Volume 72 Number 6 February 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday after Epiphany ST. MATTHEW BROADCASTER (USPS 516-380) – Published each week by St. Matthew Lutheran Church, York, PA. Publication office:839 West Market St., York, PA 17401-3607. Susan Masenheimer, Editor. Periodicals postage paid at York, PA 17405. POSTMASTER: “ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED” To St. Matthew Broadcaster, 839 West Market St., York, PA 17401-3607. 717-845-2721. WELCOME TO ST. MATTHEW EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 02/08/15 Traditional Worship – 8:00 and 11:00 AM (Nave) Contemporary Worship – 9:00 AM (Auditorium) If you are our guest this morning, we welcome you! Please sign the attendance register and include your address. Worship at 11:00 AM Broadcast Live on Radio WOYK 1350 AM or www.woyk1350.com HEARING ASSISTANCE RECEIVERS are available and are located at the West entrance to the Nave prior to worship services. LARGE PRINT WORSHIP MATERIALS are also available at all entrances. An usher will assist you. CHILD CARE PAGERS are available for parents of small children. See a member of the child care staff. Prelude My Song Is Love Unknown Welcome *Confession & Forgiveness *Gathering Song #553 Christ, Whose Glory Fills *Greeting *Hymn of Praise Glory to God *Prayer of the Day First Reading Isaiah 40:21-31 Psalm 147:1-11, 20c Second Reading 1 Corinthians 9:16-23 *Gospel Acclamation Alleluia *Gospel Reading Mark 1:29-39 Children’s Dialogue Sermon “How Great Is Our God!” Pastor Shively *Hymn of the Day 708 Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us *Apostles’ Creed *Prayers of Intercession *Peace Temple Talk / Offering Choral Offering In the Singing-John Helgen *Offering Acclamation Let the vineyards… *Offering Prayer *Dialogue *Preface *Communion Acclamation Holy, holy… *Thanksgiving Prayer *Lord’s Prayer *Lamb of God Communion Distribution Communion Song Come, Draw Near *Prayer after Communion *Blessing *Sending Song Love Divine, All Loves Excelling *Dismissal *Postlude Love Divine, All Loves Excelling ASSISTING MINISTERS: 8:00, 9:00 & 11:00 AM Musicians: (8:00) Clair Starner, cantor; Rise & Shine Choir (9:00) Shelly Shoff, Bill Steel, song leaders; Contemporary Choir; Praise Band (11:00) Pat Snyder, cantor; Chancel Choir; Bread of Life Ensemble Acolytes: (8:00) James Fischer (11:00) John Easterday, Anthony Hawkins Lector: Pál Pusztai Altar: (8:00) Cheryl Brenneman, Karen Miller (9:00) Marsha Fuhrman, Nancy Matson (11:00) Deb Doubrava, Bev Grove Communion Assistants: (8:00) Theresa & Jim Kell (9:00) Marsha Fuhrman, Fred Wentzel, Scott Ott, Tish Boring (11:00) Becky & Sam Bankert Ushers: (8:00) Peggy Delo, Theresa & Jim Kell, Sue & Dana Renoll, Sonia & Dale Rohrbaugh, Kathy Smeltzer, Teresa Smeltzer, Vince Tassia, Maggie & Mike Wood (9:00) Sandy & John Herbst, Kay & Denny Reigart (11:00) Carol & Gene Burk, John Marsteller, Chelsea Mascaro, Dominic Mascaro, Keri & Jerry Mascaro, Faith Uhler-Myers, John Myers, Laura Myers, Liza Myers, Robie Rawhouser, Martha Spillman, Greg Spillman, Jeff Spillman, Jared Wagner, Tyler Wagner Children’s Dialogue: Carol Hovis Library Aide: Elizabeth Senft Coffee Fellowship: No sign up Welcome Team: Deb Olewiler, Barb Adelsperger, Susan & Cliff Lynd, Freda Bloom, Suzanna & Andy Erdley Scan this code for online giving to St. Matthew Boy Scout Troop #23 will be the Ushers at the 11:00 AM Worship