PAGE 4 PAGE 3 PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 3 PAGE 5 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MORRISTOWN — 504 WEST MAIN STREET, 37814 — PHONE: (423) 586-0522 — Dean Haun, Senior Pastor On Sunday, October 12, I shared with you the VISION 20-21 T eam ’s r epor t based on the statement of the Apostle Paul to the Church at Ephesus. Ephesians 3:20 -21 says, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Everything we are doing right now and will seek to do in the future as a Church ought to fit the Mission Statement of Purposes that God has given us in His Word. Our MISSION Statement: To Glorify God, Grow in Christ, and Go Make Him Known! Our SIX PURPOSES: Prayer, Ministry, Missions, Evangelism, Discipleship, and Fellowship. I pray you will get a copy of the report and look at some of the exciting possibilities for future growth and ministry that are listed. November is going to be an exciting month at First Baptist. I hope you will read about all the great events that are upcoming. I especially want to highlight a few things for this month: Our very own ministry, Harvest of Israel, is sponsoring a special day on Sunday, November 9. Jewish Evangelist Jack Reiss will be our speaker on Sunday morning and Jewish Worship Leader Paul Wilbur and his Praise Team will be with us in concert Sunday evening. Both of these men have spoken and sung literally all around the world. Your heart will be richly blessed. The Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Parade will be held on Sunday, November 16. This is always an exciting day as we literally get to take a mission trip and share the Gospel around the world! Free boxes are available in Mission Hall for you to pick up, pack with items, and bring back on November 16 to the parade! Our Churchwide Thanksgiving Dinner will be the Sunday evening of November 23. This is always a wonderful time of fellowship and gratefulness for our Church family. Our elections are just a couple of days away. I pray you will vote for those men and women who have a Christian worldview and will lead our nation back to the Lord. I also prayerfully ask you to Vote YES on Amendment 1 as you cast your ballot. We must always be a people who choose life first! The passage of Amendment 1 will simply bring Tennessee into line with the abortion laws of the 8 states surrounding us. Let’s pray for a great revival in America! Do you support common sense protections in Tennessee? Do women and girls have a right to the facts? Vote YES on 1 Should a 24-hour waiting period be required? Vote YES on 1 Should abortion facilities be licensed and inspected? Vote YES on 1 On November 4 Vote YES for Life Vote YES on Amendment 1 Page 2 Should taxpayers be protected from funding abortions? Vote YES on 1 Yes on 1 is a community-based outreach to raise awareness of the proposed constitutional Amendment 1 slated for public vote, November 4, 2014. Full Menu (Adults & Children) Don’t forget to set your clocks back 1 hour! Choice of Turkey or Brown-Sugar Glazed Ham, Dressing, Gravy, Creamed Potatoes, Sweet Potato Casserole, Green Beans, Rolls, Congealed Salad (no salad bar) Dessert: Seasonal Selection Join with our Lakeway Area family of faith on Tuesday, November 25 at 7:00 pm at FBC Morristown as we unite as one to worship the Lord while also supporting Central Service’s Holiday Hope Fund. Ticket Prices Adults (11 yrs & older): $7.00 Children (3-10): $4.00 Infants (0-2): Free Family Max: $30.00 (includes parents & children in school only) Deadline to purchase tickets: November 16 Page 3 Share GOOD NEWS and GREAT JOY with children around the world by filling a shoebox (or shoeboxes) for Operation Christmas Child! FREE shoeboxes are available in Mission Hall with an informational brochure inside detailing everything you need to know to pack a shoebox. Ever wanted to know where your shoebox goes? Visit the Operation Christmas Child website and make your $7.00 donation online to receive a special OCC label you can place on your box. Once your shoebox is delivered, you will receive an email