The Bell Tower October 2014 “They said to Jesus, ‘Increase our faith!” The Lord replied, “If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.’” (Luke 17: 5-6) Many years ago, there was a musical group whose name was “Six Pence None the Richer.” They took their name from a story told by C.S. Lewis in his book, Mere Christianity. Lewis tells the story of how a young boy asked his father for a sixpence so that he could go and buy his father a gift. The father gives him the sixpence, the boy buys the gift and gives the gift to the father, who realizes that he's sixpence none the richer for the transaction. Lewis was making the comparison to the gifts that God has given us, and how when we serve God with those gifts, we should do so humbly, knowing that we are only returning to God what God gave to us in the first place. Through the illustration of the mustard seed, Jesus encourages us not to think of faith in quantitative terms, as if it were something doled out in meager or generous amounts. Faith has its source in God and can be seen in the person and work of Jesus. It is not so much what we do or do not do, but what the limitless power of God does through us. Faith economics is openness to God’s power. It is the mustard seed that accomplishes incredible things; it is the sixpence given to us by our heavenly Father who is none the richer for us doing what we ought to have done but pleased when we offer our gifts of obedience and gratitude. Still, it’s no wonder that the disciples demand more faith in order to meet the challenge of serving God. “Increase our faith!” they demand after hearing Jesus’ words, implying that Jesus didn’t give them enough faith the first time around. If Jesus was expecting them to be large contributors in service to the kingdom, well, they are going to need more faith in their spiritual account. It’s a simple formula of supply and demand, right? But instead of increasing their faith, Jesus gave them a lesson in faith economics. He told them that if they had faith the size of a mustard seed, they’d have enough to uproot a mulberry tree and toss it into the ocean. Jesus was saying that faith has nothing to do with amount and everything to do with the source of the faith. And the source of the faith is God, and--as we know--with God all things are possible. In a wonderful way, that statement--that we are spending our faith as God has commanded--is both affirming and a relief. It opens us up to the possibility that faith isn’t capacity; faith is an orientation to a way of life to which we are called by God. There’s no need to ask for more faith; having more or less faith doesn’t matter one iota. Tom Wright describes “faith like a window through which you can see something. What matters is not whether the window is six inches high; what matters is the God that your faith is looking out on. If it’s the creator God, the God active in Jesus Christ, then the tiniest little peep-hole of a window will give you access to power like you never dreamed of Of course, the cannot be used for your own pleasure as it would show that you’d forgotten, once again, who this God really was.” Is our faith persistent enough to serve Christ even when our reserves are low? Is our faith strong enough to withstand the sufferings of this life? The answer in faith economics is: yes, you have been given enough faith, faith as tiny as a mustard seed but with the strength and persistence of a mighty oak. It’s a lesson in faith economics: simply doing what God has called us to do, trusting that no task God has given us is greater than the faith God has given us. Tyler Wade got to meet and have his picture taken with Willie & Kori Robertson and Ms. Kay also known as the famous Duck Dynasty clan. ~Brent, Ginny and Violet enjoyed hearing Lordes in concert