Service today. As a good steward of God’s creation, St. Matthew Lutheran Church recycles paper. Please help us by leaving paper worship materials at your seat or by using the blue recycling bins located at the exits. RADIO MINISTRY SPONSORS 11:00 AM BROADCAST ON RADIO WOYK 1350 AM AND WWW.WOYK1350.COM To the Glory of God and: In memory of George and Ruth Haddock. THIS WEEK’S BROADCASTER To the Glory of God and: th In thankfulness to God for the 8 birthday of th Dillon Robert Liebgott which is February 18 . Lovingly placed by his Grammy. And in honor of th my sister, Sandy Dressel’s February 11 birthday, placed by Beth Lefever. In loving memory of Donald E. Rentzel and Gregory L. Rentzel. Sponsored by Rosemary and family. THIS WEEK’S FLOWERS To the Glory of God and: In loving memory of Glenn R. Spillman on his th February 14 birthday and in gratitude to God for our children, Greg and Krista Spillman, Jeff and Tisha Spillman and Jennifer and Matt Wagner and our grandchildren, Sydney, Marley and Charlee Spillman, Trenton and Kalynne Dunnick, Skyler Darrah, Chase Spillman, Tyler, Jared and Allison Wagner. Placed by Martha Spillman. BOOK REVIEW GROUP’S NEXT BOOK The next book we will review is “Don’t Let Me Go” written by author Catherine Ryan Hyde. Former Broadway dancer and current agoraphobic Billy Shine has not set foot outside his apartment in almost a decade. He has glimpsed his neighbors – beautiful Rayleen, lonely old Ms. Hinman, bigoted and angry Mr. Lafferty, kind-hearted Felipe and 9 year old Grace and her former addict mother Eileen. But most of them have not seen Billy. Not until Grace begins to sit outside on the front stoop for hours every day, inches from Billy’s patio. Billy makes it far enough out onto his porch to ask Grace why she doesn’t sit inside. Her answer: “If I sit inside, then nobody will know I’m in trouble. And then nobody will help me.” Her answer changes everything. To order the book and join our review, call Carolyn Shaffer or the church nd office. Review will be April 22 . PKS CORNER At the recent annual congregation meeting the following actions occurred: Proposed 2015 Budget – adopted; Proposal to move forward with Columbarium/Memorial Garden pending receipt of adequate pledges/funding – adopted; Reports of staff, committees, organizations/ministries, auditors’ report, endowment distribution – accepted/adopted. Property Committee reported that major replacement expenses for the boilers and air handlers will be studied and proposals forthcoming within the next year or so. A busy meeting for an active and healthy congregation! KTS WEDNESDAY LENTEN SERVICES th Ash Wednesday, February 18 at Noon & 7:00 in the Nave with Pastor Fair preaching th Wednesday, February 25 at St. Rose of Lima with Pastor Shively preaching – 7:00 PM th Wednesday, March 4 at St. Matthew with Rev. Dr. Michael Brossman from Calvary UM preaching – 7:00 PM th Wednesday, March 11 at Calvary UM with the Rev. Daniel Mitzel from St. Rose of Lima preaching – 7:00 PM th Wednesday, March 18 at St. Matthew, worship theme “From Seder To Sacrament” 7:00 PM in the Auditorium with communion th Wednesday, March 25 at St. Matthew, worship theme “From Creation To The Cross” 7:00 PM in the Nave with communion nd Maundy Thursday, April 2 Noon in the Chapel, 7:00 PM in the Nave rd Good Friday, April 3 Noon – 3:00 PM in the Nave 7:00 PM in the Auditorium th Easter Sunday, April, 5 8:00, 9:00 and 