Document 332655

Santa Rosa de Lima Catholic Church
Andice, Texas
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 12, 2014
Parish Liturgical Ministry Reflection
All are welcome to attend the Annual Santa Rosa de Lima
Liturgical Workshop on Saturday, November 1, 2014 from 10:00
AM – 12:00 PM.
Sarah Highes, Lt., USN; Sara Hughes, Lt. Com., USN Japan;
Thomas Chamberas, Lt. USN, EOD, Japan; Brandon Thaxton,
USA, Afghanistan; Lt. Alan D., DOD; Eric Towal, Captain, USAF
Special Forces; David Leonard, Captain, USAF, Qatar; Shane
Carroll, Maj., USA, Afghanistan; Billy Tompkins, Captain, USAF,
Afghanistan; Col. Brian Hammer, USA, Iraq. Any family member in
There will be speakers presenting faith building information for
everyone to utilize in their ministry service and their everyday lives.
* Eucharistic Ministers are required to attend a workshop each year. If
you are unable to attend this one, please let Elsie or Noel know so that
they can make a plan.
Welcome Back Celebration…You’re invited!
Sunday, October 12 after the 10:30 Mass is the Annual Welcome
Back Celebration. Everyone in the parish is invited. With the help of
our various ministries we welcome the return of our parishioners from
their summer holiday and the commencement of our Religious Ed
program and the activities of our various ministries. Come and join us
for food, fun, fellowship and a free raffle.
Caps of Love
The NCCW (National Council of Catholic Women) has started a new
Service Project called, Caps of Love; and asked ADCCW (Austin Diocese
Council of Catholic Women) to join them. This is a way we on the
Austin level can make a contribution and help the environment at the
same time. This project just involves collection of hard plastic caps for
recycling; the funds from the sale of these caps will be used to roivide
wheelchairs and service dogs for disabled children.
All plastic caps can be used: laundry detergents, hand sanitizers,
beverage caps (water, tea, juice), toothpaste, shampoo, tennis ball can
lids, salad dressing, peanut butter, medicines, etc. The color doesn’t
matter, just wash them place them in a baggie and drop them near the
Holy Trinkets cabinet or at the next SRLG meeting. (Please remove all
of the paper inserts). Mary White and Dot Absnaider will take them to
the next DCCW meeting on October 30th at St. Mary’s in Taylor, Texas.
For more information, please contact Mary or Dot at 512.515.5929
the deployed military may be added to the prayer request by
contacting Bob Kelety, 512 864-0493 or e-mail
Joseph Russo; Cliff Foulkes-Garcia; Becky Lockhart; Paul Hamel;
Darlene Davasligil; Rosemary Carlson; Lenore Rourke; Terry
Moore; Carolyn Hebert; Robert Trigg; Dennis O’Connor, Theresa
Dix; Bobby Dockal; Dale O’Connor; Richard E. Geroux; Liam;
Mary Frye; Joel Rivera. Please let us know when names can be
removed from this list. Thank you.
Sat. Oct 11: 5:00 PM: Rosemary Locascio†; Barbara Murray†;
Roland Martinez†; John Perkins†
Sun. Oct 12: 8:00 AM: Sandra Merideth†; Don Ronald†
Sun. Oct 12: 10:30 AM: Virginia Magana†; Donald Pfannensteil†
Tues. Oct 14: 6:00 PM:
Wed. Oct 15: (Wellspring Methodist) 4:30 PM:
Wed. Oct 15: 6:00 PM:
Thu. Oct 16: 6:00 PM:
If you would like to have a mass offered for intention forms are
available in the entry of the Church. Mass cards are available at the
Ladies Group counter and in the office.
** All intentions are subject to change as circumstances arise. Due to
limitations of the number of mass intentions that can be done each week,
when you request a specific date for a mass, it may not be available. The
first available date will be used for your requested mass intention. If you
want a specific date please plan ahead three months for your
request. Thank you. **
“Make a Difference Day” Book Drive
The local "Assistance League of Georgetown" is collecting used
children's books for "MAKE A DIFFERENCE DAY". Books will be taken
to all elementary schools in Georgetown, Florence and Jarrell. The
League will sort, clean and mark the books by grade level for the
teachers and counselors to pass along to students in need. Place your
donations in the decorated box at the entrance of the church.
Contact information: 512-943-4994 Thank you.
