P. O. Box 180082 Delafield WI 53108 Phone: 262-646-2727 www.littleredchurch.org E-mail: stjohnchrysostom@wi.twcbc.com A T r a d i ti o n o f F a i th s i n c e 1 8 5 1 St. John Chrysostom Episcopal Church Clean-up Day & Cookout – Saturday, October 11 The Buildings & Grounds Committee has set Saturday, October 11th as a day to prepare the parish buildings and grounds for the winter. Besides “picking up sticks” in the cemetery, plans include improving soil around bell tower, planting lots of daffodils, and moving brush from south hill to street level for DPW pickup on Oct. 14th. Contact Chardy Booth (262-567-2643)if you can donate daffodil bulbs “specific for naturalizing”. The day will include a cookout. Mark McGlinchey will be serving his smoked pork and we’ll need donations of buns, chips, etc. Call Chardy Booth (567-2643) with your offer of daffodil bulbs or food items St. John Chrysostom Episcopal Church A Tradition of Faith since 1851 The Pioneer Volume 4 Issue 6 October-November 2014 From Fr. Cunningham Dear Friends, can serve as a place where both we are changed and here we change the world. A church is not a social club, nor is it a service organization; it exists to love and serve God. This does not mean we cannot be social nor that we cannot do things to benefit society, but what it does mean is that all we do is done because we love and serve God first. Christianity is about changing the world and ourselves back to the way God intended it to be, where we are in communion with God and live in harmony with him and with his creation. I want to start this article by saying thanks to all of you. Thank you for calling me to be your priest and thank you for entrusting me to care for St. John Chrysostom. I am so very excited to be with you and look forward to serving as your priest as we look to growing ourselves and the parish in the service of God. As most of you know I also work full time as the Associate Dean at Nashotah House. When I was interviewing for the position I was asked why I wanted another job and I answered because I missed being fully a priest. I preach at Nashotah as well as celebrate and occasionally hear confessions, but I am not immersed in the spiritual lives of a worshiping community, and felt that I was not fully doing what I was trained and called to do. And so while I truly enjoy what I do at Nashotah I am ready to fully be a priest again as well. I cannot say where this call will lead us, but I would ask that we all be faithful to the vision of being disciples and living that way. We are called to be Christ’s own, to be salt and light. And so I would ask that, as we begin this relationship together, we would all be in prayer and ask God where it is that he would lead us. Where are the mission fields into which we are called? Because it is only in fulfilling God’s will that we are fulfilling our calling to be the church. Previously I served as an associate rector, a vicar and a rector so now I get to add priest in charge to my list of job descriptions. The interesting thing with this is that how we work together will be a little different than what I have been used to. My time will be split. All of this means that as we go forward we are going to have to figure out how all of this works best. I am fully committed to serving everyone in the parish and I would ask that you be patient with me as we figure this out. I look forward to getting to know all of you better and may God bless you. Fr. Cunningham I believe that St. John Chrysostom has a wonderful future ahead of it. I believe that it 1 Birthdays / Anniversaries OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS 05 06 11 20 25 26 30 NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS Nikhil Nayar Melissa Eriksen Lance Maarshall Patti Bush Natalie Galles Nancy Weber Judy Galles 01 01 05 08 14 19 Aaron Adam Esther Kramer Gautam Nayar Bruce Robertson Kati (McCormick) Adam Maya Adam OCTOBER ANNIVERSARIES 10 16 18 28 Albert & Nancy Nicholas Pat & Sandra Maylen Edward & Sherri Kuehn Bruce & Shirley Robertson 27 NOVEMBER ANNIVERSARIES Fr. Charles & Jennifer Henery 8:00 a.m. Rite I Eucharist 10:00 a.m. Rite II Eucharist DATE 10/12 10/19 10/26 11/2 11/9 11/16 11/23 11/30 12/1 DATE 10/12 10/19 10/26 11/2 11/9 11/16 11/23 11/30 12/1 