UN-REDD P R O G R A M M E REDD+ Academy First Regional Training Course for Asia-Pacifc Region Dates: 28 October to 7 November 2014 Venue: Hyatt Regency Hotel, Yogyakarta, Indonesia The challenge In 2008, the Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC decided to include REDD under the work of the Bali Action Plan. Since then, REDD has developed into REDD+ and the Warsaw Framework has established a “rulebook” for developing countries that wish to benefit from results-based financing. This includes four required components, i.e. a national strategy or action plan, a national forest reference emission level and/or forest reference level; a national forest monitoring system for the monitoring and reporting, and a system for providing information on how the Cancun safeguards are being addressed and respected. Developing and implementing REDD+ clearly goes beyond the forestry sector and requires input from a broad spectrum of informed stakeholders. The key term here is “informed”. Many stakeholders feel challenged and overwhelmed by unfamiliar concepts and terminology and often find it difficult to distinguish between facts and opinions. The demand for capacity building continues to increase. The UN-REDD Programme’s REDD+ Academy is responding to the demand. What is the REDD+ Academy? The REDD+ Academy aims to enable current and future decision-makers to support national REDD+ development and implementation under the UNFCCC. The Academy offers a comprehensive training course on all aspects of REDD+, which is preceded by a pre-course online introduction. REDD+ Academy courses will be offered once a year for each region (Asia-Pacific, Africa, and Latin America/Caribbean). The REDD+ Academy has no fixed location, but will rotate each year to a new host country. For participants from the Asia-Pacific region, the first Academy course will take place in October and November in Indonesia. Who can participate? Participation in REDD+ Academy training is by invitation only, and limited to UN-REDD partner countries. Participants will be nominated by the UN-REDD National Focal Points who will forward their short listed candidates for final section by the UN-REDD Programme agencies (FAO, UNDP and UNEP). As the REDD+ Academy aims for gender balance, Focal Points are particularly encouraged to nominate qualified women. Participants will be those who work in key national institutions, including those beyond the forestry sector, which have an important role to play in national REDD+ development and implementation, in particular Ministries of Agriculture, Environment, Finance, and Development Planning, and key national civil society and indigenous organizations. After their return to their home country, participants should be in a position to promote and strengthen national REDD+ development and implementation and work closely with UN-REDD National Focal Points and REDD+ national programmes. The course will be structured in two parts: an online part to be completed by the participants before their arrival at the Academy, and an in-person part that will be taught by key resource persons from the UN-REDD Programme and partner organizations. Participants will receive a certificate from the UN-REDD Programme and Yale University upon completion of the training. Travel funds and daily subsistence allowance during the training will be provided. The learning materials of the Academy will be made available online through the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). Who is behind the REDD+ Academy? The REDD+ Academy is managed by UNEP on behalf of the UN-REDD Programme. Several partner organizations and networks are contributing to the Academy through an Advisory Group, including the Alliance for Global REDD+ Capacity, Conservation International, Climate Development Knowledge Network, Global Canopy Programme, the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), the Forest Carbon, Markets and Communities (FCMC) Program, the Secretariat of the UNFCCC, UNITAR, the UN Office for REDD+ Coordination in Indonesia (UNORCID), and the World Bank Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF). For more information: Mr. Levis Kavagi, REDD+ Academy Coordinator, United Nations Environment Programme Tel: +254 762 3145 Email: levis.kavagi@unep.org www.un-redd.org UN-REDD P R O G R A M M E U NE P Empowered lives. Resilient nations.
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