GOD’S PEOPLE AT WORSHIP November 9, 2014 Alleluia Service 9:00 AM Receiving Our Tithes and Offerings REJOICE IN GOD’S SAINTS Offertory Welcome, Greetings & Words About Our Life Prelude “Air” Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach “Allegro” The Light of Christ Comes In Choral Call to Worship Olivia Taylor Sanctuary Choir *Doxology and Prayer of Dedication SELF-GIVING, LORD, LEADS US TO YOU Our Morning Prayers Choral Prayer Response *Call to Worship in Word Leader: God is waiting for us, People: With a tender heart and a searching question. L: God is ready for us, P: With truth and wisdom from a deep well. L: God is blessing us, P: With springs of living water. L: God is sending us, P: To sing, pray and witness every day. L: God is here– P: Let the conversation being. *Hymn of Praise Rejoice in God’s Saints Johann Sebastian Bach Sanctuary Choir *Hymn of Dedication I Am Thine, O Lord *Benediction *Chimes *Postlude # 531 *Invocation and Lord’s Prayer Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach “Polonaise I” *Please stand as you are able During the Hymn of Dedication you are invited to come forward to accept Christ as your Savior, join the church, rededicate your life or pray over a concern in your life. *Gloria Patri LORD, HELP US TO SHARE Time with Our Children Pastor Joel and Raylee Jones Anthem Sanctuary Choir “Have You Not Known?” K. Lee Scott Scripture Message A Stewardship Moment # 408 Hebrews 11:1–7 “Why Faith?” Participating in Today’s Service Preaching – Rev. Joel Fredrikson Music Ministry – Gaynia Menninger Organist – Edith Rader Candle Lighter – Olivia Taylor Strings – Alice Joy Lewis & Shirley Star Nursery – Lizzie Willett Sunday School – Lizzie Willett and Rachel Smith Church website: fbcottawa.org Church email: ottawafbc@att.net Pastor Joel: jfredrikson@fbcottawa.org Interim Youth: aaudiss@fbcottawa.org Church office: nroberts@fbcottawa.org Phone: 785-242-2713 ~ Fax: 785-242-2867 HAPPENINGS AT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Today: Committee/Council Mtgs. 2:00/3:00 p.m. in PARLOR; Youth/Family Party in E.H. 6:00 p.m. Monday: Rowdy Wranglers 4-H Club meal 6:00 p.m. Tuesday: Faith Stitchers 10:00 a.m.; Mission Possible Circle in Smith home, 7:00 p.m. Wednesday: Adult Studies, KROC, Youth Group and Faith Ringers 6:30 p.m. Thursday: Choir rehearsal 7:00 p.m. Saturday: Ottawa Promenaders in E.H. 6:00 p.m. Sunday (16th): Consecration Sunday; Thanksgiving Dinner/Super Hero Celebration in E.H. 12:00 p.m.; Jr. High Youth 6:00 p.m., Sr. High Youth 7: 00 p.m. We invite everyone to please complete a registration form located in the pew pockets. Newly elected church officers for 2015, whose terms begin January 1, are invited and welcome to attend today’s (and Dec. 14th) Church Council meeting at 3:00 p.m. You can observe how Council functions before you officially begin your term. Join our youth for an evening of brainstorming, games, and event planning! Our Parent & Youth Gathering is TONIGHT at 6:00 p.m. in Elliott Hall. Questions: call Angela Audiss @ 418-7597. FOR OUR BROTHERS & SISTERS AT BETHANY On October 26th, we were blessed to worship with our dear friends from Bethany Chapel Baptist Church. The offering we received for Bethany totaled $ 2,669.00. Praise God for this congregation’s generosity to one of our Sister Churches. ABW CIRCLES Mission Possible Circle will meet Tuesday, November 11th at the Smith home at 7:00 p.m. Samaritan Circle will meet Wednesday, November 19th in the Church Parlor at 9:30 a.m. November’s project is an offering for Willow Domestic Violence Christmas gifts. Christian Service Circle will meet Wednesday, November 19th at the home of Bertha Morgan at 1:30 p.m. CONSECRATION SUNDAY IS NOVEMBER 16TH Leading up to Consecration Sunday November 16th, we will have different persons from the congregation share a Stewardship Moment during the Worship service. You should have received a letter and pledge card from Pastor Joel and Stewardship Chairman, Nathan Ball, asking you to prayerfully consider your 2015 gifts to First Baptist including your prayers, volunteerism and monetary support.