FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT Hayes Barton UMC Brass Members Seeking God First…Growing in the Knowledge of God ORDER OF WORSHIP ANNOUNCEMENTS GATHERING AND PRAISE PRELUDE Savior of the Nations, Come The text is Hymn 214 On This Day Arr. Michel Rondeau On this day earth shall ring with the song children sing to the Lord, Christ our King, born on earth to save us; him the Father gave us. LIGHTING THE ADVENT WREATH CANDLES (participant list on back) The Grace of God is coming, bringing salvation to all! Light the First, Second and Third Candles Scripture Lesson: Romans 1:1-7 Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God, which he promised beforehand through his prophets in the holy scriptures, the gospel concerning his Son, who was descended from David according to the flesh and was declared to be Son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness by resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord, through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith among all the Gentiles for the sake of his name, including yourselves who are called to belong to Jesus Christ, To all God’s beloved in Rome, who are called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Paul reminds us of the importance of being called to the cause of Jesus Christ. Who are those who are set apart? Make no mistake…it is all of us! We are the family of God. The grace brought (and bought) for us in God’s child, our savior, brings us to wholeness, not once a year, but 24/7. A baby in a manger, a child nurtured by loving parents, a youth with vision and hope, an adult with fears of the future are all welcome in God’s amazing presence. In Sierra Leone, with 50 percent of the population being 15 years of age and younger, being God’s family brings hope for the future. In the language of the Christians in Sierra Leone: God dei (God provides)! Come and experience the wonder of God’s presence. We are your family! Our God has loved us forever without beginning or end. Our hearts are open to receive love, peace, and healing. Share God’s love with all you meet. We are ready to serve. May the God of hope fill us with all joy and peace in believing, so that we may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Light the Fourth Candle Wednesday Programs Start 1/8 Join us from 6:30-7:15 pm on Wednesday, Jan. 8, for a Wesleyan Covenant Renewal Service in the sanctuary. On Jan. 15, we will have special musical guests. Spiritual Academy classes for adults will start on Jan. 22. Wednesday dinners, children’s muThanks to the Morrison Music Endowment for bringing the brass to us today. sic programs, and children’s spiritual academy all start on January 8. Trumpet ................................ Kent Foss Bobby Hinson, Van Zimmerman Trombone ...........................Wes Parker Sean Timmons Bass Trombone.............Becca Clemens Percussion.......................Shawn Galvin Coffee Samuel Scheidt December 22, 2013 Served in kitchen hall or on the patio. Rosebud Spiritual Academy Classes Start on January 22 Making Sense of God’s Will by Adam Hamilton - led by Rick Clayton Join Rick for a 4-week study through Sympathy and Love to the family and friends of Janie Peebles, this discernment of God’s will. Join us who died on December 17. Her service in the Sanctuary. 1/29: Why Do the Innocent Suffer? was at Hayes Barton on December 20. 2/05: Why Do My Prayers Go Unanswered? New Member Class Starts 1/26 2/12: Why Can’t I See God’s Will for Classes will be held in the Children’s My Life? Fellowship Hall during Sunday School 2/19: Why God’s Love Prevails (9:45 - 10:45 am) on January 26, February 2, February 9 and February 16. The Circle Maker You may join HBUMC on February 23 by Mark Batterson at the 11 am service. To register for the - led by LuAnn Charlton class or for more information, please Join LuAnn for a 4-week study. Be encontact Jennifer Hollerung at 919-832- couraged to pray circles around your biggest dreams and your greatest fears, 6435 x27 or the kind of audacious prayers that God January UMM Dinner on 1/07 likes to answer. Join us