Volume 71 Number 41 October 12, 2014 Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost ST. MATTHEW BROADCASTER (USPS 516-380) – Published each week by St. Matthew Lutheran Church, York, PA. Publication office:839 West Market St., York, PA 17401-3607. Susan Masenheimer, Editor. Periodicals postage paid at York, PA 17405. POSTMASTER: “ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED” To St. Matthew Broadcaster, 839 West Market St., York, PA 17401-3607. 717-845-2721. WELCOME TO ST. MATTHEW EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 10/12/14 Traditional Worship – 8:00 and 11:00 AM (Nave) Contemporary Worship – 9:00 AM (Auditorium) If you are our guest this morning, we welcome you! Please sign the attendance register and include your address. Worship at 11:00 AM Broadcast Live on Radio WOYK 1350 AM or www.woyk1350.com HEARING ASSISTANCE RECEIVERS are available and are located at the West entrance to the Nave prior to worship services. LARGE PRINT WORSHIP MATERIALS are also available at all entrances. An usher will assist you. CHILD CARE PAGERS are available for parents of small children. See a member of the child care staff. Prelude Pastorale - Widor Welcome *Confession and Forgiveness *Hymn # 836 Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee *Greeting & Prayer of the Day First Reading Isaiah 25:1-9 Choral Psalm O Lord, I Trust Your Shepherd Care - Schütz Second Reading Philippians 4:1-9 *Gospel Acclamation *Gospel Reading Matthew 22:1-14 Children’s Dialogue Sermon “I Shall Not Want.” Bishop James Dunlop *Hymn # 522 As We Gather at Your Table *Apostles’ Creed, p. 105 *Prayers & Peace Offering Choral Offering Rejoice in the Lord – Anon. *Offering Acclamation *Offering Prayer *Dialogue & Preface *Communion Acclamation *Thanksgiving Prayer *Lord’s Prayer Communion Distribution Hymn # 502 The King of Love My Shepherd Is *Prayer & Blessing *Hymn # 434 Jesus Shall Reign *Dismissal *Postlude Finale - Widor BROADCASTER ON OUR WEBSITE Check out the Broadcaster on our website www.stmatt.org. Posted on Wednesday’s. at ASSISTING MINISTERS: 8:00, 9:00 & 11:00 AM Musicians: (8:00) Clair Starner, cantor; Rise & Shine Choir (9:00) Shelly Shoff, Bill Steel, cantors; Contemporary Choir; Grace Notes Choir (11:00) Pat Snyder, cantor; Chancel Choir Acolytes: (8:00) Ethan Fogleman (11:00) Kristin Welliver, Anya Grunewald Altar: (8:00) Nedra Baublitz, Sherry Bressler (9:00) Nancy Matson, Kay Reigart (11:00) Josie Dick, Bev Grove Lector: Pál Pusztai Communion Assistants: (8:00) Sonia & Dale Rohrbaugh (9:00) Mark Fischer, Deb Gutacker, Barb & Jim Adelsperger (11:00) Jennifer Brown, Pál Pusztai Ushers: (8:00) Nedra Baublitz, Jeff Falk, Lydia Fyler, Bill Klinefelter, Alan Little, Mike Schmuck, Jami & Steve Simon, Frank Ullmann (9:00) Sherry & Mark Fischer, Kathryn & Brad Kerr, Scott Ott, Cory Richard (11:00) Josie & Ed Dick, Carla & Bill Fishel, Robert Ludwig, Nancy & Carl Matson, Bill McKee, Judy & Stanley Schreffler, Luther Zarfoss II Children’s Dialogue: Carol Hovis Library Aide: Elizabeth Senft Coffee Fellowship: Diana Billet Welcome Team: Maggie & Mike Wood, Brenda & Tim Scripko, Martha Spillman, Suzanna & Andy Erdley Scan this code for online HOMEBOUND MEMBERS’ BIRTHDAYS Please remember in prayer and with cards these St. Matthew Homebound members who celebrate their birthdays in NOVEMBER: nd th Ruth Kisiner – 2 Pearl Bankert –4 th th Kenneth Kniley – 6 Jessica Boileau – 24 As a good steward of God’s creation, St. Matthew Lutheran Church recycles paper. Please help us by leaving paper worship materials at your seat or by using the blue recycling bins located at the exits. RADIO MINISTRY SPONSORS 11:00 AM BROADCAST ON RADIO WOYK 1350 AM AND WWW.WOYK1350.COM To the Glory of God and: th In honor of Ruth Schrom’s 97 birthday on th October 14 . Sponsored by her sons and daughters-in-law, Jim & Jenny and Steve & Chris. In loving memory of Richard L. Stover. Sponsored by his wife, Frances and family. THIS WEEK’S BROADCASTER To the Glory of God and: th In loving honor of the 13 birthday of Sarah th th Elizabeth Noel, October 9 and the 10 birthday th of Adam James Noel on November 13 . Sponsored by their parents, Marian and Jonathan Noel and their grandparents, Dorcas and John Bernheisel. In loving honor of our children and grandchildren. Sponsored by Fred and Suzan Wentzel. rd In thanksgiving for the birth of our 3 great grandson, Conor Kent Campbell on September th 26 . Sponsored by Dee & Kent Garson. THIS WEEK’S FLOWERS To the Glory of God and: In loving honor of our granddaughter, Brianna Lynn Thompson on her third birthday, today, th October 12 . Placed by Michael & Martha Wolfe. In loving memory of my husband, Wiley M. Dressel and my great-granddaughter, Gabriella J. Falci who passed away October 7, 1994. Also, in remembrance of our wedding anniversary which would have been October th 18 . Placed by the late Elsie Dressel. In loving honor of our grandson, Cayden Paul th Craumer on his fifth birthday, October 16 . Placed by Fern and Sherry Bressler. th In loving honor of the