Hayes Barton UMC FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT Coffee Is Served on the patio or in the kitchen hall. Better Together…God with Us ORDER OF WORSHIP ANNOUNCEMENTS GATHERING AND PRAISE PRELUDE Variations on ‘Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming’ Drischner The text is hymn 216 *GREETING As Mary entered the house of Zechariah and Elizabeth, the child in Elizabeth’s womb leaped for joy! And as we enter your house today, O God, our hearts leap for joy just thinking of our Savior’s birth. Blessed is Mary among women, and blessed is the fruit of her womb. And blessed are we, O God, to be called into the salvation of Mary’s child. *HYMN “O Come, All Ye Faithful” No. 234 *LIGHTING THE ADVENT CANDLE (8:30) (11:00) Zack & Courtney Bolen with Emily & Lauren Ray & Shannon Oliveira with Callie & Anna We have lit three candles—for hope, for peace, and for joy. Today we light the fourth candle—the candle of love. With this flame, we signify the love of God that surrounds and fills us at all times, but that we recognize in a special way in the Christmas story. There is no greater power than love. It is stronger than rulers and empires, stronger than grief or despair, stronger even than death. We love, as God loves us. (Four candles are lit.) “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel. Loving God, we open ourselves to you this Christmas season. As these candles are lit, light our lives with your imagination. Show us the creative power of hope. Teach us the peace that comes from justice. Fill us with the kind of joy that cannot be contained, but must be shared. Magnify your love within us. Prepare our hearts to be transformed by you, that we may walk in the light of Christ. Amen. Depart in peace, and take with you the certain knowledge that God is always coming into the world. We will seek God, not in a long ago stable or ancient manger, but in the people we meet and the depths of our own hearts. December 23, 2012 UMW General Meeting and Luncheon: Monday, 1/14 Please mark your calendar to attend the Sympathy and Love to UMW’s January General meeting. We Gwen Baker and family on the death will meet in the fellowship hall for a of her mother, Willowdean Strick- business meeting at 11:00 am. Lunch land, on December 16. Her service will be served and childcare is availwas on December 19 at Emmanuel able. All women of the church are inBaptist Church. vited. Please RSVP to Connie Fowler Gary Johnson and family on the at connie@viovio.com or 757-2062. death of his mother, Frances Johnson, WIHN Host Week: Jan. 13-20 on December 19. Her service was on Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network December 21 at Hayes Barton. Larry Mallard and family on the (WIHN) provides shelter, meals, case death of his mother, “Harry Bryan” management and education to preMallard, on December 18. Her ser- screened homeless and transitional vice was on December 21 in New families. HB has the pleasure of hosting WIHN families again from January Bern. 13-20. Volunteers are needed to proCommitment Cards vide meals, transportation, buy grocerIf you have not done so, please turn in ies, serve as overnight hosts, etc. Coyour commitment card soon. Commit- ordinators are needed for meals, room ments cards are available in the lobby. tear-down and transportation. Families and Sunday School classes are encourChristmas Eve Services aged to participate! Please sign up at Monday, December 24 www.signupgenius.com. Click on 3:00, 5:00, 7:00 & 11:00 pm “FIND A SIGN UP” and search Please join us for one of our worship “nbrugh@gmail.com”. Or sign up on services. The 3 and 5 pm services are the board in the lobby. family-friendly. Communion will be Stephen Ministry served at all services. Childcare (0-5/K) A Stephen Minister provides confiwill be offered at 3, 5 and 7 pm. There will be a live nativity for all