stating where in the world your box went! Bring your completed shoebox to the morning services on November 16 for our ann ual Sh oebox Parade (children will have their own parade in Children’s Church). Our goal this year is 1,500 shoeboxes!!! There will be volunteer groups going to Boone, NC to the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Processing Center on Tuesday, December 16 and Thursday, December 18. Through this fantastic mission trip project, you will help go through hundreds of shoeboxes, making sure they are prepared and ready to be sent to all parts of the world. Yours will be the last hands that touch these boxes before they are placed in the hands of that special child! All volunteers must be 13 years or older to participate and should expect to be on their feet for an extended period of time. Tuesday, December 16—Leave from the church at 6:00 am, return around 4:00 pm. 20 spots available. OR Thursday, December 18—Leave from the church at 6:00 am, return around 4:00 pm. 35 spots available. If you would like to participate, please contact Allison at Deadline to sign-up is Monday, November 17. Christian Heritage tour to Washington, DC Informational Meeting Sunday, November 9 at 4:45 pm in Wallen-Purkey Room Join us October 5–9, 2015 as we climb aboard a luxury bus coach and make our way through Virginia and on to Washington, DC while tracing the Christian Heritage of our nation. Tour will include stops in Jamestown, Richmond, Williamsburg, Washington DC, Mt. Vernon and more! Trip is limited to the first 50 people to sign up. More information can be obtained at the meeting listed above. Page 4 SUPPORT GROUP First Informational Meeting November 9 at 5:00 pm in FBC Parlor Quality Name-brand Foods at an Affordable Price! TWO TYPES OF FOOD BOXES TO CHOOSE FROM! CHOOSE ONE OR BOTH! Included in the Standard Box are food staples such as canned meat, canned vegetables, shelf-milk, as well as other items. Box menus change monthly. Included in the Grab & Go Box are small snack foods such as chips, crackers, trail mix, sweets, as well as other items. Box menus change monthly. Purchase box(es) for yourself, the FBC Food Pantry, or BOTH! Fill out an order form at the information desk or in the church office. Must pay at time of order. Deadline to place orders is November 10 at noon! Pick up your food box(es) on Nov. 20, 21, or 23. Boxes not picked up by Sunday evening, Nov. 23 will be donated to the Food Pantry. Monthly menus can be found on, click “Menu” tab. Don Beach, Pastor of Discipleship and Missions In Matthew 25:42 we find Jesus making this statement. "for I was hungry and you gave Me no food;" On October 14, during our staff meeting we had a gentleman come and share with us a new way to minister not only to our congregation but to the community as well with regard to food. He represented Rejoice Foods. You can learn more about what I'm about to give you in a nutshell by going to You can go to that website and click on Menu and see what the October box would contain. This program operates pretty much the way the "Angel Food" program worked with some slight differences. Here are the basics. You will be able to place your order for a box of food on a specific day of the month each month. That box will contain around $60 worth of food for well rounded meals. The cost of that box, however, will only be $30 and you can order as many boxes as you wish. We had one of our staff wives price one of the box's contents using her coupons and specials, and she could only get the price down to $36. In her opinion the box was well worth over $60. Should you choose to participate in this new program, your order will have to be paid for at the time it is placed. Approximately nine days later the boxes will arrive here at FBC on a Thursday. Pick up can be made at time of arrival or between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on Friday. Any boxes not picked up by Sunday evening will be transported to our FBC Food Pantry on Monday morning. This will be a fantastic way of providing for your family as well as purchasing a food box for a needy family. Brother Dean will be speaking about this from the pulpit so make sure to listen so that you can see how to be involved. Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming up and it is during these holidays that we have a huge demand for food from our less fortunate citizens and neighbors. Consider providing one of these boxes to our food pantry for the holidays. Page 5 Danny Georges, Pastor of Care/Senior Adults With the arrival of November comes thoughts of Thanksgiving and blessings. It is a time to reflect upon the goodness of our God. As we celebrate the season of Thanksgiving, let us also consider ways that we can be a blessing to others during this special time of the year. When we bless others, we too will be blessed. The highlights of our Senior adult ministry and activities for the month are listed below: Thursday, November 6 Friday, November 21 Join us on our Fall Mystery Trip! Join us for Dollywood’s Smoky Mountain Christmas! Leave from church at 12 noon If you do not have a season pass, the cost of a one day ticket is $60.00 Cost is $18.00 plus lunch Leave from church at 9:30 am Reservations limited! Brunch Luncheon November 11 at 10:00 am No Luncheon in November Homebound Visitation November 17 at 10 am Nursing Home Schedule Nov 5 Nov 20 1:30 2:30 Heritage Life Care John Griggs, Pastor of Prayer What must I do to be saved? This is the question that a wealthy, young ruler asked of Jesus in Matthew 19:16 when he said, “Good master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?” All people want to know for sure that, when they die, they will have all sin forgiven, and that Heaven will be their home! How did Jesus respond? Although this was a sincere young man who went regularly to the synagogue and sought to keep God’s commandments, Jesus saw that He was not number one in this person’s life, but other things were first...namely wealth! And yet the greatest commandment is to love God in the person of Jesus Christ supremely! (Matthew 22:36) What is the greatest sin one can commit? Failure to permit Jesus Christ to be first in one’s life! Therefore, Jesus told the young man to rid himself of this idol by “selling what you have and giving to the poor, receiving Page 6 treasure in heaven, and come follow Me!” (Matthew 19:12) When the young man refused, Jesus gave him no hope of Heaven! Does Jesus want us to see and give to the poor? We ought to be willing to do it! When we were in Africa, I daily said to Jesus, “all funds under my control is YOURS...including my children. All is in your hands to use as you see fit!” All has been entrusted to us by God. I affirm this daily! Thereupon I am free! God knows better how to run His business than I! I do not need to worry, but just follow His direction as a little child, one step at a time. Jesus said, “Unless you are converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Matthew 18:3) This is the path of joy, peace, and true freedom! But you say, “How can I do this?” When rising in the morning, sit on the side of your bed and do the first three steps, and then follow with the last two steps. It will put you on the path of victory! 5 STEPS FOR DAILY “VICTORY” IN THE CHRISTIAN LIFE: 1. DIE TO “SELF”! (Luke 9:23) (Galatians 2:20) 2. ENTHRONE JESUS AS LORD! (Romans 10:9) (Luke 18:18-30) 3. PUT YOUR HAND IN THE HAND OF YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER AS A LITTLE CHILD! (Proverbs 3:5-6) (John 4:34) (Matthew 18:3) 4. READ YOUR BIBLE! (Psalm 119:9-11) (Jeremiah 15:16) (2 Timothy 2:15) (John 5:39) 5. LISTEN TO HIM AND OBEY! (John 14:21) (1 Kings 19:13,19) (1 Samuel 15:22) Crock Pot Melt-In-Your-Mouth Pot Roast Especially for our FBCM Elderly, Single Moms, & Single Women Thursday, November 20 at 6:00 PM FBC Church Kitchen Take the guess-work out of meal times! Join with your friends for about an hour of fellowship and have fun while preparing five meals to put in your freezer for future use. November Meal Menu: Beef Lombardi, Chicken & Dressing Casserole, Crock Pot Orange Chicken, Crock Pot Melt-In-Your-Mouth