FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF INDIANAPOLIS • COME AS YOU ARE JULY 28, 2013 Frederick Lewis, Senior Minister • Evan Bever, Associate Minister • Katy Mann, Youth/Young Adult Ministries Steve Potts, Music Director • John Bolt, Worship and the Arts Director • George Kimsey, Visitation Ministe r WELCOME TO FBC OF IN DIANAPOLIS We hope you will join us for worship, learning, fellowship, ministry, and service opportunities as listed below. Please stop by The Welcome Center for information and join us in the Atrium for refreshments and fellowship. Come as you are… H O W T O C O N N E C T AT F B C If you are new to FBC and would like to find out more about our church, we offer the following opportunities… Come and Consider- an information session on the church. Membership- is offered as a transfer of membership, upon baptism, or upon completion of the Come and Consider class. Service Opportunities- many local and mission-related projects are ongoing within the church. Fellowship Groups and Studies- join in Bible Studies, book groups, or Sunday morning small groups. For more information, please talk to someone at The Welcome Center on Sundays, or call the office at 317-846-5821 during the week, or visit our website 24/7 at OUR SUNDAY SCHEDULE July 28 8:50AM 10AM 11:30AM 12:30PM 5PM Small Groups and Sunday School Care for Infants and Toddlers Worship Journeys and Destinations: Mountains Places of Worship, Evan Bever Small Group, Parlor First Karen Baptist Church The Youth Group is not meeting today NEXT SUNDAY HIGHLIGHTS August 4 8:50AM 10AM 11:30AM 12:30PM 5PM Small Groups and Sunday School Promotion Sunday Today Care for Infants and Toddlers Worship Journeys and Destinations: Lake How Would You Know If It Were Jesus? Frederick Lewis Small Group, Parlor First Karen Baptist Church The Youth Group is not meeting today *For your information, the sermons are available online. Go to: and link to Resources/Sermons. SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL-THE LAST WEEK! June 2-July 28 For Grades Pre-K through entering Grade 6 in August Pre-K through Grade 4 meet in JMP, Rm. 114-116 Grade 5 through entering Grade 6 meet in Rm. 208 MEETINGS THIS WEEK Tues. July 30, 6:30PM Wed. July 31, 9:30AM Wed. July 31, 11:30AM Beginnings Board, Room 110 Worship Planning, Dr. Lewis’ Office Prayer Gathering, Parlor AU G U S T E V E N T S AUGUST 4 - PROMOTION SUNDAY FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH The fall Sunday School session will begin August 4 and most children will be promoted with their grade. On August 4, the ages and classrooms will be: Crib Room - Birth to Walking Toddlers - Walking thru Age 2 Three’s - Age 3 by 9/1/13 Pre-K/Kdg.- Must be 4 by 9/1/13 through Age 5 Grade 1 Grades 2 & 3 Grades 4 & 5 Grades 6, 7, 8 Grades 9 through 12 Room 108 Room 105 Room 101 Room 104 Room 106 Room 207 Room 208 Room 125 Room 123 THE ART OF THE SPIRITUAL LIFE: EXPLORING THE CONNECTIONS BETWEEN FAITH AND ARTISTIC EXPRESSION. August 7, 21, 28 at 7PM Anyone is welcome to come and explore the infinite connections between art and spirituality! We will meet three times in the month of August. Each participant will have the chance to practice a different spiritual exercise (like prayer, meditation, Bible study, and more) and then create a piece of art (painting, drawing, poem, story, or others) inspired by their experience. There will be opportunities to share your work and to reflect on the experience. There’s only one rule: “I don’t know how” is not a valid excuse! Anyone (high school or older) is encouraged to participate, regardless of experience or skill level. Space is limited to twelve participants, so sign up soon! For more information on any of the upcoming sessions or to register, call or e-mail Evan Bever, 846-5821 or CAREGIVERS OF ADULTS SUPPORT GROUP Sunday, August 11, 6PM, Parlor This is a monthly opportunity to connect with others who are caring for a parent, spouse, sibling, or other family member. BCCE GARAGE SALE Saturday, August 3, 7AM-2PM The Burmese Community Center for Education is having a Garage Sale on Saturday, August 3 between 7AM and 2PM. The sale will take place outside, near Door #3. In case of rain, it will then be held in the gym. This sale will benefit the cost of the BCCE Summer Program. They are asking for donations from the FBC Family, so whatever items you no longer have use for or need, bring them to the BCCE Office (Room 127) between the hours of 6 and 7PM. If you need to make other drop-off arrangements, please call the BCCE office at 252-0402. WWW.FBCINDY.ORG AB WOMEN BOOK CLUB Monday, August 12 10:30AM, Rm. 117 Our August selection is Girls Can’t Be Pilots by Jane L. Roth. Our American Baptist Women’s Book Club meets monthly on the second Monday for a rousing discussion. AB WOMEN QUILTING AND SEWING GROUP Thursday, August 15, 12Noon Join us on the third Thursday