services dential Christian care and encouragement to someone who is hurting; a with luminary. Stephen Minister is a compassionate Christmas Eve Special Offering listener who does not offer solutions or Half of the offering will go to 3MC judge the care receiver’s feelings and (Methodist Men’s Ministry Center, for- who offers Christ’s love for as long as merly the MERCI Center) and half to the care receiver’s journey lasts. the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund. The If you would like a Stephen Minister Christmas Eve Offering is defined as to walk with you as God carries you cash in the offering plate, checks desig- through a difficult time, please contact nated “Christmas Offering” and cash or Pastor Jesse Baker at 919-832-6435 checks enclosed in Christmas Offering x20 or Becky Balentine at 919-601envelopes. 8682. All inquiries are confidential. UMM Dinner Meeting Tuesday, 1/08 Seeds of Hope: Drivers Needed on 1/26 The United Methodist Men will kick off the New Year on Tuesday, January 8, at 6:30 pm in the Chapel. Join us in welcoming our District Attorney, Colon Willoughby, who will speak about some issues facing our justice system. RSVP by Thursday, January 3, to Iggy Burroughs at 919-787-0328 or iggy1925@webtv.net. Chapel Hill field trip: 10 am to the afternoon: 3 drivers needed. Marbles Museum field trip: 1-2 drivers for a van/vans. Time not yet confirmed. Chaperones are needed for both events. Please email Willa Weltzin at willa.weltzin@gmail.com, or call Jane Walz at 919-602-4796. HBUMC December 23 UMW Book Drive Thanks Thank you for the nearly 1,000 books you gave to the Project Enlightenment Book Drive. Your generosity will make a huge difference in the lives of children who would not otherwise have books in their homes. Prayer/Communion Services Start Again on January 8 Each Tuesday at 11:45 am, join us for a Service of Prayer and Communion. These services will last about 25 minutes to offer a midday time of rest and spiritual nourishment. CHILDREN Nursery/ES Volunteers: 12/30 N 2s 3s 4s 5s Elizabeth & Charles Montague Rachel & Cam Reynolds Jaye & Brendan Hinch Bonnie & Chip Hopkins Kelly & Brandon Hurter Elementary Movie Night Friday, 1/4, 5:30-8:30 pm Join us in the FH with something comfy to lie on and $5 for pizza, popcorn and drinks. To help, email Laurie Perry at lperry@hbumc.org. Tot Time Play Group: Jan. 14 Join us at 10 am if you have a preschooler at least 1 year old. For questions, please contact Alison Baker at 604-1693 or sets14@yahoo.com. YOUTH Confirmation 2013 Begins 1/02 Please send in the confirmation form ASAP. To get a form, email Emily at enewman@hbumc.org. 2013 Youth Missions Signup sheets are by Emily’s office! Drop off your application and check. Group Week of Hope: MS. 6/23-28, VA or SC StudentLife: MS/HS. 7/15-19, Atlanta ASP: HS. 6/16-22, West Virginia Basketball Starts in January! Regular season game dates are: Jan. 5, 12, 19, 26; Feb. 2, 9, 16 All games at First Presbyterian. Prayer Bookmark Deaths Frances Johnson (Gary Johnson’s mother) “Harry Bryan” Mallard (Larry Mallard’s mother) Willowdean Strickland (Gwen Baker’s mother) Hospital/Recovering Brookie Alexander Vera Holshouser Mary Knapp Sammy Martin Emma Teague Ongoing Concerns Riley Bingham Hazel Dayvault Anne Fortier Evelyn Hieb Jo Ann Jones Bill Knapp Jim Martin Roland Massey Pat Eckert Quinn Margaret Scott Walter Tietjen Anthony West Deployed Daniel Carmichael Michael Froneberger Robert Jordan Margaret Marcello Eden Pearl John Henry Templeton Todd Vining Our Church Leaders Pastors Rick, LuAnn, & Jesse D.S. Strother, Bishop Ward HBUMC Calendar see www.hbumc.org Sunday, 12/23 Holiday Share 8:30a Sanc. Traditional Worship 8:45a FH LightHouse Worship 9:50a Sunday School for all ages 11:00a Sanc. Traditional Worship Monday, 12/24 3 & 5p Sanc. Family Services 7 & 11pSanc. Candlelight Services Tuesday, 12/25 