Pot Roast, Crock Pot Beef & Mushrooms Cost is $12.00 (plus the cost of your freezer bags and meats you are asked to bring). Preregister for this event. Deadline is Monday, November 17 at 5 PM. For more information and to sign-up, please contact Michelle in the church office at (423) 586-0522. Saturday, November 9 9:00 am – 12:00 pm at Sonny’s Auto Repair (1000 N. Liberty Hill Road, Morristown) Providing the following services: Check antifreeze and add if needed Check all hoses and make recommendations if needed Check oil and add if needed Clean your windshield wipers and change if needed Check transmission fluid and add if needed Check tire pressure and service if needed Check belts and make recommendations Check Brake fluid and add if needed Check power steering fluid and add if needed If weather permits we will try to wash your car for you as well. This work is being done as a ministry to our church family members and of course is being done by laymen and not by professional auto mechanics. Saturday, December 6 FBC Fellowship Hall 10:00 AM (Doors open at 9:30 AM) First Baptist Church Women’s Ministry Tickets $12.00 Want to decorate a table? Sign up in the Worship Foyer! Page 7 Marlin Curnutt, Chairman of Missions Committee Missions. It is at the center of what we do as a church. In the first of his “Radical” sermon series, Bro. Dean challenged us as a church body to be radical in our giving, our going and our growing when it comes to missions. These are essential to the mandate Jesus gave us to preach the Gospel to all nations. This church has always had a heart to reach the nations with the hope that is only found in Jesus Christ. The Missions Committee of First Baptist wants to assist in that area by compiling a complete list of the mission opportunities which will be available for our members to participate in during 2015. If you are planning a missions activity in 2015, we would like to know about it, promote it and most importantly, pray over it. Please contact me at 423-585-7433 or via e-mail at by Monday, December 1 with details of your planned mission trip next year so we can include it in our flyer which will be completed by the end of the year. Let’s be radical in our mission to tell the world of Christ and His love in 2015!! Irene Bales, WMU Director Thank you for giving to the Golden Offering for missions in Tennessee. Praises to our Lord that we passed our goal of $15,000 plus; however, there is much work to be done in TN by praying and going as we look around and see the lostness of our state. If it is our neighbor who lives beside us or to the far corners of our state from Bristol to Memphis...we must PRAY, GIVE, and GO to share the love of Jesus in our state and world. It is very important for us to think about our world. Pastor Dean’s sermons are on being “Radical” and the first in the series was “Radical Missions” as he shared his vision concerning our church and the way we look at missions. The first chapter in our WMU Guide for Leaders is “Radically Involved in the Mission of God.” The letters WMU stand for Woman’s Missionary Union. Woman’s was selected to emphasize the individual woman’s role. Missionary was included to identify the WMU’s purpose. Union was included because together we can do more than we can do separately. WMU’s primary focus is missions and evangelism. We can support all work of the church as found in the New Testament: worship, evangelism, missions, ministry, discipleship, and fellowship. Our theme for 2014-2016 is All for You—Surrender * Sacrifice * Serve—Mark 8:34. Ladies, we would love for you to join us and invite you to become “Radically Involved in the Mission of God.” We have three ladies groups from which to choose. Barbara Brown group meets the first Tuesday of each month at 2:00 pm, the Griggs-Naude-Haun group meets the second Tuesday of each month at 1:30 pm, and Baptist Women Aware (BWA) meets the first Sunday of each month at 4:45 pm. In addition, we have Acteens for young ladies in grades 7—12 as well as Children in Action during the summer, with special monthly