READER USHER TREATS Gubernot Gubernot Gubernot Canter Gasser Canter Constable Constable Leder Kopka Kopka Kopka Bowersock Bowersock Bowersock Maylen Maylen Blank Gubernot Gubernot Gubernot Canter Gasser Canter Constable Constable Miller FIRST LESSON Lee Nelson Paul Murphy Sue Sevenz Esther Kramer Julie Jones Bob Henry Tom Schlaefer Julie Jones Bob Henry PSALM Sue Sevenz Julie Jones Nancy Weber Tom Schlaefer Lee Nelson Sue Sevenz Esther Kramer Paul Murphy Sue Sevenz Not available to serve as scheduled? Please call another server to find someone to switch dates with you. ALL SAINTS DAY – NOVEMBER 1ST FOR ALL THE SAINTS Sick Let there be this difference between the servants of Christ and the worshipers of idols, that the latter weep for their friends whom they suppose to have perished forever …. But from us, for whom death is the end not of our nature but of this life only, since our nature itself is restored to a better state, let the advent of death wipe away all tears. —St. Ambrose (A.D. 340-397) Military Royce Bob Tim Pat Beverly Carol Mark Julie Lonnie Scuyler Troy Anton Elizabeth Rose Barb Edith John Kent Robert Jim Rick Fr. Robert Bernie Gerry Nicholas Mario P LEASE BE SURE TO CALL THE OFFICE WITH ANY ADDITIONS OR REMOVALS TO KEEP THE PRAYER LIST CURRENT . T HANK YOU . - 12 - CLOTHING NEEDED SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2014 9:00 A.M Through June 2014, Hope Center has given away over 5,300 pieces of underwear and over 7,200 pairs of socks! That should give you an idea of the demand we have for the most basic items in our Clothing Shop. We are in need of new packages of these items in particular: Our third and final highway clean-up day for 2014 has been scheduled to take on our community “Adopt-A-Highway” project. If you are able to join the clean-up crew at 9:00 a.m. on SATURDAY, November 1st, please let Norb Kopka know County DR from at 646-4830 by Wednesday, Sawyer Rd to Hwy 67 October 29 so enough safety vests and trash bags may be obtained from the county highway department. Girl's underwear: Sizes 6, 8, 12, 14 Boy's underwear: Sizes 4, 10, 12 Ladies underwear: Sizes 5, 8, 9 Men's briefs: Medium Ladies socks: ankle length, and "no show" Men's socks: ankle length, "no show", and crew The clean-up crew will meet at 9:00 a.m. at the park and ride on Hwy DR just east of Hwy 67, across from Aurora Hospital. WHAT'S A CHRISTIAN TO DO WITH HALLOWEEN? These days, children associate Halloween with trick-or-treating and candy. But centuries ago, Christians named the night before All Hallows’ Day (All Saints’ Day) “All Hallows’ Eve.” As the faithful prepared to remember people who were entrusted to resurrection life, they adopted various traditions to poke fun at death. Around the world, Christians observe Halloween differently: In Poland, kids pray aloud while walking through forests to comfort souls of the dead. In Spain, tolling church bells remind people to remember the saints. In Finland, so many people light candles in cemeteries that the observance is called “seas of light.” Although some Christians steer clear of Halloween, others use it as an evangelism opportunity and provide entertainment alternatives such as harvest parties. No matter your views, you can remind children that though it’s fun to pretend, we can always be ourselves with God. Whatever our features and flaws, we need not and cannot hide from God behind masks. God made us in his holy image and loves us as his holy — hallowed! — children. NEW DIRECTORY AVAILABLE SOON Our updated parish directory is being put together and will be available to parishioners before months end. PHOTO DIRECTORY Also in the works is a photo directory to help Fr. Cunningham put names with faces as he gets to know us. A second copy of the photo directory will be available in the Narthex for parishioners to get to know those of “the other service.” If you haven’t submitted a photo of your family who attends this parish, you may still do so and we will update the directory. NEW MEMBERS We are very happy to welcome two new members to the parish; namely, June Gunst, of Brookfield, mother of Jill Muehlmeier, and Jill’s brother, Jim Gunst of Waauwatosa. Their address and phone information will be included in the new directory. -2- 7 THRIFT SHOP WHY THE