No Men’s Breakfast Church Offices Closed 12/26-12/28 Business Office Open Sunday, 12/30 8:30a Sanc. Traditional Worship 8:45a FH LightHouse Worship 9:50a Sunday School for all ages 11:00a Sanc. Traditional Worship Monday,12/31 Business Office Open Tuesday, 01/01 No Men’s Breakfast Church Offices Closed Wednesday, 01/02 11:30a Handbell Rehearsal 1:00p Columb. Haggai’s Helpers NO Wednesday Dinner 5:30p Children’s Music Programs 6:00p MS Bible Studies 6:30p Wesleyan Covenant Renewal 6:30p Children’s Spiritual Acad. 6:30p Cub Scouts/Webelos 7:30p Confirmation Kickoff May the blessing of Christmas make you a blessing to others; may the peace of the season pervade all that you do. We will welcome the challenge of discipleship. We will offer ourselves as God’s ministers. We will go forth in hope, peace, joy, and love. We are Better Together…because God is with us! LATECOMERS MAY BE SEATED NOW. PROCLAMATION OF THE WORD TIME WITH YOUNG DISCIPLES Laurie Perry Micah 5:2-5a But you, O Bethlehem of Ephrathah, who are one of the little clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to rule in Israel, whose origin is from of old, from ancient days. Therefore he shall give them up until the time when she who is in labor has brought forth; then the rest of his kindred shall return to the people of Israel. And he shall stand and feed his flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God. And they shall live secure, for now he shall be great to the ends of the earth; and he shall be the one of peace. ANTHEM *HYMN He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: and he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are young. Come unto him, all ye that labor, come unto him, that are heavy laden, and he will give you rest. Take his yoke upon you, and learn of him; for he is meek and lowly of heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Luke 1:39-55 In those days Mary set out and went with haste to a Judean town in the hill country, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And why has this happened to me, that the mother of my Lord comes to me? For as soon as I heard the sound of your greeting, the child in my womb leaped for joy. And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord.” And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name. His mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts. He has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly; he has filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty. He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy, according to the promise he made to our ancestors, to Abraham and to his descendants forever.” “The Waiting Room” Page 39 Rick Clayton HAYES BARTON United Methodist Church Raleigh, North Carolina No. 191 MORNING WORSHIP Eight-thirty and Eleven o’clock PRAYERS FOR THE CHURCH AND THE WORLD PRESENTATION OF GOD’S TITHES AND OUR OFFERINGS Please pass the attendance register. Visitors, please give us your address and phone number. Offertory “For Unto Us a Child Is Born” from Messiah G. F. Handel FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT DECEMBER 23, 2012 Chancel Choir For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. *DOXOLOGY Blair Kennedy, soloist SERMON No. 198 BAPTISMAL COVENANT II (11:00) Presented for Holy Baptism: Sebastian Orion Prybol Son of Britni and Kevin Prybol Welcoming Hymn “Jesus Loves Me” “He Shall Feed His Flock” from Messiah G. F. Handel *GOSPEL LESSON “My Soul Gives Glory to My God” SHARING OUR JOYS AND CONCERNS (11:00 - Children, ages 2-K, may go to Extended Session.) OLD TESTAMENT LESSON RESPONSE TO THE WORD What can I give him, poor as I am? If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb; If I were a Wise Man, I would do my part; Yet what I can I give him; give my heart. SENDING FORTH *HYMN “Blest Are They” No. 2155 *BENEDICTION AND CHIMES *POSTLUDE