missions emphasis in AWANA on Wednesday evenings. Will you join us as we STUDY, PRAY, GIVE, and GO? Page 8 Support the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions by purchasing a cup of coffee, hot chocolate or hot cider for $5.00! NEW “Latte Moon” tumbler cups are available beginning November 30 for $25.00 (allows you to receive a free beverage at the coffee station each Sunday!) Last year’s tumbler cups may still be used, but an initial cost of $25.00 will be charged for free beverages each Sunday. Preacher Ray, Biker Church In continuation from month’s newsletter… S UNDAYS : 6 AM TO M IDNIGHT CHARTER CHANNEL 196 MUS-FIBERNET CHANNEL 4 NOW ON 24/7 ON ROKU! SEARCH 3:16TV 3:16 TV SUNDAY SCHEDULE 6:00 am Various Programming 7:00 am In Touch with Charles Stanley 8:00 am Re-air of Previous Week’s FBCM 10:45 am Morning Service 9:30 am 10:00 am 10:45 am 12:00 pm Kay Arthur - Precepts for Life Alpha Baptist Church Live FBCM Morning Service From His Heart Ministries with Jeff Shreve 1:00 pm Love Worth Finding - Adrian Rogers 1:30 pm Jewish Voice 2:00 pm Manley Baptist Church 3:00 pm Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram 3:30 pm American Center for Law & Justice 4:00 pm Various Programming 5:00 pm Buffalo Trail Baptist Church 6:00 pm Live FBCM Evening Service 7:00 pm Re-air of Same-day FBCM 10:45 am Morning Service 8:30 pm In Touch with Charles Stanley 9:00 pm Love Worth Finding - Adrian Rogers 9:30 pm Jeff Harvel 10:00 pm Re-air of Same-day FBCM 9:15 am Contemporary Service 11:00 pm New Life Live 12:00 Midnight Off Air last It is sin that gives Satan the legal right to hold man captive. In this nation alone, there are some 20 million alcoholics and another 20 million problem-drinkers (whatever that means). There are some 40 million gamblers and about 30 million drug addicts. There are, as well, several millions of homosexuals held in terrible bondage of iniquity that drive many of them to suicide. In fact, all sin places man in bondage and captivity of “guilt” (Romans 8:1). That is why a beautiful peace is given to every person who is born again. It is sin that separates man from God. When the believing sinner expresses faith in Christ and what he did at the cross, all sin is removed, bringing liberty, redemption, and peace. When Jesus spoke of taking up the cross, He was speaking of us placing our faith and trust in that which was done at the cross (this is known as redemption). As I have said, this is the greatest privilege that any individual could ever have—taking up the cross and following Christ, therein trusting in what He did there for us. Jesus said that taking up the cross must be done on a daily basis. What did He mean by that? He meant that we are to renew our faith each and every day, so to speak, making certain that the cross of Christ is the object of such faith. You may ask, “Why should we do this on a daily basis?” Keeping our faith in the cross consistently is a struggle. This is where Satan attacks us. Please note that every single attack by Satan against us, whether it be in the realm of our finances, a physical attack, or spiritual warfare— it is but for one purpose: to greatly weaken or completely destroy our faith. Part three of this topic will be concluded in next month’s newsletter. Saturday, November 8 8:00 am to 12:00 pm First Love on Main is offering FREE blood pressure checks, cholesterol, and diabetes screening. Please call First Love on Main at 423-289-1179 to make an appointment. Page 9 Boni Frazee, Director of First Love on Main Paul said, “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.” (Philippians 1:3) That is true of me with “youins.” What a blessing you are to First Love on Main. Without all of you, what we do would never be possible. You are part of every miraculous story in that every person who hears about Christ is because of you, and every new person that comes to Christ will be part of your reward in Heaven. To date we have seen: 600 dental Patients, 85 chiropractic patients, and 165 medical patients. This doesn’t even include all the people who