Hanapepe United Church of Christ 12 October 2014, 10:00 A.M. Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost "Whoever you are and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here." Our mission as an openly inclusive, affirming and welcoming church, is to worship God, to proclaim the Good News of God's redemptive love for all peoples as revealed in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, and to witness to the reign of God by joyfully serving the needs of God's world. ORDER OF WORSHIP PRELUDE CALL TO WORSHIP Responsively One: The Lord is good! All: God’s steadfast love endures forever. *HYMN Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart Lay Leader and People Brown 34 *INVOCATION Pastor & Teacher Ever-present God, you never leave us. Help us to stay with you when we are tempted to flee, and keep us seeking after that which is true, that all may know that you are the Lord, our God, a tenacious presence in whatever our reality. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen. *PRAYER OF CONFESSION Responsively Lay Leader and People One: Holy God, you are the Lord our God, All: who brought us out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. One: And yet our trust in you is fragile, easily crushed by our bent toward indifference All: the dismissal of your faithfulness as a result of our forgetfulness. One: Our trust is fragile, easily broken by the slightest pause All: an answer to prayer not instantly given, a request for peace not immediately felt. One: Our trust is fragile, easily displaced by gods of our own making All: the god of self-sufficiency, chased at any cost, the god of illusion, pursued in any form. One: Lord, have mercy on us, through Christ, our Lord. Amen. Interested in becoming a member of HUCC? You're welcome here always, member or not. Members do, however, get to have a formal vote on things such as who our deacons are, how our budget is spent, and other “business-kine” things. If you are interested in growing in Christ and joining us in Christian living, please talk with Pastor Michael after worship. Like working with kids? We are in need of volunteers for our Sunday morning youth program. With several volunteers, any one person would not be “tied” to serving every Sunday; we could instead rotate service. We'll provide materials, curriculum, and training. Contact the church office or Christian Education Deacon Merrily Worrell at merrily@hawaii.rr.com. REMEMBERING IN PRAYER: We pray for Ann Akama, James & Lynne Akiyama, Kenneth Brown, Flo Ann Cleary, Nancy Colliton, Lynette & Tim Floyd, Jim Harmon, Kei & Jessie Hirano, Bruce Igawa, Fumie Isobe, John Isobe, Edna Kawamura, Mervin Kimura, Laura Mission, Irene Miyake, Rene Moritsugu, Marlene Norwak, Irene Nozaki, Iya’negre Oggundele, Margaret Oshiro, Chiyo Ueunten, Kathy Uyeda, Tommy Wolfe, Allison Uyehara, Debra Shimono, Louis Morera, the family of Louise Tamura, keiki Pa'a, Lani Tashiro Bennett, Chris Baird, Suzanne & Dolly Pearson, the families of Ronson Morita and Lance Akama, Betty Lou Yoshinobu, Margie Konishi, Wanda Corr Shigematsu, Lynn Sato, and Dr. Richard Haruki (Contact Carol Kanna to update). Hanapepe United Church of Christ P. O. Box 260, Hanapepe, HI 96716 808.335.5135 office@hanapepeucc.org www.hanapepeucc.org Pastor Michael's phone 808.634.9424 Pastor's email: michael@hanapepeucc.org or michael@mocmin.org Mon (10/13) Tues (10/14) Wed (10/15) Thur (10/16) Fri (10/17) Sun (10/19) THIS WEEK and more Kokua Thrift Shop 9:30 -11:30 a.m. Lectionary Lite Bible Study 12:00 noon Hula Class 4:00 p.m. Tutu & Me Traveling Preschool 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. AA/Al-Anon meetings 5:00-7:00 p.m. VA Rural Health Team 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Tutu & Me Traveling Preschool 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. Community Lunch 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Festival of Praise 7:00 p.m. Campus Work Day 8:00 a.m. Choir Practice 8:45 a.m. Worship 10:00 a.m. Festival of Praise The annual Festival of Praise, a gathering of choirs and musicians from a large group of Kaua'i churches (mostly Westside), will be held starting at 7:00 PM at Holy Cross church in Kalaheo on Thursday, 10/16). Join the HUCC choir and a bunch of other folks for a really nice night of music filled with variety, good feelings, and usually a surprise or two. SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR THE COMING WEEK Exodus 33:12-23; Psalm 99; I Thessalonians 1:1-10; Matthew 22: 15-22; Lectionary Lite Focus: Psalm 99 – the Lord is king; Matthew – Jesus and Ceaser; caught in the act. *DECLARATION OF FORGIVENESS Pastor & Teacher Beloved, hear the good news: Jesus Christ came to stand in the breach to reconcile us to God. We are forgiven and freed! *PASSING THE PEACE OF CHRIST (“Peace be with you” or