NOVEMBER BAR ADMISSION CEREMONIES FOR JULY 2014 EXAMINEES Congratulations on passing the Tennessee Bar Examination. Tennessee Supreme Court Rule 6, provides that applicants may seek admission by either: 1) appearing in court with a member of the bar; or 2) filing an application for admission by affidavit. To be admitted by ceremony in open court, you and your sponsoring attorney may attend one of the November, 2014 Supreme Court Admission Ceremonies held in Nashville, Knoxville, Jackson or Memphis. You may choose your own sponsor or request to be introduced by a bar association officer who will be present. Bar Admission Ceremonies will be held on the following dates at the following locations: LOCATION! Knoxville! Main!Assembly!Hall! City/County!Building! (Further!Information:!865@594@6700)! ! Nashville6666(Two!Ceremonies)6 War!Memorial!Auditorium! (Further!Information:!615@253@1470)! ! Jackson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Supreme! Court!Building! (Further!Information:!731@423@5840)! ! Memphis! Memphis!City!Council!Chambers! (Further!Information:!731@423@5840)! ! DATE! November! 2014! TIME! 3,! 10:00! a.m.! (Eastern!Time)! November! 2014! 4,! 10:00! a.m.! (Central!Time)! 1:30!p.m.! November! 2014! 5,! 9:00! a.m.! (Central!Time)! November! 2014! 6,! 10:00! a.m.! (Central!Time)! The licensing process will begin after Friday, October 10, 2014. The following is a list of those Applicants who were SUCCESSFUL on the July 2014 Tennessee Bar Examination. If your name does not appear on this list, you did not achieve a passing score on the examination. Successful completion of the Tennessee Bar Examination does not mean that all licensing requirements have been met. No license will be issued until an applicant has completed all requirements for licensing including, but not limited to, the Character and Fitness Interview and a passing score on the MPRE. If you are eligible to be licensed you will receive a “Welcome Email” from the Board of Professional Responsibility (BPR) in the next few days regarding the next steps in the licensing process. Please allow the BPR two to three business days to send out all emails before contacting their office with questions. Emails will be sent to all applicants. Please wait until you receive your email and read it carefully before contacting this office with questions. Scores are only released to unsuccessful applicants. MBE score transfers are processed by NCBE score services. FOR APPLICANTS WHO WERE UNSUCCESSFUL on the examination, pursuant to TN Supreme Court Rule 7,§14.01 the only remedy for failure to pass the bar examination is reexamination. Essays are not regraded. To search for your name on the list, press CTRL + F and type your name in the search box. In order to participate in any Admission Ceremony, a candidate must complete the on-line registration process by noon, Wednesday, October 29, 2014. Failure to do so will prohibit you from participating in the Admission Ceremony. The candidate would then be required to seek admission by affidavit as provided for in Tenn. Sup. Ct. R. 6(2). Please note that you may not be admitted by affidavit and participate in an Admission Ceremony. Any candidate certified after Wednesday, October 29th, 2014, will not be eligible to participate in any of the ceremonies listed above. First Name Benjamin Anthony Ashley Charles Christopher Nathaniel Christopher Henry Shawn Anna Jeremy Taylor Taylor R. Khadija Brooke John Keane Naya Christopher Justin Christopher Emma Elisabeth Steven Amy Shana Song John Jeremy Katherine Ashlyn Daane Semmes Gary John Justin Cassandra Herron Robert Virginia Katherine Melissa Alex Patrick Frank Deanna William Christopher William KRYSTA James Matthew Adam Ryan David Jacqueline Donald Jacques Jeremy Robert Kayla Timothy Kristen Connie Monisha Estefania Carlos Daniel Alexander Page 1 of 8 PASS LIST JULY 2014 