have come to us for flu shots, allergies, eye exams, rabies shots, taxes, and all the other ministries we have done here at First Love. If I were to tell you all the amazing stories, it would definitely take up too much room, so let me tell you about just this past month. One of our dentists came to volunteer. I call him our front tooth specialist because his love is to fix people’s front teeth so they can smile again. “Mary,” a sweet woman, came to us holding her hand in front of her mouth. She was so self-conscience of how she look ed. W hen I m ade t he appointment for her, all I said was that the dentist would try to fix her front teeth. I could not make any promises for her, but we would try. This is one of those stories where I wish I had a camera. When her appointment was over, she came up front showing all her front teeth. As I asked her a question, out of habit she immediately put her hand up to her mouth before she started talking, but then put it right back down. With *all* her front teeth showing, she said, “I don’t have to do that anymore. My smile is all fixed!” What a joy-filled look she had on her face. She walked out of First Love a brand new woman. “Jack” is getting a new arm. Yes, you read that correctly. Jack lost his arm when he was 7 years old. He now has shrapnel scars on his arms, legs, and chest, in addition to missing his left arm from the elbow down. When he came to First Love for his cholesterol, he had no idea that a BIG GOD and a faithful donor had so much more in store for him. “Jack” is currently being fitted for a prosthetic arm. We are hoping that by the time you read this he will be fully fitted and wearing this new device. You should know that “Jack” is well into his 50’s and this has been a desire of his heart since he was 7. I was able to be with Jack and his family for the first fitting. He and his wife could not stop crying, nor could they stop thanking us. Thank you for your love and support! First Baptist Morristown Presents our 17th annual living christmas tree December 12, 13, & 14 7:00 pm Each Evening Friday, Dec. 5 ~ 5:30-9:00 PM Take this night to do your Christmas shopping, have a Sunday School class fellowship, or maybe take a NAP! We’ll watch the kids for you! You must PRE-REGISTER for this event! Deadline to register is Monday, December 1 For more information or to register, call Michelle in the church office at 586-0522. Page 10 You won’t want to miss this year’s Living Christmas Tree as the tree has undergone a DYNAMIC transformation! New lights and lighting displays are sure to make this tree one to remember! FREE tickets will be available through the church office beginning November 12! Hayes \ SEPTEMBER TRIBUTED GIVING November 1 November 8 Matthew Dickerson Riley Cole Jacob Ezell Kathleen Collins Debra Hayes Fernando Hale Buddy Price Ronald Harold Bill Reece Carol Jaynes Heather Rippetoe Dorene Noe Blaine Rouse Andrea Price Taulby Runyon Vickey Rutherford Charlotte Tolliver November 2 Michael Evans November 9 Earl Howard Margaret Long Chris Ayers Chris Robbins Darlene Bell Mandy Elliott November 3 Ben Gibson Sherry Clark Kathy Mullins Brenda Hanks Robyn James November 10 Anna Metzger Kenny Bagnall, Sr. Jamie Rust Jaydn Barnard Calvin Smith Scott Bolton Brodie Winstead Jennifer Cansler Kim Litz November 4 David Justiss Andy Potter November 11 Adam Rutherford Amy Crawford Alex Wild Jessica Duby Erin Winstead Betty Richerson November 5 Jeannie Amos Grace Beaty Logan Beeler Tammy Gibson Ernie Horner J.C. Key Tommi Lindsey Ken Parks Tonya Smith John Statzer Welcome New Members ! November 6 Ellie Bales Janel Buice Eric Channell Chip Gibson William Hayes Mark James Becky Skeen Janet Wohlwend Ron Wolfe November 7 Ryan Guffey David Hewitt Tom Jenkins Jonathan Richardson Steven Richey Joshua Sauls David Sigler Robert Wisecarver Mark Wisecarver November 12 Hadlee Long Mariah McKinney Benny Mendoza David Noe Bernice Reese Ellis Winkler November 13 Mardena Collins Sam Moore Candy Templin November 16 Cara Kate Huntsman Eli Kelly Hydeia McAmis Nancy McElhaney Amy Seals Josh Thompson