volume 08 | summer 2014 community connections the newsletter of the cancer support community east tennessee Esprit de Corps I Have a bond with the people in this group by Denise When my husband’s doctor confirmed the growth in his lymph node was cancer, it was almost impossible to process. We talked, I cried, we visited doctors, put the treatment plan in place, started on this journey, and I hit a wall. No matter how much support I had from family and friends, they just did not know how to talk to me about what I was experiencing as the caregiver for a cancer patient. A dear friend suggested I contact the Cancer Support Community and for that, I will be forever grateful. Attending the caregiver support group has given me a warm, caring, safe place to talk about the stress I was under and an opportunity to voice fears and heartache without any judgment or reprisal. In this group I met people who were on the same journey as I, but on different paths – some shorter, some steeper, some rockier – but all of us helping each other to make the journey. As others shared their experiences, I was able to draw strength from them, step outside of myself for a while, and to truly realize I was not alone in my feelings or struggles. My husband finished his treatments several months ago and is thankfully in remission. But I have not stopped attending the support group meetings. I have a bond with the people in this group that is hard to explain but that is strong and sustaining. The faces have changed – loved ones die and a member moves on to a group dealing with grief, and new people join as loved ones are diagnosed with cancer. But there is always the consistency of care, support, and love that I believe would be impossible to replicate in any other place. The People in This Room Get It by Michael There is a moment for all of us in the cancer patient support group when we think or say: “The people in this room get it.” For those of us who have undergone cancer treatment of any kind, the process can be physically, emotionally and sometimes psychologically taxing. Many of us continue to work while fatigued from chemotherapy or radiation. Friends and family see us out and about, not realizing that it takes every ounce of strength we have to buy groceries or be part of a celebration. Because we look good – or look like we feel good anyway – they think we’re doing fine; they have no idea we can barely focus on conversation, have difficulty keeping our nausea in check or that certain body parts are tender to the touch. Out in the world, people don’t get what it’s like. Our caregivers, as loving as they are, have no idea exactly what we’re going through. They want to help, and do to the best of their abilities. But they don’t know, and they can’t take the side effects away. Support group members understand. When we’re going through treatment together, we can commiserate. More than that, we can truly support each other, share remedies for side effects and, as odd as it sounds, break out in raucous laughter over leaking colostomy bags and other issues. Being able to share my experience with others in active treatment has been like being in battle. We are not just support group members, we’re comrades in arms. Together we’ve fought an enemy we can’t see with weapons that take their own toll. That comradeship gave me strength, courage and wisdom I would not have had without the group. I’m so glad I found the Cancer Support Community of East Tennessee and my Monday night group. Kid Support Camp MONDAY JULY 14-THURSDAY JULY 17, 9:00-2:00 PM This free, 4-day camp is for school-age children who have a parent or loved one with cancer. Call for more information (865) 546-4661 community notes Officers of the Board Christi