A hint – Clicking on “Home Page, Parish News and Events and News Headlines“ below will bring you to a new page. Clicking on similarly displayed words and phrases in the bulletin below might produce helpful information. Home Page Parish News and Events Items of Parish interest that could not meet the time and space constraints of the printed bulletin. Please note that the interact-active capabilities of this web-log allows you to post comments and to alert others of items of interest by email. News Headlines Current world wide news relevant to the Church. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held in the chapel every Thursday from 6am to 9 pm. Intentions: Vocations, Sanctity of Life and all who are ill. If you can give an hour to Jesus please call Shirley 613-548-3091 or Karla 613-546-0285. Rosary & Divine Chaplet Every Thursday in the chapel at 7 pm. A prayer hour for our Priests! Prayer Network Over 50 people are praying daily for your intentions. If you would like to add someone to the prayer list or if you would like to join the prayer network call Christine at the parish office. Catholic Women’s League President: Karla Nichols 613-546-0285 General meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm in St. Joseph’s Room (from Sept. to June). All ladies are welcome! Knights of Columbus Grand Knight: Jean Pellerin 613-548-4121. 11886.GK@gmail.com General meetings are held on the second Monday of the Month at 7:00 pm in St. Joseph’s Room (from Sept. to June). Fr. Wes Chochrek Peter Scott Roseanne Hogan Roy Gould Marguerite Laudanski Jean Pellerin Fr. Wes Chochrek John Uliana – Chair Peter Finnegan Claire Fjarlie Parish Pastoral Council Chris Horezcy– Chair Jacki McCabe Joan Bryan Bonnie Henderson Mary Lynn Jefferies Finance Committee Karla Nichols Colleen Emmerson Helen Heyd Property Committee Fr. Wes Chochrek Basil Brosso Guy Lahaie Robert Portman Joe Payne Pat Stenson Mission Committee Fr. Wes Chochrek Marjorie Henderson – Chair Phil Henderson Ignatius Green Linda Goldstein Roseanne Hogan Vi Pearse Dorothy Green Pauline Burns Liturgy Committee Fr. Wes Chochrek Joan Bryan Madeline Halladay Jodie Compeau Weekend Mass Times Saturday 5:00 pm – Church Sunday 9:00 am – Church Sunday 10:30 am – Church Sunday 12:00 pm –Polish Mass – Church Mass Intentions 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Oct. 12, 2014 Memorial –St. Ignatius of Antioch Fri. Oct. 17- 9:30 am – St. Martha School 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Oct. 19, 2014 Sat. Oct. 18 - 5:00 pm – Monica Brosso (Basil) Sun. Oct. 19 - 9:00 am – Mass for the People 10:30 am Mass for the People 12:00 pm –Polish Mass Lectors 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Oct. 19, 2014 5 pm – 9 am – Patricia Croxford 10:30 am – Julie Campbell Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Oct. 19, 2014 5 pm –Mike Stenson & Marguerite Laudanski 9 am –Odette Denison & Jean Richards 10:30 am – Robert Campbell & Claire Fjarlie 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time –Oct. 19, 2014 2nd 1st Reading: Isaiah 45.1, 4-6 Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1.1-5ab Gospel: Matthew 22.15-21 The Sanctuary Lamp burns to remind us of Christ’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament. This week the Sanctuary Lamp burns For a special intention If you wish to sponsor the sanctuary lamp for one week the cost is $10.00 Stewardship Report: Your generous support of Holy Name of Jesus Church Ministry last weekend resulted in: Regular - $ 1,939.75 Improvement Fund - $ 237.00 Other - $ 360.00 St. Vincent de Paul - $ 20.00 Needs of the Church -$ 105.00 Thank You for your generosity! Shine Like the Son Youth Conference: Sat. Oct. 18 from 9 am to 5 pm at Holy Cross High School for youth ages 13-19. See Bulletin Board for details. IS GOD CALLING YOU TO BECOME A DEACON? The Archdiocese of Kingston is seeking men with a “DEACON’S HEART.” If you feel called to serve God and the Church by following in the footsteps of Christ the servant please consider attending the next Diaconal Vocation Inquiry Day scheduled to be held at the Diocesan Centre on Palace Rd. in Kingston on Saturday October 18 beginning at 9 am. Catholic Women’s League News: *Our C.W.L. will be attending the “Reasons for Hope” Birthright Dinner and Silent Auction on Nov. 1st. We would like to fill a table of 10. Please call Karla if you would like to attend.613-546-0285. Tickets are $50. *At the Nov. 5th meeting, the C.W.L. will be sending cards to protest euthanasia. Food Bag Blitz: For the next two weekends our Mission Committee will have bags of food ready for you to purchase (for $5) and donate to St Vincent de Paul Society. This is such an easy way to feed the hungry. Any Monetary donations will be gladly accepted. Christmas Volunteers Needed! In order to keep running the Children’s pageant at a 5 pm Mass at St. Martha