What does it mean to worship? We use active words like “Come

“Looking to Jesus, the Pioneer and Perfector of our faith.”
“The Crestviewer” is published monthly by:
Crestview United Methodist Church
2245 SW Eveningside Dr. Topeka, KS 66614
Phone: (785) 272-3676 or 272-3702
Fax: (785) 271-9551
Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:30a-Noon /1:00p-3:00p
E-mail: crestviewumc@gmail.com
Web address: cumctopeka.org
We are also on Facebook; search for us by our name.
Hebrews 12: 2
Volume 2015, Issue 4 April 17, 2015
Senior Pastor: Andy Whitaker Smith
Pastoral Care: De Jones & Winslow
Music Director: Jennifer Bahr
Organist: Connie Roth
Secretary/Treasurer: Terresa Mountain
Custodians: Janice Hopper & Megan King
Nursery Co-Directors: Colene McConnell & Vicki Durr
What does it mean to worship?
We use active words like “Come” and “Go,” we invite people to “Come to worship,” or
we should “Go to worship,” but is that a context where “worship” is active?
If there was no music, no readings, no sermon, no one standing at the altar directing anything…would we still be able to worship God? When we do have all those things, are
we able to worship God? What about when we’re not in church?
If we think about it, there are many things we do during worship that we also do when we go to a concert
or the movies. We find a seat, face forward, and watch as individuals on a stage area perform in front of
us. Many will say that worship is not a performance, but there should be action involved, shouldn’t there?
Maybe we should think of it more as a performance…if we believe God is a part of the audience….
Starting May 17, we will begin a new sermon series Pieces of Worship, in which we look at different aspects of the worship service we share on Sunday mornings: The Music, The Prayer, The Message, and The
Response. We will look at why these pieces are important, and how they are not limited to just a time in
the church, but to be used as pieces of worship in all aspects of our life.
As we prepare for this series, ask yourself: What part of the worship service speaks most to me? What
part doesn’t? How do I worship God outside Sunday morning?
Continued on page 2
C ourage i s not the a bsen ce of f ear —i t is the ma stery o f it .
Please note: We are refreshing the prayer requests on the white board in the office and in the weekly bulletin & newsletter.
Prayer requests will be renewed every 2 weeks with the exception of ongoing critical needs. We hope this keeps us updated
and brings our attention to new requests. Thank you. Pastor Andy
Joy: Noam Emerson Woodring, 3/25/15 First grandchild for Dave & Marcia Beukelman
Esth er 4: 16
Deaths: Craig Hudson (4/9/15); Billy Dean (4/16/15)
Hospitalized: Connie Roth (OSF St. Joseph Hospital Room #225, 2200 E. Washington, Bloomington, IL
61701); Donna Reece (St. Francis #707)
Ongoing Prayer Concerns: Debbie Basom, Carroll & Louella Fitchpatrick, George Powell (Brewster Rehab
#317) & Sally Powell (Homestead); Lori Hudson & family; Beth Dean & family; Ruth Roberts’ daughter
(Sandy); David Strobel’s mother (Joann); Doorstep, Inc.; Fellowship & Faith Ministry; The Topeka Rescue Mission
Our Men and Women currently serving in the Military: Rick & Laura Anderson’s son (Matt Anderson);
Vera Hrabak’s grandsons (Joshua Roe & Bruce Hrabak, Jr.); Oleta Schafer’s grandson (Matt Cavanaugh);
Glennis Martin’s nephew (Joshua Crippen); Doris Henderson’s grandson (Sterling Williams); Gene & Betty
Dunn’s great-grandson (Falcon Murillo); Colene McConnell’s son & Gary & Sandy Biber’s grandson (Joshua
Friday, May 15th, is the deadline for the June Crestviewer.
It’s Your Business: Our financial status through March 31, 2015
Bank Balance:
Designated Funds:
General Funds:
$ 65,722.45
$ 56,336.11
$ 9,386.34
From Megan & Scott King,
To Crestview Church: Thank you for the roasting pan given to us as a wedding gift. We appreciate it and will make good use of it!
Thank you SO MUCH for all the precious cards, prayers, phone calls & Pastor Andy’s visits. And, to the Prayer
Group for the Prayer Shawl, what a blessing indeed! They really helped us through a very rough time. God
bless you all. Louella & Carroll Fitchpatrick
An update on Sandy Patterson, Ruth Roberts daughter, she is gaining strength from her cancer treatment, & was able to make a surprise visit to Topeka the last week of March, where they stayed four days.
