United Love Letters Monthly Newsletter of United Love Baptist Church June 2014 Mark Your Calendar Anniversary Sunday - June 8, 2014 6.1 Graduate Recognition Sunday Children’s Ministry Advisory Board at 7:00 p.m. The Celebration of 37 Years as a Church Family 6.8 Anniversary Sunday 6.9 Deacons at 7:00 p.m. 6.15 Father’s Day 6.20 GO Club outing to Captain Steve’s, Harrisburg - 11:30 a.m. 6.25 Mandatory Caswell Meeting at 8:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall 6.29 Baptist Sharing House Sunday School Challenge Collection Patriotic Worship and The Observance of the Lord’s Supper Guest speaker for our worship service will be Rev. Robert Leonard, Associate Missionary, Cabarrus Baptist Association. A covered dish fellowship meal will be held in the fellowship hall following our service. Graduate Recognition Sunday – June 1, 2014 Congratulations to the Class of 2014 Hickory Ridge High School Kelsey Elizabeth Little Central Cabarrus High School Olivia Diane Burris Tillmon Edward Cook Bradley Drennen Flowe Hayden Nathaniel Harrell Caitlin Elizabeth Lawrence Taylor Grace Mabrey Kristyn Lauren Strum Rowan Cabarrus Community College Kirk Michael Flowe Stanly Community College Megan Lambert Hatley Wingate University Rev. Jesse Oren Herring June Bugs From the Pastor What purpose do they have? To kill our grass? To eat our plants? To pester us by flying around our heads every time we step outdoors? Well, that’s about all we know about the June bug, except it’s attracted to the light, and it’s really a beetle. The thing is, we do know it’s committed to its purpose, because every June it enters our lives with a vengeance and carries out that purpose with much enthusiasm. Dear church family, Can we say the same about ourselves? Are we committee to our purpose as Christians? We can’t put worship on hold just because it’s summertime. While vacationing, while enjoying the outdoors with family, while involving ourselves in all the summer events, our hearts should be ever in a spirit of worship. And then when it’s time to come together as “one” on Sundays, what a celebration it will be! Let’s enter June with a vengeance. Let’s not forsake our purpose. (That’s the only characteristic of the June bug we want to copy!) Let this acrostic be your worship guide for June: Joy EnthUsiasm DevotioN CommitmEnt Jesus answered, “It is written: worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.” Luke 4:8 Rev. Rodney A. Hughes, DD Happy Anniversary! For 37 years, United Love Baptist has been ministering to the church families, the Midland community, and the Cabarrus Baptist Association. What began as a Bible study in the home, is now the family of God called United Love Baptist Church. On June 8, at 10:30 a.m., we will come together to celebrate the different ways we have ministered to our community. It will be a service of looking at our past 37 years of mission activities and reviving us to keep moving forward in missions. Rev. Robert Leonard from the Cabarrus Baptist Association will come and share with us a message to challenge us to continue ministry as a church family. You will also hear of a new ministry to keep us involved in missions called “United Love Loud.” 1 John 3:18 shares with us, “My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.” My hope as we celebrate and give God the glory of 37 years of ministries and missions is that we will renew ourselves to share Christ love and our love in deed and in truth. Let’s all come and celebrate our 37 years as a church called United Love Baptist Church. Happy Anniversary! Rev. Marvin Tyson PS – Don’t forget we have lunch afterward, so bring some of your good cooking! From Our Youth Minister Hello church! I cannot believe it is finally summer time! Within this month, we have some changes being made. We have several students graduating high school! Tillmon Cook, Taylor Mabrey, Bradley Flowe, Kristyn Strum, Olivia Burris, Hayden Harrell, Caitlin Lawrence, and Kelsey Little! Most of these students are members and the others are active friends of members within our church! You know, it gets harder and harder every year to see these students graduate. Some will be moving away from home to live on campus at a college. Some might be staying at home and commuting to school. Some may be entering into the work force. These students are going to be making