Branscom – President Robert N. Page, MD – Vice President Robert Noell – Secretary Doug Arnold – Treasurer from the Executive Director Board of Directors Steve Arnett Robert Cathey Paige Christenberry Meghann Erhart Kathy Gethers Ranee Taylor Guard, PhD Jennifer Holder Sue McKenzie Humble Malinda Little Dean LIttleton Susan Martin, PhD Karen L. McKinney Jim Parris David Raubach Deborah Stevens Doug Webster Jennifer Aniston Hospital Representatives Melanie Burgess Tennova Healthcare Ann Henderlight Covenant Health/Thompson Cancer Survival Center Steve Ross, DPh UT Medical Center “Cancer affects all of us, whether you’re a daughter, mother, sister, friend, coworker, doctor or patient.” Dealing with cancer is challenging for everyone. In families, roles and responsibilities shift. In addition to holding down a full time job, all of the household responsibilities fall to the caregiver. The natural inclination of parents is to want to protect their children who in reality can sense something is wrong. Friends and neighbors are often afraid to reach out because they are not sure what to say or do. These are just a few of the reasons that Cancer Support Community provides programs and services for everyone impacted by this disease. If you are a spouse or caregiver, reduce stress though our many program offerings or gain tips from others who are in similar circumstances. If you have children, find out how to give age appropriate information that they can understand but that won't overwhelm them. If you are a friend or coworker, learn ways to talk with and be helpful to the person living with cancer. Accessing our professional staff and resources is easy. Our staff will provide tips on managing the impact of cancer, suggestions for programs and services, or access to resources, all at no charge. We’re here, we’re helpful and we’re just a phone call away. Call today (865) 546-4661 – Beth Hamil Founding Members Lindsay Young (1913-2006) Rachael Young Robert Young (1913-2009) Professional Advisory Board John Anderson, MD Richard Antonucci, MD John L. Bell, MD Robert Bertoli, MD Raymond Brig, MD Kenneth Cofer, MD Russell DeVore, MD Tracy Dobbs, MD Paul Dudrick, MD Allan Grossman, MD Wahid Hanna, MD Don Heiser, MD Daniel Ibach, MD Kamilia Kozlowski, MD Ronald Lands, MD Richard Lee, MD David Martin, MD Thomas McDonald, MD Tom Morgan, MD William Muse, MD Tim Panella, MD Peggy Pierce, PhD Alan Solomon, MD Clifton R. Tennison, Jr., MD Margo Uri, MD VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION THURSDAY, AUGUST 7 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Cancer Support Community is seeking volunteers to help with programs, events, office tasks, reception duties, and more. Join us for lunch and an overview of available volunteer opportunities. For more information or to RSVP: (865) 546-4661 or BHamil@CancerSupportET.org Beth Hamil, Executive Director Debra Sullivan, PhD, Program Director Kathleen Williams, LCSW, Program Associate CLINICAL ASSOCIATES Kathy Ehrnschwender, PhD 2230 Sutherland Avenue Knoxville, TN 37919 P: (865) 546.4661 F: (865) 522.0938 info@CancerSupportET.org 2 STAFF LIST Lisa Fisher, Director of Finance & Statistics Margaux Cowan-Banker, Development Coordinator Maria Mooring, Office Manager Oak Ridge Support Services 102 Vermont Avenue Oak Ridge, TN 37830 P: (865) 546.4661 F: (865) 522.0938 Phillip Johnson, PhD Administrative Hours Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. www.CancerSupportET.org community programs Dr. Wahid Hanna presents New Discoveries in Cancer Wednesday, August 20 6:00 – 8:00 pm On Wednesday, August 20 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm Dr. Wahid Hanna will present an educational program on New Discoveries in