose attested: 1. Photocopy of birth Certificate 2. Address Proof 3. Id Proof whit Photograph Signature Acknolegement Received whith thanks from Form No. 3644 F/O, M/O Class Date Signature & Stamp
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