She still faces shoulder replacement surgery but we are encouraged. Thank you for thoughts & prayers.
Ruth Roberts
Thank you to all who helped make our “Taste of Country Breakfast & Store” a big success. We truly
appreciate the support you gave us. An extra BIG thank you to Elouise Miller & Mary Manley for all
your hard work cleaning the kitchen & organizing the paper closet!
Recently, I was able to send 400 General Mills points; 200 Campbell Soup points; & 5 “5 point”
Campbell Soup points off to Red Bird Mission. Thank you so much for your continued support of
this mission in Beverly, KY. For those who don’t know, there is a box under the coat rack, just outside Pastor Andy’s office, where you can place your donations.
Lois Fowler
A heartfelt THANKS to the following for serving lunch at the Topeka Rescue Mission on Tues., April
7th: Paul Boatwright, Bert Kossler, Glennis Martin, Debbie McCarthy, Shirley & Galen Postier. We
served about 150 clients. Your willingness and availability are appreciated. The next time Crestview
UMC is on the schedule to serve is Tues., May 5 at 10:30 AM. Thanks for all the support from Crestview.
Volunteers Needed at Doorstep & Dovetail!
Doorstep is in desperate need of volunteers in our clothing bank and at the Dovetail Shoppe
(Doorstep’s thrift store). If you can give of your time on a regular basis, please call Carrie at
Doorstep, 357-5341 or Ron at Dovetail 234-3004.
Doorstep Clothing Room – Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9am – 2pm.
Shifts can vary according to volunteer’s schedule. You will assist clients and sort donated items. We need regular weekly volunteers to fill these spots to keep the clothing room open and assist clients and the staff in
providing services.
Dovetail Shoppe – Thursdays 12pm - 4pm and Fridays 10am – 4pm.
Shifts can vary according to volunteer’s schedule. You will assist shoppers, organize the merchandise on the
floor and sort donated items. We need regular weekly volunteers to fill these spots to keep the Shoppe open for
customers. Money made from the donations at the Shoppe goes back into services and needs at Doorstep.
DOUGH FOR DOORSTEP—Order dates are April 11th—April 26th! See Julia Marsh to
get yours ordered! She has all the information about it, but they have Cookie Dough (10
flavors) AND Cakes (7 flavors) available this year for only $13 each! Your order will be
available the weekend of May 9th! A great treat just in time for Mother’s Day!
Lowman United Methodist
Dinner: Taco Bake, Salad & Dessert
RSVP: by April 28th at 357-5341
APRIL 30, 2015 AT 6:30PM
4000 SW Drury Ln.
A “Love Offering” will be taken!
Also a “Quilt Drawing”
We value the light more fully after we’ve come through the darkness. Ephesians 5:8
Thank you for the cards and prayers in the loss of my sister, Elaine. She was a beautiful person and I will miss
her deeply. Love, from Darlene Kelley
May 6th
May 7th
May 13th
T o know t hat God s e es us bri ngs bot h co nvi ct i on and co mf ort .
2 C hroni cl es 16:9
May 20th
9:00a UMW Executive Meeting (parlor)
National Day of Prayer
9:00a JOY Circle (parlor)
1:00p AGAPE Circle (parlor)
6:00p FAITH Circle (parlor)
6:30p UMW Exec. & Unit Meeting (parlor/library)
From your Education Committee:
To help get ready for our Back to School Fair we are offering
the opportunity to collect items each month. Again – we know that
everyone CANNOT give to everything so please give as you are able
and give where your heart leads you to. Look for sales when you
shop!! Items must be new (except the books) & can be brought at any
time and we’ll store them!
May – Clorox wipes, Kleenex, various sizes of Zip lock baggies,
Hand sanitizer, items for “Blessing bags”
(See the “G-Force” article on page 5!)
June – school supplies to fill back packs (church will provide list and back pack)
July – school supplies to fill back packs (church will provide list and back pack)
(Still collecting: children’s books (new or gently used) children’s socks and underwear – any size, also hygiene items: shampoo, toothpaste/brush, deodorant, lotion,
bubble bath, body wash)
We’ll have a cook-out on this day, Sunday, July 26 from 5-7pm, to
spend time with our neighbors – more details in coming months!
Thanks for ALL you do to help with our children’s education!!!
