GOD’S PEOPLE AT WORSHIP January 25, 2015 Alleluia Service 9:00 AM WE HAVE COME TO JOIN IN WORSHIP Welcome, Greetings & Words About Our Life Prelude Receiving Our Tithes and Offerings Offertory Stanley R. Avery “Meditation” The Light of Christ Comes In Choral Call to Worship Johann Sebastian Bach “When Thou Art Near” *Doxology and Prayer of Dedication Madison Schulz Sanctuary Choir *Call to Worship in Word Leader: As a refugee heading with hope to a new country, People: As a runner leaning toward the finish line, L: As a child climbing into a parent’s lap, P: As a painter savoring the sunset lines of the Creator, L: As a gardener attending to new growth, P: So we gather for worship, L: Yearning to touch holiness, P: Hoping to feel God’s embrace. Together: Let us worship now the God of grace and freedom. *Hymn of Praise We Have Come to Join in Worship LET US LOVE EACH OTHER TOO Our Morning Prayers Choral Prayer Response Sanctuary Choir *Hymn of Dedication When Peace Like a River #428 *Benediction *Chimes *Postlude Gertrude Haupt Richolson “Praise Ye the Lord” *Please stand as you are able #647 *Invocation and Lord’s Prayer *Gloria Patri LET US LOVE OUR GOD SUPREMELY Time with Our Children Pastor Joel and Abby Yahl Anthem Alex Currier, piano “Nocturne in C# Minor” by Frederick Chopin Scripture Message Matthew 14:22-23, Luke 9:18, John 6:14-15 “Solitude” During the Hymn of Dedication you are invited to come forward to accept Christ as your Savior, join the church, rededicate your life or pray over a concern in your life. Participating in Today’s Service Preaching – Rev. Joel Fredrikson Worship Leader – Cliff Burke Music Ministry – Gaynia Menninger Organist – Edith Rader Candle Lighter – Madison Schulz Strings – Alice Joy Lewis & Shirley Star Nursery – Shanita Williams or Amanda Bazan Sunday School – Staff and Rob & Michelle McCally GOD’S PEOPLE AT WORSHIP Sermon Notes January 25, 2015 Celebration Service 11:00 A.M. Welcome and Greetings Praise Song Praise Song The Offering Time with Our Children Pastor Joel and Carter Taldo Praise Song Praise Song A Time of Prayer Scripture Matthew 14:22-23, Luke 9:18, John 6:14-15 “Solitude” Praise Song Closing Prayer Praise Song (CCLI#1344006) Children’s Church Ages 3 & 4 year olds—please take to Nursery Kindergarten through 3rd grade to Room 105 Today Theme: Teach Us to Pray Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15 Teacher: Janet Wolken February 1 Theme- Calming the Story Teacher- Dana Harrod Sunday School – Staff and Rob & Michelle McCally Nursery- Staff & Lana Whitfield ***************** GREETERS Today: Dana Coble, Sylvia Starkey, Eldon Rader, Rhonda LaGalle, Brian Fast and Cheryl Seymour Next Sunday: Brad, Kim, Erica and Matthew Griener Church website: fbcottawa.org Church email: ottawafbc@att.net Pastor Joel: jfredrikson@fbcottawa.org Interim Youth: aaudiss@fbcottawa.org Church office: nroberts@fbcottawa.org Phone: 785-242-2713 ~ Fax: 785-242-2867 HAPPENINGS AT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Today: AB GIRLS in E.H. 4:00-5:00 p.m. (time change); Jr. Youth 5:00 p.m. & Sr. Youth 7:00 p.m. @ the Audiss Home Tuesday: Faith Stitchers 10:00 a.m. Wednesday: Adult Studies, KROC, Youth Group and Faith Ringers 6:30 p.m. Thursday: Circles in E.H. 5:00 p.m.; Choir rehearsal 7:00 p.m. Friday thru Sunday: Jr. High Jamboree at Crosswind Camp Sunday (1st): No Jr. Youth; Sr. Youth 7:00 p.m. at the Audiss home. STAFF RELATIONS TO MEET The Staff Relations Committee will meet Monday, February 16th. If anyone in the congregation has comments, concerns or suggestions regarding our staff (Joel, Natalie, Melissa, Gaynia, Edith, Angela, Gina or Kent) please put them in writing with a signature and turn into the office (attention Jody Lancaster, Chair) by Friday, February 13th. Committee Members: Troy Hoffman, Shanta’ Kemp, Wynndee Lee, Warren Smith We invite everyone to please complete a registration form located in the pew pockets. 2014 Contribution Statements are ready for pick-up. Thank you for helping us save on postage expenses. NEW STUDIES TO BEGIN IN FEBRUARY *Shanta’ Kemp will lead a study, Five Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman, Wednesday evenings beginning February 11th. Wendell and Rachel Smith will lead the same class during Sunday School beginning February 15th. For more information, contact Christian Education directors Angela Audiss or Gina Taldo. *Warren and Jane Smith will lead the study, He Chose the Nails, by Max Lucado beginning Sunday, February 15th during Sunday School. The study lasts nine-weeks ending Sunday, April 12th. You will need to purchase the book. Costs range from $15 at book stores to $8 plus shipping from Amazon. If you would like the office to order a book for you, please let Angela, Gina or the Church office know. WHERE DO YOU PURCHASE YOUR GROCERIES? Are you a Price Chopper shopper? Do you use a “gift card” (Special Tender) to do your shopping? Don’t have one? Oh my; it’s so