September 29 birthday of Marc Ott. Placed by his parents, Scott and Vickie Ott. In loving memory of Bud Bowers whose th birthday would have been October 19 . Placed by his daughter, Cheri. In loving memory of John F. Mann, III, whose th birthday would have been October 16 . Placed by his family, Pat, John, Brian, Heather, Ethan John and Owen James Mann. rd In loving honor of Ruth List on her 93 th birthday, October 18 . Sponsored by her family, Sandy and Bill McNelis, Alan and Kim List, her four grandchildren and three great grandchildren. PKS CORNER Bishop James Dunlop visits St. Matthew today! Bishop of our Lower Susquehanna Synod for about 13 months, he brings a freshness and renewed spirit in his leadership and concern for congregations and rostered leaders! He recognizes the vital role of larger congregations such as ours. Today he will preach, lead a SCS forum, and meet with the council and finance and stewardship committee members. Let’s be sure to warmly welcome him! KTS 125th ANNIVERSARY UPDATE! Starting today you will be able to purchase your tickets for the th anniversary luncheon on 125 th November 9 . The menu will be homemade rolls, fresh garden greens with your choice of dressing, roast turkey and filling, baked corn pudding, mashed potatoes and gravy. A gluten free chicken meal will be available. For vegetarians, a vegetable lasagna. Desserts will be apple crumb pie, chocolate cake with peanut butter icing, yellow coconut cake and special desserts for the gluten free folks. YUMMY!! Adult tickets are $10.00, children 612 years old will be $5.00 and children age 5 and under are free! You must purchase a ticket to attend the luncheon. This is a catered lunch so we need an accurate count for the caterer. Tickets are on sale th th th October 12 , 19 and 26 in the Gathering Space or go to stmatt.org. Absolute deadline for tickets will be st November 1 . Remember also that day, archives and memorabilia on display in the Gathering Space, single service at 10:00 AM, lunch around 11:30 with the St. Matthew Orchestra playing, followed by a media presentation in the auditorium. Don’t miss out on this very special day in St. Matthew history. Please be aware, from time to time St. Matthew photographers will be taking photos or videos of church events. These could be used in church publications and the St. Matthew website. PERIODICALS THIS WEEK AT ST. M ATTHEW TH SUNDAY OCTOBER 12 7:15 AM: Praise Band Rehearsal, Auditorium 8:00 AM: Contemporary Choir Rehearsal, Auditorium 8:00 AM: Bishop Dunlop Preaching, Nave 8:00 AM: Church Directory Photo Sign-Up, Lobby 9:00 AM: Bishop Dunlop Preaching, Auditorium 10:00 AM: Bishop Dunlop SCS Forum, Auditorium 10:00 AM: SCS Elective – Vibrant Faith, Room 13 11:00 AM: Bishop Dunlop Preaching, Nave 1:30 PM: CROP Walk, John Rudy Park nd 3:00 PM: 2 Sundae Recital, Nave 4:30 PM: Kingdom Choir Rehearsal, Room 6 4:30 PM: League Choir Rehearsal, Room 7 5:30 PM: Luther League, Youth Center & Fellowship TH MONDAY, OCTOBER 13 10:30 AM: Beginnings ChristCare, Room 12 1:00 PM: Red Cross Blood Drive, Fellowship Hall 7:00 PM: Boy Scouts Troop # 23, Room 13 7:30 PM: Linda McIntyre’s ChristCare, Member’s H. TH TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 4:00 PM: Columbarium Committee Mtg., Room 12 6:30 PM: Youth Center Staff Meeting, Youth Center 6:45 PM: Grief Share Support Group, Room 12 TH WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15 7:00 AM: Men’s Faith Sharing Breakfast, Lyndon 10:15 AM: Wednesday Morning Bible Study, Parlor 1:00 PM: Staff Meeting, Parlor 5:45 PM: Carillon Choir Rehearsal, Music Room 7:00 PM: Men’s Bible Study, Gathering Space TH THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 7:00 PM: Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Music Room TH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 8:00 AM: LWR Ingathering Truck, Parking Lot 9:30 AM: St. Matthew Painting Class, Room 6 th BROADCASTER INFO DUE FOR OCTOBER 26 Considering the deficit, committees and staff have been asked to closely review all expenditures and freeze nonessential spending. Lori Smith, Financial Secretary PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Kevin T. Shively Lead Pastor Rev. Keith C. Fair Associate Pastor Rev. William C. Sowers Interim Visitation Pastor ASSOCIATES IN MINISTRY Debbie N. Frey Christian Education Director Jonathan A. Noel Music Director/Organist Danelle M. Newman Youth Director Charles L. Bollinger Youth Center Director PASTOR EMERITUS The Reverend Dr. E. Gordon Ross DAILY BIBLE READINGS Mon: Psalm 34 Tues: Amos 9:5-15 Wed: Song of Solomon 7:10—8:4 Thurs: Psalm 96:1-9 [10-13] Fri: 1 Peter 5:1-5 Sat: Luke 1:1-4; 24:44-53 FINANCIAL REPORT AS OF 08/31/2014 Year to Date Current Income $ 460,446 Current Expenses $ 665,869 Balance $ (205,423) ST. MATTHEW EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 839 West Market Street York, PA 17401-3607 Visit us on the web at www.stmatt.org (717) 845-2721 FAX (717) 845-3476 e-mail us at office@stmatt.org
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