February 2015 What’s Inside? Life Stage Ministry: pg. 2, 3 SMLC Financials: pg. 5 Mardi Gras & LENT: pg. 6 & 7 Messenger St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church Newsletter 1700 Edmonds Ave NE Renton, Washington 98056 425.226.2420 www.smlc.cc stmatthewschurch@comcast.net Pastor’s Cup– Pastor Maynard Atik “When I came to you, brothers and sisters….I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified….so that your faith might rest not on human wisdom but on the power of God.” (1Cor. 2:1ff) This is the overall goal and purpose of the Call Committee to find the pastor who knows nothing except Christ and him crucified. The Call Committee has been prayerfully selected for this task and is charged with the responsibility of discerning all aspects of St. Matthew’s needs and each candidate’s talents and gifts. They have met and created Skype interviews for the candidates. The questions have been formed to ask about one’s experience in the past as it will be the best indicator of future actions. The questions were directed toward finding a pastor who is looking to serve and a congregation like St. Matthew’s, who is committed to proclaim Christ as it serves the Renton community. In order for the Call Committee to be as best prepared for the interview process, a practice interview was scheduled with an experienced interim pastor. By the time you receive this newsletter the Call Committee has completed their in-person interviews with two candidates, with whom they feel very positive, regarding both of the candidates. When the interviewing and discernment is complete, the Call Committee will then present one candidate to the congregation for election. The pastor who becomes the Call Committee’s “candidate of choice” will be presented to the congregation at a convenient time before a special congregation meeting to vote. Please note, the candidate will not be preaching, as continue to page 5 REACH Center of Hope St Matthew’s is currently home to 3 families, all women with children! For January, February and March we are partnering with the REACH Center of Hope which serves local homeless women and children. The women and children spend the day at the Day Center, where they are able to access support and services to help them get back on their feet. Local area churches have been providing overnight housing for the families. St. Matthew’s is excited to be a part of this wonderful outreach program. The families stay at St Matthew’s from 7 pm until 8am every night of the week. All of the volunteers for this program are trained and screened by REACH. There are 3 volunteer shifts; Evening host from 7-9 pm, Overnight Host from 9pm-6am and Morning Host from 6-8am. Please consider volunteering your time for this program. For further information on REACH center of Hope please visit www.reachrenton.org. You will find REACH Center of Hope information under the “Programs and Partnerships” tab. Please feel free to contact Myrriah Hayden with any questions that you have! myrriahhayden@comcast.net or 425-277-5758 Messenger Page 2 Life Stage Ministry To create partnership between ministry of St. Matthew’s and the faith formation that takes place in the home, community and the world. Life Stage Children Mark your calendar! Registration materials will be available May 1st St. Matthew’s Vacation Bible School 2015 July 13-17 9am-noon Tales on Tuesdays at Luther’s Table Ms. Nicole will read stories and lead a craft project beginning at 10:12am on the first and third Tuesday of the month, so the 3rd and 17th for February. Activities are planned for children age 2-5, but all are welcome. Elementary Retreat at Camp Lutherwood Friday, March 13– Saturday, March 14 Grades 2-6 The retreat theme is WTL; the way, truth, and life. We will sing, laugh, play, and see what camp is all about through a 24 hour blast of all things “campy” that will have you begging for more! REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Sunday, February 8 To register or for more information: Contact Ms. Nicole! 425-226-2420 nicole.vander@comcast.net Messenger Page 3 Life Stage Children-continued A family fun event on Saturday, February 7 from 10am-noon. From bread baking and craft making, to question answering and storytelling, this promises to be a fun faith exploration for children and their parents. Come discover what communion is all about! Please sign up at the welcome counter or RSVP with Ms. Nicole. Life Stage Youth Lutherwood Camp and Retreat Center Interested in summer camp at Lutherwood? Ms. Nicole has program brochures available. All information and registration is available online at http://www.camplutherwood.org/summer-camp/ Early bird discounts are available if you register by April 15. *Offered to grades 1st-12th. Confirmation 2015 February: Class meets on Saturday, February 7, 10am-12pm LENT classes begin Wednesday, February 25 and continue until March 25 each week from 6pm-7pm. Students will eat dinner and have class at the same time. St. Matthew’s February Youth Calendar 2/8: SMACK, 6-7:30pm in the fellowship hall 2/15: Thunderbirds hockey game, 4:30-8:30pm, $10. Talk to Todd to sign up. 2/22: Service night at Mary's Place emergency family shelter, 4:30-8pm. Talk to Todd to sign up. Coming in March! Middle School GO! Night: Friday 3/6 - Saturday 3/7. Watch for details to come on this all night event for middle schoolers. 