October 2014 First Presbyterian Church Phone: 704-474-5392 PO Box 596 Fax: 704-474-4118 207 South Main Street Email: office@norwoodfpc.org Norwood, NC www.norwoodfpc.org Like us on Facebook—Norwood First Presbyterian Church First Presbyterian Church Homecoming 2014 October 12, 2014 Sunday School: 9:45 am Worship Service: 11:00 am Keith Byrd, a child of this church and brother to Kaye Coble, will offer some special music. Potluck Lunch to follow the morning worship service Please bring a special memory of this church to share in worship. Come and Celebrate in worship, ministry and fellowship! Morning of Service Saturday, October 11 9:00 – noon Let’s come together to serve our community and church! There will be tasks for people of all ages. This year, some will do yard work for a neighbor who is physically unable to care for his yard, and others will remain at the church to do some much needed organizing of closets. At 11:30, we will enjoy a bag lunch picnic. Dear Friends, “The heartache of the world is far away…until it’s not.” Tragedy hit Stanly County yesterday when a student shot another student at Albemarle High. Yes, it could have been so much worse- no lives were lost and the shooter turned himself in to authorities. Still this shooting has shaken our community. Last night I attended a Community Prayer Service at First Presbyterian Church in Albemarle. A diverse community gathered in that sacred space to pray, light candles, sing, and be reminded of the faithfulness of God. Let us continue to pray for the victim, the shooter and their families, as well as all the students, teachers, and staff at Albemarle High. Indeed pray for all our students and teachers whose sense of security has been rocked by this tragedy. Fall brings with it cooler weather, cotton fields of white, lovely foliage, and Stewardship Season! Jesus talks a lot about money in the Bible. He doesn’t mention church budgets but rather talks of our need to give. That is in part because from the opening chapter of Genesis to the end of Revelation, Scripture teaches that God is the creator and owner of all things. God’s people are trustees (stewards) and accountable to the owner. When God’s people lose sight of the abundant gifts of God and their role as stewards, they lose their way. This stewardship season, we will be encouraged to recognize everything we have as a gift from God. We will explore what it means to be trustees (stewards), rather than owners, of God’s abundant gifts. Stewardship Sunday will be November 2. I urge each of you to be prayerful in your consideration of stewardship. Grace and peace, Julie The Session has called a Congregational Meeting for October 5 immediately following worship for the purpose of electing Ruling Elders. The Nominating Committee will nominate the following people: Class of 2017: Jeff Russell, Duane Stutler, Kristie Wallace Class of 2016: Mitchell Edwards Class of 2015: Sonny Tyson 2014 Flower Calendar The flower calendar is posted on the bulletin board near the ramp door. If you wish to put flowers in the church in honor or memory of someone or just to provide beauty to the service, please sign up on the calendar. Flowers cost $35. The church office will ordinarily take care of ordering the flowers. If you have special instructions you may call Edwards/ Harwood Florist. Did You Know that FPC has a Web Site and a Facebook Page? Check out our Web Site at norwoodfpc.org. You can access the bulletin for the upcoming Sunday and the most recent newsletter anytime from the web site. Like us on Facebook and check out the pictures that are posted, and the occasional announcements. Presbyterian Men Tom Garner FPC Men meet on Monday, September 15 with 8 in attendance. After our meal of baked Ziti, salad and banana pudding, we discussed plans for upcoming months and decided to meet some months for breakfast and work around the church. Each man was challenged to bring one more with them to the next gathering. Watch the bulletin for the date of next meeting. Presbyterian Women Susie Lisk, moderator Presbyterian Women will meet on Tuesday, October 7 at 7 pm in the Fellowship Hall Come and enjoy refreshments, fellowship, and a great discussion. Program is a combination of mission projects and a focus on the book Love Does by Bob Goff. SCCM Caring and Sharing Cups The yellow cups are back! It is time once again for the Stanly Community Christian Ministry’s Sharing and Caring campaign. Yellow Cups can be found on the table near the ramp door. Take one home and collect your change. We will receive this offering on November 2. (Bring your cup along with your change so it can be used again!) The funds collected will be used in the months of November and December when demand for assistance is highest for SCCM. This offering will replace Ten Cents a Meal in October and November. Our change can make a big difference! World Communion Sunday October 5 “All who eat and drink without discerning the body, eat and drink judgment against themselves.” (I Cor. 11:29) The first Sunday in October is designated as World Communion Sunday, which celebrates our oneness in Christ with all our brothers and sisters around the world. Paul tells us that we are to “discern the body” when we partake of Holy Communion, mindful that we note our relationship to all our brothers and sisters in Christ in the celebration. Our worship will include prayers, music, fabrics, and