easy to purchase one in the Parlor before or after the Alleluia Service! Cards are available for $20, $50, $100, $200 and $300 with checks made out to First Baptist Church. If you need a card during the week, call Dorothy Chaney (418-2534) or Marge Martin (242-6732) and a card will be delivered to you—cards are not kept in the Church office. How much easier could it be to shop for groceries while benefitting the church! When we replenish the card inventory, Price Chopper graciously gives the Church a 5% discount. CALLING ALL COUPLES…… What does dancing and surrendering control have in common? Come find out at the Couples Night Saturday evening, February 7th from 7:00-8:30 p.m. in Elliott Hall. Dance lessons, with a purpose, will be offered, but the focus is encouraging couples to just be together. Jeff and Julie McAdoo will share their experiences in couple dance. Bring an appetizer, your Bible and your dancing shoes for a great time of fellowship and fun! FIRST BAPTIST ANNOUNCEMENTS The Diaconate Committee is looking into organizing rides to Church for our friends and members who find it challenging to get to worship on Sunday. If you would be interested in being involved in their ministry, please contact Miriam Lemp at 242-5044 or the Church office. Thanks and bless you! COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS *The Ottawa Church of the Nazarene will host a Women of Faith event entitled “Unwrap the Bible” Friday and Saturday, February 20th & 21st. Advance tickets are $10 and can be purchased at Cornerstone Book Store. *Are you or someone you love suffering from overwhelming grief? Ottawa United Methodist Church is sponsoring GriefShare, a 13-week Christ-centered nondenominational program focusing on topics to help those left behind successfully rebuild their lives. Cost is $15 for purchase of the book. Each session is “self-contained” so you do not have to attend in sequence. GreifShare meets Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the Ottawa United Methodist Church’s Parlor through April 8th. To register or for questions call 242-1419 . *There will be a Community Blood Drive Tuesday, February 10th 1:00-6:00 p.m. in the Conference room at Ransom Memorial Hospital. To make an appointment online go to esavealifenow.org and use sponsor code: ottawacomm or contact the RMH lab at 229-8323. PRAYER CONCERNS Prayer does make a difference Physical Needs: Ruth Addessi (Alice Crawford’s sister); Gerry Bromert; Ken Roper (Virginia Gilroy’s son-in-law); Gene Portas (Gloria Terrill’s brother); Alice Crawford; Tom Yohe; Lea Bradley (Jeanne Anne Fredrikson’s mother); Congregation of Bethany Chapel Baptist Church; Nita Pratt (Jessie Pratt’s daughter-in-law); Warren Smith; Kristina Martinek (Laura Kuczmarksi’s niece); Dave Martin (Dick Martin’s brother); Earl & Therese Payne; James McKenzie; Jerald Dryden (Sharon Jones’ brother); Claire Davis; Susan Flory (Wayne Jones’ daughter); Gary Skiles; Norma Coble (Dana Coble’s mother); Connie and Mike Highland (Cheryl Seymour’s friends); Linda Knight (Bob Becker’s friend); Jim Starkey; Jessie Pratt; Mark Ashwill; Marion Rioth; Melanie Herken; Doug Sims; Lena Belle Moore; Brenda (Patty Nelson’s niece); Carol Clelland; Andi Ostermann; Jerry McCally (Rob McCally’s father); Tom Lewis, Kyle Neff Ongoing Needs: David Polsley family Shut-Ins: Earl Mendell; Eleanor Mullen; Jeanne Schmidt; Dorothy Fitzgerald; Nanette Doolittle; Shirley Reynolds Military Service People: Chase Reed (Chris Bean’s son, Hawaii); Veronica Cooper (Japan); Nicholas Hermreck (Afghanistan); Ryan Douglas (Gene Bromert’s grandson, Guam); Tim Nellessen (Gwen Patty’s grandson- Uganda) We make every effort to keep this list updated. Please inform us when there are changes. Vital Statistics for Last Sunday Needed weekly $ 6,677.25 Received last week $ 19,557 Budget (through December 2014) $ 382,688.00 Received (through December 2014) $ 372,112.38 Last Week’s Attendance Alleluia Service 120 Sunday School No SS Celebration Service OU Chapel First Baptist Church of Ottawa is part of the American Baptist Churches of the Central Region (ABC/CR) and American Baptist Churches, USA (ABCUSA). Church Staff Pastor Joel Fredrikson Interim Youth Leader Angela Audiss Christian Education Angela Audiss & Gina Taldo Minister of Music Gaynia Menninger Organist Edith Rader Treasurer Melissa VanLeiden Custodian Kent Markley Administrative Assistant Natalie Roberts Front cover line drawing by John Hooge, 1980 First Baptist Church 410 S. Hickory Ottawa, KS 66067 785-242-2713 fbcottawa.org Rev. Joel Fredrikson, Pastor 9:00 AM Alleluia Service 10:15 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Celebration Service Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, First Baptist Church seeks to *unite in one faith, in a growing knowledge and in a deepening love of God, *be fully alive in Christ Jesus, and *join in Christian service.
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