in Room 320. The United Methodist Men are kicking 1/22: Dream Big off the New Year on Tuesday, January 1/29: Pray Hard 7, at 6:30 pm in the Chapel. We are 2/05: Think Long excited to welcome Jim Blackburn as 2/12: Keep Circling our speaker. After achieving national The Great Divorce fame as the successful prosecutor in the by C. S. Lewis Jeffrey McDonald trial, Jim’s career led by Jesse Baker took a different turn. Join us to hear his Join Jesse for a 6-week study beginning inspiring message of redemption and enjoy a delicious dinner. All men of the Jan. 22 on Lewis’ wonderful meditachurch are invited. Please RSVP by tion upon good and evil, grace and judgment. Join us in Room 230. Thursday, January 2, to Iggy Burroughs Children and Materialism at or 919-787- led by Meghann Adams 0328. Hope to see you there! Join Meghann for a four-week study on Confirmation Starts Soon grappling with how to teach your chilConfirmation will begin in January for dren Biblical values such as sacrifice, youth in 8th grade or older. If your stu- generosity, and stewardship in the age dent has not yet received information of abundance. Join us in the parlor. about participating in confirmation and 1/22: Model Gratefulness would like to be involved, please con1/29: Teach Contentment tact Mike Ellington at 919-832-6435 2/05: Teach Perspective x25 or 2/12: Model Compassion Luke William Boling was born on December 16 to Jill and Jonathan Boling. HBUMC December 22 Wednesday Morning Women’s Bible Study The Wednesday AM Women’s Bible Study with LuAnn will resume at 9:30 am on January 15 in the Chapel. She will lead us in study, reflection and discernment as we read Discovering Our Spiritual Identity: Practices for God’s Beloved by Trevor Hudson. We will learn and practice “holy experiments” that will bring us into God’s presence and help us experience life as his beloved. Hudson will meet us where we are on our faith journey. To sign up, please email Janey Hunter at For childcare, please email Lise Sherlin at Thursday Morning Men’s Prayer Breakfast Next meeting - Thursday, 2/6, 7 am Thursday Morning Women’s Bible Study The Thursday Morning Women’s Bible Study will meet for six weeks from 1/23 through 2/27, from 9:4511:30 am. We will study Ray Vander Laan’s “The Path to the Cross” which includes video segments from Israel and will focus on all that led up to Jesus’ death on the cross from the Old through the New Testaments. Please contact Janet Chesson at or 919-7813240, or Mary June Jones at 919782-5725 or For childcare, please contact Lise Sherlin at CHILDREN Ext. Session Volunteers: 12/29 2s Tracy & Joe Robinson 3s Michelle & Craig Eudy 4s Lauren & Jim Holmes 5s Denise & Michael Lange YOUTH Seniors-Only Retreat! January 10-12, Oak Island, NC $35 RSVP to Mike by 12/29. Prayer Bookmark Death Janie Peebles Health Concerns Ann Carson Faye Eury Mary Catherine Freeman Casper Holroyd Margaret Lucas Jimmy Rogers, Sr. Nancy Scott Ongoing Concerns Jimmy Ball Virginia Beach Riley Bingham Hazel Dayvault Anne Fortier Evelyn Hieb Freddy Johnson Jo Ann Jones Bill Knapp Mary Knapp Madelyn Lindley Jim Martin Sammy Martin Roland Massey David Poe Sandra Pool Pat Eckert Quinn Margaret Scott Anthony West Deployed Michelle Byron Margaret Marcello Our Church Leaders Pastors Rick, LuAnn, & Jesse D.S. Strother, Bishop Ward HBUMC Calendar see Sunday, 12/22 Fourth Sunday of Advent 8:30a Sanc. Traditional Worship 8:45a FH LightHouse Worship 9:50a Sunday School for All Ages 11:00a Sanc. Traditional Worship Tuesday, 12/24 Christmas Eve Live Nativity & Luminary 3:00p Family Friendly Service 5:00p Family Friendly Service 7:00p Candlelight Communion 11:00p Candlelight Communion Wednesday, 12/25 Christmas Church Offices Closed 12/26-12/27 Business Office Open Sunday, 12/29 First Sunday after Christmas 8:30a Sanc. Traditional Worship 8:45a FH LightHouse Worship 9:50a Sunday School for All Ages 11:00a Sanc. Traditional Worship 12/30-12/31 Business Office Open Wednesday, 01/01 New Years Day Church Offices Closed Thursday, 01/02 10:00a Lectionary Study 7:30p Chancel Choir Practice Sunday, 01/05 Epiphany Sunday 8:30a