bread from around the world. Dear Church Family, Words cannot express how much my entire family appreciates the love & prayers given for my dad. We have many blessings in our lives & each of you are one of those blessings! With much love & gratitude, Ro Smith and family Bible Study Wednesdays at 7:00 pm Upstairs classroom This discussion oriented class is exploring Philippians and Galatians this fall. Books can be found on the table near the ramp door. Those new to the Bible, as well as lifelong readers and lovers of Scripture, are welcome. Won’t you join us on Wednesdays for study, fellowship and prayer? Daylight Savings Time ends Sunday, November 2 Remember to Set Your Clock back ONE Hour! Back by Popular Demand: Let’s Zip Line! Sunday, October 26 Bring a bag lunch to eat in the Fellowship Hall after worship, then head to Asheboro to Zip Line with your church family. Cost is $20 per person and waivers must be signed before participating. Invite friends and sign up on the bulletin board outside the sanctuary. This will be our Sunday Night Live gathering for October. Riders must be at least 8 years old and weigh between 40-280 lbs and . People with recent heart, back, hip, or knee conditions or expectant mothers should not ride. Everyone will be required to wear a helmet. We do provide helmets but feel free to bring your own. Wear closed toe shoes, no short shorts, and long hair should be pulled back. VETERAN’S DAY FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS The flowers in the sanctuary on November 9 will be in honor/memory of veterans. Each name is $2.00. Please mail, deliver or place in the offering plate your money with the form below no later than Tuesday, November 4. Please make your check payable to First Presbyterian Church and designate for Veteran’s Day Arrangements. The names of donors and those being remembered/honored will be listed in the bulletin on Sunday, November 9. Any money collected over the cost of the arrangements will be used for the flower fund. VETERAN’S DAY ARRANGEMENTS Please print below the information exactly as it is to appear in the bulletin. In memory of:_______________________________________________________________________ Given by:___________________________________________________________________________ In honor of:_________________________________________________________________________ Given by:___________________________________________________________________________ Youth Connection Grades 6th – 12th Youth Connection is off to a great start! Youth Leaders this year are Alice Carlis and Sandi Stutler, with help from Lucy Crump and Ro Smith. Youth Connection will meet the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month from 5:00-6:30. On most 2nd Sundays, youth will be invited to join Julie for a dutch treat lunch at an area restaurant. The last Sunday of each month is Sunday Night Live with the whole church family. Sunday, October 5 5 pm-6:30 pm Everybody Hurts We will explore the R.E.M. music video by the same title. Dinner will be served. Saturday, October 11 9 am-noon Morning of Service Come lend a hand to a neighbor in need of help with yard work. Bring a bag lunch! Sunday, October 19 5 pm-6:30 pm We will explore how body image affects us and appropriate and inappropriate portrayals of the human body in media. Dinner tonight is pot luck appetizers with parents! Sunday, October 26 Zip Line in Asheboro, following worship! Parents of Youth We had a GREAT first meeting in September with eight people in attendance and a very lively discussion! Our discussion in October will coincide with what the youth will be talking about. From a parents perspective, we will discuss How to Talk with Your Teen About Pornography and What is sexting? An Opportunity for High School Youth! The Presbytery of Charlotte is hosting a High School Retreat at Camp Pee Dee November 1-2. The theme is Called Out based on Matthew 26:16-20 “Go and make disciples of all nations.” The music leader is a pastor in the Presbytery who has led music at the Montreat Youth Conference in the past. Cost is $70 per person. Scholarships are available. This event will bring together high school students from all over Charlotte Presbytery for worship, fun, and fellowship together. The deadline for registration is October 9th. Let’s see if we can get a group to go. Speak to Julie or one of your youth leaders immediately about attending! Building Fund….. In memory of George Payne, Jr. given by Bill & Beverly Johnson. Christian Education Joan Garner Sunday School: 9:45 am-10:45 am Children’s Church is in the works. This will be for our preschool and elementary age children and will take place during the worship hour, after the Time for Young Disciples. If you are willing to be in a rotation for this leadership team, please contact Joan Garner, renragtj@gmail.com or 910-439-1071. Youth Sunday School: Upstairs classroom Leaders: Sharon Faulkner, Lisa Scott, and Kristie Wallace This fall the class is looking at the Old Testament using the curriculum Claim the Life. Adult Sunday school: Glendale Thompson classroom Leaders vary. This discussion oriented class is exploring Adam Hamilton’s book: Making Sense of the Bible. A short video presents the topics for discussion. Mission: Beth Lewis Thank you for the help I received in serving our 99 neighbors at Community Table on Labor Day weekend. John, Abbey, Kirk, and Kristie Wallace, Sharon