Weekly Calendar Sunday October 5 12:30 Life Group information session, conf. rm. 12:30 ASP Mission Trip Info Session, parlor Monday October 6 10:00 Purls & Chains, parlor 6:00 Exercise with Judy, fellowship hall 7:00 United Methodist Women, fellowship hall Tuesday October 7 10:00 Share Group, parlor 5:00 Share Group, parlor 6:00 Ark Board, rm 8 6:45 Cub Scouts, rms 1-5 7:00 Trustees, rm 6/7 7:00 Communications, rm 8 7:00 Boy Scouts, fellowship hall Wednesday October 8 9:15 Vagabonds depart for LaComedia, parking lot 9:30 Women’s Bible Study, conference room 1:00 Vagabonds lunch out 5:30 Hands of Praise, fellowship hall 6:00 Praise Band, sanctuary 6:45 NA, fellowship hall 7:30 Lifegroup meeting, parlor 7:30 Choir rehearsal, sanctuary Thursday October 9 7:00 Purls and Chains, parlor 7:30 Mt. Moriah Ringers, choir room Friday October 10 7:00 Reflections youth group, bonfire at Baileys Saturday October 11 8:00 Share Group, parlor 11:00 AA, rm 6/7 Sunday October 12 12:00 Worship Team, conference room 12:00 Fellowship Team, parlor What’s Happening Prayer Requests Reminder – only forms marked “permission TUESDAY BIBLE STUDY This week 7pm in room 6/7 in the parlor GIDEON: Your weakness. God’s strength. Work books are $20 for this 7 week class. We welcome anyone to this study whether you have been to a prior study or not. Questions? Please call Susan Schilling 753-7687 or Linda Curless 553-4032 TRUNK OR TREAT TRAIL Join us here for the Trunk and Treat Trail Oct 25 This year we are combining our Fall Festival with Trunk or Treat. Wear your costume and trick or treat along our trunk or treat trail. Play games and win prizes. After the treats, enjoy some tricks with our magician and some hot chocolate or a snack in the picnic shelter. We are accepting donations of LIFE GROUPS scissors, glue sticks, liquid glue, Anyone interested in hole punches, construction learning more about the new formation of life groups paper, and crayons for our at Mt. Moriah, join us for an Education programs and ministries informational session. October 5 at 12:30 in the VAGABONDS Conference Room. If you Those who have registered are interested but cannot for the La Comedia trip this attend Sunday’s meeting, Wednesday, please be at the we have scheduled a second church parking lot ready to meeting on Wednesday, leave by 9:15 a.m. Oct. 8, at 7:30 in the parlor. HANDBELLS ARE BACK! BAPTISM INFO SESSION -Mt. Moriah Ringers meet at If you have a child and 7:30 with only a month-towould like to have them month commitment. Call baptized, join us in the Bridget Bauer 812-881-9136 parlor on Sunday Oct. 19 for more information. at 12:30. RSVP by 10/06 The Silver Bells will be postponed pending interest in NEW MEMBER INFO the program. SESSION .. If you would like to learn more about membership at Mt. Moriah UMC, join us in the parlor on Sunday Oct 26 at 12:30. RSVP by 10/12 granted to share…” will be printed in the bulletin. 9/21 – Jenny Folker. Prayers for safe travel to California to visit a dear friend and the energy to keep up with the 2 year old twins she has. It is a blessing and a joy to spend time with this friend and my “adopted” nieces. Also-prayers for my mother in Tuscon AZ. She is in a lot of pain from an injury to her back. 9/21 – Allen Bauer by Bridget Bauer. Allen is struggling with a case of gout. Please pray for easing the pain and swelling. 9/28 – Phelps family by Joe Phelps. Father passed Tuesday morning, visitation and funeral went well, now family needs to reconcile the loss and move forward, as dad would have wanted. 