Johnny Watkins November 23 Margaret Dickerson Isabella Heaton Judy Littrell Kathy White Michelle Willett November 24 Jacob Cober November 17 Joe Gibson, Jr. Pete Anderson Millie King Courtney Armstrong Daniel Still Patricia Bible Brandon Boyd November 25 Philip Haun Barbara Brown Sam Metzger David Cook Tenley Northern Annmarie Gilbert Ginny Pokorny Billie Greene Laura Watkins Claudia Ogburn Geraldine Ousley November 18 Eliana Alvarado Kathy Christian Seth Lassiter November 19 Elesha Henderson Hannah Lambach Earl Ogburn Sydney Price Ann Ratliff Jason Winstead November 20 John Carillo Austin Lloyd Tony Manning Sheila Mendoza Lily Neblett Donald Newlon Gail Rigby Beth Sliger Marjorie Wilson November 14 Kathryne Bible Karen Breeding Ty Cooper Landry Evans Susan Grigsby Judy McGee Tony Ottinger Megan Wheeler November 21 Johnny Galyon Megan Jarnigan Christopher Jones Rebecca Parton Erin Rogers Rickey Smith Jim Wills November 15 Tamara Addison Gilbert Aldrich Bob Bethke Debra Dickenson Abigail Holland Susan Seal November 22 Charlene Aldrich Tonya Brown Candra Coffey Brenda Smith Wanda Still Norma Wykle November 26 Fernanda Cervantes Paul Deakins, Jr. George Husk Tommy Moss Coleman Skeen November 27 Adyson Gann Helga Holland Robbye Tate November 28 Andra Bruce Kim Goodman Rhonda Johnson John McDonald November 29 James Davis Shelby Dollar Emily Dollar Jim Grigsby Leslie Poole Carol Troup John Wampler Jay Watkins Tom Wright November 30 Randy Breeding Cody Buell Jana Haun Stephan Riner Steve Stelzman Angus Wirt Carolyn Wright Page 11 Charter Cable Channel 196 MUS FiberNet Channel 4 Sundays: 6 am until Midnight LIVE Streaming Online Sundays at 9:15 am, 10:45 am & 6 pm “First Family” USPS 780800 is published monthly by First Baptist Church Morristown. Periodicals Postage Paid at Morristown, TN 37813. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to First Baptist Church P.O. Box 1899 Morristown, TN 37816 Sun 25 Normal Sunday Schedule + 5:30 Business Meeting 6:00 Acteens (7th-12th Grade Girls) 30 7:00 Community Thanksgiving Service 24 17 1:00 PM Music at Regency 11 10:00 JOY Group Brunch 1:30 Griggs-NaudeHaun WMU Group 18 10 4 9 9:00 Ladies Bible Study 2:00 Barbara Brown WMU Group 3 6:00 PM Community Prayer Mtg. (City Center) 6:15 7:15 4:30 5:00 5:15 6:00 Tue Wednesday Night Schedule Fellowship Meal (FH) FBC Library Opens JOY Ringers LDI (Adults) AWANA (Children) EQUIP Student Worship Praise Ringers Orchestra Rehearsal Choir Rehearsal Mon 2 16 Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Parade Normal Sunday Schedule + 4:30 Missions Committee Mtg. 5:00 FBC Library Bookclub discussing The Family of Jesus by Karen Kingsbury 23 Sunday MORNING Schedule + 4:15 EXALT and Children’s Choirs 4:30 Churchwide Thanksgiving Dinner 6:00 Evening Worship 7:00 LCT Bonus Rehearsal Normal Sunday Schedule + 5:00 Military Moms Support Group 6:00 Paul Wilber in Concert Daylight Savings—FALL BACK! Normal Sunday Schedule + 4:45 Baptist Women Aware WMU Group 7:00 LCT Bonus Rehearsal Normal Sunday Schedule 8:00 Traditional Service 9:00 FBC Library Opens 9:15 Contemporary Service Sunday School 10:45 Celebration Service Sunday School 12:00 Pastor's Reception 4:45 EXALT Student Choir 5:00 Children’s Choirs FBC Library Opens 6:00 Evening Worship Children’s Bible Drill NO Wednesday Evening Meal or Activities 26 Church Office Closes at Noon 19 Wednesday Night Schedule 12 Wednesday Night Schedule 5 Wednesday Night Schedule + 7:00 Personnel Committee Mtg. Wed Thanksgiving Day Church Office Closed 27 13 6:00 AM Men’s Bible Study at West End Fire Dept. 12:00 PM Property Committee Mtg. 20 6:00 AM Men’s Bible Study at West End Fire Dept. 6:00 PM Freezer Meal Friends 6:30 PM Deacons Meeting 6 6:00 AM Men’s Bible Study at West End Fire Dept. 9:30 AM Sr. Adults to Mystery Trip 6:30 PM FCA Banquet Thu 7 Church Office Closed 28 14 Church Office Closes at Noon 21 12:00 PM Sr. Adults to Dollywood Fri 1 29 22 8 8:00 AM First Love on Main Medical Clinic 9:00 AM Band of Brothers Auto Repair at Sonny’s Auto 15 Sat
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