Volume 79 No. 31 August 3 2014 From the Preacher’s Pen… Reader’s Digest says that Laughter is the best Medicine. Long before they came along, however, God said the same thing (Proverbs 17:22). There are not many things that can cause us greater joy and laughter than children. (They may also be the cause of other things, too, but that’s a lesson for another day!) Many years ago I started a collection of stories and sayings from kids. One part of that came in the form of some “Dear God” letters. Read, smile, laugh and remember that these are the same little ones that Jesus once sat on his lap and said, “of such is the Kingdom of Heaven!” (Matthew 19:14) Actual “Dear God” Letters to God from Children Meeting at: 805 East Racine Place Casa Grande, AZ 85122 Ph: 520-836-6282 www.churchofchrist-cg-az.com Opportunities to worship, study & serve: SUNDAY Bible Study................... 10 am Worship....................... 11 am Evening Worship............... 6 pm WEDNESDAY.............................. 7 pm THURSDAY Ladies’ Bible Class....... 10 am Ladies’ Devo 2nd Saturday each month at 11 am Congregational Potluck 3rd Sunday each month after morning worship Welcome to all! We are glad you are here! Enter to Worship… Leave to Serve Dear God, Did you mean for the giraffe to look like that or was it an accident? Norma Dear God, Instead of letting people die and having to make new ones, why don’t You just keep the ones you have now? Jane Dear God, Who draws the lines around the countries? Nan Dear God, I went to this wedding and they kissed right in church. Is that okay? Neil Dear God, Thank you for my baby brother, but what I prayed for was a puppy. Joyce Dear God, It rained for our whole vacation and is my father mad! He said some things about you that people are not supposed to say, but I hope you will not hurt him anyway. Your friend (but I am not going to tell you who I am) Dear God, Please send me a pony. I never asked for anything before. You can look it up. Bruce Dear God, If we come back as something, please don’t let me be Jennifer Horton, because I hate her. Denise Dear God, I want to be just like my daddy when I get big, but not with so much hair all over. Sam Dear God, I think the stapler is one of your greatest inventions. Ruth Dear God, I think about you sometimes, even when I’m not praying. Elliott Dear God, I bet it is very hard for you to love all the people in the world. There are only four people in our family and I can never do it. Sarah Dear God, Of all the people who worked for you, I like Noah and David the best. Rob Dear God, My brother told me about being born, but it doesn’t sound right. Paul Dear God, If you watch me in church Sunday, I’ll show you my new shoes. Mickey Dear God, Maybe Cain and Abel would not kill each other so much if they had their own rooms. It works with my brother. Larry Dear God, We read Thomas Edison made light. But in Sunday School, we learned that you did it. So I bet he stole your idea. Sincerely, Donna Dear God, I do not think anybody could be a better God. Well, I just want you to know that I am not just saying this because you are God already. Charles Dear God, I didn’t think orange went with purple until I saw the sunset you made on Tuesday. That was cool! Eugene May we, too, be blessed with hearts such as these this week and always! — Lester P. Bagley Welcome to our visitors today! We hope & pray New: Carol Wohlers: cancer treatment. you’ll be blessed by your time with us & will join us again soon! Visitors Last Week included: Andrea Morgan of Casa Grande. O Teresa Acosta: continued infection and complications. Derwin & the Jackson family: as he’s overseas with his job! ur Prayer List: Keep the following in prayer this Relative of John Hoover: with great personal difficulties. week as you “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17): Bob Anna Mae Hardin: and her upcoming surgery. Doughty, Nora McNeil, Matthew Odom, Lois Nowlin, Heather Ries, Mike Shirley, Hunter Shirley, Rene Turner, Ruth West, Everrett Martin, Anna Mae Hardin, Ed & Alma Baum, Guy Turpin, Billie Lewis, Lee Tenney, those traveling, and… Mike Evans: and his back problems. Jennette Ivory: as she struggles with her health. Jerry Odom: as his macular degeneration is treated. Lee Hubbard: had successful stent surgery last Monday. Our Missionaries: Jack Farber and Aaron Knotts and families. William: (son-in-law of Julie Evan’s friend) recovering from a stroke. Previously Announced Family & Friends: Robin & Marc Estabrook (Julie Evan’s sister & nephew), Taylor & Dee Bennett & their son (cancer), Sophia Manuel (Lynn Shirley’s granddaughter, heart transplant), Jimmy Davis (Louise Terpstra’s brother-in-law, cancer), Clint Haney (Cleo’s great nephew, tests), John Pew (friend of Mike Evans, cancer), David Reffner (Flora Doster’s grandson with MS), Wilson Parker (Alyshia Bagley’s grandfather, cancer), Kimberly Roger (cousin of Krystal Ramirez, cancer), Art Stoneking (friend of Carl Catozzi, cancer), Tanner Parks (grandson of Julie Evans’ friend recovering from a stroke), Leslie Hill (John’s mother, cancer), Carolyn Bains (Marie Bishop’s daughter, cancer), Jeremiah Haller (Flora Doster’s grandson, back injury & brain tumor), Annette (Cindy Turpin’s sister), Gary Wise (colon cancer), Wayne & Mabel Johnson (Christina Flanagan’s brother-in-law & family), Howard Sullivan (friend of Grubbs family), Sonny Didelotte (stomach cancer), Donald Dandrow (Jessica Myers’ father), Cole Myers (grandson of friend of Myers), Sheila Simpson, Lillian Wilhite & son Paul (relatives of Lynn Shirley), Linda Grover (Jackie Odom’s sister with cancer), Virginia Lewis (Carol Wohlers mother with cancer), David (friend of Carl Catozzi, cancer). Michael Shirley: with good news about his cancer! Shaylee Ramirez: still in a lot of pain following a