Sanc. Traditional Worship 8:45a FH LightHouse Worship 9:50a Sunday School for All Ages 11:00a Sanc. Traditional Worship 6:00p FH HuB (UMYF) *HYMN “Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus” Come to earth to taste our sadness, he whose glories knew no end; by his life he brings us gladness, our Redeemer, Shepherd, Friend. Leaving riches without number, born within a cattle stall; this the everlasting wonder, Christ was born the Lord of all. Born Thy people to deliver, born a child, and yet a King, born to reign in us forever, now Thy gracious kingdom bring. By Thine own eternal Spirit rule in all our hearts alone; by Thine own sufficient merit, raise us to Thy glorious throne. LATECOMERS MAY BE SEATED NOW. TIME WITH YOUNG DISCIPLES Laurie Perry (11:00 - Children, ages 2-5/K, may go to Extended Session.) Matthew 1:18-25 Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. Her husband Joseph, being a righteous man and unwilling to expose her to public disgrace, planned to dismiss her quietly. But just when he had resolved to do this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” All this took place to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet: “Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel,” which means, “God is with us.” When Joseph awoke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took her as his wife, but had no marital relations with her until she had borne a son; and he named him Jesus. SERMON “Revealed in the Names” “Emmanuel, Emmanuel” (sing twice) No. 204 SHARING OUR JOYS AND CONCERNS PRAYERS FOR THE CHURCH AND WORLD AND LORD’S PRAYER PRESENTATION OF GOD’S TITHES AND OUR OFFERINGS Please pass the attendance register. Visitors, please give us your address and phone number. Offertory “Awake, Arise and Hail the Morn” Arr. Mack Wilberg Chancel Choir with brass *DOXOLOGY “Joy to the World” No. 246 HAYES BARTON *BENEDICTION AND CHIMES *POSTLUDE God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen *Stand as you are able Arr. Rutter CCLI License #2367044 United Methodist Church Raleigh, North Carolina 2013 Advent Season 8:30 am Service – Preschool Sunday School Teachers (Education Pathway) Beth Baker, Renee Davis, Christina LeLiever Children, ages 2 to 5, are encouraged to attend Preschool Sunday School classes, and children in the 1st to 5th grades attend the Elementary Sunday School classes. Teachers are needed to lead the SS classes on Sunday morning from 9:45 - 10:45 am. Training and curriculum are provided, and teaching is generally rotated depending on the number of teachers per class. MORNING WORSHIP Eight-thirty and Eleven o’clock FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT DECEMBER 22, 2013 Suzanne Templeton, Susanne Stephenson, Matt Kirby, Tasha Warenda This multi-generational team plans activities which promote Christian friendship and connection for all members of the church, regardless of age. This team organizes events such as Fall Fest, Shrove Tuesday and the Longest Day Celebration. 11:00 am Service – 7th Grade Middle School Bible Study (Education Pathway) Melanie Tharrington, Josie Nicholson, Bailey Zeller, Maddie Tharrington, Casey Currin, Gracen Malpass, Emma Cline, Katharine Collie, Landt Smith Small group Bible Study is offered for youth beginning with their 6th, 7th, & 8th grade years. Their groups are separated by grade and gender and meet on Wednesday evenings as a part of Wednesday evening activities. Adult leaders are always needed and welcomed. To learn more about any of these ministries, please contact Jennifer Hollerung at 919-832-6435 x27 or Rick Clayton RESPONSE TO THE WORD *HYMN *HYMN LightHouse Service – Intergenerational Activities Team (Fellowship Pathway) PROCLAMATION OF THE WORD GOSPEL LESSON SENDING FORTH Arr. Wilberg (choir sings verses 1 & 2, all sing verses 3 & 4; stand as directed) Come, Thou long-expected Jesus, born to set Thy people free; from our fears and sins release us; let us find our rest in Thee. Israel’s strength and consolation, hope of all the earth Thou art; dear desire of every nation, joy of every longing heart. Joy to those