Paramount's Vidhyashram School Preparing leaders for tomorrow's world Gwala Baba Mode, Niwaru Road, Jhotwara, Jaipur Name of Student ______________________________ Grade ______________ Year of Admission ________ Application Form APPLICATION FORM - DAY BOARDING Important : Please answer all questions and print the information clearly in BOLD, using black or blue pen. Please affix latest passport size photograph in colour Please affix latest passport size photograph in colour Please paste photograph DO NOT STAPLE STUDENT Please affix latest passport size photograph in colour Please paste photograph DO NOT STAPLE MOTHER FATHER GENERAL INFORMATION I/We are considering enrolment in Grade/Class _____________________ with effect from _________________ month / years. Have you ever applied for admission at Paramount's Vidhyashram school YES _____ NO _______ If, YES when? Academic Year ________________________________ for which class ___________________________ PERSONAL DATE OF STUDENT Surname ______________________ First Name ______________________ Middle Name ______________________ Date of Birth _______________ Age: Years _______ Months ________ Days _______ Nationality __________________ Sex : Female ____ Male ____ Nationality ___________ Mother Tongue ___________ Language spoken at home __________ Permanent Address ____________________________________________________________________________ City _______________ Pin Code ________________ Country ________________ Email Address _________________ Home Tele # ____________________ Mob # _________________________________ Fax # ___________________ Mailing Address : ______________________________________________________________________________ HEALTH INFORMATION Allergy / Chronic ailment _________________________________ Physical Handicap/ Disability ____________________ Any other health problem _________________________________________________________________________ EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Name (s) of previous and present school (s) attended _______________________________________________________ City / state ________________ Country ________________ From ______ to _______ Reason for living ______________ Has the child ever been Expelled / Rusticated / Not promoted to next class by any school ? YES ____________ NO _____________ If YES, Please give details : ________________________________________________________________________ PARENTS/GUARDIAN'S INFORMATION Father's/Guardian's Name ___________ Age _____ Nationality _____________ Education/University _________________ Mother's Name ________________ Age _____ Nationality _____________ Education/University ___________________ Relationship with Child __________________________ Are parents living together _____________ Yes _____ No _______ PROFESSION/OCCUPATION Father's/Guardian's Professions/Occupation _____________________________ Monthly income ____________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone __________________ Fax _______________ Mob # _______________ E-mail ______________________ Mother's Professions/Occupation _____________________________________ Monthly income ___________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone __________________ Fax _______________ Mob # _______________ E-mail ______________________ TRANSPORT School Bus facility YES _____________ NO _____________ DECLARATION I/We certify that the information furnished in this form is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. False or incorrect information supplied in this application could jeopardize selection and enrolment. Signature Mother Signature Father / Guardian Name in block letters ___________________________ Name in block letters ___________________________ Dated ________________ Please submit the following documents 1. Certified true copies each of School reports (written in English, please) of the last two years. 2. Certificates of merit, if any 3. Birth certificate (Photocopy) 5. Reference Letter 6. Registration fee 4. Passport size photographs Admission Procedure Admissions offered in the academic year 2015-16 Obtaining the application form Parents who wish to apply for admission should obtain the brochure and application form on payment of Rs. 200/-. This can be rendered in cash or demand draft drawn in favor of Vidhyashram School. The application form can be down loaded from the net and apply through the net. (With a nonrefundable fee of Rs. 200/-) Criteria for submission of application form The duly completed application form must be submitted in the school office on or before the stipulated date. The following documents should accompany the form : Certified copy of School report of the previous academic year (if applicable). Two passpoert size photographs and two stamp size photographs of the student. Parents One Each Photograph. One certified copy each of details including dates and grades of any public/board Examinations already taken (if applicable). Copy of the T.C. (if possible). Original documents of the submitted photocopies should be made available upon request for verification. The mere submission of an application form does not guarantee admission to the school. Age criteria for application of admission Children have to meet the stipulated age requirement for admission to Vidhyashram School as on March 1st of that year. The required age limit for each grade is mentioned in Table. The Stipulated age limit may be relaxed at the discretion of the school admission committee based on past academic achievements and performance in our testing procedures. Provided the student has graduated from a recognized school. AGE Play Group Nursery CRITERIA 2+ to 3 3+ KG Prep 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 8th 4+ 5+ 6+ 7+ 8+ 9+ 10+ Admission test and interaction Admission to Vidhyashram School is through an interaction. The admission test will be conducted at school campus and parents will be intimated of the date and time. Admission Lists The outcome of the admission will be conveyed to the parents after the interaction. The names of the selected candidates will also be displayed in the school office. The decision of the school admission committee will be final and binding and no further discussions will be entertained. Confirmation of admission On receipt of acceptance of admission, parents have to pay the fees within the stipulated date. The original documents should also be submitted: Residential students are required to submit the following additional documents a) Fitness Certificate b) Medical History C) Blood Group Report d) Undertaking and agreement signed by parents Miscellaneous In the school/hostel only vegetarian food will be served. The school will not be liable for any expenditure incurred on account of illness/injuries sustained by the child during his or her stay at the school. Mode of payment In the form of cash/D.D drawn in favor Paramount's Vidhyashram School payable at Jaipur, no out station cheques will be accepted.
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