Volume 71 Number 46 November 16, 2014 Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost ST. MATTHEW BROADCASTER (USPS 516-380) – Published each week by St. Matthew Lutheran Church, York, PA. Publication office:839 West Market St., York, PA 17401-3607. Susan Masenheimer, Editor. Periodicals postage paid at York, PA 17405. POSTMASTER: “ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED” To St. Matthew Broadcaster, 839 West Market St., York, PA 17401-3607. 717-845-2721. WELCOME TO ST. MATTHEW EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 11/16/14 Traditional Worship – 8:00 and 11:00 AM (Nave) Contemporary Worship – 9:00 AM (Auditorium) If you are our guest this morning, we welcome you! Please sign the attendance register and include your address. Worship at 11:00 AM Broadcast Live on Radio WOYK 1350 AM or www.woyk1350.com HEARING ASSISTANCE RECEIVERS are available and are located at the West entrance to the Nave prior to worship services. LARGE PRINT WORSHIP MATERIALS are also available at all entrances. An usher will assist you. CHILD CARE PAGERS are available for parents of small children. See a member of the child care staff. Prelude Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring-JS Bach Welcome *Confession and Forgiveness *Hymn # 876 Let the Whole Creation Cry *Greeting & Prayer of the Day First Reading Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18 Psalm 90 Second Reading 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 *Gospel Acclamation *Gospel Reading Matthew 25:14-30 Children’s Dialogue Sermon “Publishers’ Clearing House” Pastor Shively *Hymn # 818 O Master, Let Me Walk with You *Apostles’ Creed, p. 105 *Prayers & Peace Offering Voluntary My Faith Looks Up to Thee-Albrecht *Offering Acclamation *Offering Prayer *Dialogue & Preface *Communion Acclamation *Thanksgiving Prayer *Lord’s Prayer Communion Distribution Hymn # 810 O Jesus, I Have Promised *Prayer & Blessing Lord, Speak to Us, That We May Speak *Hymn # 676 *Dismissal *Postlude Recessional on ‘St. Anne’-G. Young DON’T FORGET SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL 10:00 AM FOR ALL AGES ASSISTING MINISTERS: 8:00, 9:00 & 11:00 AM Musicians: (8:00) Beth Gross, guest organist; Theresa Kell, cantor; Rise & Shine Choir (9:00) Danelle Newman, Jerry Mascaro, cantors; Contemporary Choir; Praise Band (11:00) Beth Gross, guest organist; Ken Mummert, cantor Acolytes: (8:00) Bryce Marquard, Nathan Marquard (11:00) Kate Easterday, Brooke Delp Altar: (8:00) Cheryl Brenneman, Linda Knotwell (9:00) Kay Reigart, Brenda Scripko (11:00) Ann Dattisman, Jennifer Steel Lector: Chuck Long Communion Assistants: (8:00) Denny Reigart, Alice Marie Boustead (9:00) Deb Goodling, Ben Olewiler, Connie Campbell, Cliff Lynd (11:00) Evie & Chuck Long Ushers: (8:00) Saundra & Robert Akers, Sandra & Paul Hershey, Pam & Mark Paules (9:00) Barb & Jim Adelsperger, Barb & Chuck Fisher, Michele & Robert Rife (11:00) Connie & George Ames, Ann & Ron Dattisman, Diane & Phil Frey, Clair Krone, Bobby & Karen Traynham, Colton Traynham, Clayton Traynham Children’s Dialogue: Debbie Frey Library Aide: JoAnn Kump Coffee Fellowship: Lorraine & Ray Hovis Welcome Team: Carol Weaver, Phyllis Frey, Susan & Cliff Lynd, Cindy Gochoco, Kay & Denny Reigart Scan this code for online giving to St. Matthew COATS AND HATS It’s coat wearing time again! Please make sure you take the same coat, hat and scarf home that you came here with. Thank you! As a good steward of God’s creation, St. Matthew Lutheran Church recycles paper. Please help us by leaving paper worship materials at your seat or by using the blue recycling bins located at the exits. RADIO MINISTRY SPONSORS 11:00 AM BROADCAST ON RADIO WOYK 1350 AM AND WWW.WOYK1350.COM To the Glory of God and: In loving memory of my husband Lester Billet and my parents Marlet and Norma Spangler. Sponsored by Diana M. Billet. In honor, gratitude and love for our family, Jennifer, Robin, Samantha and Marcus Adams; Joseph, Ichiko and Joichiro Russell Long, Daniel, Jennifer, Jacob Daniel and Harrison Nicholas Long. Sponsored by Chuck and Evelyn Long. THIS WEEK’S BROADCASTER To the Glory of God and: In loving memory of my wife, Gloria J. nd Spangler, for her birthday on November 22 . Sponsored by her husband Bill, sons, Mitchell, Brent, Bill and grandchildren Aaron, Ava, Brady, Carley, Heather, Jesse, Kelsey, McKenna and Sophie. In loving memory of Catherine L. Mundis. Sponsored by Earl Mundis. THIS WEEK’S FLOWERS To the Glory of God and: nd In celebration of our 52 wedding anniversary th which is November 18 . Placed by Bessie and Marvin Fink and family. Thanks be to God for His many blessings. AUDITORIUM FLOWERS In loving remembrance of Becky th Dennis on her November 20 birthday. Placed by the family. THANK YOU!! I wish to thank you for your prayers and Pastor Sowers for his visit during my recent hospitalization. Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated. PKS CORNER Again this year, PK will run in the Turkey Trot on early Thanksgiving morning. However this year it will be PK1 (Pastor Shively) that will be doing the “trotting!” This is an opportunity on this day of thanks to participate in a community outreach prior to our Thanksgiving Day Worship service at 10 AM! I hope that many members and friends of St. Matthew will join me in both events! It is good to give thanks to the Lord with our time, talent and treasure! Register at www.yorkcoymca.org. KTS CONGREGATION MEETING A special Congregation Meeting will be held on Sunday, th November 16 following the 8:00, 9:00 and 11:00 AM services for the purpose of nominating persons to the Congregation Council. The following persons have been nominated to serve: Jerry Mascaro, David Weaver, Amy Tomassone, Thomas Leader, Barbara Paxson, Rebecca Bankert, Kelly Ott, James Crimmel, and Melissa Markey. The Congregation Council election will take place on th Sunday, December 14 . Absentee ballots will be available for voting members of the congregation upon request to the th church office beginning, Sunday, November 30 . Absentee ballots must be returned to the church office no later than th Friday, December 12 , 2014 at 4:00PM. COOKIE WALK St. Matthew Youth Group is having a cookie walk on th Saturday, December 13 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM in the Parlor. What is a cookie walk, you ask? Well, people (YOU) donate 6 dozen cookies and then people (YOU) buy a box of the cookies for $10.00. Donations can be th th. dropped off in the kitchen Dec. 11 or 12 All proceeds go to the 2015 Youth Gathering in Detroit. Sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board across from the Auditorium. Frederick Sprenkle Please be aware, from time to time St. Matthew photographers will be taking photos or videos of church events. These could be used in church publications and the St. Matthew website. PERIODICALS THIS WEEK AT ST. M ATTHEW TH SUNDAY NOVEMBER 16 7:15 AM: Praise Band Rehearsal, Auditorium 8:00 AM: Contemporary Choir Rehearsal, Auditorium 8:00 AM: Poinsettia Sponsorships, Gathering Space 8:00 AM: Christmas Decorating Sign-Up, Lobby 9:00 AM: Orchestra Rehearsal, Room 6 9:15 AM: Grace Notes Choir Rehearsal, Parlor 10:00 AM: New Member’s Conference, Parlor 10:00 AM: SCS Elective – Vibrant Faith, Room 13 4:30 PM: Kingdom Choir Rehearsal, Room 6 4:30 PM: League Choir Rehearsal, Room 7 5:30 PM: Luther League, Fellowship Hall, Lobby 5:30 PM: Kids Kingdom – Youth Center TH MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17 1:45 PM: Custodial Staff Meeting, Room 10 6:45 PM: Women’s Volleyball, Gym 7:00 PM: Boy Scouts Troop # 23, Room 13 7:00 PM: Long Range Planning Meeting, Room 12 TH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 6:45 PM: Grief Share Support Group, Room 12 7:00 PM: Congregation Council Meeting, Parlor 7:00 PM: Men’s Basketball, Fellowship Hall 7:00 PM: www.ChristCare.God, Member’s Home TH WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 7:00 AM: Men’s Faith Sharing Breakfast, Lyndon 10:15 AM: Wednesday Morning Bible Study, Room 6 1:00 PM: Staff Meeting, Room 12 1:30 PM: St. Matthew Painters Class, Room 6 2:00 PM: Budget Committee Meeting, Room 14 5:45 PM: Carillon Choir Rehearsal, Room 16 7:00 PM: WELCA Circle #6 Bible Study, Room 203 7:00 PM: Men’s Bible Study, Gathering Space ST FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 TH BROADCASTER INFO DUE FOR NOVEMBER 30 KID’S KINGDOM NEWS Kid’s Kingdom is accepting free turkey coupons for their Thanksgiving Basket Project. Please see Debbie Frey if you are able to help. ST. MATTHEW VISION STATEMENT St. Matthew Evangelical Lutheran Church is a Congregation of people created by God in Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit, called and sent to bear witness to God’s creative, redeeming and sanctifying activity in the world. PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Kevin T. Shively Lead Pastor Rev. Keith C. Fair Associate Pastor Rev. William C. Sowers Interim Visitation Pastor ASSOCIATES IN MINISTRY Debbie N. Frey Christian Education Director Jonathan A. Noel Music Director/Organist Danelle M. Newman Youth Director PASTOR EMERITUS The Reverend Dr. E. Gordon Ross DAILY BIBLE READINGS Mon: Psalm 9:1-14 Tues: Zechariah 2:1-5; 5:1-4 Wed: Matthew 24:45-51 Thurs: Psalm 95:1-7a Fri: Revelation 22:1-9 Sat: Matthew 12:46-50 Considering the deficit, committees and staff have been asked to closely review all expenditures and freeze non-essential spending. Lori Smith, Financial Secretary FINANCIAL REPORT AS OF 10/31/2014 Year to Date Current Income $ 566,491 Current Expenses $ 813,981 Balance $ (247,490) ST. MATTHEW EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 839 West Market Street York, PA 17401-3607 Visit us on the web at www.stmatt.org (717) 845-2721 FAX (717) 845-3476 e-mail us at office@stmatt.org
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