Sat-Sun 10/11-12: 2nd Collection: SVdP
Sat-Sun 10/11-12: Music Ministry Fair
Sun 10/12: Welcome Back – Carr Hall – 11:30 AM – 1 PM
Sun 10/12: K of C BINGO – Sun City Ballroom – 5 PM
Mon 10/13: ACTS Core Group – RE Bldg – 7 PM
Tue 10/14: K of C Meeting – Carr Hall – 7 PM
Wed 10/ 15: SVdP Food Pantry – Carr Hall – 9 AM
Thu 10/16: SVdP Meeting – Carr Hall – 6:30 PM
Thu 10/16: Finance/Pastoral Council Meeting – RE Bldg – 7 PM
Sat-Sun 10/18-19: 2nd Collection: World Mission Sunday
Sat-Sun 10/18-19: SVdP/Mini-Vinnies Ministry Fair
Sat 10/25: K of C Oktoberfest Dinner – Carr Hall – 5:45 PM
Sat. Oct. 4: $ 3,952.00
St. Vincent de Paul: $ 255.00
Sun. Oct. 5: 8:00 AM: $ 4,722.00
Building Fund: $ 3,380.50
Sun. Oct. 5: 10:30 AM: $ 7,052.00
Wellspring: $ 491.00
Mailed in: $ 2,040.00
There will be no class this Sunday, October 12.
Up Coming Parent Meetings
Wednesday, October 22; Parent Meeting in the RE Library at
6:30 PM
o For those in the Wednesday Program
Sunday, October 26; Parent Meeting in Carr Hall
o For parents of Pre K-8th at 9 AM
o For HS parents at 11:30 AM
Required for all Confirmation Candidates
Topic for this Sunday, October 12 is "The Bible" and
We will be sharing our thoughts and discussing the books of
the Bible, and Prayers that we should know.
Our topic for next Sunday, October 19 is
"Faith" and "The Creed"
We will be sharing our thoughts and discussing what Faith
means, and examining what the Catholic Church believes.
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Anyone wishing to join the discussion is welcome. We meet in Room
6, at 9 AM in the Religious Education building.
For more information, call Terry Walters at 512-863-8563 or e-mail
him at
Youth Group
Come and join us for food, faith, fellowship, and fun! We are looking
forward to the following upcoming events:
• Oct. 12 - Helping with the 'Welcome Back Party' from 11:30-1
• Oct 26 - Youth Mass and parent meeting.
o All parents are asked to join us for a meal, a meeting,
and fellowship. The meeting is mandatory for
confirmation student's parents.
Please save the date November 6-9, 2014 for the upcoming
Women's ACTS Retreat. Registration is opened the weekend of
September 6th and will continue after each mass at the back of
church. Please pray and hear God's call for you to attend. God Bless.
For more information please call:
Fernanda Munoz at 512.639.0280
Connie Ramirez at 512.818.2999
Donna Ramirez at 512.508.4719
Valerie Zimmerman at 512.966.8596
Santa Rosa Ladies
Ladies Group
Religious Articles Cabinet
Lovely illustrated Children's Bible. Family oriented
meditation/discussion on the current Sunday gospel - only
$2.00! Sterling St. Christopher necklace. Having trouble selling your
home – bury St. Joseph Home Seller statue! New baby in your circle –
boy/girl medallions for the baby's room a welcomed gift.
What is something everyone can use (Bunco prize?) – stylus pens for
iPhones, iPads, etc. 'Answer Book about the Bible". Kindness in a gift
– know someone struggling with a loss or heavy heart – the Clinging
Cross says it for you.
Questions? Please call:
• Judy Drummond at 512.869.8999 or
• Marilyn Kelly at 512.868.9201
Next SRLG Meeting: Monday, October 27, 2014 – Christmas
Preview Sale!
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus Bingo
The next bingo will be on Sunday, October 12th, doors open 5:00
pm; games start at 6:00 pm in the Sun City Ballroom. Cash prizes,
snacks and drinks available for purchase, or bring your own. Please, no
children under 7 years old. All parishioners and friends are welcome.
For information contact: Robbie Licandro at
Knights of Columbus Oktoberfest Dinner
Saturday, October 25th, 5:45 pm-7:15 pm in Carr Hall, for donations.
Menu includes - Bratwurst, Kielbasa, potato salad, potatoes, cole slaw,
green beans and sauerkraut. Also, cobbler and ice cream, beer,
lemonade, iced tea, water and decaf coffee. There will also be live
music. All parishioners are welcome.
Santa Rosa's Knights of Columbus Council 12522 meets on the
second Tuesday of each month. Knights are encouraged to attend the
6:00 PM daily mass. There is a pre-meeting meal starting at 6:30 PM.
The business meeting starts at 7:00 PM. If you are a K of C member,
please remember to bring your membership card and join us.