many decisions that will make a difference within their lives. Can you join me in praying for them as they embark on this next chapter? Some of these students I have known since I first got here 4 years ago. They were just 8th graders then, but they have grown and matured into fine young men and women. Our student ministry exists so that we can lead these students to mature in Jesus Christ, so that as they get older they can make wise decisions, so that they can lead, and so that they can change the world. The best part about my job is that, even though they are graduating, I will always be their youth pastor. I have enjoyed spending time with them these past 4 years. Some of the moments have been hilariously amazing, and some of them have been hard and trying. I pray that the time they had within the student ministry will make a difference through the love and grace of Jesus Christ! Love you guys! Rev. Jesse Herring Trace it back to just the facts! The evidence is clear. The proof is all right here! Come discover, decide, and defend the truth about who Jesus really is at Agency D3. Using our best high-tech operative skills, we will examine eyewitness reports, physical proof and biblical accounts to uncover and defend the truth about who Jesus really is. By collecting all the evidence, we will Discover the truth of the gospel; Decide to believe it; and then Defend that decision. Sunday, July 27 – Thursday, July 31 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Classes for all ages. Pre-register by using the link located on the church website home page. United Love Baptist Church 11487 Flowe’s Store Road, Midland, NC 28107 704-455-9611 unitedlove@ctc.net www.unitedlovebc.org Rev. Marvin Tyson, Pastor: revtyson@ctc.net Rev. Jesse Herring, Youth Minister: jherring116@gmail.com Rev. Rodney Hughes, Minister of Music: rodneyhughes20@yahoo.com Lisa Hinson, Administrative/Ministry Assistant: l.hinson@ctc.net Joan Hughes and Tammy Lambert, Accompanists June Birthdays and Anniversaries 1 – Braxton York; Lynne McAuley; Angelica Montague; Nathan Whitaker 5 – Elizabeth Flowe 6 – Kenny Armer, Jr.; Haley McKenzie; Tommy Lowder 7 – Melissa Masterton 8 – Lisa Hoggard; Ronnie Helms; David McManus 9 – Tim Gettis 10 - Sara Martin 11 – Anna-Greer Workman 12 – Stacie Parker 13 – Taylor Mabrey 14 – Cullen Haggist; Tony Bridges 15 – Neal Silas 16 – Candace Bass; Daniel Gettis 18 – Danny Seamone; Rev. Rodney Hughes; Landon Polk; Brandon Ferguson 20 – Judy Morgan; Adam Kee; Ava Peterson; Sylvia Callahan 21 – Mike Litaker 22 – Kylee Colwell; Riley Tucker; Beth Furr; Shaun Peterson 23 – Ashley Crabtree; Lyndi Flowe 25 – Gracyn Polk 26 – Martha Jackson; LeAnna Haggist; Charles Newsom 28 – Aaron Kee 29 – Bill Brewer 2 – Scott and Cinnamon Little; Terry and Susan McKee 5 – Keith and Gina Dennis 8 – Keith and Sharon Hartman 12 – Arlin and Faye Tucker 14 – Tommy and Susan Furr 18 – Greg and Candace Bass 19 – Dennis and Jacqueline Ballas 23 – Jerry and DeLane Huneycutt 24 – Brandon and Kerri Calloway 25 – Chad and Kim Polk 26 – Barry and Debbie Lanham 28 – John and Barbara Hawley 29 – Edward and Jo Ann Estridge Our Gifts to ULBC Sunday, April 27 Sunday School: 78; Worship: 109 Budget: $5,377.00 Annie Armstrong: $200.00 Playground: $200.00 Sunday, May 4 Sunday School: 94; Worship: 130 Budget: $4,961.00 Annie Armstrong: $25.00 NC Baptist Hospitals: $10.00 Sunday, May 11 Sunday School: 67; Worship: 181 Budget: $3,608.00 NC Baptist Hospitals: $75.00 Sunday, May 18 Sunday School: 60; Worship: 101 Budget: $3,578.00 Budget Required Weekly: $4,731.68 Budget Required Through May 18: $94,633.60 Budget Received Through May 18: $93,734.98 2014 Budget (+ or -): -$898.62 Sanctuary Audio/Visual Fund Funds Needed for Project: $18,434.00 Received as if May 18: $2,869.81 Designated offering envelopes will be available in the June bulletins. June Sermon Notes Sunday, June 1 – Graduate Recognition Sunday Rev. Jesse Herring will be bringing the morning message. Sunday, June 8 – Anniversary Sunday with guest speaker, Rev. Robert Leonard Sunday, June 15 – Fathers, Stand Your Ground (1 Corinthians 16:13-14) Sunday, June 22 – Ambassador of Christ (2 Corinthians 6:1-11) Sunday, June 29 –That Our Flag Was Still There (Matthew 5:14-16) Patriotic Worship and the Observance of the Lord’s Supper
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