who long to see thee, Dayspring from on high, appear; come, thou promised Rod of Jesse, of thy birth we long to hear! O’er the hills the angels singing news, glad tidings of a birth; “Go to him, your praises bringing; Christ the Lord has come to earth.” What can I give him, poor as I am? If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb; If I were a Wise Man, I would do my part; Yet what I can I give him; give my heart. Senior Pastor: Rick Clayton Membership & Lay Involvement: Jennifer Hollerung Associate Pastor: LuAnn Charlton Music/Worship Arts: C. Michael Trexler Associate Pastor: Jesse Baker Organist: David Witt Pastor Emeritus: F. Owen Fitzgerald, D.D. Contemporary Music: Stephen Howell Visitation Ministry: Becky Balentine Children’s Music: Susan Stevens Tech Arts: Kelly Donaldson Youth Ministries: Mike Ellington, Emily Newman Children’s Ministries: Laurie Perry, Liz Merritt Building Superintendent: Marshall Parker Nursery: Lise Sherlin Wedding Administrator: Jerry Lachapelle Business Administrator: Russell Wilcox Weekday Preschool: Amy Mattheis Church Secretary: Melanie Iversen Assistant Business Admin.: Tricia Ligon Membership Secretary: Anna Stidham Food Services: Lu Ann Rudolph Communications: Doug Gill Head Ushers: Frank Brown; John Armfield Ushers: (8:30) Kevin Shoaff, Captain; Michael Franke, Sylvia Gill, David Jones (11:00) Alan Long, Captain; Al Bullock, Joe Burroughs, David Butts, Jeff Powell, Irwin Roberts, Patrick Webster Prayer Warriors: (8:30) Susan Mills; (11:00) Lynn McLeod Crucifer: (8:30) Sam Crawford Acolytes: (8:30) Katherine Rose; (11:00) Minta & Stephen Brice Greeters: (8:30) Don & Elaine Buckey; (11:00) Dave & Sylvia Svendsgaard “Revealed in the Names” Two names are given to the baby who is to be born, Emmanuel and Jesus. They mean that God is with us and that God saves us. The first name points to God’s purpose for creation, and the second to the fact that God accomplishes that purpose is spite of human sin. This is the truth that makes holiday miracles possible in spite of holiday disasters. Methodist Home for Children Christmas Eve Services THANK YOU! THANK YOU! As a result of the efforts of volunteers in our congregation, many of the older children sponsored by the Methodist Home for Children will have a much merrier and “more fashionable!” Christmas! The gift cards have been delivered to the precious families and Christmas morning will be blessed with HBUMC love! Thank you so much for the support of this important community organization throughout the year. I hope you will consider attending the “Winter’s Tale” Gala on January 25 at the Raleigh Convention Center. This is a night of music, dining, silent and live auctions, and best of all, a great opportunity to learn more about the families served by MHC. This year’s speaker, Katie Beers, will share her personal experiences of survival and recovery through the Foster Home process. Katie’s bestseller, Buried Memories, is available in bookstores. HBUMC members have given generously of time and energy to the largest fundraiser sponsored by MHC. Gala chairpersons during the past ten years have included Laurie Barwick, Perri Anderson, Melanie Crockett, Tracy Vinson, Mary June Jones, Susan Kane, Jackie Abbott, and Jennie Hayman. To learn more about the Gala, please visit or contact Jennifer Cooper at or 919-754–3625. Again, thank you for allowing the light of Christ to shine through us! Jackie Abbott, MHC Shepherd for HBUMC Tuesday, December 24, at 3, 5, 7 & 11 pm Please join us for one of our four worship services on this holy night. The 3 & 5 pm services are family-friendly services. Communion will be served at all four services. Childcare (0-5/K) will be offered at 3, 5 & 7 pm. There will be a live nativity for all services with luminary. “Welcome!” “Good Morning!” “So glad you’re here!” Simple words, yet so meaningful to those who walk thru the church doors on Sunday morning. Each Sunday, greeters extend a warm welcome to encourage all who gather to worship. As a member of HBUMC, I would like you to prayerfully consider serving as a “Greeter.” Please consider committing to 2 Sundays/ year when you are already at HB. Each time you serve will require 30 minutes or less - but your service is critical to establishing our welcoming, accepting, and inviting environment. Here is what a Greeter does: 1. Meets people as they enter the church. 