Savior of the Nations, Come Arr. J. Pachelbel The text is hymn 214 *Stand as you are able CCLI License #2367044 Senior Pastor: Rick Clayton Hospitality: Jennifer Hollerung Associate Pastor: LuAnn Charlton Music/Worship Arts: C. Michael Trexler Associate Pastor: Jesse Baker Organist: David Witt Pastor Emeritus: F. Owen Fitzgerald, D.D. Children’s Music: Susan Stevens Visitation Ministry: Becky Balentine Tech Arts: Kelly Donaldson Communications: Doug Gill Youth Ministries: Jeff McCauley, Emily Newman Children’s Ministries: Laurie Perry, Liz Merritt Building Superintendent: Marshall Parker Nursery: Lise Sherlin Wedding Administrator: Jerry Lachapelle Weekday Preschool: Amy Mattheis Business Administrator: Russell Wilcox Church Secretary: Melanie Iversen Assistant Business Admin.: Tricia Ligon Membership Secretary: Anna Stidham Food Services: Lu Ann Rudolph Head Ushers: Frank Brown; John Armfield Ushers: (8:30) Jim Pierce, Captain; Michael Franke, Sylvia Gill, Cathy Pierce, Kevin Shoaff (11) Alan Long, Captain; Al Bullock, Joe Burroughs, David Butts, Jeff Powell, Irwin Roberts Prayer Warriors: (8:30) Debbie Womble; (11:00) Elizabeth Rose Crucifer: (8:30) Virginia Douglas; (11:00) Michael Radulovic Acolytes: (8:30) Lily Grace Kelly & Winston Tuttle; (11:00) Hadley Brugh & Elizabeth Womack Greeters: (8:30) Jane Shirk; (11:00) Dave & Sylvia Svendsgaard “The Waiting Room” In God’s waiting room, we learn to expect mystery and surprise in the face of common days. The church’s calendar is made up of two kinds of time: holy time and ordinary time. Mary’s days were so ordinary in some ways and so miraculous in other ways. That always seems to be the way God hands life to us, a mixture of the marvelous and the mundane. In Honor of The Chancel Choir by Bill Murr In Memory of my husband, Edward Speed Noell, Jr., by Lee Noell In Honor of Rick, Jesse and Becky Balentine by Lee Noell In Honor and Thanks for all prayers, cards, notes, calls, visits, gifts, flowers and food after my January surgery by Lee Noell In Memory of Ken & Francis Schmidt and Charles & Edna Porter and in Honor of Violet Porter by Keith & Michelle Porter In Memory of Doug & Martha Catington and in Honor of Billie Catington by Keith & Michelle Porter In Memory of Amy Johnson by Preschool Staff In Memory of Jan Prince Verhoeven by Jim & Sibby Prince In Memory of Martha Anne Register by Buddy Register In Honor of Amanda, Hannan & Carson Rossi, the greatest family a man could ask for, by Paul J. Rossi In Memory of my parents, Ruth Keith Johnson & Reuben James Johnson, by Betty J. Copeland Smith In Memory of James L. Clyburn and his more than 40 years as organist at Hayes Barton by Carol & Leonard Smith In Memory of Tucker Rives Mann by Drew, Elizabeth, Rives and Julia Smith In Honor of Mary Gatton by J. C. & Melba Smith In Honor of Molly & Andy McDaniel by J. C. & Melba Smith In Memory of Glenn & Grace Anderson by Charlotte Anderson Straney In Memory of Dan Jr., Lucy and Dan Sharpe III by Peggy, Tim, Jaye, Paige & Lee Thomas In Memory of Willis Henry (Hank) Thompson, III by Becky, Mary Frances, Elizabeth & Will In Honor of Mary, Bill, Chailee, William, John and Alex Moss by the Thompson Family In Memory of Sara Burroughs by Becky Thompson In Memory of Frank Fuller by Becky Thompson In Memory of Frank Scott by Becky Thompson In Memory of Phil Greer by Becky Thompson In Memory of Dr. Jim Edwards by Becky Thompson In Honor of Charlie & Becky Russell by the Weekday Preschool Staff Holiday Share: Ends Today What can you do to serve? Take the opportunity to share the holiday spirit with our community! It’s the perfect, meaningful gift for those who have everything! • Purchase a holiday share donor card as a gift to your friends and/or family • Donations can be made in honor or in memory of a loved one • Donor cards can be purchased at the reception desk this morning, before