COMMITTEES? The Thrift Shop activity has been a slower than usual this summer. Our volunteers are hoping things will pick up with the need for warmer clothing. As you make the switch from summer to winter wardrobe, please consider the Thrift Shop for those winter items you don’t want. Open hours remain the same: 9:00am to Noon Wednesday and Saturday. During the discernment process earlier this year, we became aware that our parish community wanted to see more things accomplished, but with a part time priest in change, we also had to take on more responsibility. Four committees have been created to support this effort: 1. Finance lead by Sue Blank, with assistance from Treasurer Bonnie McCormick and Tom Schlaefer, and Gretchen Stevens as consultant. Primary purpose of this group is to oversee our financial processes to assure that your pledges are spent wisely. With the resignation of John Sanders, who created our monthly statements and annual budgets, their first project is to determine the most cost effective way to replace him. 2. Building and Grounds lead by Chardy Booth, Mark and Mary McGlinchy. This group was created to act as a support team to the Junior Warden. We have been very fortunate is having Pat Maylen as Junior Warder, but he and his successor next year need our help to assure our grounds and building remain in good repair. There always is too much to do with too little time and the Junior Warden should not have to do it all. 3. Hospitality lead by Bruce Robertson. 4. Welcoming new guests and coordinating events to bring us together as a parish community is their task. 5. Outreach lead by Norb Kopka. Coordinating events for St. John Chrysostom to have an impact on our local communities is the primary of the group. The event can either be financial contributions or gifts of time. Our first project is to contribute at least three themed gift baskets to St. Anskar’s Trivia Night in January which will benefit the Lake Country Free Clinic. Please contact Nancy Weber if you have an interest in putting one together. If you have interest in getting involved in any of the above committees, please reach out to the designnated leaders. Large tasks become small ones when several people involved. Blessing, Norb Kopka, Senior Warden MEN’S FELLOWSHIP September brought the return of the monthly Men’s Fellowship gatherings. NEXT MEETING, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15TH Future meetings will continue on the third Wednesday of each month through January. The February meeting switches to the second Wednesday due to Ash Wednesday. There is no meeting during Lent in March, and then it’s back to the third Wednesday for April, May and June. So mark your calendar for these dates so you won’t miss any of the great food and fellowship with your parish fellows. First Sunday Offerings Bring those non-perishable grocery donations to church the first Sunday of each month so these items can be taken to the Kettle Moraine and Oconomowoc Food Pantries. And don’t forget about our commitment to send coffee creamer to the Hospitality Center in Racine. Speaking of the Hospitality Center Kevin Stewart, Director of this ministry in Racine, invites everyone to its Open House on Saturday, December 6, from 8:00a.m. until 1:00 p.m. For location and more information see: hospitality-center.org Finance Committee John Sanders has resigned from his accounting duties as of September 1st. We are currently looking at internal and external options to implement an effective and cost effective accounting system. Also, the loose offering taken the first Sunday of every month goes to the Priest’s Discretionary Fund. Sue, Bonnie, Tom - 63 - News From Lake Country Episcopal Churches Altar Guild The LCEC group will be hosting a Lecture Series beginning this fall titled "World Religions". The lectures will have expert speakers that focus on specific religions. A light meal (similar to our Lenten Soup and Salad) will begin at 6:30 pm and the lecture will run from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm. The first in the series is listed below. October: Sue Sevenz (Others as Needed) November: Mary McGlinchey Melissa Eriksen Preparing the altar for worship can be a special quiet time with God. The Altar Guild would love to