( If you did not receive a pledge card, you can find one at the back of the Sanctuary.) Please plan to bring your pledge card with you to Worship the 16th. If you won’t be able to attend that Sunday, you can mail or drop your pledge card by the office. God bless you for your faithful support of First Baptist Church! CELEBRATE GOD’S MANY BLESSINGS As a Church family, we will once again celebrate the Thanksgiving season with a special luncheon November 16th. This year the Fellowship committee will provide the turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing and rolls. We are asking the congregation to bring a vegetable, salad or dessert to share; please have your item to the Elliott Hall kitchen by 11:00 a.m. A free-will offering will be collected to help with meal expenses. A sign-up sheet is in the Parlor and the Church office for planning purposes. Volunteers are also needed to help serve food and provide set-up and clean-up manpower that day. See Sandy King or call 913-526-8472 if you can volunteer. Come share a Feast of Gratitude with your Church family. WE’RE ALL SUPER HEROES! As we fellowship together in an attitude of thanksgiving Sunday, November 16th at the Thanksgiving luncheon, we will also take time to acknowledge the power of God’s love. Melanie Herken will be sharing a word with us along with other special reminders throughout the dinner of God’s endless and powerful love for us. SPREAD CHRISTMAS BLESSINGS TO COMMUNITY FOSTER CHILDREN First Baptist Church will again partner this Christmas with KVC to provide gifts to children in Foster Care. There will be lights hung on the Christmas tree in the back of the sanctuary every Sunday morning. Each light will have a number, the need of a child, their gender, and their age. Please take a bulb and write your name on the sign-up sheet beside the corresponding number; purchase the item listed on the bulb and return it un-wrapped to the church office before November 30th. Monetary donations to KVC will also be accepted and gifts will be purchased on your behalf. Thank you for prayerfully considering how you can show a child in Foster Care God’s abundant provision. SPECIAL TENDER OPPORTUNITIES Do you buy groceries at Price Chopper? Are you using a Price Chopper gift card to make your purchases? If so, thank you for your participation. If not, why not? It is so easy—and First Baptist benefits! All you need to do is purchase a Price Chopper Gift Card before or after worship services in the Parlor. Cards are available in $20, $50, $100, $200 or $300 amounts and used like any gift card. After purchase, hang onto your card and use it for groceries next time. If you find yourself eating only Ramen noodles and peanut butter by mid-week, call Marge Martin at 242-6732 and a card will be delivered to you. Can’t get any easier! With holiday baking and gift giving coming up, what better way to help your church than by purchasing a Price Chopper Gift Card in the Parlor before or after worship? PRAYER CONCERNS Prayer does make a difference Physical Needs: Ruth Addessi (Alice Crawford’s sister); Gerry Bromert; Ken Roper (Virginia Gilroy’s son-in-law); Margie Baldwin; Gene Portas (Gloria Terrill’s brother); Alice Crawford; Earl Payne; Loeta Hunley (Linda Neff’s mother); Tom Yohe; Jessica Thompson; Lea Bradley (Jeanne Anne Fredrikson’s mother); Congregation of Bethany Chapel Baptist Church; Doris Grogan; Susan Flory (Wayne Jones’ daughter); Bruce Needhammer; Nita Pratt (Jessie Pratt’s daughter-in-law); Warren Smith; Raychel Hughes (Cathy Brown’s daughter-in-law); Kristina Martinek (Laura Kuczmarksi’s niece); Bonnie Gilroy (Virginia Gilroy’s daughter-in-law); Jeanne Anne Fredrikson; Joanne Pritchard (Rhonda Eaker’s mother); Dave Martin (Dick Martin’s brother); Gilbert Martin Ongoing Needs: David Polsley family Shut-Ins: Earl Mendell; Eleanor Mullen; Jeanne Schmidt; Dorothy Fitzgerald; Nanette Doolittle; Shirley Reynolds Military Service People: Chase Reed (Chris Bean’s son, Hawaii); Veronica Cooper (Japan); Nicholas Hermreck (Afghanistan); Ryan Douglas (Gene Bromert’s grandson, Guam); Tim Nellessen (Gwen Patty’s grandson- Uganda) We make every effort to keep this list updated. Please inform us when there are changes. Vital Statistics for Last Sunday Needed Weekly $ 7,359.39 Received last week $ 10,810.00 Budget (through October 2014) $ 318,906.70 