and after all Sunday morning services. When you purchase a donor card as a gift, you will be contributing to local charities and meeting area needs. Many families will benefit throughout the coming year. Gifts can be made in any amount to one or more of these organizations: Centro Internacionale de Raleigh The Encouraging Place Family Support Circles The Green Chair Project The Healing Place of Wake County InterAct Inter-Faith Food Shuttle (IFFS) Meals on Wheels of Wake County Methodist Home for Children Miracle League of the Triangle Seeds of Hope/Partners for Humanity Shepherds Table Soup Kitchen Society of St. Andrew StepUp Ministries Urban Ministries of Wake County Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network Wake Relief Wee Care Children’s Enrichment Program For questions, please contact: Sara at s_b_bryant@hotmail.com or Jared at jared.husketh@gmail.com FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT FLOWERS DECEMBER 23, 2012 The Chancel Flowers are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Kathryn & Fletcher Thomasson and Virginia & Tom Graves, Sr. by Sara & Tom Graves, Katie & Kenny Dodson, and Sallie, David, Thomas, & Matthew Wheeler. The Wreaths in the Chancel are given: in loving memory of their granddaughter, Abigail Oliver Dargan, and their parents, Elizabeth Oliver & Benjamin McClamroch and Kathleen & Charles Veasey, by Gail & Bob Veasey. in loving memory of her parents, Ollen D. McLeod and Christie Maynard McLeod, who was at one time our organist and choir director, and her sister Katharine Wilson by Dr. Neill McLeod. The Wreaths at the Back of the Sanctuary are given: in loving memory of Rollin & Susan Pratt by Penny & Bruce Oland. in loving memory of Rebecca D. Wall by her family. The Wreath on the Balcony is given in loving memory of Nicholas M. Perry by Nancy, Martha, Carlson, Brandon, Nick Jr., and Chesson. The Wreaths on the Stone St. Doors are given in loving memory of her husband, Frank; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gill; her sister, Helen Gill Keasler; and Frank’s parents, Mr. O. L. Scott and Mrs. Hetter Mae Scott Byrd; by Nancy Scott. The Wreaths on the Fairview Rd. Doors are given in memory of Tom Lindley and Alexander Drozeck by Madelyn Lindley and Tom & Michelle Lindley. The Wreaths on the Back Foyer Doors are given in loving memory of Mr. & Mrs. James C. Jenkins, Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. McDonald, II, Mr. & Mrs. E. Carl Tiesler, and Mr. & Mrs. Thompson O. Crockett by the Ken Crockett Family. The Wreaths on the Preschool Entry Doors are given in loving memory of our parents, Gilbert & Virginia Darden Hay and Charles & Corinne Nunnery, by Charlene & Gilbert Hay. The Poinsettias in the Chancel are given: in loving memory of Dr. & Mrs. Don F. Cathcart, Mr. & Mrs. John L. Shipp and Mr. William J. Cathcart by Ann, John, Lynn, Scott, Jenn & Lowry Ann Cathcart. in loving memory of Dr. Henry Ligon by his family. in loving memory of Sara Burroughs by Iggy, Joe & Tommy Burroughs. in honor of Paul & Edith Johnson on the celebration of their 60th wedding anniversary by David, Lisa, Davis, & Kiley Coster; Skip, Dale, & Bethany Johnson; and Brad, Paul, & Hannah Johnson. Our family remains close because of the love and bond that the two of you share (December 28, 1952 - 2012). Christmas Poinsettias 2012 In Memory of Chris Anderson by Chip & Judy Anderson In Memory of Grace & Glenn Anderson by Chip & Judy Anderson In Memory of Dicky Morrison by Chip & Judy Anderson In Honor of Frances McLean by Chip & Judy Anderson In Memory of Jackie Burgess, the most loving mother in the world, by Harriet Burgess Banner In Honor of LuAnn Charlton by Ken & Ann Barnes In Memory of Ransom Hobbs by Janice Bennett and Marla Hamilton In Honor of Mary Catherine Benson by Ann & Dale Benson In Memory of Lauren Ashley Thompson by Mary Catherine