30 Hour Famine: Friday 3/20 - Saturday 3/21. Watch for details to come on this opportunity to raise money, serve, and learn more about hunger issues around the world. Page 4 Messenger February 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 As Valentine’s Day approaches, bright red and pink cards, candy, flowers, and hearts are everywhere. This February focus on GOD’S LOVE. Send a valentine to God by devoting time to him with the simple, 5-steps of FAITH5 (Faith Acts In The Home). Share this routine with the people you love the most or just keep it between you and God. Begin with “highs and lows” the best and worst moments of your day, read the love themed verse of scripture found on the other side of this sheet, pray and end with a blessing, perhaps tracing a cross on the forehead and saying something like “I love you, but God loves you even more.” To Fall in love with God is the greatest romance. To seek him the greatest adventure. -Augustine of Hippo Mark 12:30-31 Romans 12:9 Romans 13:10 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 1 Corinthians 13:13 Ephesians 4:2 1 Peter 4:8 1 John 4:7-8 1 John 4:18-19 John 15:13 Colossians 3:14 Proverbs 10:12 Proverbs 17:17 1 John 3:16-18 1 John 4:8 John 3:16 Psalm 18:1 Matthew 6:24 Matthew 22:37-39 1 Corinthians 13:8 Isaiah 49:15 Song of Solomon 8:7 Psalm 37:4 Romans 5:5 1 John 4:16 Ephesians 5:1 Romans 8:28 1 John 3:1 © Faith Inkubators, All Rights Reserved, www.faithink.com 2015 Flower Chart Honor or remember someone who has been a gift to you. Each week (with the exception of Lent) flowers are placed on the altar in memory or in honor of a loved one. You may sign up on the 2015 flower chart located across from the nursery. Cost is $30. You can take the flowers home after the 11:00 service or pick up by noon on Monday. If the flowers remain at the altar and not picked up, they will be donated to people unable to attend worship. Messenger Page 5 St. Matthew’s Financial Update St. Matthew’s Financial Update December 2014 Income Expenses Planned $62,821 Planned $55,306 Actual $50,601 Actual $49,887 YTD (Year to Date) Income Expenses Planned $654,673 Planned $650,285 Actual Actual $577,036 $610,387 With Simply Giving®, your donations are made through a pre-authorized withdrawal from your bank account or credit card. You determine the frequency of your automatic donation – weekly, “A simple choice; a semi-monthly, or monthly – the generous response” option is yours! It’s reliable and safe! If you would like to participate in the Simply Giving program, you may enroll on line at www.smlc.cc and click on the Giving Tab or contact Libby in the church office. stmatthewschurch@comcast.net or 425-226-2420 Pastor Maynard Atik– continued from page 1 we will be hosting him/her. Please also note, that this is not a time for a public question and answer time. It is a “meet and greet” time. After a formal introduction, with the candidate possibly giving a brief devotion, the Call Committee will be bringing the candidate around the room to “meet and greet” the members. The purpose is to be informal, hospitable and friendly. The time for interviews is over. I know this is the time for all to be “checking out” this candidate. Remember, that the candidate is also “checking out” St. Matthew’s as well. This “meet and greet” occasion will probably being done during the season of Lent, where we, with the Apostle Paul, know nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified. Lent and Easter seasons are momentous for the Church. They are especially momentous for us at St. Matthew’s, especially with the anticipation of your new pastor! Blessings to you all! Maynard Atik, interim pastor Panera Bread Donation, A Thank You Four evenings each week, St. Matthew’s has a dedicated group of volunteers that pick up food items from the Renton Panera bakery. After the items are picked up, the volunteers repackage the food and take them to various locations within the City of Renton. Griffin Home, Friends of Youth is one of the locations that receive these items. Griffin Home is a residential treatment program that offers a caring, therapeutic environment where troubled adolescent boys can build new hope for the future. Below is a special thank you to St. Matthew’s from Griffin home: “Thank you for your continued support of Griffin Home and our boys. We appreciate your dedication and look forward