2. Greets them with a smile and a friendly, “Good morning.” 3. Helps people find answers to any questions they have. 4. Ensures visitors aren’t lost in the shuffle. Return this form to Jennifer or email the information to Name(s): _______________________________________________________ Email/phone: ____________________________________________________ Service preference: 8:30 or 11am; Months unavailable: Your Parking Help Needed When parking near HB, please do not park within 25’ of an intersection. This is against Raleigh Parking Regulations. Outreach Pathway 2014 Annual Grants To receive a 2014 grant from our Outreach Pathway, a local organization needs to be represented by a “Shepherd” who is a member of HBUMC. A member who wishes to be a Shepherd needs to complete a brief grant application that is reviewed and decided on by the Outreach committee. In 2014, HB’s Outreach Pathway will again assist our members in supporting organizations devoted to meeting basic human needs. HBUMC is already is active in addressing these needs by supporting many wonderful, highly effective local agencies, and by providing support to missionaries and organizations overseas who work to feed, clothe and house children and adults in desperate need. If you would like for Hayes Barton to support an organization in 2014 with a grant and/or by soliciting volunteers from among our membership, please submit an application to become a Shepherd and to request such support for that organization. Applications are available at the church’s reception desk. The deadline for returning completed applications is January 24, 2014. Completed applications may be placed in the Missions mailbox at the church or mailed to the address that is on the application. If you represent an organization that we know, no further action on your part should be needed. If you are sponsoring an organization that we are not familiar with, we may invite you to an upcoming Outreach Pathway meeting to share your knowledge about the organization. We welcome your application and the opportunity to learn more about the organization that you support. For questions, please contact Dickie Thompson at or 787-3267. Year End Giving If you have any questions, please contact Russell Wilcox at or 832-6435 x18. He will be at HB on Dec. 26, 27, 30 and 31 for last minute items. Methodist Home for Children Christmas Eve Services THANK YOU! THANK YOU! As a result of the efforts of volunteers in our congregation, many of the older children sponsored by the Methodist Home for Children will have a much merrier and “more fashionable!” Christmas! The gift cards have been delivered to the precious families and Christmas morning will be blessed with HBUMC love! Thank you so much for the support of this important community organization throughout the year. I hope you will consider attending the “Winter’s Tale” Gala on January 25 at the Raleigh Convention Center. This is a night of music, dining, silent and live auctions, and best of all, a great opportunity to learn more about the families served by MHC. This year’s speaker, Katie Beers, will share her personal experiences of survival and recovery through the Foster Home process. Katie’s bestseller, Buried Memories, is available in bookstores. HBUMC members have given generously of time and energy to the largest fundraiser sponsored by MHC. Gala chairpersons during the past ten years have included Laurie Barwick, Perri Anderson, Melanie Crockett, Tracy Vinson, Mary June Jones, Susan Kane, Jackie Abbott, and Jennie Hayman. To learn more about the Gala, please visit or contact Jennifer Cooper at or 919-754–3625. Again, thank you for allowing the light of Christ to shine through us! Jackie Abbott, MHC Shepherd for HBUMC Tuesday, December 24, at 3, 5, 7 & 11 pm Please join us for one of our four worship services on this holy