ARE YOU CONN CTED? Decision /Guest Card 2/15/15 Title (please circle) Mr. Mrs. Miss Name _________________________________ Address ________________________________ City ______________ State ___ Zip_________ Phone (home) ___________ (work) ___________ Email __________________________________ How did you hear about Fellowship Baptist? word of mouth saw sign newspaper phone book ad other (please specify):____________________ Adults (please circle your age group): 18-19 20’s 30’s 40’s 50’s 60’s Please Indicate: Single Married 70’s+ Children/Youth (please circle current grade): K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Not in school yet? List age: _______ This Week’s Schedule SUNDAY • February 15 8:30a Celebration Orchestra Rehearsal 9:15a Sunday School/Bible Study 10:30a Morning Worship • Worship Center 10:30a Children’s Church 3:45p Handbells Rehearsal 5:00p New Creation 5:00p Life Groups 6:00p Children’s Choir Rehearsal 6:00p Evening Worship • Worship Center MONDAY • February 16 10:00a Prayer Shawl Ministry TUESDAY • February 17 10:30a Sounds of Praise 1:30p Church Staff Meeting WEDNESDAY • February 18 5:00p Fellowship Supper 6:00p Bible Study for Students 6:00p AWANA 6:00p Prayer/Wonderful Wednesdays in the Word 7:00p Celebration Choir & Orchestra Rehearsal THURSDAY • February 12 6:00a Men’s Prayer Time (Chick-fil-a) Welcome to Worship Sunday • February 15, 2015 STEWARDSHIP from February 8, 2015 Tithes & Offerings: $11,627.28 Worship Attendance: 278 Sunday School Attendance: 228 Hispanic Ministry Attendance: 36 Make it Count Future Expansion: $49,486 .00 Deacon of the week: 12 John Hayes Are you: a first time guest? a returning guest? a regular attendee? a Fellowship member? I’d like a visit from the pastor or staff I’d like information on the following: committing my life to Christ preschool ministry renewing my commitment children’s ministry serving at Fellowship youth ministry baptism music ministry joining Fellowship prayer ministry Are you interested in taking the next Pastor’s Discovery Class to learn more about Fellowship Baptist? Please fill in your name and phone number and you will be contacted by the church office. Name __________________________________ Phone __________________________________ Pastoral Staff Dr. Dale Levan, Senior Pastor Rev. Bob Skelton, Pastor Emeritus Brandon Snow, Worship Pastor Jeffrey Morrell, Children’s Pastor Support Staff Susan Hatcher, Financial and Senior Pastor Assistant Ryan Chandler, Communications / Publications Donald Bing, Building Superintendent Janice Moon, Organist Nita Hardin, Pianist Dr. Dale Levan, Senior Pastor 314 Burnett Ferry Road • Rome, GA 30165 706-234-9416 February 15, 2015 Announcements Morning Worship, 10:30 A.M. Pre-service Music Janice Moon Welcome & Prayer Dr. Levan Song “God You Reign” Song “All Hail the Power Of Jesus Name” Offertory Prayer John Hayes Offertory Song Message “The Wonderful Cross” “Why I sleep in on Sunday: My past is too terrible.” Dr. Levan Psalm 51 “Just As I Am” Closing Prayer Dr. Levan Evening Worship, 6:00p.m. Pre-service Music Janice Moon Welcome & Prayer Dr. Levan Song “We Have Come Into His House” Song “Revive Us Again” Offertory Offertory Music Invitation Closing * Show the love of Christ to others. If you have clothing, furniture, kitchen utensils that you would like to donate to the needy, please call Marsha Blevins or the church office. We are working with a worthy ministry in town (God’s love and help in time of need Ministry) that distributes these goods to the needy with the message of the gospel. * The FCBA WMU Soup Supper will be held on Monday, February 16th – 6:00pm at Lindale First Baptist Church. The Guest Speakers for the evening will be Larry and Gail Osbrink, IMB Missionaries from Israel. For more information contact: Gail Silver 706-235-2738 * How to share your faith training On Saturday, February 21st, from 9 am to 1:30 pm, at the Associational Office on Burnett Ferry Rd. we will be conducting a witness training. Sign up deadline is Monday, February 16th. Call the associational office at 706-291-0904 to reserve your spot. Lunch, refreshments and materials are free to attendees. MISSIONS MINISTRY Invitation Message * If schools are closed do to inclement weather, any scheduled events for that day are cancelled. You may call church office at 706-234-9416 ext. 41 for updated information. “Just like Him” 1 Corinthians 15:35-49 Dr. Levan “Take My Life and Let It Be” * The Missions Team would like to express deep appreciation for supporting the Floyd County Baptist Food Pantry with your donations of : Pop Tarts for February. The large brown baskets are still available in the Preschool Area and on the Front Porch. Thank you so much!! * The Gridiron Men's Conference is June 19-20 in Birmingham,AL. Deposit of $35.00 is due by March 9,2015. Get more information and sign up at the table display on the Front Porch!! Men, do not miss this Conference!! * The Missions Team is sponsoring "LOVE A SOLDIER.” The special emphasis for this month will be the purchase and shipping of fleece blankets for our soldiers on the Turkey/Syria border. It stays cold over there for a long time!! If you would like to give financially(cash or checks) toward this great missions opportunity,stop by the table on the Front Porch after the service!! February 18, 2015 BBQ Sandwiches Cole Slaw • Baked Beans Assorted Cookies WEDNESDAY NIGHT FELLOWSHIP SUPPER FIVE O’CLOCK IN THE EVENINGS ~ FELLOWSHIP HALL February 18, 2015 RSVP MONTHLY RESERVATION I/we plan to attend Wednesday night dinners regularly. If you have to cancel or change your reservation, please make every effort to let us know so that we can be good stewards of God’s money. Call Susan by noon each Tuesday (706) 234-9416. FEBRUARY 18 RESERVATION ONLY I/we would like to make a reservation for FEBRUARY 18 only. MUSIC MINISTRY * FEBRUARY IS SPOUSE IN THE CHOIR MONTH! If you sing in the adult choir, but your spouse doesn’t attend then February is the month for them to give it a try! For the 4 weeks of February your spouse is invited to sing in the choir free! What I mean is that, at the end of February, if they don’t feel led to continue the commitment then they can drop with no questions asked (this isn’t an option for current members!). So, if you’ve been wanting to sing in the choir, and see what its all about, then now is the time. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 7:05 either in the sanctuary or the choir suite. We look forward to seeing you there! *Sounds of Praise As a reminder, Sounds of Praise is our Sr. Adult choir, and meets each Tuesday (with the exception of the 2nd Tues of each month) at 10:30 in the choir suite. Currently the group is gearing up to sing on Sunday evenings, and do a singing mission trip to area nursing homes. Come make a joyful sound with us at Sounds of Praise. * New Creation New Creation will meet this week in the sanctuary at 5:00 pm – 5:45 pm. This choir is open to high school through college. We will begin a small group study “The 7 Words of Worship”, as well as lift our voices in Praise. We will be having Children’s Church TODAY in the Kids Korner area. It will be for Pre-k age 4 through 2nd grade. Parents will drop off kids and sign them in at the desk in the Kid’s Korner area. **ATTENTION** Please write on your offering envelope and include the supper money with your regular offering OR you can place the money with your reservation in a box provided on the welcome center desk. There will be no money or reservations taken at the door. YOU MUST BE PRE-PAID TO EAT NAME _______________________________________ NO. OF ADULTS/CHILDREN ______ $6.00 per plate - Deadline is by noon each Tuesday - please tear off and drop in offering plate
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