Benson In Honor of Ann & Dale Benson by Mary Catherine Benson In Memory of John Wilkinson “Base” Blackwell by Eleanor Blackwell In Honor of Michelle & John Blackwell by Eleanor Blackwell In Honor of Scott Youngblood, Vanda Chou & Hermione Youngblood by their proud parents and grandparents, Dan & Ann Bowers In Memory of our parents, Dr. & Mrs. J. Dewey Bradsher and Mr. & Mrs. B. C. Manning, by Jo Ann & John Bradsher In Memory of Kathie Brown McDonald by Dorothy P. Brown In Memory of Wiley Brown, Sr. by Dorothy P. Brown In Memory of our parents, Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Brown, Jr. and Mr. & Mrs. Howard Revis, by Frank & Becky Brown In Memory of Rev. John A. Buckley (Jack) by Shirley, Betty Ann & John Buckley In Honor of Margaret Ann Gonella, Trey Hughes and Emma Burns by Ann & Kent Burns In Honor of Kristin Byrd by Virginia Byrd In Honor of Gladys Rose & Barbara Riggins by Dorothy Caldwell In Memory of Vida Harris and in Honor of George & Olivia Fleming by John & Christianna Campbell In Honor of our grandparents by Emma Kate & Redding Clarke In Memory of Dr. Carl Baker Rankin by Rans & Margaret Douglas In Memory of Dr. Gratton Alexander Litz, III by Rans & Margaret Douglas In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. K. Ray Torrans by Betsy Torrans Douglass In Memory of Phil Greer and in Honor of Shelly Greer by Andy & Dick Fowler In Honor of our children and their spouses: English & Chris Edwards, Mason & Cortney Fowler; and our grandsons: Tyler Edwards and Crew Fowler, by Andy & Dick Fowler In Memory of our parents: Pauline & Tom McGee and Martha & Jim Fowler; and in memory of our brothers: Mike McGee and Jimmy Fowler, by Andy & Dick Fowler In Memory of Jim Edwards and in Honor of Jean Edwards by Andy & Dick Fowler In Memory of Don Freeman, Jr. by Marjorie, Mary Catherine & Will In Memory of Pat & Frank Fuller by Kathryn & Lyne Gamble, Nancy & Kris Buckles and Kate & Mark Reece In Honor of our children: Sarah & Jason, Innes & Carl, Kate & Mark, and Starling by Lyne & Kathryn Gamble In Honor of Pastor Rick Clayton by Mary Gatton In Memory of Violet Chappell by Brenda & Ron Gibson In Memory of Richard Glassford and Tommy Glassford by Anne Glassford In Memory of Phil Greer by Shelly Greer In Memory of Jacqueline W. Burgess by Charles & Cheryl Burgess Hall In Memory of Zoila McWhorter by Frances Hamilton In Honor of Mary Clayton by Marla Elaine Hamilton In Memory of Henry & Anna Ligon by Jill Heath, Patricia Ligon, Robin White, Anna T., Dawson, Charles and Henry In Memory of M. C. & Catherine Henderson by Charles, Marlene and Deborah Henderson In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. North DeMent, Mrs. Tressie Brown Moss, and Mrs. Selene DeMent Moss by Jared and Justin Husketh and Family In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Husketh and Mr. & Mrs. E. T. (Chick) Husketh, Jr. by Jared and Justin Husketh and Family In Memory of Megan Marie Jones by Gene & Ann Jones In Honor of our pastors: Rick, LuAnn and Jesse, by Lin & Mary Ellen Jordan In Memory of Richard Keggereis (“Kegg”) by Pauline R. Keggereis, Shaaron K. Cypher and Lynda K. Watkins In Memory of my parents, Tyne & Larry Bagwell, by Jill Bagwell Kirby In Honor of my children & family: Bagwells, Kirbys, Farfours & Jamisons, by Jill Bagwell Kirby In Memory of Carl L. Byrd and in Honor of Virginia Byrd by Leslie B. Koscielniak & Kristin Byrd In Memory of Louis Koutoulakos by Claudia Koutoulakos In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Hoffman by Claudia Koutoulakos In Memory of our daughter, Catherine Hymes, and our granddaughter, Nikki Hymes, by Sally & Bill Lazar In Memory of Bertha & Joe Chislow by Michelle & Tom Lindley In Honor of Madelyn Lindley and Eleanor Drozeck by Tom & Michelle Lindley In Honor of Michelle Lindley by Tom Lindley In Memory of Madeline Clement by Jeff & Christina