Cancer. This program was developed by Cancer Support Community in partnership with the Research Advocacy Network to provide the latest information on cancer treatment, side-effect management and psychosocial aspects of the illness to people affected by cancer and their loved ones. In the workshop and companion booklet, patients learn about new treatments in development, current treatments, symptom/side-effect management strategies, the social and emotional challenges of the diagnosis and survivorship issues. This program describes innovations being used in cancer treatment today as well as those in development. Thanks to these professionals who have donated CSC programs Jennifer Barnett John Bell, MD Rev. Chris Buice Brandon Cruze Jason Day Ragi Doggweiler, MD Donna Doyle Holly Frantz, MEd Anice Freeman, MS Hesamm Gharavi, MD Richard Grapski, MD Shelley Hecht Marsha Hickey, DDS Ted Jones, PhD Kathy Kearse, PT, CLT-LANA Missy Kennedy KSO’s Music and Wellness String Quartet Sara Matayoshi Lorraine McIntosh, RPh Kathy Mihalczo, Erin’s Meadow Laura Parker Gregory Phelps, MD Jill Weberding, RN, OCN Martin Whitaker Jason Thompson Sarah Wedekind Caleb Verzyden Mary Winslow, LSCW Dagny Vigander, CYT Russell Sauls Sunspot’s Executive Chef Brandon Cruze comes to Cancer Support Community Brandon Cruze was CSC’s Guest Chef in June and treated the Community with a wide array of tastes, treats and food creations. From Fresh Beet and Arugula Sliders to Curried Lentil Stew and Roasted Peaches and fresh fruit, members were entertained and inspired. THANK YOU Sunspot for sharing your very own Brandon Cruze! t Sliders Sunspot Bee arugula 1 cup fresh d uts, seasone toasted waln , boiled in of ts p ee b cu 4 of 1/ s 1 – 2 pound pepper tender, with salt and r until fork . ed ic sl nd salted wate a d Valley pesto utes. Peele Sweetwater es ic r sl 4 about 30 min her chedda oven or dar or any ot s, toasted in ed un ch b er id sl 4–6 . a baking dish on the grill led garlic in e ee p th l of ti un es ov or inutes 10 to 15 gl for 15-20 m ic oil - Place degree oven 0 35 Roasted garl a in er l and bake lt and pepp Cover with oi ason with sa ned. Se w dar ro y. ed b a y ch tr tl g of gh in sed cook the slices garlic is li ea ce gr la y P tl h. gh li ug thro on a Place beets oven to warm melt. a 350 degree toss to in en ce la ov p and garlic oil and ack in the b ut p nd rizzle with a D ts . er ee b th e ge th to on lnuts gula and wa ce the top Toss the aru arugula. Pla h it w p to then m bun, and a little more. on the botto t ee y! b jo e En th . Place e slider complete th of the bun to Tai Chi starts July 10 A special thanks to program volunteers Susan Bales Leslie Baugues Charlie Brown Jennifer Brown Mylissa Buttram Sherry Chobanian John Clark Barbara Crotzer Amber Crouse Jane Dunham Lucy Embry Alice Feldman Darlene Geter Kathy Gethers Donna Hardy Mary Little Carol Materno Gamble Oegema Martha Perry Chuck Schuchart John Stone Barbara Wade Libba Wall Jim Worden Linda Worden Thursdays 6:00-7:00 pm • Russell Sauls, Instructor Experience this ancient Chinese art form some call “meditation in motion.” By breathing deeply, moving slowly and with awareness Tai Chi can help us tap into our own “internal force” for healing and well-being. Tai Chi helps improve balance, posture, strength and flexibility. 