11:00 AM St. Matthew announcement to honor the birth of: Aubrey Marie Neal was born January, 13th 2015 and is the daughter of Jennifer Marie (Paskey) Neal and Mark Allen Neal. Aubrey has a sister, Cali Marie. Please be aware, from time to time St. Matthew photographers will be taking photos or videos of church events. These could be used in church publications and the St. Matthew website. PERIODICALS THIS WEEK AT ST. M ATTHEW TH SUNDAY FEBRUARY 8 7:15 AM: Praise Band Rehearsal, Auditorium 8:00 AM: Contemporary Choir Rehearsal, Auditorium 8:00 AM: Boy Scout Sandwich Sale, Gathering Sp. 8:00 AM: Valentine Dinner/Dance Tickets, Lobby 9:00 AM: St. Matthew Orchestra Rehearsal, Room 6 9:15 AM: Grace Notes Choir Rehearsal, Parlor 10:00 AM: New Member Conference 1 of 2, Parlor 10:00 AM: Communion Assistant Training, Nave nd 3:00 PM: 2 Sundae Organ Recital, Nave 4:30 PM: Kingdom Choir Rehearsal, Room 7 4:30 PM: League Choir Rehearsal, Room 6 5:30 PM: Luther League, Fellowship Hall & Youth C. TH MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9 1:00 PM: Red Cross Blood Drive, Fellowship Hall 5:30 PM: Property Committee Meeting, Room 12 6:45 PM: St. Matthew Women’s Volleyball, Gym 7:00 PM: Boy Scouts Troop #23, Room 13 7:30 PM: Linda McIntyre ChristCare, Member’s H. TH TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10 1:30 PM: Circle’s 4 & 5 Bible Study, Parlor 6:45 PM: GriefShare Support Group, Room 12 7:00 PM: St. Matthew Men’s Basketball, Gym WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 TH PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Kevin T. Shively Lead Pastor Rev. Keith C. Fair Associate Pastor Rev. William C. Sowers Interim Visitation Pastor ASSOCIATES IN MINISTRY Debbie N. Frey Christian Education Director Jonathan A. Noel Music Director/Organist Danelle M. Newman Youth Director PASTOR EMERITUS The Reverend Dr. E. Gordon Ross 7:00 AM: Men’s Faith Sharing Breakfast, Lyndon 9:30 AM: Circle #1 Bible Study, Room 203 10:15 AM: Wednesday Morning Bible Study, Parlor 1:00 PM: Staff Meeting, Parlor 1:30 PM: St. Matthew Painters Class, Room 6 7:00 PM: Men’s Bible Study, Gathering Space TH THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12 10:00 AM: Martha ChristCare Bible Study, Parlor 7:00 PM: Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Music Room TH SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14 DAILY BIBLE READINGS Mon: Psalm 102:12-28 Tues: 2 Kings 8:1-6 Wed: Mark 3:7-12 Thurs: Psalm 50:1-6 Fri: 1 Timothy 1:12-20 Sat: Luke 19:41-44 6:00 PM: Valentine Dinner/Dance, Fellowship Hall nd BROADCASTER INFO DUE FOR FEBRUARY 22 NEW MEMBER DATES th February 8 – Seminar at 10:00-10:45, Parlor nd February 22 – Meet the Staff at 10:00, Parlor th March 8 – New Members Received th April 19 – Seminar at 10:00-10:45, Parlor rd May 3 – Meet the Staff at 10:00, Parlor th May 17 – New Members Received th October 18 – Seminar at 10:00-10:45, Parlor st November 1 – Meet the Staff at 10:00, Parlor th November 15 – New Members Received BLOOD DRIVE th Monday, February 9 from 1 - 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Contact Josie Dick or the church office for more information. ST. MATTHEW EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 839 West Market Street York, PA 17401-3607 Visit us on the web at www.stmatt.org (717) 845-2721 FAX (717) 845-3476 e-mail us at office@stmatt.org
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