Received (through October 2014) $ 291,736.64 Last Week’s Attendance Combined Service 186 Sunday School 61 First Baptist Church of Ottawa is part of the American Baptist Churches of the Central Region (ABC/CR) and American Baptist Churches, USA (ABCUSA). Church Staff Pastor Joel Fredrikson Interim Youth Leader Angela Audiss Christian Education Angela Audiss & Gina Taldo Minister of Music Gaynia Menninger Organist Edith Rader Treasurer Melissa VanLeiden Custodian Kent Markley Administrative Assistant Natalie Roberts Front cover line drawing by John Hooge, 1980 First Baptist Church 410 S. Hickory Ottawa, KS 66067 785-242-2713 fbcottawa.org Rev. Joel Fredrikson, Pastor 9:00 AM Alleluia Service 10:15 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Celebration Service Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, First Baptist Church seeks to *unite in one faith, in a growing knowledge and in a deepening love of God, *be fully alive in Christ Jesus, and *join in Christian service. FIRST BAPTIST ANNOUNCEMENTS *American Baptist World Relief Committee will send $120,000 to fight the Ebola epidemic in West Africa. Approximately 70% will be used to provide food and medical supplies. The remaining 30% will be focused on Ebola prevention. Congregations and individuals are encouraged to contribute to the ongoing Ebola-relief efforts through One Great Hour of Sharing. Designate your check, in the memo area, OGHS-Ebola Outbreak. * A queen size quilt covered with butterflies will be awarded to one lucky person at the All-Church Thanksgiving Dinner! Sandy Miller has donated the quilt to help purchase supplies for the Faith Stitchers. Faith Stitchers provides quilts to various organizations and individuals needing spiritual uplifting and the warmth a quilt can provide. Suggested donation is $1/chance or 6 chances for $5. See Sandy Miller, Twila Parkhurst or Pat Plaschka to purchase a chance. *Heritage Sunday, when we celebrate our 50+ members, will be during services Nov. 23rd. *You're generosity to the AB Women's White Cross is deeply appreciated. You gave $226, which we will use to buy a gift card for Murrow Indian Children's Home. This is $126 above what we needed to meet the request given us. God bless all of you who participated with us. COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS *The Women’s Educational Society invites you to attend the 112th year celebration Saturday, Nov. 15th at 9:30 a.m. in the O’Dell Lounge in Martin Hall at Ottawa University. The Society’s mission is “to give material, intellectual and spiritual aid to women at Ottawa University”. *The 2014 Hostetter-DeFries Family Endowed Cultural Event at Ottawa University begins November 19th in the Fredrikson Chapel. Dr. Walt Menninger will be the featured speaker. A third generation member of the Menninger family, which has focused on mental health since the early 1900’s, Dr. Menninger will speak at 7:00 p.m. that evening and again at 11:00 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 20th. *Hope House is preparing for the Christmas season and they need your help in supplying food boxes to those in need! Items needed include: boxed potatoes; canned yams, fruit or vegetables; Jell-o; brownie or cookie mix. Monetary donations will also be accepted. Donations are needed by Dec. 11th. The boxes will be packed Dec. 19th and distributed to families Dec. 20th. *CIRCLES, a strategy many believe promises an enduring solution to poverty, is coming to Franklin County. The weekly program begins January 1, 2015. Circle Leaders are those in poverty, but not in a crisis, be mentally stable, free from substance abuse, and most importantly, motivated to change. Circles will specifically focus on families with children. Volunteers are needed: Become a Circle Ally to form a supportive friendship; provide, cook or fund a meal prior to the meeting; provide childcare during meetings; join Circles guiding coalition; donate funds or refer a Circle Leader. Getting out of poverty is a huge task, but it can happen with intensive and intentional relationship. For more information: hmorgan@twsproject17.org or Melissa Fairbanks at 229-3635 or mfairbanks@ottawaks.gov.
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