3 community events Celebrating Courage & Survivorship in 2014 This year’s ARTitude event was hosted in Cancer Support Community’s home at Cherokee Mills. With almost 300 guests in attendance, a silent auction full of creative works, and an artistically diverse marketplace, the evening was one of spirited and lively enjoyment. Guests were welcomed through the doors of CSC towards a lovely party in the atrium space, where they enjoyed a number of delicious treats, lively bidding and mingling with friends. CSC especially thanks 2014 ARTitude Committee Members: Rebecca Clark, Karen McKinney, Dianna Osickey, Leslie Parent, and Alisa Twarzynski for making this year’s event one to remember. Kudos to our hardworking event volunteers: Dana Barnes, Allison Bradley, Charlie Brown, Mylissa Buttram, Andrea Duncan, Debra Gage, Darlene Geter, Donna Hardy, Cathy & Steve Hurrell, Greyson Bullock, Matthew Bullock, Julia Bullock, Tanner Hamil, John Stone, Stacy Williams, Eric Wright, and Erin Wright. THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS, DONORS AND ARTISTS Thank you to our generous sponsors PRESENTING BENEFACTOR COLLECTOR In-Kind Sponsors Pilot Flying J Genentech Aubrey’s Dead End BBQ Bistro By The Tracks Fourth Year Studio MEDIA Pershing Yoakley & Associates (PYA) Arby’s Roast Beef Restaurants Christi Branscom Bradley’s Chocolates Holly’s Eventful Dining WVLT Local 8 Regions Bank Amy & Robert Cathey Case Antiques Holy Land Market WIVK Woolf, McClane, Bright, Allen & Carpenter, PLLC G & G Interiors Charity Auction Volunteers Magpies Bakery Geosyntec Consultants Chili’s PATRON Dean Littleton Custom Foods of America Mazda Knoxville Pirate Girl PR UT Medical Center Cancer Institute Deborah C. Stevens Coming in October 2014! Paint Your Pumpkin 4 October 11, 2014 Strike out Cancer The Knoxville Catholic High School softball team hosted a “Strike out community events Cancer” night benefitting Cancer Support Community on May 2. CSC thanks the KCHS softball team coached Jason’s Deli by Sarah Bailey, parents, and fans for a Thank you to Jason’s wonderful evening supporting those in Deli for hosting a our community affected by cancer. fundraiser night for Cancer Support Community in April! Young Leadership Council members took turns greeting guests and many a friend of CSC turned out for an enjoyable dinner at the Cumberland Avenue location. Coming Soon! Buffalo Wild Wings event Coming soon! Make dinner plans at Buffalo Wild Wings Turkey Creek on Wednesday, July 9, between 5:00 pm and 10:00 pm, and 10% of proceeds will be donated to Cancer Support Community! 2014 Echo Bistro & Wine Bar Celebrity Server Event Tennessee Cancer Specialists Golf Tournament Tennessee Cancer Specialists hosted their annual golf tournament on May 3, with proceeds benefitting CSC. A special thanks to Casey Tester, Buffy Wilmoth and their co-workers for hosting this event at Egwani Farms. We also appreciate the many golfers and sponsors who made this event possible. CSC once again celebrated a festive evening at Echo Bistro & Wine Bar, with the spotlight on special guest “Celebrity Server” Tearsa Smith of WATE 6 News! Friends of Cancer Support Community got together to enthusiastically mix and mingle as Tearsa served up fun for all! 5 community contributors We are truly thankful for the generosity of our donors, both monetary and in-kind. Your gifts make it possible for Cancer Support Community to provide services at no charge for families facing cancer. Donations listed were received prior to May 31, 2014. Donations posted after that date will be recognized in our next newsletter. Contributions were made IN MEMORY of Matthew Abramov Bob Alley Karen Anderson Nancy Bailey B. L. Ball Julia & Louis Belfiore Gus Brown Marjorie Burkhart Dennis Coughlin Rebecca Lynn Crawford Tom Cronan Nancy Cross Annette Greene Daugherty Myra Davis Mary DeSmidt Colleen Flannery Louise Folger Robert Greeley Ike Groves James Helper Millie James Mary Lue Jolly James Jordan Annabelle "eight-ball" Kong Judy & Jim Lamon Marcelle Lillard Cliff (Bud) Majors Robert Allen Neal Kim Wade Nixon Hannelore Peterson Mary Evelyn Puryear Becky Reed Refugio Robles William Edward Rought Jack