Keenagers will meet on Friday, Friday, May 8, 2015 at
Noon! Let's have some music! Topeka Collegiate will surprise us with a musical presentation. The actual music they
will present is still a mystery! I am sure it will be nice, and Kay Seibert their music
teacher will be there with them. How fortunate we are to have such talented and
friendly neighbors. Make your meal reservations ($6), come socialize, and go away
humming a tune. Spring is in the air!
And we need your help for a VBS project. We'll be
asking our VBS families to help with this as well. Our
mission project for VBS this summer will be Blessing
Bags - and what is that? They are bags that you can
keep in your car and when you pass homeless people
you can give them a bag. We're going to have the
kids create the Blessing Bags with items donated (see
list) and then we'll give the Blessing Bags to The Topeka Rescue Mission for them to give out with their
Street Ministry! The kids loved assembling bags last
year and so we're going to repeat that this year with a
little different focus.
We'd like to collect items from you all (as you are
able to give) during May. This will go along with continuing to collect for our Back to School Fair. These
items need to be new and small (travel size is perfect)
so they will fit easily into a gallon size Ziploc bag. Be
creative in your purchases - what would a homeless
person need? or you can consult our list - thanks for
helping out the VBS kids and our homeless community!!
Suggested items: chap stick, packages of Kleenex,
toothbrush/toothpaste, comb, soap, travel size/hotel
shampoos, trail mix, granola bars, crackers, packages
of gum, band aids, mouth wash, coins (could be used
for a phone call), hand wipes, warm socks, pocket
rain poncho, nail clippers, stamps/envelopes/paper,
and so on.... a note of encouragement would be welcome too!
During VBS the kids will assemble the donated items
into bags and we'll bless them before delivering them
to The Topeka Rescue Mission - thanks for your continued support!!
Marcia Beukelman
Anita Brooks
Skylar Adams
Sandy Biber
Dresden Driver
David Strobel
Margrette Hefley
James Ditzler
Lawrence Gerstner
Kathie Duguid
Anita Fry
Garth Renken
Chelsea Blankenship
Bob MacLeay
Susan Reed
Janice Supon
Dotty Mead
Randy Mills
Ricky Mills
Nick McKinney
Ruth Davis
Bill Davis
Jamie Adams
Tony DiGennaro
Galen Postier
Bob Smith
Marvin Vandevord
Sheila Driver
Emma Rogers
Katherine Raymond
Robert Supon
Alan LeGer
Valerie Foster
Matthew Thompson
Gladys Glogau
Mary Ann Schneider
Sharon Smith
Meghan Bitter
Vera Hrabak
Shirley Postier
Carole McFarland
It is love for Christ that will enable us to love His children. John 21:17
Save these dates!! Our Vacation Bible School will be
Monday, June 22 - Thursday, June 25th from 5:30 8:00pm!! On Friday, June 26th we'll have a gathering
to celebrate the week and we hope you'll join us for
that! It'll be a Finger Food pot luck and hopefully
our children and families as well as the Crestview
family will come together to enjoy the end of a wonderful week - more details later!! Please invite the
children in your lives to join us - grandchildren,
neighbors, etc...
Don & Dorothy Driver
21843 W 116th Pl.
Olathe, KS 66061-6646
Louise Fockele
c/o Lynn McKinsey
7336 SW Cannock Chase Rd.
Topeka, KS 66614-1534
and A New Address:
Valerie Foster
2505 SW Valley Brook Ln.
Topeka, KS 66614-1331
Fran Miller
1011 SW Cottonwood Ct. #108
Topeka, KS 66604-4607
Ruby Gilbert
4712 SW 6th Ave. Apt. 217
Topeka, KS 66606-2293
Bonita Pardue
Phone: 438-0635
1706 SW Webster Ave. Apt. 2
Topeka, KS 66604-3275
T he Church is not a s ele ct circle for a f e w, bu t a spiri tual c ente r o pen to all . Hebrews 10 : 24 -25
A New Mailing address:
Sullivan Chapel Food Pantry is definitely
still in operation and is very appreciative of
any help they receive from our Church. Starting on Sunday, April 26th and going through
May 3rd, we will be accepting donations of the
following food items, specifically for Sullivan Chapel:
Canned Beans
Canned Meat
Canned Vegetables
Canned Fruit
Dry pasta, spaghetti & noodles
Peanut Butter
Powdered Milk
Tomato sauce
There will be boxes MARKED FOR
SULLIVAN CHAPEL located in the Narthex
for your donations. Thank you for your assistance.