night. The 3 & 5 pm services are family-friendly services. Communion will be served at all four services. Childcare (0-5/K) will be offered at 3, 5 & 7 pm. There will be a live nativity for all services with luminary. “Welcome!” “Good Morning!” “So glad you’re here!” Simple words, yet so meaningful to those who walk thru the church doors on Sunday morning. Each Sunday, greeters extend a warm welcome to encourage all who gather to worship. As a member of HBUMC, I would like you to prayerfully consider serving as a “Greeter.” Please consider committing to 2 Sundays/ year when you are already at HB. Each time you serve will require 30 minutes or less - but your service is critical to establishing our welcoming, accepting, and inviting environment. Here is what a Greeter does: 1. Meets people as they enter the church. 2. Greets them with a smile and a friendly, “Good morning.” 3. Helps people find answers to any questions they have. 4. Ensures visitors aren’t lost in the shuffle. Return this form to Jennifer or email the information to Name(s): _______________________________________________________ Email/phone: ____________________________________________________ Service preference: 8:30 or 11am; Months unavailable: Your Parking Help Needed When parking near HB, please do not park within 25’ of an intersection. This is against Raleigh Parking Regulations. Outreach Pathway 2014 Annual Grants To receive a 2014 grant from our Outreach Pathway, a local organization needs to be represented by a “Shepherd” who is a member of HBUMC. A member who wishes to be a Shepherd needs to complete a brief grant application that is reviewed and decided on by the Outreach committee. In 2014, HB’s Outreach Pathway will again assist our members in supporting organizations devoted to meeting basic human needs. HBUMC is already is active in addressing these needs by supporting many wonderful, highly effective local agencies, and by providing support to missionaries and organizations overseas who work to feed, clothe and house children and adults in desperate need. If you would like for Hayes Barton to support an organization in 2014 with a grant and/or by soliciting volunteers from among our membership, please submit an application to become a Shepherd and to request such support for that organization. Applications are available at the church’s reception desk. The deadline for returning completed applications is January 24, 2014. Completed applications may be placed in the Missions mailbox at the church or mailed to the address that is on the application. If you represent an organization that we know, no further action on your part should be needed. If you are sponsoring an organization that we are not familiar with, we may invite you to an upcoming Outreach Pathway meeting to share your knowledge about the organization. We welcome your application and the opportunity to learn more about the organization that you support. For questions, please contact Dickie Thompson at or 787-3267. Year End Giving If you have any questions, please contact Russell Wilcox at or 832-6435 x18. He will be at HB on Dec. 26, 27, 30 and 31 for last minute items. In Memory of Herman Powell & Dot Powell and in Honor of Shannon, Sydney & Monica Powell by Jeff Powell In Memory of Frances McLean by Marcie & Lou Pucillo In Honor of Kathryn Hunt by Marcie & Lou Pucillo In Memory of my parents, Reuben & Ruth Johnson, by Betty Johnson Smith In Memory of David Angell, father of Laura & Victoria Angell, by Betty Johnson Smith In Memory of Harry Gatton and in Honor of Mary Gatton by Melba & J. C. Smith In Honor of John & Jennifer Holding, Sharon & Tim Crawford, and Cindy & Frank McLain by Julia & Phillip Stevens In Memory of Glenn & Grace Anderson by Charlotte A. Straney In Memory of Dan Jr., Lucy and Dan Sharpe III by Peggy, Tim, Jaye, Paige & Lee Thomas In Memory of Lauren Ashley Thompson by Angie, Dickie & Travis Thompson In Honor of Mrs. Grace Altman Thompson by Angie, Dickie & Travis Thompson In Honor of Col. (Ret.) & Mrs. Emory Brownlee by Angie, Dickie & Travis Thompson In Honor of Mary, Bill, William, Chailee, John & Alex Moss by Becky, Mary Frances & Will Thompson In Memory of Sara Burroughs by Becky Thompson In Memory of Frank Fuller by Becky Thompson In Memory of Frank Scott by Becky Thompson In Honor of Angie & Dickie Thompson by Travis Thompson In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. George Walz and Ray & Ruth Chambers by Dick & Jane Walz In Honor of Jason & Tami Walz by Dick & Jane Walz In Honor of Travis, Stephanie, Tyler & Matthew Vining by Dick & Jane Walz In Honor of leaders & mentors in Seeds of Hope Steering Committee and Homework Club by Dick & Jane Walz In Honor of Charlie & Becky Russell by the Weekday Preschool Staff Holiday Share: FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT FLOWERS Ends TODAY The Chancel Flowers are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Kathryn & Fletcher Thomasson and Virginia & Tom Graves, Sr. by Sara & Tom Graves, Katie & Kenny Dodson, and Sallie, David, Thomas, & Matthew Wheeler. Holiday Share donor cards are again available as gifts to your friends and/or family. Donations can be made in honor or memory of a loved one. Donor cards can be obtained for a donation at the reception desk today, before and after all Sunday morning services. When you “purchase” a donor card, your gift can be made in any amount to one or more of the following worthy charities that HBUMC, through the Outreach Pathway, has supported during 2013 to help those in need. You may also “write in” a different charity if you wish. Additional information about each charity is in the newsletter. The Center for Volunteer Caregiving Centro Internacionale de Raleigh (CIR) The Green Chair Project Hearts and Hands for Haiti Inter-Faith Food Shuttle Meals on Wheels of Wake County Methodist Home for Children Partners for Humanity (Seeds of Hope) Society of St. Andrew (SoSA) Stop Hunger Now Urban Ministries of Wake County Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network Wee Care Children’s Enrichment Program ZOE Ministry For questions, please contact: Sara at New Advent Paraments The new Advent Paraments in the sanctuary have been donated in memory of the Walker, McDaniel and Prescott Families by Mollie Walker Prescott-McDaniel & Andrew Holmes McDaniel. The Christmas Greenery in the Chancel is given: in loving memory of their granddaughter, Abigail Oliver Dargan, and their parents, Elizabeth Oliver & Benjamin McClamroch and Kathleen & Charles Veasey, by Gail & Bob Veasey. in loving memory of her parents, Ollen D. McLeod and Christie Maynard McLeod, who was at one time our organist and choir director, and her sister Katharine Wilson by Dr. Neill McLeod. The Wreaths at the Back of the Sanctuary are given: in loving memory of Rollin & Susan Pratt by Penny & Bruce Oland. in loving memory of Rebecca D. Wall by her family. The Wreath on the Balcony is given in loving memory of Nicholas M. Perry by Nancy, Martha, Carlson, Brandon, Nick Jr., and Chesson. The Wreaths on the Stone Street Doors are given in loving memory of her husband, Frank; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gill; her sister, Helen Gill Keasler; and Frank’s parents, Mr. O. L. Scott and Mrs. Hetter Mae Scott Byrd; by Nancy Scott. The Wreaths on the Fairview Road Doors are given in memory of Tom Lindley by Madelyn Lindley and Tom & Michelle Lindley. The Wreaths on the Back Foyer Doors are given in great appreciation of our ministers, Rick, LuAnn, and Jesse, by the Ken Crockett Family. The Wreaths on the Preschool Entry Doors are given in loving memory of our parents, Gilbert & Virginia Darden Hay and Charles & Corinne Nunnery, by Charlene & Gilbert Hay. The Large White Poinsettias in the Chancel are given: in loving memory of Dr. & Mrs. Don F. Cathcart, Mr. & Mrs. John L. Shipp and Mr. William J. Cathcart by Ann, John, Lynn, Scott, Jenn, Lowry Ann & Peyton Cathcart. in loving memory of Dr. Henry Ligon & Mrs. Anna G. Ligon by the family. in loving memory of Sara Burroughs by Iggy, Joe & Tommy Burroughs. in loving memory of our mother, Rhumel Templeton, and our brother, Kyle Templeton, and our sincerest appreciation to our church family