Middle Name Last Name Seth Adegoke Elizabeth McNiel George Greyson Brent F Douglas Elizabeth Todd James Jarvis C. Lanice LaShea Michael Addison Adams Adewumi Ahlholm Alden Aldridge Alexander Allred Ambrose Applegate Appleton Armstrong Ashley Askew BABAOGLU Babb Baird Ballard Barger Bedini Belford Bell Bell Bellamy Bellinger Benvenuto Bergamo Berkeley Betzler Bishop Bland Blankenship Blevins Blocksma Bobo Bobo Bohan Boitnott Bolding Bond Boon Boston Boston Bourne Boykin Boyle Brazil Breeding Brewer Britt Brooks BROWN Brown Buchbinder Bullock Burgett Burkhalter Butler Byrd Cabell Cain Campbell Cantrell Capria Cass Chadwick Chakravarthy Chavez Chavez-Brin Chung Clamon Irvin Steven Neil Chase Joy Matthew Michelle Janieca Choi Wesley Holloway Elizabeth Joel Hill Norman Stewart Holt Leighann Tyler David Adeline Susannah Katherine Neal Kelsey Ross Ashley Braxton G. Wesley ELISE Rickey James Michael Allen Alexander Victoria Heisman Christensen Roe Collins Loren Alexandria Jean Beatriz Miguel Jinho Frank Date Generated: 10/9/2014 3:24:12 PM First Name PATRICK Rachel Andrew Charles Randy Rebecca James Emily Clayton Carlin Alexis Adrienne Michael Philip Aaron Thomas Kirstin Kevin Larry Michael Michael Kyle Chase Mark Woodruff Adrienne Benjamin LOUISA AnCharlene Justin Cynthia Ian Ibrahima I'Ashea Laura Jenna Darrell Nathan Michelle James Amanda Jasen Victoria Edward Milfred Matthew Kevin Caitlin Emily Brett Joshua Sharon John clyde Charles Joe Jacob Peter Bryce Mary Andrea William William Joshua Ryan Thomas Rebekka Andrea Ryan William Page 2 of 8 PASS LIST JULY 2014 Middle Name Last Name CHESTER Elizbaeth Tyler Harvey CLARK Clark Clark Clark Clark Closner Cobb Cole Collins Comerouski Conniff Coronado Cottone Coyle Crafton Craig-Grubbs Crawford Criswell Cross Crowder Crum Cummins Cunningham Cunningham Dabbs Dale Danford DAVIS Davis Day Dayhoff Deaderick Diallo Dihigo Dobson Doughman Douglas Drake Drinkard Duckworth Dunavant Durrence Dutschmann Eadie Eckel Edwards Elkins Elledge Emmons Estenoz Etson Eun Fahner farmer Ferguson Fernandez Feuer Filetti Fitzgerald Fleming Floyd Fortunato Fox Frank Franklin Frazer Freeman Freeman Freeman Freemon Ann Wesley Jane Mark Victoria Wright Elizabeth Anthony Andrew Britton Michael Elisabeth Andrew Dean Ray Fitzgerald Robert Ryan Bradford Spence LaRae Hall JACKSON Debrotha Glenn Ann Nicholas Myles Ashley Lea Lynn James Celie Douglas Lynn McCoy Elaine Leland Hutton Olin Crawford Tyler Stone Elizabeth Wade Hae George eric Benjamin Louis Alter Michael Ellsworth Elizabeth Kathryn Matthew Wesley Art Dennis Roe Nichole Suzanne Alexander Joseph Date Generated: 10/9/2014 3:24:12 PM First Name Rachael Paul Michael James Jared Ryan Sara Megan Ashley Charles Steven William Spencer Jeffrey Benjamin Justin David Franklin Marilyn Kevin Emily Nathaniel Sarah Linn Macey Michele Abby Jared John BRANDON Samuel Melissa Nikita Michelle Kelsie William Robert Kathryn Kristen Elizabeth Alyssa james John Edward Katheryn Victoria Bailey Michael James Callie Samuel Rachel Joshua Everett Michele Elise Mackenzie Johnathan Tiffany Josie Ryan Nathan Shannon Caleb Brittany Kelly Megan Morgan Laurence William Page 3 of 8 PASS LIST JULY 2014 Middle Name Last Name Nicole Bailey Heith Britton Scott Parker Marie Renee Elizabeth Wayne William Warren Lennon Harold Paul Michael Joseph Stuart K Tate Cannon Foxworthy Kathryn Marie Lee Brooks Kincaid Alan Crockett GLENNIS Spencer Joy Lea Josephine Denise James Ethan Elizabeth Lynn Caitlin Christine patrick Milton Alexander Carolyn Susannah Gene Cameron Lynn Katherine Wayne Ann Eric Layne Denise Christine Rae Devereux Ann Scarlett Edward Craig Jean Thomas Marion Marie Rhea Locke Branch Edgar French Friener Frost Funderburk Garceau Gardner Garner Geer Geno Gilbreath Giles Gill Glaser Glaspie Glover Goins Gratz Graves Gray Gray Green Greene Gritton Guerrero Gurley Gwinn Hagan Hagler Hailey HALL