on September 24th! ~Paul Berger & Jared Thompson represented The Fountains at the Senior Expo, and performed on September 24th at the Factory. Among those enjoying their music were Will Berger, Betty & Bob Townsend, and Linda Woodside. ~Betsy Bond walked in Sherry’s Run 5K in Murfreesboro and had her best time ever! ~Grace Calhoun danced with Mayor Ken Moore at the Heritage Ball. Her mother, Angela, designed the Heritage Ball decorations ~Mike & Christi Ensch have been in Key West and now are enjoying Yosemite ~Josh Dreussi, Brandon &Phillip Kimball went rock climbing last weekend ~Mona & John Lee just returned from Oregon ~The Mahathys have been in Nebraska, touching base with Linda’s relatives ~Addy Mitchell & Gibson Bynum are both on BGA golf teams ~Carter Trapeni broke his collarbone while playing football for BGA ~Jackie & Frank Pennington celebrated their 3rd wedding anniversary in September, and provided beautiful flowers for the sanctuary in honor of that occasion ~Gale & Lyn Pewitt attended the Eagle scout ceremony of their grandson, Jacob Swiney. For Jacob’s Eagle leadership project he coordinated the funding, acquisition of 200 sets of toiletries and the delivery/distribution in Malawi East Africa. He and his father spent 8 weeks there working with a number of college Christian groups. Gale was able to pin the badge on his grandson!! Congratulations Jacob! WELCOME ALL OUR NEW BABIES Congratulations to Drew and Sarah Walker on the birth of their daughter, Natalie Grace Walker, born August 17th, 2014, 5lbs 12 oz. Proud grandparents are John Walker and Bonnie Reagan; Nancy and Denny Stubsten. Congratulations to the Westhoven and DeAngelis families on the birth of Matthew John Lawrence DeAngelis, born September 15th in Boston, MA, 8 lb. 2 oz. He is the son of Erica and Matt DeAngelis and the grandson of Gretchen and Jake Westhoven. Congratulations to Jamie and Jacob Chambers on the birth of their daughter, Lily Chambers born on September 19th at 9 pm weighing 6lbs 8oz, and 19” long. Proud grandparents are James & Linda Jackson and great-grandmother, Linda Woodside. Congratulations to Ellie and James Herpeche (who were married at HFPC on 12/24/12) on the birth of Burke Ryan Herpeche, 9/19/14, 8lbs, 6oz, 22” long. Proud Grandparents are Carolyn & Dennis Johnson and let’s not forget the happy aunt, uncle and cousins: Debbie & Cliff Butner, Abbey and Patrick. Congratulations to Mandi & Robbie Matlock on the birth of their daughter, Elsie Jane Matlock, born on 9/9/14, 7lbs, 1oz, 19” long. Proud grandmother is Nicki Showah. Elsie also has 2 big sisters. Nate Gaw’s mother, Virginia Nelson Mary Calvert’s mother, Kathryn Horn Claudia Zanolini’s sister, Annette De Bow Carter Trapeni Parents of new babies! Sympathy to Susan Henry on the death of her father, Martin Bowin, September 5th, 2014. “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, blessed indeed, says the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds do follow them.” Sympathy to Lynne Welch on the death of her uncle, Dick Stallard who died last week. He lived in Pennsylvania. “I am the resurrection and the life, says the Lord.” LAST WEDNESDAY FELLOWSHIP Last Wednesday fellowship for the month of October will be on Wednesday, October 29th at 6:30 pm ( notice the time change ) BOOK CLUB Everyone is invited to join us at 11:30 am for discussion and fellowship. For more information call June Warren 615-794-7453 or e-mail OCTOBER 28th BLACK FLOWER by Howard Bahr For our first meeting we will meet at the home of Alice Spaulding 358 4th Avenue South B-4 The Presbyterian Women of HFPC meet regularly on the third Tuesday of each month September through May . The October meeting will take place on Tuesday, October 21 at 9:45 am in the church parlor just off Memorial Hall. Claudia Zanolini