Salzer Frank Schowengerdt John Harvey Smith Silvia Stalgaitis Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Summerlin Carol Swaggerty Denise Toddy Lindsay Young Robert Young Jennie Zettl Contributions were made IN HONOR of Peggy & Frank Addicks Alex Apking Marty & Jim Begalla Hannah Jo Blair Christi Branscom Michelle Buttell Juanita Campbell Lindy Carbone Mildred M. Crawford CSC Facilitators & Staff 6 Special thanks to MELLOW MUSHROOM and EARTHFARE for regularly donating lunches for our programs and to DMG | BLUEGILL for assistance in the design of this newsletter. No gift is too small and 99.9% of all funds raised stay right here in East Tennessee. In addition to cash or in-kind donations, CSC is Joyce Robinson Diftler Ragi Doggweiler Ann & Ralph Gage Joyce Grubb Ann Henderlight Marie Hofer Phillip Johnson Alice Jones Bob Kerley Knoxville Symphony Orchestra Meda Lindley Jeanine & Carl Manning Trish McCurry Alice Mercer Judy Moore Judy Nicely Sarah Presley Jean Ryan-Fry George Stephens Beth Tremaine Elizabeth Wall Tamara Warner Karen White Stuart Worden Rachael Young DONORS Fred Abbott Absolute Financial Abloom Florist & Gifts Ellen Robinson & Peter Acly Lisa & Buzz Adams Mitch Adams Akima Club Cherie Alley Virgina Anagnost Anonymous Barbara & Steve Apking Arby's Roast Beef Restaurants Angie & Steve Arnett The Aslan Foundation Shannon Auge Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ayres B & R Drilling and Pump LLC Theodore Baehr, Jr. Ann & Steve Bailey Fay Bailey Susan Bales Sandy Ball Diane & Jack Barlow Rebecca Beasley Marty & Jim Begalla Kirby Bell Anne Bignall Nancy & Sam Bills Hannah Jo Blair Georgia & Lynn Blake Blount Contractors, Inc. Bob Johnson Insurance, Inc. Mary Bogert Barbara Bolton-Budlong Jean & Brian Bonnyman Jesse Booher Pam Bradshaw Christi Branscom Shelly & Hugh Bright Cindy Brown Jennifer Brown Mary Bruner Mary Jean Bryant Kathy & John Buckingham Margaret Butler Mylissa Buttram Jerry Caldwell Kathleen Callen Claudia Campbell Maureen Canazaro Cardinal Health John Carroll Sandra Sue Cartwright Amy & Robert Cathey Becky Chambers Melissa & Walt Chiles Paige Christenberry Sigurd Christensen Church of the Good Samaritan Donna Clark Rhonda & John Clark Clayton Family Foundation Michelle Commander Beth Cooper Jennifer Coppock Ruth Coughlin Tom Coulter Covenant Health Cowan Benefit Services Chris Cowan-Banker Elizabeth & David Craig Nicole Craig L. S. Crawford, Jr. Joan Cronan Barb Crotzer Elizabeth Curry Luanne Dagley Kathy Darnell Jeannie Davis Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Patty DeRycke Carla DeSmidt Charlie Devente Kathy & Jeff Dietz Dotson Lawns & Landscaping Carolyn & Donald Dougall Jeannie Dulaney Martha Earl East Tennessee Foundation ECCO LLC Patti Edwards able to accept gifts of personal property and stock. If you would like to discuss how you can make a difference, please contact Beth Hamil today. (865) 546-4661 or BHamil@CancerSupportET.org Egwani Golf, Inc. Kathy & Tom Ehrnschwender Valerie Eiler Barbara & Bob Eldridge Karen Ellis Elaine & Frank Erickson Susana Esrequis Melinda & Jim Ethier Joe Feeman First Tennessee Foundation Jane & Chuck Flanagan Melanie & Jeff Flickinger Anna & Tom Ford Kira Frazier-Jones G & G Interiors Jean Galyon Marianne & Ray Gansley Genentech GeoConex Geology Club Geosyntec Consultants Alice Feldman & Albert Good Dale Goodfellow Graphic Touch Mary & Richard Grapski Jim Gray Sandra Greear Veronica & Jake Greear Elizabeth Greene Marsha Grieve Libby & Fred Griffin Lucille Griffo Gail & Allan Grossman Sue Groves Joyce Grubb GSB Contractors, Inc. Ranee Guard Alline & George Hackett Tanya & Peyton Hairston Kathy Hall Beth & Mike Hamil Dorothy & Richard Hamil Pam & Steve Hampton Michelle Hardin Allie Harmon