ruptured cyst. Annalisa Ramirez: with Chicken Pox. Our New Christians: remember them in prayer, encourage them at services and give them a phone call or visit during the week! All Those with Spiritual Struggles! Give thanks for those now well & those who are improving! No pot-lucks during the hot months. We will resume with a picnic in September. In love and unity the minister committee would like to meet with all members who are interested in the spiritual wellness of our congregation. They will be available over the next few weeks here at the building at 9:30 - 10 am on Sunday mornings or you may talk with any of them at any time or phone them at these numbers: • Alan Farrow at 602-930-6005 • • Greg Huffman at 520-560-2106 • • Bill Hall at 520-876-5072 • Special Requests: WBS & WEI Bible study students: many with lives in danger. Judy Hagner, son Preston, daughter Angela & son James Brandi Schroeder: Flora Doster’s granddaughter with MS. Brittney Zambonini: her husband, Shaun and their family. Dallas Purcella’s mother; Paulina’s father (Arnold); Julie’s father; Laurel’s father; Wally & Gladys Myers (Kim’s parents), Marla Herderson’s father. Men’s training class: 5 pm in the fellowship hall (before Sunday evening services). All men interested in serving our Lord in worship services are welcome. For further information contact Dave Davis at 602-702-1007 Our Military Personnel: Nate Panka (Cleo Wise’s grandson); Codi Walker (Mary Walker’s grandson); Javier Najera; Fernando Najera (Javier’s brother); Frank Torres (Javier’s cousin); Eric Shirley (Mike’s son); Trevor Farrow (Allen’s son); Allen Bunn (Louise Terpstra’s grandson-inlaw); Scott Hoover (John’s son); Ariel Gomez; Nathan Bagley. Upcoming Events… Members: The Najera family: & Javier’s mother awaiting a kidney transplant. Tom Sullivan: following cancer surgery. Eric Aragon: in his spiritual struggles. 2 Men’s Business Meeting: TONIGHT after evening worship. Ladies Devo: August 9 at 11 am — bring favorite cool food! Monthly Singing: August 31 at 2:30 in Eloy 5th Wednesday Prayer & Song Meeting: October 29. Join the celebration to honor the marriage of Crystal & Randall Potluck lunch after am services TODAY Sub sandwiches & cake provided Bring salads, chips, fruit plate or other side dishes (You can also help decorate the “money-tree” gift for them) Items needed THIS week From Jo Huddleston who was mugged in Albania: My many thanks to the donors who helped me pay back $500 to another missionary who replaced money stolen from me, and paid for a new passport and phone, also stolen from me. I want to express my great appreciation to you for your generous blessings. The wicked gypsy hit me hard on my forehead to knock me down on my back, and so front and back of my head was injured badly. I also have had pain in the rest of my body, but I am still very grateful to the Lord for helping me come to serve Him and try to bring souls to Him! You are sweet, generous people. Jo Huddleston (Now in Hungary for the rest of the summer. After she got out of Albania into Hungary, word spread that she is the lady who was mugged, but wouldn’t stop setting up WEI classes. She suddenly has 50 in Hungary wanting her to teach them English. Care Item Bags for those in need Travel-Size packets of: • Chap-stick • Razors • Shaving cream • Shampoo • Mouthwash ALL our Care packets to carry & give out are gone! That’s wonderful but now we need to restock! To send our brother Derwin Jackson a note of encouragement while he is overseas: drwnjackson@yahoo.com ✓ Checkup ✓ Last Week: 5+ Pew-Packers How are we doing? Attendance Last Week: Sunday Morning Bible Class = 62 Sunday Morning Worship = 100 Sunday Evening Worship = 58 Wednesday Evening = 49 Giving Be “in the picture” every week! 3 2013 Weekly Budget = $2,820 Contribution Last Week = $ $2,737.63 Special Contributions = $266.05 Church of Christ 805 East Racine Place Casa Grande, AZ 85122 Postage TO: Privileged to Serve Sunday Morning August 3 Adult Bible Class: • Study & Grow ...................Greg Huffman Announcements: ..........................................................Bill Hall Song Leader:........................................................... Mike Evans Prayer: .................................................................Greg Huffman Serve Communion:....Ryan Ries, Rashad Faine, Jerry Odom, Tom Haney, Paul Ries Sermon: • A Fresh Start! ..................................... Lester Bagley Closing Prayer: .....................................................Allen Farrow Count Contribution: Curt Odom & Tom Haney Sunday Evening August 3 Song Leader:............................................................Guy Turpin Prayer: ...................................................................... Curt Odom Sermon: • Who Holds Your Future? .................. Lester Bagley Serve Communion:............................................. John Hoover Closing Prayer: ........................................................ Kim Myers Wednesday Evening August 6 Song Leader:...........................................................Mike Evans Prayer: ...................................................................... Jim Holder Devo: .......................................................................Jerry Odom Closing Prayer: .................................................... John Hoover Anniversaries August 11: Ray Ochoa & K.C. Deaton-Ochoa August 12: Bill & Evelyn Frank August 21: Austin & Jennifer Pascucci August 29: Pete & Cleo Wise September 4: Ed & Alma Baum September 4: Richard & Jenny Reid Birthdays August 3: Riley Harrison August 3: Barry Henderson August 3: Patricia Hernandez August 6: Grace Green August 10: Jacob Green August 14: Billie Odom – John Hoover August 15: William Beyer
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