will lead the discussion of chapter 2 of the year's study of Second Corinthians, entitled "Reconciling Paul." Study books are available on request. Join us for an interesting view of the thinking of the Apostle Paul, for news of our members and fellowship over coffee and great snacks. The menu will be Lasagna, salad, bread and assorted desserts. In addition to a program for the adults, there will also be a special program for the children led by Sarah Litton. She will lead an activity centered around Exodus 13:21-22 and the pillar of clouds/fire that God provided as a guide for the Israelites through the wilderness. Children will make their own clouds—first, with a fun science experiment and then by making them out of puff paint. One big all-hands-in masterpiece will be created and then each child can create a smaller individual one to take home as a reminder of God’s guidance in their lives. Sewing Circle Join us as you work on any craft project and enjoy the company of others! October 3rd at 10 am October 17th at 10 am DONORS FOR GLORY TO GOD HYMNALS Brent & Ginny Andrews In Memory of Edward and Catharine Philbeck, great-grandparents of Violet Andrews and Price Stallard Brent & Ginny Andrews In Memory of Walter Lee and Ovella Smithson, great-grandparents of Violet Andrews and Price Stallard Charles Batt Deryl & Phyllis Bauman Deryl & Phyllis Bauman In Memory of In Honor of In Memory of Deryl & Phyllis Bauman R.C. & Mary Anne Berger R.C. & Mary Anne Berger R.C. & Mary Anne Berger Will Berger Harry Lee Billington Nancy P. Birchett Donna & Bill Blewett Donna & Bill Blewett Betsy Bond Betsy Bond Betsy Bond Betsy Bond Betsy Bond Cliff & Brenda Borgman Cliff & Brenda Borgman The Butners Dixon & Leigh Ann Bynum Dixon & Leigh Ann Bynum Jeff & Mary Calvert Jeff & Mary Calvert Jeff & Mary Calvert Jeff & Mary Calvert Jeff & Mary Calvert Charlie & Candace Crumrine Charlie & Candace Crumrine Earl & Dianne Davis Earl & Dianne Davis Earl & Dianne Davis Lois F. Davis Lois F. Davis Lois F. Davis The Dedman Family In Memory of In Honor of In Honor of In Honor of In Honor of Gifts In Memory of In Memory of In Memory of In Memory of In Honor of In Honor of In Honor of In Honor of In Memory of In Memory of In Memory of In Memory of In Memory of In Honor of our Son In Honor of our Daughter In Honor of our Son In Honor of our Daughter In Memory of our Parents In Memory of In Honor of In Honor of In Honor of In Honor of In Memory of In Memory of In Memory of In Honor/Memory of The Dedman Family In Honor /Memor y of The Dedman Family Jack & Susan Dews In Honor of In Memor y of The Dreussi Family Michelle Thornhill Edwards Mike & Christi Ensch Mike & Christi Ensch Reesa & David Evans Sydney Roof Forte In Memor y of In Memor y of In Honor of our Daughter s In Honor of our Gr andsons In Memory of In Honor of my Grandmother Susan Warner Batt Mrs. Pam De-Matteo-Linn John H. Bauman, Elizabeth C. Bauman & Brett M. Bauman The Hillman Family Sara Anne Berger Mary Judith Berger Paul Rutherford Berger The Chancel & Handbell Choirs Historic Franklin Presbyterian Church Edward S. Birchett Marie Russell Mr. & Mrs. Tom Blewett Betty Bond Sally Hughes Cyndy Hinton Roxanne Williams Mary Lu Kells Michelle Borgman Taylor John Austin Taylor Mr. & Mrs. L.H. Powers, Sr. (Nannie & Papa) Harry & Sue Bynum Bill & Nell Davis Thomas Calvert Andrea Calvert Robert Calvert Victoria Calvert Dorothy & Jefferson Calvert Charlie & Betty Crumrine Bud Hoaas & Linda Simms You who came to worship today Carolyn Davis Betsy Bond Earl C. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Roy Hixson Dr. & Mrs. Walter Reed Gretchen Faye Dedman and her great –grandmother Gretchen Grimes Akin Samantha Jean Dedman and her great-aunt Lucy Jean Akin Johnson William Burnett Akin Jesse & Louise Dews Muriel Sutherland W. Larry Coolman Vera Scott Thornhill Megan Myers & Jamie Milburn Collin Bryant, Dane & Jameson Milburn, & Noah Myers Shirley Hoffman Gene Richardson Continue on page 5 Bruce & Donna Franklin Bruce & Donna Franklin Bruce & Donna Franklin Bruce & Donna Franklin John & Marcia Fraser Arlene Frazier Kathy Frederick Carl Gilliam Loy Hardcastle Virginia Hart Ulric Henegar Ulric Henegar Ulric Henegar Cyndy & Bill Hinton Cyndy & Bill Hinton Dennis & Carolyn P. Johnson Dennis & Carolyn Johnson Dorothy Kennedy Kathleen Koontz & David Strickland Kathleen Koontz Kathleen Koontz In Honor of In Memory of In Memory of In Memory of Gifts In Memory of In Honor of In Honor of In Memory of Gifts In Memory of In Memory of In Honor of In Memory of In Memory of In Honor of In Honor of In Honor of In Honor of In Memory of In Memory of In Honor of In Memory of In Memory of In Memory of In Memor y of In Memory of In Memory of Kathleen Koontz & David Strickland Brian & Kelly Lang Brian & Kelly Lang Mona Lee Mona Lee Mona Lee Mona Lee Mona Lee Marty P. & Ronald S. Ligon In Honor of In Memory of In Memory of In Honor of In Memory of In Memory of In Memory of In Memory of In Honor of Marty P. & Ronald S. Ligon In Honor of Marty P. & Ronald S. Ligon In Honor of Marty P. & Ronald S. Ligon In Honor of Marty P. & Ronald S. Ligon In Honor of Marty P. & Ronald S. Ligon Marty P. & Ronald S. Ligon Marty P. & Ronald S. Ligon Marty P. & Ronald S. Ligon Marty P. & Ronald S. Ligon Marty P. & Ronald S. Ligon Marty P. & Ronald S. Ligon Marty P. & Ronald S. Ligon Marty P. & Ronald S. Ligon In Honor of In Honor of In Honor of In Honor of In Honor of In Honor of In Memory of In Memory of In Memory of The Men’s Choir Michael & Nicole Mackanos Michael & Nicole Mackanos In Memory of In Memory of In Memory of Cyndy & Bill Hinton Cyndy & Bill Hinton Cyndy & Bill Hinton Mary Winton Hughes Scott & Helen Jackson Shirley LaCoste Janet Zachry Barry LaCoste Beth & Tommy Horne Robert W. Frazier Graham & Bella Frederick Sara, Carl C., & Joseph Gilliam Billy Adair Historic Franklin Presbyterian Church Barbara Henegar Tom Warren June Warren Dick & Audrey Hamilton Chuck Hinton Minerva Hinton Leslie & Adam Deslauriers Eric & Jenny Shouse Phoenix Shouse “Pug” Akin Dr. Lawrence G. Schull Martha M. Schull Lowry & Claudie Powers Conrad Matthews Paul & Frances Flynn The Rev. Orus & Mary Rupe Ted & Alice Hawk Rev. Chester F. & Josephine Leonard William H. & Ida Belle Leonard Mary Elizabeth & Alice Catherine Strickland Beylan Testa Susan Lang Will Berger & Sally Hughes Jack & Martha Lee Rebecca Robertson Janet Zachry Bessie Robertson Sandy & Susan Ligon Chloe Ligon John J. & Paula Ligon Margaret & Catherine Matt C. & Stacey Ligon Jessica; Matthew Talley & Meg Floyd Amelia Fulton & Darlene Greer Elizabeth Dr. Joe & Betty Willoughby Calvin & Marilyn Lehew Glenn & Beverly Adams Tom & Charlotte Cone Rev. Robert Cowperthwaite Dr. James Cogswell Dewees & Sue Berry Dr. Walter Reed Our Parents: H. Raymond & Lucille Ligon Chuck & Martha Parish Dr. Thomas Warren, Choir Director Michael & Iva Mackanos John & Helen Mason Continue on page 6 Continued…. DONORS FOR GLORY TO GOD HYMNALS Jeffrey Mahathy Linda & George Mahathy John Mather The Matthews & Spragins Families Ken & Lynn Mitchell Ken & Lynn Mitchell Nancy Montgomery The Moore Family Bill & Cindy Morelli Victor Patterson The Pearson Family Frank & Jackie Pennington Theresa Pennington E. Gale & Lyn Pewitt E. Gale & Lyn Pewitt E. Gale & Lyn Pewitt E. Gale & Lyn Pewitt E. Gale & Lyn Pewitt Evelyn Arey Pewitt Lee & Drew Porter Gifts Gifts In Memory of In Memor y of In Memory of In Memory of In Memory of In Loving Memory of In Memory of In Memory of Gifts In Memory of In Memory of my Husband In Memory of In Memory of In Memory of In Memory of In Honor of In Memory of In Memory