Janet & Tom Harper Hart Graphics Lorraine Hart Haslam Family Foundation Shelley & Jeff Hecht Ann Henderlight Lucy & Richard Henighan William Hicken Barbara & David Hill Dianne & Doug Hill Lindsey Stone Hill Jim Holleman Home Federal Bank Andrew Hoppenrath Renee Hoyos Joyce & Hayes Hunter Julia Huster Connie & Ron Hutchins Jacki & Richard Imbrey Betty Jackson Mebane Jackson Sharon & Bill Jackson Jason's Deli Jenny & Phillip Jennings Victoria Jennings Patricia & Joe Johnson Barbara & Howdy Johnston Sarah & Ed Johnston Bill Jolly Deborah Jones Molly Joy K & R Italian Corporation Ellie & Bob Kassem Lyle Keeble Susan Keener P. Kerley Doris Kilgore Thomas Kirkland Katie Kline Knoxville Catholic High School Elizabeth Koester Wayne Kramer Kroger Foundation Angie Lamon Lance Cunningham Ford Dianne Lemieux Donna Lewis Mary Lewis John Lindley Malinda & Powell Lindsay Gordon Lintz Becky & Joe Little Malinda Little Amber & Dean Littleton Mary Locke Nancy & Michael Lofaro Michael Long Quinton Lowry Michael Lucas Carole Lundin Janet Lundy Ginny & John Lyon Jacqui Whittemore & Andrew MacDonald Ellen & Joseph Macek Sarah MacKenzie Kyle Marshall Martin Printing, LLC Jane & Larry Martin Susan Martin Kathleen Mavournin Ann & Alex Maxwell Vera & Leon Maya Mazda Knoxville Nancy McCarter Pam McClain Carol McCombe Trish McCurry Wayne McDaniel Lindsay & Jim McDonough Fay McMahan Lee & Greg Meadows Medical Supplies of America Melrose Foundation Alice Mercer Susan Miceli Judith Miller Maria Mooring Terry & Bruce Morgan Suzanne & Don Morrison Kim & Tony Morton Tonia Mostella Flo Murat Amy & Robbie Nicely Bet & Eric Nicholls Robert Noell Tamara Norwood Betsy & John O'Connor Douglas Odell Oncology Supply Ann Orr Jane Palmer Leslie Parent Gwendolyn Kerney & James Parris Partners Development Laurie Pearl Martha Perry Pershing Yoakley & Associates Joe Peterson Linda Gay Blanc & Marshall Peterson Pete's Coffee Shop Sara Phillips Beverly & Allan Philp Dee Pierce Violetta Pikoulas Pilot Flying J Pirate Girl PR Tracy Pitner Katherine Poese Premier Surgical Associates Yvonne Pritchett Public House Elizabeth & Baxter Ragsdale Hillary & David Raubach Frances Ray Carole & William Reeves Regions Bank Janet & Stan Reinholz Revenue Recovery Corporation Jennie Ritchie Carolyn & Art Roberts Melanie Robinson Sam Robinson Sandra Robledo Patricia Robles Dottie Roddy Lucie & Jeffrey Rowe Jill Ryan Fran Scheidt Robert Schumaker Lacey Scruggs Carol & John Sheridan Pat Shires Moshe Siman-Tov Margo Uri Simmons William H. Skelton Camille Smith Matthew Smith Sandra D. Smith Sandra Smith Sharolyn & Jon Snyder Andrea Cartwright & Alan Solomon Carol Steele Deborah Stevens Bonny Kate Sugg Debra Sullivan Tom & Margaret Sullivan Sweet Pea Akiko Takayama Karen McKinney & John Taylor Lynne Taylor Pat Taylor John Thigpen John Thomas Sandra Thomas Thompson Cancer Survival Center Darlene & Michael Thompson Wimberly Thompson Janice Threlkeld Susan Townsend Linda Tunstall Marilyn & Rick Turner Mr. & Mrs. Steven Turner University Health System, Inc. University of Tennessee, Campus Chest UT Medical Center Cancer Institute Neena Van Camp Laura Van Eps Liz & Roland Vernon Vibroplex, LLC Georgiana Vines Libba Wall Wal-Mart Foundation Viola Watson Carrie Hamblin & Alex Weatherly Julie Webb Sarah Weeks Lee & Bill Wickman Constance & Firmin Widmer Debbie Williams Juli Williams Kathleen M. Williams Janice & Louis Woolf Linda & Jim Worden Deborah Wright Janet Wright Terry Wright Theresa Wright Caryn Wunderluch Jenni Wylie Cathy & William Youmans Rachael Young Tim Young Zoes Kitchen Linda & Jim Zralek community contributors Wh at’s r story? Do oIumake a difference? Our Mission The path to leaving a meaningful legacy. To ensure tha t all people impacted by powered by