9/28 – Claude Caldwell by Kim Nedrow. Please pray for my dad. He has a weak heart and needs a procedure. Doctors will decide next week if he is strong enough. 9/28 - Charlie Feilhauer by Sylvia Daniel. Continued prayers for my 1 month old grandson Charlie. He does not have Tracheomalia (Floppy windpipe), which is good but more tests are being done because he is still having difficulty with his breathing. 9/28 – Olivia by Phil and Phyllis Martin. Our granddaughter Olivia is in a safe place now. Please continue to pray for the family for healing. Also Phil is feeling great after getting two stents put in his heart. Thanks for your prayers. 9/28 – Valerie by Nanci Bauer. My friend Valerie Clark is having a biopsy Tuesday 9/28 – Bill Franz by Rick Scott. Prayers requested for Bill Franz who is about to start treatment for prostate cancer and his girlfriend Tammy who is undergoing back surgery this week. INTERESTED IN MISSION WORK? Are you 14 or older? Do you want to hear more about Appalachian Service Project 2015? To hear more about what’s in store, there will be an informational meeting after second service on Sunday, October 5! High schoolers and adults are welcome! Questions? See Laura Johnson. October 5, 2014 **standing, if able **PRELUDE Denise Wynett and Beth Kloes “To God Be the Glory” Smith and Hustad Coming Next Week: “Shiny Gods” II Kings 17:35-41 PLEASE SIGN THE ATTENDANCE PADS AND PASS TO YOUR NEIGHBOR IN YOUR ROW. **CALL TO WORSHIP **HYMN #98 “To God Be the Glory” and PRAYER CARD COLLECTION PRAYER unison WORSHIP OF GOD IN GIVING Offertory “Spirit Song” **Doxology HYMN #94 **Prayer of Dedication Carter CHILDREN’S MESSAGE children called to front, then 4yr-5th grade dismissed to children’s church MUSICAL OFFERING “On Eagle’s Wings” “Open Invitation” October 5, 2014 choir WORSHIP OF GOD IN PRAYER Joys and Concerns / Call to Prayer a period of silence for personal prayers The Pastoral Prayer **HYMN #347 MESSAGE “Spirit Song” “Open Invitation” I Corinthians 11:23-30 Pastor Chris MUSICAL OFFERING Liturgical Dancers “Remember Me” Mark Schultz HOLY COMMUNION **HYMN #362 “Nothing But the Blood” **BENEDICTION **BENEDICTION RESPONSE #572 vs 1 “Pass It On” **POSTLUDE “Toccata on the Second Tone” Gabrieli **HEAR OUR PRAYER EMMANUEL join us for prayer at the front of the sanctuary The bouquet on the altar is in celebration of Terry Leistner’s birthday with love from Cheryl. Outside Greeters 8:30 Linda Malott and Tom McMillan 11:00 Rich and Lois Powell Narthex Greeters 8:30 Earl & Doris Huntington, Janet Wehrle 11:00 Jim and Marietta Koenig Liturgist 8:30 Kent Kloes 11:00 Karen Gillespie H.O.P.E. Prayer Servants 8:30 Pat Ferris and Jennie Heflin 11:00 Wilma Glover and Mary Suttles Ushers 8:30 Bill McConnell Jerry Bertsch Lee Garbutt Cathie Garbutt Stan Fauber Linda Fauber Bob Stillman Stanley Wilfert 11:00 Norma Broerman Jeff Cattran Dale Moore Mary Moore Rick Scott Pam Scott Ryan Morris Stanley Wilfert Nursery available each service for children newborn to age 4 Pastor Chris Henderson-Johns mtmoriahumc.org 513-752-1333 “We lovingly invite people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, to equip them with a faith in Him that works in real life, and then send them into the world for service in Jesus' name.” – MMUMC Mission At Mt. Moriah we want to provide a place that encourages individuals of all ages and backgrounds to come together and worship Jesus Christ. We will reach spiritually thirsty neighborhoods through a variety of worship arts. – MMUMC Vision
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