If you are interested in joining the Knights, please contact:
• Robbie Licandro at 512.864.3678
• Carl Zimmerman at 512.966.8599
• Jay Livaudais at 512.868.0301
Saint Vincent’s Corner
In Sunday's Gospel, we hear Jesus say "Many are invited, but few are
chosen." In this parable Jesus is actually telling us that God calls
everyone to His kingdom and gives them the freewill to respond.
The next meeting of the Santa Rosa Conference of the Society of St.
Vincent de Paul will be at 6:30 PM on Thursday, October 16th in Room
B of Carr Hall. If you are hearing God's call to serve the poor in this
dynamic ministry please join us. All are welcome.
Thank you for your generous support of our mission of service. Your
contributions to our Conference are greatly appreciated.
If you know of someone in need of financial assistance, please ask
them to call us at 254-317-2891.
Food for Families Schedule: 2014-2015 School Year
Packing & Delivery 9 AM until 12 Noon. Totes with food will be
packed and delivered on the following Tuesdays between 11:00 and
October 21, 2014
January 20, 2015
April 21, 2015
November 18, 2014
February 17, 2015
May 19, 2015
December 16, 2014
March 31, 2015
Mini Vinnies
All middle school-aged students of the parish are invited to join this
group which is under the umbrella of the Santa Rosa Conference of the
Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Throughout the year, they will be
assisting Conference members with various service projects.
This Sunday, October 12th, you will find them running the bingo
game at the Welcome Back Celebration. You'll also sometimes catch
them ushering at the 10:30 Mass. The students meet a minimum of
once each month for food, fun, fellowship and spirituality. The next
regular meeting will be on Sunday October 26th. If you'd like your
student to participate or for more information you can email Angie at
The Caring Place
Thank you, Santa Rosa, for your donation of 239 pounds of food to
The Caring Place Food Pantry in September. Based upon the Capital
Area Food Bank conversion formula, parishioners provided 199 meals
to those in need in our community.
The following items are currently in short supply: pasta including
spaghetti and macaroni noodles; canned peaches, corn, carrots, chili,
and tuna fish as well as cereals; baking mixes (cake, cookies,
brownies, muffins, etc.) and toiletry items.
~ Brenda Tyrrell, Santa Rosa's Member Representative;
The Caring Place Advisory Council
Interested in volunteering during the holiday season?
The Caring Place is preparing for our annual Coats for Kids and
Holiday Meal Assistance. We are looking for volunteers who would
like to donate their time from November 3rd to November 26th and
help us spread the holiday spirit. Volunteer shifts will be from 10:00
AM – 3:00 PM. Instead of letting a child go through the winter
without a coat, Coats for Kids allows for children to choose a new coat
that matches their own personal style. Along with Walmart gift cards
for a coat, families receive a gift card to HEB to help them with holiday
meal costs. Please contact Nella Buffmire at 512-943-0726, or by
email at, for further information.
Respect Life
Please remember to pray for Pope Francis as he meets in Rome to
consider our life in families. All of us come from a family. They define
us and form our views. Certainly every child deserves a family filled
with love and respect in which to grow up.
(Michele Stanfield, Parish Respect ProLife Coordinator,
BULLETIN INFORMATION: Articles for the Sunday, October 19th
bulletin are due Tuesday, October 14th by 12:00 PM; noon. Please limit
your articles to no more than 200 words. Articles for the bulletin should be
sent to:
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:00 PM: Joe Mullen; Bill Hagen; Paul Pratt; Paul Mack;
Sherry Martinez
8:00 AM: George Nabb; Jim Ralston; Dennis Pribbernow
10:30 AM: Dennis Siple; Vic Figurelli; Earnest Ramirez;
Ron Peck
Sat. Oct. 11: Kathy and Greg Deibert
Sun. Oct. 12: 8:00 AM: George and Rita Rymer
Sun. Oct. 12: 10:30 AM: Duane and Pat Walsh
Sat. Oct. 18: Ginny Chase and Carol Roupe
Sun. Oct. 19: 8:00 AM: Diane and Herman DeHart
Sun. Oct. 19: 10:30 AM: Wayne and Mona Parrish
cheduler: Pam Kelly