Faulkner, Kaye Coble ,Sandy and Allie Ward helped serve. Thank you Beverly Johnson, Beth and Charles David Harris for preparing meat for the soup. Your kind generosity is much appreciated. Our next Community Table meal is coming up December 13th and I will need someone to take the lead on this, as I have a family commitment. Let me know if you can help. Thank you. October 11th is a day to help out some of our church family by volunteering to serve lunch. After a morning of cleaning up around the church or assisting a neighbor in doing some much needed yard work, some of our older home bound folks will be served a boxed lunch by a smiling volunteer team. This is our opportunity to help out and get the church ready for homecoming. Please let Julie know if you can help. Sunday Night Live! What a fabulous night we had this past Sunday. Almost 60 people gathered to share table fellowship, dance, and play with the families of our Hispanic sisters who are taking English as a Second Language (ESL) class at FPC. Our guests brought scrumptious tamales, tostados, taquitos, and flan and our own Beth Lewis provided a delicious Chicken Pot Pie, slaw, salad, baked apple crisp, pumpkin pies, and a strawberry-banana cheesecake desert. After enjoying this grand feast, we were treated to a Mexican dance and a demonstration of clogging by our own Kaye Coble. Then we joined together and did the Electric Slide!! Who said Presbyterians are the frozen chosen! The evening ended with a piñata, made by one of the students in the original design with seven points. The seven points represent the Seven Deadly Sins. Hitting the piñata represents fighting against those deadly sins in your life. I’m fairly sure the kids were focused on getting to the candy but the adults enjoyed hearing the history of the piñata. At the end of the evening, one of our guests, an elementary school age girl, said, “I had so much fun. I wish we could come back tomorrow night!” The Spirit was powerfully at work as we came together as one community! Look for pictures soon on the bulletin board. Prayer List Connection Do you ever see a name on the prayer list and think, Now who is that? Or forget what the relationship is? You are not alone as many folks have asked for help with this. The Prayer List Connection will refresh all our memories. Prayer concerns will be listed in the bulletin for 2 weeks and then moved to the newsletter’s Prayer List Connection. This month we are starting fresh with our list. Please let us know if a name was deleted that needs to stay on the list. We. Will be happy to add the back on. Members: Joyce Somersett (in transition), Bethany Barbee, Ashelyn Murphy, Kaye Tyson (bypass surgery), Tara Ballard (ankle surgery), Beverly Johnson (hip surgery), Jean Barbee, Glade Barbee At Home Members: Jean & Glade Barbee, Louise Blalock, Tiny Blalock, Rhuemell Brooks Members in Nursing Homes/Assisted Living: Stanly Manor: Bonnie Blalock Trinity Place: Dot Byrd, Ann Lisk, Lillie Morton, Bill Morton, Margaret Tyson Friends of the Congregation: Jay Brazeale, cancer, brother of Kaye Tyson Martha Brazeale, knee surgery, mother of Kaye Tyson Juonne Brown, sister of Bill Evans Shelia Carlis, bacterial lung infection, mother of Mike Carlis Beckie Cheek, cancer, sister of Tom Garner Barbara Fraley, Stanly Manor, sister of Bill Johnson Margaret Hill, mother of Julie Gary Kenyon, bone cancer, friend of Marion Lisk-Deese Velma Phifer, mother of Joanne Morton Betty Scott, mother of Bobby Scott Pat Baker Stephenson, grandmother of Ashley Miller Roland Taylor, father of Ro Smith Lizzie Mae Turner, surgery, neighbor of Jeannette Thompson Our Members in the Military Ben Abernathy (reserves) David Harris (Army) Erik Johnson (reserves) We extend our sympathy to the : Family of Pat Oxendine Family of Charles Smith Family of Sunny Grace Phillips, infant daughter of Tera Mabry & Ham Phillips Please keep these families in your thoughts and prayers. Sunday Schedule 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Thu 2 Fri 3 Bonnie Medlin Sat 4 Festival of Life Emily Moss 5 World Communion 6 7 Congregational Meeting 8 7:00 pm Presbyterian Women Ryker Bowers 13 14 7:00 pm Session 15 7:00 pm Bible Study Liillie Lambert Stephen Lowder 20 5:00—6:30 pm Youth Connection 26 11 Morning of Service 9:00 –Noon 21 Linda Muto Linda Snead 27 16 Linda Watson 17 23 24 18 Al & Frankie Calder Laura Britt 19 10 Jeff Nance Cooper Lowder 5:00—6:30 pm Youth Connection 12 9 7:00 pm Bible Study 22 7:00 pm Bible Study Kaitlyn Murphy Tara Ballard Tiffany Jones 28 John Wallace 29 30 7:00 pm Bible Study Sunday Night Live: Zip Line Asheboro Matthew & Kelly Bowers Stuart Barbee Eric Scott SCCM Food Challenge Paper Goods (Toilet paper, paper towels, facial tissue, cleaning supplies) 31 Jon & Stephanie Parker 25 Church Directory Minister: Rev. Julie Hill, julie@norwoodfpc.org; cell 704-904-7261 Secretary: Paula Blake, office@norwoodfpc.org or paulablake@windstream.net Custodian: Marie Byrd Nursery Attendant: Gloria Lopez Youth Coordinators: Alice Carlis, Sandi Stutler, Lucy Crump and Ro Smith Session: Clerk of Session, Vera Kaye Coble Class of 2014: Kaye Coble, David Bowers, Joan Garner Class of 2015: Marion Lisk-Deese, Susan Moss Class of 2016: Beth Lewis, Mike Carlis Elders for the Month: Beth Lewis & Susan Moss First Presbyterian Church PO Box 596 Norwood, NC 28128
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