knowledge, strengthened by action, and sustain ed by commu nity. cancer are em Bonnie Anders Mike Berry Ryan Blair Pam & Bill Bradshaw Judy Brater Sarah Brobst Cindy Brown Bensey Brad Cantrell Catherine Jean Card Rebecca Clark Pat Clapsaddle Eric Coffey Morena Constantinou Amber Crouse Bailey Earith Susana Esrequis Stacey FletcherReynolds Susana Gorlick Dawn Hawkins Jessica Kortz Joe Letitia Nancy Lloyd Hooker Veronica Ludlow Kris Jones Shelley Mangold Sharon Mann Meghan McCrary Beth Meadows Dianna Osickey Cheri Pollack Cheryl Prose Ann Sartwell Kelli Sexton Kevin Shires Heidi Shuler Susan Somerfield Stoffle Shauna Stevens Jill Stone Mary Van Vleet Sarah & Caleb Verzyden Susan Watson Wendy West Mike Wood Kroger Supports CSC! Register your Kroger Plus Card today! For more in formation Do I m a differenakcee ? The path to lea meaningful ving a legacy. To learn how to make a pla nned gift to Cancer Sup port Commu nity – East Tennes see, please com plete and return to the developm ent director at the addres s below. All inquiries are treated wit h complete confidentiality . Name ______ ____________ ____________ Street ______ ____________ ____________ City ______ ____________ ____________ _ State / Zip ___ ____________ ___________ Phone (H) ___ ____________ ___________ Phone (W) ___ ____________ ___________ E-mail ______ ____________ ___________ Cancer Sup port Commu nity East Ten 2230 Suth (865) 546-46 erland Avenue, Knoxville, TN 3791nessee 61 | www.canc 9 ersupportet.or g/ Your gift ens ure HelpCanensure that s that people impacted by cer wil Support Com munity l always be ava ilab le for people have Cancer Support cancer will always with cancer and the ir loved one s. Services and Community services available to them programs offe red by Cancer Sup ARTITUDE ARTISTS Is there more? port Com munity, thanks to you Cancer by naming Support Community r planned gift , will continu e to be availab le of charge to all who partici – free East Tennessee pate. as a beneficiary in your estate. No gift is too small. Please contact us at (865) 546-4661 for more information. Help Cancer Support Community WIN $5000! Go to www.150DaysofGiving.com and vote daily for Cancer Support Community with all devices (phones, computers, tablets) until August 21st. DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT! DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT! Your donation could have TWICE the impact! Thanks to a matching grant opportunity from the Aslan Foundation, your investment in CSC’s complementary programs will ensure that people impacted by cancer will have access to our supportive community today and for many years to come. Donations may be made online at www.CancerSupportET.org, through the enclosed envelope, or by contacting Beth Hamil at (865) 546-4661. By registering and designating "Cancer Support Community East Tennessee," you will be supporting CSC with each Kroger purchase. Register at www.krogercommunityrewards.com or contact CSC for more information. Cards must be registered annually each August. 7 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID KNOXVILLE, TN PERMIT #195 2230 Sutherland Avenue Knoxville, TN 37919 The mission of the Cancer Support Community is to ensure that all people impacted by cancer are empowered by knowledge, strengthened by action and sustained by community. SAVE-THE-DATE Celebrating the Art of Survivorship Our annual Fall Luncheon and Silent Auction Featuring Christine Clifford 18-year cancer survivor, humorist and author of Not Now… I’m Having a NO Hair Day Thursday, October 16, 2014 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. The Foundry at World’s Fair Park 8 Return Service Requested
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