School we need volunteers to help with the pageant and it’s planning as well as people to set up and take down for the Mass. If you can help, please call Christine at the parish office. St. Patrick’s Napanee Annual Harvest Bazaar Saturday, Oct. 18 from 10 am to 1 pm at St. Patrick’s Parish Hall on West St. in Napanee. Grand Luncheon from 11:00 to 1:00 ($6-Adults, $3 children 12 and under) See poster on bulletin board. Parish Mission in Westport and Elgin Oct. 19-22: The Mission will be given by Fr. Jean-Pierre Pilon from Campbellford. The talks will be centered on the life and teachings of St. John Paul II. Four different talks Sun. Oct. 19 at St. Columbanus, Elgin - 7 pm Mon. Oct. 20 at St. Edward, Westport -6:30 Mass followed by 7 pm talk Tues. Oct 21 at St. Columbanus, Elgin – 6:30 Mass followed by 7 pm talk Wed. Oct. 22 at St. Edward, Westport -6:30 Mass followed by 7 pm talk. Confessions at the end of each night. Theology of the Body Tuesdays: Vigil of the First Feast for St. John Paul II Every 3rd Tuesday, we’ll meet and discuss one topic from St. John Paul II’s writings on Creation entitled Theology of the Body. Come out on Oct. 21 at 7:30 pm at St. Mary’s Parish Centre! For more info tobkingston.blogspot.ca. Annual Liturgical Conference : The Archdiocese of Kingston invites you to our Annual Liturgical Conference called “The Evangelizing Power of the Liturgy”: Friday eve. Nov. 14th 6:30 pm to 9 pm and Saturday Nov. 15 from 9 am to 3:30 pm at the Providence Spirituality Centre. Facilitator: Msgr Murray Kroetsch VG, Hamilton, ON. Registration deadline is Oct. 30. Commuters: $50. Overnight: $95. To register call Gorrett or Nancy at 613-548-4461. Providence manor requires volunteers to assist residents going to and from Mass in the home. Please see notice on bulletin board. As part of the Caritas campaign against global hunger launched by Pope Francis, you are invited to join Development and Peace on Saturday October 18th at the Providence Mother House, 1200 Princess St. from 9 am to 12 noon (simple lunch to follow) to learn about our parish-based ‘Sow Much Love’ initiative”. Small Family farms are vital in the fight against global hunger but they are losing access to the seeds they need for planting. Come learn what you can do to help. RSVP to Sr. Una Byrne 613-544-4525 ext. 103. Next Sunday is World Mission Sunday. Every parish across the world will celebrate World Mission Sunday next week. It is a global sign of the Universal Church and Mission. Your prayers and donations will help support churches, hospitals, schools and vocations in countries where the Church is beginning, where it is new. Please be as generous as possible to the collection for the Propagation of Faith, for more than 1,120 dioceses in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Pacific Islands and some of our Canadian dioceses depend on the World Mission collection. Winter Coat Drive: Hotel Dieu Hospital is looking for gently used winter coats for its 2014 Coat Drive. Down-filled style coats and ski jackets are particularly needed, plus men’s winter coats. Drop off starts Weekdays Oct. 20 to Nov. 12 at the hospital’s Sydenham St. entrance during reg. business hours. 613-544-3310 ext. 2311. Volunteers needed to help with distribution of coats at St. Mary’s Parish Centre. It will operate 1-4 pm Monday to Saturday, Nov. 17 to Dec. 22 and Jan 5-17. Any assistance would be appreciated. 613-546-5521 ext. 5521. New Life Group Meetings: If you are experiencing the trauma of a failed marriage and searching for ways to cope, attend the support group on Alternate Tuesdays. Next meeting. Oct. 21 “Co-Dependency: Breaking the Cycle” Facilitator: Fr. Mac Burke Mass Intentions 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Oct. 5, 2014 Memorial – Our lady of the Rosary Tues. Oct. 7 – 9:00 am – Monica Brosso (Basil) Wed. Oct. 8 – 9:00 am – Monica Brosso (Basil) Thurs. Oct. 9 - 9:00 am – Monica Brosso (Basil) Fri. Oct. 10- 10:30 am –Fairmount Nsg Home 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Oct. 12, 2014 Sat. Oct. 11 - 5:00 pm – Michael Corrigan (Pearse Family) Sun. Oct. 12 - 9:00 am – Monica Brosso( Basil) 10:30 am Mass for the People 12:00 pm –Polish Mass Lectors 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Oct. 12, 2014 5 pm – Marie Thiele 9 am – Bob Bouvier 10:30 am – Shannon Mulholland Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Oct. 12, 2014 5 pm –Madeline Halladay & Roseanne Hogan 9 am –Bonnie Henderson & Roseanne Hogan 10:30 am – Phil & Marjorie Henderson 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time –Oct. 12, 2014 2nd 1st Reading: Isaiah 25.6-10a Reading: Philippians 4.12-14, 19-20 Gospel: Matthew 22.1-14 The Sanctuary Lamp burns to remind us of Christ’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament. This week the Sanctuary Lamp burns For Holy name of Jesus prayer network If you wish