of Betty Powers Pamela A. Reed Pamela A. Reed Karen Rhea Joanna B. Roberts Robyn Ryan Robyn Ryan Noah & Sherryl Sanders Nicki Showah Robert Smith Boardman & Lillian Campbell Stewart Boardman & Lillian Campbell Stewart Janet & Hugh Tharpe Janet & Hugh Tharpe Barbara & Stephen Townes In Memory of In Memory of In Memory of In Honor of In Memory of In Honor of In Memory of In Memory of In Honor of In Memory of In Memory of In Memory of In Memory of In Honor of In Memory of R.N. Townsends In Memory of Ed & Lise Triggs In Memory of Betty Trondsen In Memory of Betty Trondsen In Memory of Suzanne Vader & Julia Gillespie In Memory of Suzanne Vader & Julia Gillespie In Memory of Debra Vanderveer In Memory of Debra Vanderveer In Memory of Arlene & Jerry Walters In Honor of Don, Nancy, Donald E., Jonathan, and Ellen Warden In Memor y of Don, Nancy, Donald E., Jonathan, and Ellen Warden In Memor y of Don, Nancy, Donald E., Jonathan, and Ellen Warden In Honor of Don & Nancy Warden In Honor of Don & Nancy Warden In Honor of Don & Nancy Warden In Honor of Donald E., Jonathan, & Ellen Warden In Memory of Donald E., Jonathan, & Ellen Warden In Honor of Carol Warren In Honor of Historic Franklin Presbyterian Church Historic Franklin Presbyterian Church Jack & Helen Mather Windie Matthews Russell Perry & Ruth Mitchell Julia W. Milliken Charles Raymond Montgomery Hal Moore, Sr. Our Parents Elder C.C. & Mrs. Geneva White Flanery Historic Franklin Presbyterian Church Ray S. Pennington Dwight L. Pennington Allene Clarkson Derry Carlisle Walter Carlisle Barbara Henegar June Warren Evelyn Baker Arey Our Fathers: Rev. Lee Porter Raymond Allen Shelton Nat Powers Jane Jordan Alexander Grace & Robert Jordan Patrick, Isaac & Dylan Rhea Miles Conrad Matthews, Jr. Russell T. Ryan Lilamae Ryan Bob Smart Will Berger & Sally Hughes Katherine Moffett Smith Jim & Gordy Campbell Dr. Calvin & Perk Stewart Mr. & Mrs. J.F. Tharpe Connor Prentice Tharpe Our Parents Rev. Dr. Walter Reed & Mrs. Garnet Reed who helped with founding this HFPC Karen Pratt & Janet Zachry L. Eugene Trondsen Windie Matthews Russell Virginia F. Vader Robert L. Vader my mother-Jo Vanderveer my father-Joe Vanderveer Daniel, Connie & James L. Eugene Trondsen Windie Matthews Russell Betty Hillman Trondsen Donald Eugene Warden Jonathan Clark Warden Ellen Elizabeth Warden L. Eugene Trondsen Betty Hillman Trondsen June Warren Continue on page 7 Donor list continued... June Warren Gretchen Westhoven Roxanne Williams Spencer Zachry Steve & Claudia Zanolini In Memory of Gifts Gifts In Memory of In Honor of Thomas D. Warren Historic Franklin Presbyterian Church Historic Franklin Presbyterian Church Janet Zachry Sophia Silva Zanolini CHILDREN’S BREAKFAST Beginning on Sunday, September 28th Breakfast will be served for all children prior to Sunday School and immediately after the 8:30 service. We are looking forward to hosting a breakfast for the children prior to Sunday School on the last Sunday of every month. Adam & Laura Hollis will handle this months breakfast on the 28th but volunteers are needed for the coming months. Please let Adam or Laura know if you would be interested in helping. YOUTH NEWS Here are the dates for the youth meetings in October and November: October 12th, 5-7pm October 19th, 5-7pm November 9th, 5-7pm November 16th, 5-7pm All meetings are at the church, and included youth from grade 5 through grade 12. The youth will meet together for an activity, divide for age-appropriate programs, and reunite for dinner (provided by parent volunteers). Parents will receive e-mail reminders about youth meetings mid-week before the youth meeting. Brittany Hanlin is our youth director. If you have questions or want to talk with her, her number is 615-779-2757 and her e-mail is HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE The Hospitality Committee that met recently at HFPC would like to introduce an intercessory prayer ministry to include confidential prayer requests. On a weekly basis an Intercessor will lift up prayer requests for yourself, family members, friends, anything or person you deem important. The requests can consist of people with needs such as illness, bereavement, comfort, loneliness, new marriage, new job, finances, relationships, etc. You can submit prayer request two ways: 1) Fill out the Prayer Request Card located in the Sanctuary pews (available October 5th), drop in the offering plate or drop in the prayer request box located in Memorial Hall. 2) Submit your prayer request to the e– mail address specifically for prayer. In the e-mail be sure to include your specific prayer request, the person being prayed for, their physical address or e-mail address if you would like a note of encouragement sent, the name of person making request with a contact phone number or e-mail address Discretionary Fund Request The HFPC discretionary fund is money used by the pastors to help members or strangers who are in need of financial assistance. Rent, groceries, gasoline, clothing are among the ways that money from the fund is used. The discretionary fund is not part of the church budget, but depends solely on contributions from members and from offerings taken up at the Christmas Eve services and the Tenebrae service. This summer, the discretionary fund has been almost depleted due to the number of requests for financial aid. We would welcome additional contributions to the discretionary fund at this time, since our next church-wide offering for the fund will not be until December 24th , 2014! Genealogy Workshop Offered FRANKLIN CHAMBER ORCHESTRA The Old Glory Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution is sponsoring a free genealogy workshop for the public in our Fellowship Hall Tuesday, October 7 th, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. This year the topic is “Internet Tips and Safety for Genealogical Research.” The moderator for this event is Judy Jenkins, Old Glory Registrar and certified NSDAR Genealogy Consultant. Reservations are appreciated, but not required. Questions or reservations can be made at Contact: Susan Walker PR and Media Chairman Old Glory Chapter 790-6211 or 594-7308 Paul Johnian, conductor, violinist With 15 other musicians playing Saturday, October 4th , 2014 at 7:30 pm Come out and enjoy some wonderful, classical and worship hymns!!! For more information please call the church office at 615-794-9094 October 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 10 am Bible Study 12:30 Art Class 6 pm Bells 7:15 pm Choir 5 First Sunday Fellowship 8:30/11 am Worship 9:45 Sunday School 12:30 pm Session Mtg. 12 8:30/11 am Worship 9:45 Sunday School 5—7 pm Youth 19 8:30/11 am Worship 9:45 Sunday School 5—7 pm Youth 26 8:30/11 am Worship 9:45 Sunday School 6 13 20 27 6pm Allied ArtsNicole Mackanos 7 8 4:30 pm Terrific Tuesday 6:30 pm DAR fellowship hall 10 am Bible Study 12:30 Art Class 6 pm Bells 7:15 pm Choir 14 15 4:30 pm Terrific Tuesday 10 am Bible Study 12:30 Art Class 6 pm Bells 7:15 pm Choir 21 22 4:30 pm Terrific Tuesday 10 am Bible Study 12:30 Art Class 6 pm Bells 7:15 pm Choir 28 29 4:30 pm Terrific Tuesday 10 am Bible Study 12:30 Art Class 6:30 Last Wed Fellowship 6:00 pm Bells 7:30 pm Choir Thu 2 12:30 Art Class Fri 3 4 7-9pm Paul Johnian Recital Violinist Concert starts at 7:30 pm 5-8 pm Bridges 9 Sat 10 11 17 18 Lebron Wedding Lebron Wedding 23 24 25 5-8 pm Bridges 6pm Drop off for Bridges Bake sale 30 31 12:30 Art Class 5-8 pm Bridges 16 12:30 Art Class 5-8 pm Bridges 12:30 Art Class 12:30 Art Class 5-8 pm Bridges Pumpkin Fest
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