Hall Hamilton Hampton Handelsman Hanson Harbison Hargraves Harvey Harvey Heath Hennig henry Henson Herbert Hereford Herman Hill Himes Hines Hinson Hinson Hitt Hixson Hixson Hodges Hofer Hogan Holbrook Holford Holland Holliday Holloway Holt Holzaepfel Hoover Horejs House Houston Howard Howell Date Generated: 10/9/2014 3:24:12 PM First Name Jill Miller Donald Erika Wessley Benjamin Jerry Samuel Elizabeth William Terry Keith NATALIE Joseph John Elisabeth Katharine Austin Megan Margaret William Michael Catherine Elise Benjamin Ryan Will Mallorie Andrew DeAnn Benjamin Nathan Zachary William Matthew Bianca Garrett April Jared Aarthi Bryant Donovan David Andrew Matthew Tara Justin Tyler Jami Scott Kjirsten Matthew David Edward Michael Samuel Erica Stephen Frank John Ryan Kori Tabitha Tessa Ryan Nate Lindsey Abigail Mark Whitney Page 4 of 8 PASS LIST JULY 2014 Middle Name Last Name Marie Kelly Brett Michelle Shea M Lee Lee Burger Bryan Mitchell Alexander ERICA Clifford Logan Brooke Elizabeth Evans Kristina Ellen Thomas Paul Ardra Goodrich Michael Charles Hudson Hunt Hutchins Hyde Inscoe Israel Ivery Ivy Jackson Jakes James Jennings JERDEN Johnson Jolley Jones Jones Jones Jordan Joyce Joyner Kapellas Karczmarczyk Karpinski Katz Kemp Kerby Kerby Kidd Kilpatrick King King Kisber Klein Knable Knight Knisley Knox Kocurek Krishnamurthy Kroll Kurtz LanCarte LaPorte Lavery Lay Layne Layne Lazarov Leary Lee Lee Leffard Leonard Lewis Lewis Lindsey Linville Little Lomascolo Loofbourrow Lopreore Lovely Lunceford Lux Lykins Lyle Mabry Mangini Manning Fletcher Michael Michelle Frank Samuel Aaron Maxwell Richard Catherine Benjamin Nicole Don Beatty Joel Chase Joseph David Michele Hunter Nathaniel Karren Forrest Marie Ryder Richard Orem Devaney M Kelley Trent Clinton Salvatore Patrick John Laken Nichole William Elizabeth Marie Anthony Nicole Date Generated: 10/9/2014 3:24:12 PM First Name Carolina Lindsey Amanda Danielle Sean Sarah Bridget Caleb Matthew Jenna Marshall Emily Michele Casey Brooke Brandon Byron James Jonathan James Allison Sarah William Alexander Kezia Keith Ryan Matthew Haley James Teresa Kelcy Patrick Emily Monica Peter Kenneth Sarah John Mary Ryann Nina Rameen Matthew Ella Derek Adam Russell Haley Amanda Elyse Andrew Cameron Mindy REBEKAH Matthew Zachary Johannah Rebba Catherine Kathryn Rick Tiffany Holly Laurie Bridget Jarron Katelain Priya Daniel Page 5 of 8 PASS LIST JULY 2014 Middle Name Elise Mary Shea Brian Grey Hall Candace Caldwell Thomas Hoffman Thomas Kathleen Lynn Scott Renee Franklin Thomas Carty Ryan Warren Paige Byer Hugh H Chantel Donald Amir Thomas Elizabeth Leon Marie Meighan Herman Marie Lynn Schnorr Mark Doran Peter Kristine Megan Jason John Bernice Michael Philip Alan Morgan Kay Mae Edward Thomas LeeAnn LAFAY David Shantanu Flynn Deneen Picou Blair Allen Nicole Brewer Ann Brodbeck Akele Jarel Carter Last Name Martin Martin Martin McBee McCann McCroskey McCullough McDaniel McDonald McDonald McFarland McGauley McGill McKay McLeod McNary McQuain McSween Medley Melton Miller Miller Milliken Mills Mills Minor Mirian Mitchell Moody Moore Morgan Morris Morris Morton Mueller Muller Murray Murray Murrey Murry Musick Musinovic Nasrollahi Nathanson Neely Nelson Nelson Newman Newton Nguyen Nida Nist Norris Nower NWANGWA O'Brien Ogale O'Malley Omer Oryl Ostrander Owens Palmer Palmer Parker Parkes Parnell Parsley Patel Patten Date Generated: 10/9/2014 3:24:12 PM First Name Derek Genevieve Mark Kaley Karen Morgan Kristin Adam Matthew Jason Erika William Amy Alexander Michael Delbert Benjamin BHEERENDRA Matthew Andrew Richard Jennifer Cara Ronald Kyle Kyle Emma Katherine Matthew Cody Patrick MATTHEW Holly Jackie William Louis CHRISTOPHER Carl Tracy Erin Cole Margaret Tyler Christopher John Douglas Erin Jon Hector Nathan Joel Willie Caroline Kimiya Erim Gina Yardley Bailey Brooke Allison Benjamin Seth Adelee Joshua Jeffrey