similar) CHILDREN’S TIME (come during “O, How I Love Jesus”) Brown 509 There is a name I love to hear, I love to sing its worth; It sounds like music in my ear, the sweetest name on earth. O, how I love Jesus, O, how I love Jesus, O, how I love Jesus, because he first loved me! Children may leave for Sunday School after the prayer. ANTHEM Old Time Religion Medley arr. Mark Hayes SCRIPTURE: Exodus 32:1-14 (p. 72) Lay Leader SCRIPTURE: Philippians 4:1-9 (p. 175) Pastor & Teacher SERMON: Rev. Christensen I Want the Real, not the Fake *HYMN OF DECISION Take Time to be Holy Brown 540 PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE During the prayer the pastor will say “hear us, O God;” and the people respond with “your mercy is great” and join in the Amen. THE LORD'S PRAYER(“debts”) SUNG RESPONSE Peace, Salaam, Shalom by Dean McIntyre ANNOUNCEMENTS Lay Leader INVITATION TO THE OFFERING Lay Leader Beloved, do not worry about anything, but in everything let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. In the assurance of this promise, let us confidently offer ourselves to God, knowing that God has already provided all that we need. OFFERTORY / SHARING OUR GIFTS AND OFFERINGS *DOXOLOGY Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise him all creatures here below. Praise him above ye heavenly hosts, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. *PRAYER OF DEDICATION Responsively Lay Leader One: Creator God, you are our provider. We offer all that we have and all that we are to you, because we belong to you. All: Bless these gifts, and empower us, your church, that through the work of your Spirit we may be a refuge for the needy in their distress, a shelter from the storm, and a shade from the heat. Through Christ, our shield and our stronghold. Amen. *PARTING HYMN Lord Listen to Your Children Praying Brown 629 *BENEDICTION Responsively Pastor and Teacher One: Beloved, may the Spirit guide us to that which is true, All: that we may be set free; One: that which is honorable, All: that we may rise above ourselves; One: that which is just, All: that we may stand in the breach for another; One: that which is pure, All: that we may live with integrity; One: that which is pleasing, All: that we may look beyond ourselves; One: that which is commendable, All: that we may seek to do God’s will; One: that which is excellent and worthy of praise, All: that we may praise the name of the Lord forever. One: May the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Amen. *LEI OF ALOHA AND SUNG RESPONSE God be with you till we meet again, by his counsels guide, uphold you, With his sheep securely fold you; God be with you till we meet again. Till we me-e-t, till we me-et, till we meet at Jesus’ feet Till we me-e-t, till we me-et, God be with you till we meet again. *POSTLUDE SERVING IN TODAY’S WORSHIP SERVICE / Sunday 19 October Preaching: Rev. Michael O. Christensen Lay Reader: Stanwood Kanna/Mitsugi Nakashima Altar Flowers: Sharon Yoshimoto/Moana Kaluna Ushers & Greeters: Clare Valley Domine & Harold Shimono/ Sutemi Yamamoto & Marjorie Nakashima Refreshments: Lillian Takanishi & Alison Shigematsu/Sadie Doi Ministers: All members Hanapepe United Church of Christ P. O. Box 260, Hanapepe, HI 96716 808.335.5135 office@hanapepeucc.org www.hanapepeucc.org Pastor Michael's phone 808.634.9424 Pastor's email: michael@hanapepeucc.org or michael@mocmin.org Questions for Reflection Where has your trust in God wavered or broken down? What would it take for that trust to be restored? When have you experienced the peace of God, which passes understanding? Each day this week, ponder the attributes in Philippians 4: 8 and make your own list of what to set your mind on toward living in thanksgiving. On Monday, meditate on whatever is true; Tuesday, whatever is honorable; Wednesday, just; Thursday, pure; Friday, pleasing; Saturday, commendable. On Sunday, consider what is excellent and worthy of praise. Household Prayer: Morning On this new day, O God, I thank you for clean air that fills my lungs, for water to drink and stream over the rocks, for light that creates life and shines on my path, for soil that grows fruits and vegetables, fashions hills and valleys, and makes homes for creatures in burrows and trees. Let me see Earth today with gratitude and feast my senses on its beauty; in Jesus’ name. Amen. Household Prayer: Evening As this day is ending and I lie down to sleep, gracious God, I thank you for this day. I am mindful of the work I have done, the tasks I have not yet accomplished, the moments of blessing between me and those with whom I shared some hours, the joys of friendship and family, and all the hopes I have for tomorrow. Give me good sleep and keep me safe; in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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