Lovern In Memory of our son, Tucker Rives Mann, by Karen & Tucker Mann In Memory of Jackie Burgess and in Honor of Cale Burgess by Jackie, Keith, Andy & Keith McLaurin In Memory of James McKinnon McLean by Frances McLean In Honor of Lanier Murr by Bill, Michael, Derek, Ashley, Katie & Will Murr Wednesday, January 2 PLEASE NOTE: NO DINNER UNTIL 1/9 5:30 pm - Children’s Music Programs 6:30 pm - Wesleyan Covenant Renewal Service 6:30 pm - Children’s Spiritual Academy 7:30 pm - Confirmation Class Kickoff Wesleyan Covenant Renewal Service Wednesday, January 2, 6:30 pm Please join us for a service of renewal to start the new year. Parking with Consideration Please be a good neighbor as you park in the neighborhood around the church. Please do not block driveways or park too close to street corners. Calling All Shepherds To receive a 2013 grant from our Outreach Pathway, a local organization needs to be represented by a “Shepherd” who is a member of Hayes Barton UMC. Shepherds complete a brief grant application that is reviewed and decided on by the Outreach committee. Do you support an organization that you would like the Outreach Pathway to support financially and/or by soliciting volunteers from among the HBUMC membership? If so, please apply to become a Shepherd for that organization by completing a Shepherd’s Application, which is available at www.hbumc.org as well as at the church’s reception desk. This year, the Outreach Pathway is emphasizing the need to assist organizations devoted to meeting basic human needs. HBUMC already is active in addressing these needs through support to many local agencies, including the InterFaith Food Shuttle, Urban Ministries, WIHN, StepUp Ministries, Meals on Wheels and others. We also maintain our own Mustard Seed Garden to help feed the hungry in Raleigh, and support missionaries and organizations overseas who work to feed, clothe and house children and adults in desperate need. The deadline for returning completed applications is January 25, 2013. Completed applications may be placed in the Missions mailbox at the church or mailed to the address that is on the application. Depending on how familiar we are with the organization you want to sponsor, we may invite you to provide a brief presentation to the Outreach committee. Is the Good Shepherd calling you to be a Shepherd to one of the many wonderful human service agencies in this area seeking support from our church? If so, let us hear from you. Please contact Bruce Oland at bgoland@aol.com or 919877-0925 if you have any questions. MISSION: HB is sending an adult construction team to Guatemala City. It will work with Annette Witte and the Vida Joven (Young Life) staff, serving for the 5th year in the ministry that Brady Greene oversaw in the El Recuerdo neighborhood. DATES: Depart February 17 and return February 24, 2013 PROJECT: Working with kids that participate in “Vida Joven” and repairing/ reconstructing homes in a poor, urban section of Guatemala City A blog on ministry experiences can be found at: annetteinguatemala.wordpress.com Much of the work will be physically demanding; however, most are able to contribute regardless of age, strength or stamina, as “work” is only part of the mission experience. Typical daily tasks include interacting with community members and children, building walls and foundations, painting, pouring concrete, woodwork, landscaping, roofing, etc. Guatemala is a good “next step” in mission. Depending on the missioner, it may not be the best first-mission experience. REQUIREMENTS/COSTS: US Passport required. A $150 non-refundable deposit and completed application. ($350 more will be required prior to 2/1/13.) Full participation in all fundraisers. Missioners should also be in general good health, agree to participate in an orientation / team retreat, and most of all … be flexible! QUESTIONS: Nelson