for your continuous love and support by the Phil Templeton Family. Christmas Poinsettias 2013 In Honor of Ronnie Bagwell by everyone at Bagwell & Bagwell Insurance In Honor of LuAnn Charlton by Ken & Ann Barnes In Honor of Mary Catherine Benson by Ann & Dale Benson In Memory of our dear friend, Lauren Ashley Thompson, by Mary Catherine Benson, Katie Sebastian Fader, and Anna Martin In Honor of Ann & Dale Benson by Mary Catherine Benson In Memory of John Blackwell by Eleanor Blackwell In Memory of our parents, Mr. & Mrs. B. C. Manning and Dr. & Mrs. J. Dewey Bradsher, by Jo Ann & John Bradsher In Memory of Wiley Brown, Sr. by Dorothy P. Brown In Memory of Kathie B. McDonald by Dorothy P. Brown In Memory of our parents, Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Brown, Jr. and Mr. & Mrs. Howard Revis, by Frank & Becky Brown In Memory of Rev. John A. (Jack) Buckley by Shirley, Betty Ann & John Buckley In Honor of Betty Ann & John Buckley by Shirley Buckley In Memory of Jackie Burgess by Meg Burgess Byron In Honor of Cale Burgess, Jr. by Meg Burgess Byron In Honor of Maj. Curt Byron and Maj. Michelle Byron and Michael by Meg Burgess Byron In Memory of Eason Randolph Clarke by The Clarke Family In Memory of Donald M. & Mildred S. Cline by Seth, Amelia & Denise Cline In Memory of Millard Coe & Ida Thomson by Millard (Bill) Coe In Memory of Katherine Coleman by Brian & Jan Coleman In Memory of Ann Herron by Jan & Brian Coleman In Memory of Ralph Bennett with love from Stephanie, Scott & Ellie Dannenberg In Memory of Billy Bynum by the Disciple II Class In Honor of Trish & Will Bynum by the Disciple II Class In Memory of Liz Leach by Pat & Joe Donaldson In Memory of Frances McLean by Pat & Joe Donaldson In Memory of Edwin E. Flythe, III by Mr. & Mrs. B. J. Fitzhugh, Jr. In loving Memory of Winn Flythe by Tootie, Skip & Todd Flythe In loving Memory of Dot & Ed Flythe by Tootie, Skip & Todd Flythe In Memory of Don Freeman, Jr. by Marjorie, Mary Catherine & Will In Honor of Pastor Rick by Mary Gatton In Memory of Richard Glassford by Anne Glassford In Memory of Tommy Glassford by Anne Glassford In Memory of Phil Greer by Shelly Greer In Memory of Rives Mann by Matthew, Katie & Wyatt Rives Harrell In Memory of Dr. & Mrs. J. Henry Ligon, Jr. by Jill Heath, Tricia Ligon & Robin White In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Husketh and Mr. & Mrs. E. T. (Chick) Husketh, Jr. by Jared & Justin Husketh In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie Moss, Mr. & Mrs. North DeMent, and Mrs. Tressie Brown Moss by Jared & Justin Husketh In Memory of Frances Craft Johnson by Gary & Kalen Johnson In Honor of Lynwood Earl Johnson, Sr. by Gary & Kalen Johnson In Honor of Richard Wiseman Vaughan, Sr. by Gary & Kalen Johnson In Honor of Karen R. Vaughan by Gary & Kalen Johnson In Memory of Megan Marie Jones by Gene & Ann Jones In Honor of our pastors: Rick, LuAnn and Jesse, by Lin & Mary Ellen Jordan In Honor of our 5 grandchildren and to the Glory of God by Lin & Mary Ellen Jordan In Memory of Richard Keggereis by Pauline R. Keggereis, Shaaron K. Cypher and Lynda K. Watkins In Memory of Carl L. Byrd, Jr. by Chip & Leslie Koscielniak In Honor of Virginia T. Byrd & Kristin Byrd by Chip & Leslie Koscielniak In Memory of our daughter, Cathy Hymes, and our granddaughter, Nikki Hymes, by Sally & Bill Lazar In Honor of our daughters, Linda Bowens & Christy Johnson, by Sally & Bill Lazar In Honor of Madelyn Lindley by Tom & Michelle Lindley In Honor of Eleanor Drozeck by Tom & Michelle Lindley In Honor of Michelle Lindley by Tom Lindley In Memory of Nancy Long by Alan Long & Family In Memory of our son, Tucker Rives Mann, by Karen & Tucker Mann In Memory of my parents, Page & Wharton Separk, by Marcia & Jay In Memory of Jackie Burgess and in Honor of Cale Burgess by Jackie, Keith, Andy & Keith McLaurin In Honor of Leonard & Carol Smith, by Jo Ann Moore In Memory of Edward Speed Noell, Jr. by Lee Noell In Memory of John L. Cameron by Ann & Irvin Pearce In Honor of Beulah Cameron by Ann & Irvin Pearce
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