to continuing to work with you.” Rachelle Henson, Food Service Manager Griffin Home **If you would like to volunteer to pick up items from Panera bread on designated evenings, please contact Don Jacobson or the church office. Page 6 Messenger Mardi Gras Tuesday, February 17, 6pm Mardi Gras is on the night before Ash Wednesday, which is the beginning of Lent. It is traditionally the last celebration or party until Easter. Beginning at 6pm, we will have chicken dinner, along with our 7th annual bundt cake bake-off at 6:30pm. Kids will enjoy face painting in the Narthex. Then at 7pm we will gather in the Sanctuary to be entertained by Ingrid Nelson, a world travelling story teller. Her stories will delight us with her twisted fairytales. Side by Side: A Caring Ministry We're a trained team of caring people who walk along side those who are in crisis due to health, family, job, and LIFE. St. Matthew’s Lutheran embraces everyone's story and strives to connect with people in the midst of their struggles and joys. Side by Side is a ministry that connects trained volunteers with those who are looking to share and find support during difficult times. A side by side volunteer is carefully matched with someone who needs and wants a listening ear. If you are interested in becoming a Side by Side volunteer, or if you would like to meet with a Side By Side Volunteer, please contact the Side By Side Coordinator, Joan Stewart, joan.stewart@smlc.cc or 425-226-2420. ARISE & St. Matthew’s AMIGOS Of April In the past, Amigos of April has been a long standing outreach ministry of St. Matthews that provided temporary overnight shelter and hot meals during the month of April for approximately 25 single adult men from the local area who are currently homeless and in need of assistance. A new look: REACH has combined the feeding program of ARISE (Amigos of April), Center of Hope and the Community Supper. Instead of St Matthew’s providing dinner at 9:00 at night, we will provide snacks. The Amigos will eat at the Salvation Army, along with Center of Hope and Community Supper guests at 5:30. St. Matthews will still participate by housing them during the month of April. We will continue to provide breakfast. Community supper will prepare the meals Monday through Friday, servers are still needed. If families or small ministries want to cook; Saturday and Sundays are open for cooking meals for 80 to 100 people at the Salvation Army. Sack lunches will be prepared daily. They need donations of food and putting together lunches. Specific need for supplies and personal items (socks, shoes, warm clothing, blankets and toiletries) are coordinated through ministries within St Matthew’s. In this way, church volunteers help the men to connect to our church community and spread awareness of homelessness within our congregation. Messenger Wednesday, February 18 Join us for Ash Wednesday Worship Service at noon and 7pm. Page 7 Page 8 Messenger Volunteer Driver Opportunity St. Matthew’s is partnering with Lifelong to deliver meals to those in need in the Renton area. Without volunteer drivers, Lifelong clients would not receive nourishing meals needed to stay healthy and fight their illness. If you are able to provide several hours, once a month to deliver meals, contact Libby Lucier in the church office. stmatthewschurch@comcast.net 425-226-2420 Pick up site: Cross and Crown Lutheran Church (located in the Cascade area on the other Renton hill) Pick up times: 4pm-6pm Delivery times: 4pm-7pm *For information about Lifelong visit: lifelong.org Visit lifelong.org for more information. A list of February birthdays can be found at the welcome counter. Messenger Page 9 Non-Profit Org. St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church 1700 Edmonds Ave NE Renton WA 98056 U.S. Postage Paid ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Renton, WA 98055 Permit No. 108 Visit our website at www.smlc.cc Staff Directory Pastor Facilities Manager Maynard Atik– interim pastor pastor.maynard@smlc.cc 425-226-2420 x115 Dan Willcocks 425.226.2420 Life Stage Ministry Director of Worship Arts Karla Cruz karlacruzmusic@gmail.com 425.226.2420 x108 Susan Kriesel, Senior Choir Director Welcome Minister & Wedding Coordinator Joan Stewart joan.stewart@smlc.cc 425.226.2420 x120 Administrative Support/ Communications Coordinator Libby Lucier stmatthewschurch@comcast.net 425.226.2420 x110 Todd Hobart Youth Coordinator todd.hobart@comcast.net 425.226.2420 x130 *** Nicole VanderMeulen Children’s Coordinator nicole.vander@comcast.net 425.226.2420 x 103 Bookkeeper Susan Richmond 425.226.2420 x117 Marriage and Family Therapy Jean Eakins, LMFT Lutheran Counseling Network 425.271.9711 x2 Don’t miss out this year… You’re invited to celebrate Mardi Gras! February 17 Details on page 6 February 18 Noon and 7pm Worship Service
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