Brugh, 302-5055 or nbrugh@cisco.com; Mike Trexler, 2718056 or mtrexler@hbumc.org; Tim Price, 833-0139 or tprice6043@aol.com Wednesday, January 2 PLEASE NOTE: NO DINNER UNTIL 1/9 5:30 pm - Children’s Music Programs 6:30 pm - Wesleyan Covenant Renewal Service 6:30 pm - Children’s Spiritual Academy 7:30 pm - Confirmation Class Kickoff Wesleyan Covenant Renewal Service Wednesday, January 2, 6:30 pm Please join us for a service of renewal to start the new year. Parking with Consideration Please be a good neighbor as you park in the neighborhood around the church. Please do not block driveways or park too close to street corners. Calling All Shepherds To receive a 2013 grant from our Outreach Pathway, a local organization needs to be represented by a “Shepherd” who is a member of Hayes Barton UMC. Shepherds complete a brief grant application that is reviewed and decided on by the Outreach committee. Do you support an organization that you would like the Outreach Pathway to support financially and/or by soliciting volunteers from among the HBUMC membership? If so, please apply to become a Shepherd for that organization by completing a Shepherd’s Application, which is available at www.hbumc.org as well as at the church’s reception desk. This year, the Outreach Pathway is emphasizing the need to assist organizations devoted to meeting basic human needs. HBUMC already is active in addressing these needs through support to many local agencies, including the InterFaith Food Shuttle, Urban Ministries, WIHN, StepUp Ministries, Meals on Wheels and others. We also maintain our own Mustard Seed Garden to help feed the hungry in Raleigh, and support missionaries and organizations overseas who work to feed, clothe and house children and adults in desperate need. The deadline for returning completed applications is January 25, 2013. Completed applications may be placed in the Missions mailbox at the church or mailed to the address that is on the application. Depending on how familiar we are with the organization you want to sponsor, we may invite you to provide a brief presentation to the Outreach committee. Is the Good Shepherd calling you to be a Shepherd to one of the many wonderful human service agencies in this area seeking support from our church? If so, let us hear from you. Please contact Bruce Oland at bgoland@aol.com or 919877-0925 if you have any questions. MISSION: HB is sending an adult construction team to Guatemala City. It will work with Annette Witte and the Vida Joven (Young Life) staff, serving for the 5th year in the ministry that Brady Greene oversaw in the El Recuerdo neighborhood. DATES: Depart February 17 and return February 24, 2013 PROJECT: Working with kids that participate in “Vida Joven” and repairing/ reconstructing homes in a poor, urban section of Guatemala City A blog on ministry experiences can be found at: annetteinguatemala.wordpress.com Much of the work will be physically demanding; however, most are able to contribute regardless of age, strength or stamina, as “work” is only part of the mission experience. Typical daily tasks include interacting with community members and children, building walls and foundations, painting, pouring concrete, woodwork, landscaping, roofing, etc. Guatemala is a good “next step” in mission. Depending on the missioner, it may not be the best first-mission experience. REQUIREMENTS/COSTS: US Passport required. A $150 non-refundable deposit and completed application. ($350 more will be required prior to 2/1/13.) Full participation in all fundraisers. Missioners should also be in general good health, agree to participate in an orientation / team retreat, and most of all … be flexible! QUESTIONS: Nelson Brugh, 302-5055 or nbrugh@cisco.com; Mike Trexler, 2718056 or mtrexler@hbumc.org; Tim Price, 833-0139 or tprice6043@aol.com
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