Margaret Lauren George Steven Angela Page 6 of 8 PASS LIST JULY 2014 Middle Name Last Name Scott Leslie Andrew Ray Ann Stanfield Marie Brandon Alan Paul Susanne McDonald Alderman Gregory Collins Christoper Rush RAMANNA Avery James Anthony Marie Denea S. Andrew John Janine Casseley Emory Alan Lee STEWART Virginia Lauren Talley William SHAWN Allen Paul Payne Peckham Pennington Peper Pettigrew Pickens Pienciak Pierce Piland Piland Plosser Poe Pollack Polovich Poulopoulos Powers PRASAD Presley Preston Primm Provost Rains Range Rate Ray Redden Redding Reddish Remington Ren RENIHAN Rhea Ridenour Ridley Ringger ROBERTS Roberts Robinson Robinson Rogers Rowland Roy Rubino Russell Russo Rust San Roman Sanchez Sanders Sanderson Santana Sapp Sarayloo Sarinoglu Sarli Sawyer Schiermeyer Schiferle Scott Seamon Segraves Seidel Shearon Sheehan Shehan Sherrell Shields Shirley Shofner Marie David Olivia William John Brendan Michael Alix Phillippi Matthew Ian Clay Hugh Elizabeth Camille Dannielle Morgan Kathryn Johnson Taylor Morgan Traylor Brian William Keniston Lynnette Calvin Daniel Joy Date Generated: 10/9/2014 3:24:12 PM First Name Emma Heather Barbara Kimberly Wade Andrea Amy Todd John Meredith Scott James Jennifer Peyton Matthew Michael SHAWN Benjamin Jillian Ryan Charles TARA Whitney Morgan Chad Nancy Katherine Vaughn Kendall Brandon Kathleen Mark Kelley Jonathan RACHEAL Harrison Jessica William Anna Courtney Zachary Greg Kelly Amanda Amanda Kaleigh David Matthew Samantha Barrett DOROTHEA Christopher William Ashley Roselynn Brandon Jean Miranda Lauren Benjamin Kayla LaToyia Kaitlyn Alexandra Mary Margo Christopher Joseph Ashley James Farrah Page 7 of 8 PASS LIST JULY 2014 Middle Name Last Name Wickham Lee Sholl Shubert Sidelnik Simpson Sims Sinclair Skelton Skelton Slater Slemp Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Snow SNYDER Southard Sparks Spickard Stafford STAMPLEY Standefer Stanford Staples Steer Steffen Stewart Stivers Stout Stranch Strange Strange Street STUMP Sullivan Sullivan Sweeney Swift Swim Talbot Talley Tanner Tarsa Tauber Thacker Thibodeaux Thomas Thomas Thomas THOMPSON Thompson Thornton Thurman Tignor Tindell Tipps Todd Topping Torres Towe Trotter Tucker Tucker Turner Tutor Tutro Upkins Urban Usmani Dawn King Jane Kathleen Blakeley Dana Erin Patrick Daniel Janelle Britt Frazier Wesley DAVID Hunter Alexandra Joseph Tyler NICOLE Irene Nicole Richard Rankin Steffner Morton Fisher James Grace Blaine Elizabeth William RENEE Bond Lynn George Magdalena Michelle Louis Alan Dean Lee Sara Rose Lawrence Allen Christine Jackson KATHLEEN Lance Drayton Nicole C James Anne Emily LaRue Carl Lynn Bonaie Elizabeth Eleanor James Anthony Loreall Patrick Ayesha Date Generated: 10/9/2014 3:24:12 PM First Name Jennifer Avery William Robert Elizabeth Victoria Olivia Shannon Anna Blake Marissa Coty Megan Keith Kyle Cameron Sarah Mitchell Tiffany Penina Brett Courtney Lyndon Caitlyn Brandon Claudia Brandon Emmett Ronald James Amanda Robert Gary John Nick Lauren Kathryn Bradley Jonathan Alexander Katie William Lisa Anna Stella Eun Sun ADAM Page 8 of 8 PASS LIST JULY 2014 Middle Name Last Name Lauren Thibadeau Michael Stroud Mulongo Ann Lauren Danner Mcleod Lauren Lea Greer Elizabeth Vallor VanPelt Varnell Vaughn Wafula Waits Walker Walker Waller Walsh Walters Wamp Warden Waters Watlington Watson Watson Watson Webber Wender Werenski Wheeler White White White Whitehorn Whiteley Whitwell Widener Wiggington Wiggins Williams Williams Williams Williford Wills Wilson Wilson Wilson Winston Wise Wojcik Woods Xiques Yarbrough Yoo YORK David Michael Janet Blake Lauren Bryna Michael Katherine Clay Amanda Elijah Lynn Drew Lee Luke Richard Marie Coleman McCauley Duchesne Joseph Allen Kathleen Dailey Noble Stephen Jacob Evelyn George Marie June Marie DOUGLAS Date Generated: 10/9/2014 3:24:12 PM
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