to sponsor the sanctuary lamp for one week the cost is $10.00 Stewardship Report: Your generous support of Holy Name of Jesus Church Ministry last weekend resulted in: Regular - 1,838.50 Improvement Fund - $ 134.50 Other - $ 150.00 Needs of the Church -$ 335.00 Thank You for your generosity! Shine Like the Son Youth Conference: Sat. Oct. 18 from 9 am to 5 pm at Holy Cross High School for youth ages 13-19. See Bulletin Board for details. Catholic Women’s League News: *Our C.W.L. will be attending the “Reasons for Hope” Birthright Dinner and Silent Auction on Nov. 1st. We would like to fill a table of 10. Please call Karla if you would like to attend.613-546-0285. Tickets are $50. *Cakeless Bakesale on the weekend of Oct. 4/5. Instead of spending money and time on ingredients and preparation, put the money you would have spent into an envelope for the C.W.L. Please mark your envelope Cakeless Bakesale and put it in the collection. Thank You! *At the Nov. 5th meeting, the C.W.L. will be sending cards to protest euthanasia. Annual Diocesan Catholic Women’s League Retreat: Saturday, Oct. 18 from 9 am to 3 pm at Our lady of Lourdes Parish on Days Rd. Registration is $5. Coffee and muffins will be provided. Bring a brown bag lunch. If you would like to attend please let your president know by October 10th –(Karla 613-546-0285). See bulletin board for details. Birthright Kingston is proud to present, “Reasons for Hope”, a dinner and silent auction event. We are pleased to welcome our keynote speaker, Frederica Mathewes-Green as well as president of Birthright International, Louise Summerhill. This event will take place on Saturday November 1st at Our Lady of Fatima Parish Hall. Tickets are $50 each (with a $25 tax receipt) and $25 for students. For tickets or more info call 613-546-5433 or email info@kingstonbirthright.ca. In order to protect and preserve Catholic Education, it is important that ratepayers ensure they are registered to vote as a Catholic separate school supporter. Unless you are identified as an English Separate School Supporter, you cannot vote for Catholic School Trustees and you are not counted as a supporter of Catholic Education in Ontario. To Register, check or change your Direction of School Support Designation, contact the Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board at 613-354-2255 or visit voterlookup.ca Catholic School Trustee All Candidates Debate: Cancelled! St. Paul the Apostle Presents: In the Beginning: Evidence for God from Physics. In this four part series, Fr. Robert Spitzer, expert in physics, philosophy and theology, debunks the myth as he discusses the Big Bang and the Origin of the Universe with sound reason, credible science, and faithful theology. Sessions will be held every other Tuesday, starting Oct. 14th at 6:30 pm at St. Paul the Apostle in the main hall. For more info call 613-389-2174. St. Patrick’s Napanee Annual Harvest Bazaar Saturday, Oct. 18 from 10 am to 1 pm at St. Patrick’s Parish Hall on West St. in Napanee. Grand Luncheon from 11:00 to 1:00 ($6-Adults, $3 children 12 and under) See poster on bulletin board. Parish Mission in Westport and Elgin Oct. 19-22: The Mission will be given by Fr. Jean-Pierre Pilon from Campbellford. The talks will be centered on the life and teachings of St. John Paul II. Four different talks Sun. Oct. 19 at St. Columbanus, Elgin - 7 pm Mon. Oct. 20 at St. Edward, Westport -6:30 Mass followed by 7 pm talk Tues. Oct 21 at St. Columbanus, Elgin – 6:30 Mass followed by 7 pm talk Wed. Oct. 22 at St. Edward, Westport -6:30 Mass followed by 7 pm talk. Confessions at the end of each night. Theology of the Body Tuesdays: Vigil of the First Feast for St. John Paul II Every 3rd Tuesday, we’ll meet and discuss one topic from St. John Paul II’s writings on Creation entitled Theology of the Body. Come out on Oct. 21 at 7:30 pm at St. Mary’s Parish Centre! For more info tobkingston.blogspot.ca. Special Annual Pilgrimage to the Holy Door in Quebec City, St. Joseph’s Oratory and the Shrine of St-Peregrine from the Archdiocese of Ottawa, Gatineau, Kingston, Pembroke, Mont-Laurier, Alexandria-Cornwall on Oct. 18-19. There will be a special ceremony at the cathedral of Quebec for our group. Accomodation in St-Anne-de-Beaubre. Call Mike 613-224-8110. Providence manor requires volunteers to assist residents going to and from Mass in the home. Please see notice on bulletin board. Quilt Raffle- St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Women’s League are raffling off a homemade quilt. Tickets are $2 or 3 for $5 and can be purchased from their C.W.L. members or at their Christmas Bazaar to be held on Nov. 29 from 10 am to 2 pm. We have some new Advertisers in our bulletin! Please take the time to check out the businesses that support our parish, and patronize them whenever you can.
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