The Postiers
TDC’s Crestview Learning Center
Thank you for all the generous donations. We greatly appreciate everything.
All the children had fun hunting for eggs and then enjoyed a party in their classroom.
We had a great time during Week of the Young Child with many fun activities for the
children and their families.
May is upon us
and it’s time to
be turning in
your High
School, College or Military Graduation Announcements for your family
We are going to collect PB & jel- members! Also remember
those who graduated at the
ly in May in honor of Mothers,
for all the PB & Jelly sandwiches end of the December Semester! These names & inforshe made. Julia S.
mation need to be turned in to
Thank you for praying
the Church Office by May
for David’s Mom.
15th, so they can go out in the
June Newsletter!
The Condley/Strobel/
DiGennaro Families will
be celebrating Tony’s 6th
Birthday on May 17th at
12:00p in the Fellowship Hall.
All are invited to join us!
Hosted by: Kansas Great Plains and
Missouri UMM. Saturday May 23,
2015. Game starts at 7:00pm and
they will be playing the Lincoln Saltdogs.
Tickets are $10.00 (plus a handling
fee of $2.00 for 30 or less tickets)
Free Parking, Fireworks show after
the game! Check in the Office for
more information, but the deadline
for ordering tickets is May 8th!
8:30a Worship
9:40a Sunday School
10:50a Worship
8:30a Worship
9:40a Sunday School
10:50a Worship
8:30a Worship
9:40a Sunday School
10:50a Worship
Noon—Fellowship Hall resv.
Tony DiGennaro’s 6th Birthday
8:30a Worship
9:40a Sunday School
10:50a Worship
8:30a Worship
9:40a Sunday School
10:50a Worship
8:00p A.A. (fellowship hall)
8:00p A.A. (fellowship hall)
6:30p UMW Unit Meeting
8:00p A.A. (fellowship hall)
6:00p FAITH Circle (parlor)
6:30p Stamp Club (parlor)
6:30p Carilloners
7:30p Chancel Choir
9:00a Men’s Coffee & Conv.
(fellowship hall)
6:30p Carilloners
7:30p Chancel Choir
9:30a Prayer Group (parlor)
6:30-8:00p Sanctuary &
Fellowship Hall reserved
9:30a Prayer Group (parlor)
9:30a Prayer Group (parlor)
Noon—Keenagers (f. hall)
9:30a Prayer Group (parlor)
9:30a Prayer Group (parlor)
4:00-8:00p Fellowship Hall
De uterono my 10:12
Vacation Bible School is coming!
June 22nd - 26th from 5:30-8:00pm!
Mark your calendar, invite your family and friends!!!
7:00p T.C.C.A. (parlor)
7:00p C.N.O. (fellowship hall)
1:00p AGAPE Circle (parlor)
God gi ves bl essings to us so we can gi ve glor y to Hi m.
6:15p Cub Scouts (f. hall)
9:00a JOY Circle (parlor)
8:00p A.A. (fellowship hall)
7:00p Coin Club (f. hall)
10:30a Crestview serve lunch 9:00a UMW Exec. (parlor)
at The Topeka Rescue Mission
6:30p GS Leaders (f. hall)
6:30p Carilloners
7:30p Chancel Choir
2245 SW Eveningside Dr.
Topeka, KS 66614-1344
If Jesus needed to pray, how can we do less?
Pg. 1 A word from the Pastor
Pg. 2 New Sermon Series
Prayer Concerns & other news
It’s your business
Pg. 3 Thank you’s
Doorstep News
Pg. 4 UMW Events
From Your Education Committee
Keenagers Meeting for May
Pg. 5 May Birthdays
G-Force VBS is coming
Pg. 6 A new address for: ???
Sullivan Chapel Food Drive
TDC’s Learning Center news
Other Upcoming Events
Pg. 7 May Calendar
US Postage
Topeka, KS
Permit #875
Our e-mail address is:
We do offer our newsletter via e-mail,
if you prefer to receive it that way!
Crestview Church is also on
Facebook and found by searching
for Crestview United Methodist
If you would like to be notified
by e-mail when there are new prayer concerns, or if you have a prayer
concern you would like others to
know about, please call the Church
Office at 272-3676 or e-mail your information to the Church at:
All e-mail addresses will be kept confidential.