of the month as we cut, sew and quilt for our First Baptist babies. For more information, contact April Giannini. SEPTEMBER EVENTS FILM STUDY AND DISCUSSION-SHORT TERM SMALL GROUP Sunday evenings, September 8, 15, 22, 29 at 7PM “Purple State of Mind” at the home of Breanna and Evan Bever. Watch for more information coming in the August Inspiration or contact Evan Bever, 846-5821 or G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N 2013 BACK TO SCHOOL MISSION PROJECT Help us provide school supplies for local children. Please place your donation in the marked box located in the Atrium and we will collect items through August 4. These donations will be distributed to the Edna Martin Christian Center and Nora Elementary School. You can pick up a complete list of supplies needed at the Welcome Center. You can also find them on our website BEGINNINGS FALL PRESCHOOL AND PARENTS DAY OUT BEGINS MONDAY, AUGUST 12 Encourage your friends and neighbors to investigate the Beginnings Preschool Program. Register now for Fall by calling 574-6454. Beginnings needs funds to support our scholarships. Each year, there are more families who request help. These families include refugee/immigrant children, as well as other families. We welcome support for one day, one week, one month, one year or any other dollar amount. Please contact Carol Mann at the number listed above for any information regarding Beginnings. AN INCREDIBLE WEEK FOR OUR YOUTH Earlier this month, twelve students from the FBC youth group attended Quest, a week-long youth conference at Green Lake Conference Center in Wisconsin. There, along with over a hundred students from twelve different churches, these students were led by the Quest staff in daily worship and Bible study. They participated in team-building exercises on the low-ropes course and the climbing tower and (of course) they had lots of time to play games and relax on the beautiful conference center grounds. It was an incredible week of learning and growing and connecting, with old friends and new friends, and especially with God! MISSION CORNER Volunteer & Service Opportunities THE NEXT OPEN FOOD PANTRY July 30, 4-6PM We are grateful for all those who donate their time. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Mary Lou Curless at or sign up on the bulletin response sheet. The June Food Pantry served 185 families and 740 individuals. THE FOOD PANTRY’S JULY SPECIAL IS… Laundry Detergent (50-60 oz.) Can you bring in some detergent to the Atrium? Your donation is appreciated by so many. ADULT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We need adults to provide childcare for parents who attend ENL* classes here at FBC. These classes meet on Thurs. nights from 6:30-8:30PM. If you can give 2 hours to enable a parent to gain needed English skills, or have questions, please contact Evan Bever at 846-5821 or *English as a New Language VBS 2013 WAS A DEFINITE SUCCESS! What a wonderful year for Vacation Bible School! This year has been an extraordinary experience. We have had about 90 children attending! Fortunately, I have also been overwhelmed by the amount of people that have volunteered to help. We have had about 30 volunteers helping in different areas. People preparing snacks, singing music, making crafts…. It’s almost like Christmas in July! And yes, it’s all about praising the Lord! And teaching others about Him. Of course one of the great things about Bible School is the yummy snacks. People have been very generous about donating snacks and money for this week. We consumed about 250 graham crackers 130 marshmallows 130 mini chocolate bars and 8 pitchers of lemonade just in one day! That’s a lot of S’mores! Parents donated school supplies to be distributed to those children less fortunate at Nora Elementary School and the Edna Martin Christian Center. You can help too, we will continue to take donations until August 4. What a wonderful opportunity to help those in need and to share God’s love! Cindy McMath VBS Director 2013 To learn more about future opportunities to connect with the FBC youth program, contact Katy Mann ( or Cheryl Loggins ( Publication Deadlines: Tuesday @ 10AM for the Weekly Connection to and Wednesday, August 21 @ noon to for the September Inspiration Thursday @ noon for the E-spiration to FBC Weekly Prayer Ministry NATIONAL AND GLOBAL CONCERNS… Earthquake that hit Central China FOR THOSE WHO… Are shut-ins THANKSGIVING FOR... Those who direct our youth in many ways INDIVIDUALS REQUESTING PRAYER Eleanor Boyd Cathy Burke Janice Castle Marilyn Halbrook Paul Hicks Michael McMillan Carl Nordsieck Nancy Soots Lawrence Thomas George Tooze 8600 N. COLLEGE AVE., INDIANAPOLIS, IN WEEKLY BIBLE READINGS Luke 11:11-13 Psalm 55:16-23 Esther 6:1-7:6 Esther 7:7-8:17 Romans 11:33-36 Ephesians 4:17-24 Mark 10:17-22 46240 317-846-5821
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