add another volunteer or two to their membership— women or men. If you are interested in learning about the liturgical life of the church are willing to help prepare the church for worship, please call Sue Sevenz at 646-3268 LECTURE SERIES ON WORLD RELIGIONS “What Does It Mean to Be Episcopalian?” Presenters: The Rev. Dr. Wayne Fehr & The Rev. Dr. Steven Peay Thursday, October 30, 6:30‐8:30 pm St. Anskar’s Episcopal Church, SANCTUARY CANDLES N48W31340 Hill Rd. (Hwy 83), Hartland, WI Admission is free and all are welcome to attend. A light supper will be served. A great way to remember a loved one or celebrate a special occasion is to purchase a candle to burn in the Sanctuary. Please contact Nancy Kopka (262-646-4830) to request your date /s and intention/s. The cost is $5.00. The next Lecture is scheduled for January 29, 2015, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm at St. Bartholomew Episcopal Church, Pewaukee. The Islamic Society of Milwaukee will be presenting “Islam ”. AUCTION ITEMS NEEDED FOR TEAM TRIVIA NIGHT ALTAR FLOWERS The Lake Country Episcopal Churches (LCEC) group has scheduled a Team Trivia Night with a Silent Auction for January 24th. They are asking churches to begin collecting items for auction baskets. Our parish has committed to donating three such baskets. Here are some likely themes for which they will need new items: Golf Chocolate/Sweets Car Care Kitchen Stuff Coffee/Tea Pampering/Spa Sporting Events Hand/Home Crafts Yard/Garden/Home Improvement Dining Gift Cards / Gift Certificates Kit Themes – Books, Toys, etc. Alcoholic Beverages (Clean out your liquor cabinet of unopened housewarming/hostess gift hooch). Special intentions may be offered by giving flowers to adorn the altar. Please contact Sue Sevenz (646-3268) to reserve your date and intention. You may purchase a bouquet and arrange it (or have one of the Guild members arrange) it in one of our vases, or flowers may be ordered through Avant Garden for $25 each for small vases or $50 each for the large vases. Our annual budget does not cover cost of flowers, so if you can be a source for altar flowers, please contact Sue Sevenz. - 43 - IN CASE YOU MISSED THIS This article missed our Aug/Sept newsletter, but we wanted to be sure that you read about Henry Galles, son of Paul & Judy Galles, and his success on the Kettle Moraine football team this season. Henry also served at King of the KM Homecoming Court. Annual Pre-Advent Retreat Saturday, November 15 9:00am – 3:30 pm Cost: $25.00 (includes lunch) Led by The Rev. Anna Doherty @ Cedar Valley Retreat Center West Bend, WI “PRACTICING SABBATH” (Sponsored by the Diocesan Episcopal Churchwomen) Here is an opportunity for you to prepare for the season of Advent by attending this retreat for a day of rest, learning and fellowship. Flyers with registration forms are posted on the bulletin board in the schoolhouse, and extras are available at the office. - 54 - Open House at Nashotah House Seminary Paul Murphy asked to call Atty. Norb Bissonette to see if he had to stay overnight in the locked study area. According to Paul: “Ecclesiastical prison life is not so bad; I think it helped me! Thank you to Bishop Salmon, Father Cunningham and Amy for the Nashotah House tour and to those who prepared the delicious dinner. The turnout was in part to show our support for Fr. Phil coming to St. John Chrysostom, and to see where he works in his daytime Monday to Friday job. We were the largest by number in attendance of all the other churches. Gratitude's gifts GIVE THANKS ALWAYS Gratitude gets us through the hard stuff. To reflect on your blessings is to rehearse God’s accomplishments. To rehearse God’s accomplishments is to discover his heart. To discover his heart is to discover not just good gifts but the Good Giver. Full many a blessing wears the guise of worry or of trouble Far-seeing is the soul, and wise, who knows the mask is double. But he who has the faith and strength to thank his God for sorrow Has found a joy without alloy to gladden every morrow. Gratitude always leaves us looking at God and away from dread. It does to anxiety what the morning sun does to valley mist. It burns it up. —Max Lucado, You’ll Get Through This - 65-
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