Sat. Oct. 11: Ann Barry(L); Paul Barry(L); Nell Ficken(L); Bill Freitag;
Kathryn Hart; Clara Licandro; Robbie Licandro
Sun. Oct. 12: 8:00 AM: Jan Saenz; Cindy Smith(L); Jean Plentl(L);
Dom Dobias; Mary Ann Dobias; Angela Gimbert; Patty Magee(L)
Sun. Oct. 12: 10:30 AM: Gloria Johnson; Mark Johnson(L); Cheryl
Tatro; Mona Parrish(L); Joyce Pond; Deanna Ramirez(L); Earnest
Sat. Oct. 18: Noel Livaudais(L); Terry Mack(L); Mary Manis(L); Anne
Marshall; Julie Roberts; Ann Sang; Kay Sandgren
Sun. Oct. 19: 8:00 AM: Nancy Osuna; Jean Plentl(L); Jan Saenz; Cindy
Smith(L); Angela Gimbert(L); Dom Dobias; Mary Ann Dobias
Sun. Oct. 19: 10:30 AM: Tony Theriot(L); Betty Calcote; Byron Calcote;
Marnie Finan(L); Gloria Johnson; Mark Johnson(L); Elsie Parrish
Scheduler: Elsie Parrish
Sat. Oct. 11: Frank Chalaire; Terry Mack
Sun. Oct. 12: 8:00 AM: Jane Mick; Linda Reinhart
Sun. Oct. 12: 10:30 AM: Vic Figurrelli; Kurt Kurtin
Sat. Oct. 18: Michael Baker; Brenda Tyrell
Sun. Oct. 19: 8:00 AM: David Burkley; Angela Gimbert
Sun. Oct. 19: 10:30 AM: Sharon McEntee; Lynn Parrish
Scheduler: Bea Burrell
Dolores Ascona, 512.863.3108;
Mary Manis, 512.864.7246;
Sharon McEntee, 512.868.9575;
Substitutes: Martin Ramirez: 512.508.0467;
Terry Walters: 512.863.8563
Gospel Meditation
This week’s Gospel reminds us to focus on our priorities
because “many are invited but few are chosen.” Sometimes in
prayer or at Mass our attention wavers or we can be easily
distracted. Has this ever happened to you? If so, try to be more
aware of this and redirect your thoughts to prayer or the Mass.
El Evangelio de esta semana nos recuerda que debemos
enfocarnos en nuestras prioridades por que "muchos son
invitados pero pocos los elegidos". Algunas veces al orar durante
la Misa nuestra atención divaga y es fácil distraerse ¿Le ha
pasado esto a usted? Si le ha pasado, trate de estar más
consciente de ello y re direccione sus pensamientos a la oración
de la Misa.
Catholic Social Teaching Corner
In today’s Gospel we see that God continues to invite, but
that the first on the list did not accept the invitation. The second
tier invitees did come, but we see in the parable that it is
possible to be asked to leave if we are not ready to accept all
that God has to offer, both the banquet and the wedding
garment. When we accept being in a relationship with God we
are called to embrace whole new ways of being and thinking
which are determined by God’s will, not ours. Some invited by
God might not be on our list, who is it that God is calling us to
accept that might be difficult right now?
En el Evangelio de hoy vemos que Dios continúa invitando,
pero que el primero en la lista no aceptó la invitación. El
segundo de los invitados vino, pero vemos en la parábola que es
posible que se nos pida irnos si no estamos listos para aceptar lo
que Dios tiene que ofrecer, ambas cosas, el banquete y el traje
de boda. Cuando aceptamos estar en una relación con Dios,
somos llamados a aceptar totalmente nuevas maneras de ser y
pensar las cuales están determinadas por la voluntad de Dios, no
la nuestra. Algunos invitados por Dios puede que no estén en
nuestra lista, ¿A quién nos está llamando Dios a aceptar que
puede que nos resulte difícil en este momento?
Sat. Oct. 11: Tristen Brunson; John Harrison; Matthew Harrison
Sun. Oct. 12: 8:00 AM: Heather Smith; Joseph Brousseau; William
Sun. Oct. 12: 10:30 AM: Lauren Clawson; Daniela Sandoval; Gary
Lensing; Jerry Kurtin
Sat. Oct. 18: Daniel Ortiz; John Harrison; Matthew Harrison
Sun. Oct. 19: 8:00 AM: Joseph Brousseau; William Brousseau; Dominic
Sun. Oct. 19: 10:30 AM: Lauren Clawson; Jerry Kurtin; Ella Barto
Scheduler: David Burrell
Santa Rosa Councils
Finance: David Burrell; George Frederick; Matt Manis(chair);
Tom Meyers; Jean Plentl; Marjorie Strickland; Cheryl Tatro
Pastoral: Louis Brousseau; Bea Burrell; Byron Calcote; John
Day; Kathryn Hart; Terry Mack; Ed Pastor (chair); Deanna
Ramirez; Sergio Ramirez; Betty Jean Steinke; Sophia Torres;
Carl Zimmerman
Thank You!
Thank you to all those that participated in our first ever
Blessing of the Animals last Sunday, October 5. For those
of you that were unable to attend we have placed prayer
cards and small containers of holy water in the Narthex.