Welcome to Loughborough University Hall user guide 2014-2015 Essential information www.lboro.ac.uk/campus-living The information provided in this guide meets the requirements of the UUK Code of Practice for Student Accommodation. The information in this booklet is provided by Campus Living, your accommodation provider. Campus Living is a department of Loughborough University and is responsible for campus accommodation and campus catering. Please visit our web pages www.lboro.ac.uk/campus-living LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK If you are not happy with any of our services, please let us know. We want you to have the best experience possible and we are keen to hear from our customers if you have a problem or have some useful feedback please email campuslivingcustomer@lboro.ac.uk Stay connected with Campus Living Like our Facebook page facebook.com/campus living loughborough Follow us on Twitter Twitter @Lboro_campus Keep up to date with the latest news, offers, events and information on your campus. View us on browzer.co.uk/lboro n n n n n n Keep up to date with everything happening on campus Special offers and discounts Promotions News Events Available for Androids & iPhone Contact Details Section Contact information Campus Living Customer Services Tel: 01509 222 257 Email: campuslivingcustomer@lboro.ac.uk Student Accommodation Centre Tel: 01509 222 258 Email: sac@lboro.ac.uk Security Gatehouse: Tel: 01509 222 141 (standard phone line) Tel: 0800 526966 (Emergency phone line) Email: security@lboro.ac.uk IT Services Helpdesk: Tel: 01509 222 333 Email: it.services@lboro.ac.uk Medical Centre: Tel: 01509 222061 (for appointments only) Tel: 01509 222062 (Information and other enquiries) Urgent Care Centre Epinal Way (Opposite fire station, behind the Hospital) Counselling Service: Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 day a year. You do not need an appointment. You can contact the Urgent Care Centre by calling 01509 568800 Tel: 01509 222 148 Email: ucs@lboro.ac.uk Chaplaincy Service: Tel: 01509 223 741 Web: cfschaplains@lboro.ac.uk Hall Hall Manager 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday) Duty Subwarden 6pm to 8am (Monday to Friday) 24 hour cover Saturday and Sunday Butler Court Cayley David Collett Falkner Eggington Faraday Royce Rutherford Telford Towers Robert Bakewell Elvyn Richards John Phillips Hazlerigg-Rutland Whitworth 01509 223819 01509 223838 01509 223823 01509 223839 01509 228506 01509 223838 01509 223838 01509 228506 01509 223819 01509 222254 01509 222254 01509 222254 01509 222254 01509 223880 07731 990251 07816 297232 07526 256981 07757 251452 07583 803715 07960 511767 07513 019630 07812 012252 07910 289499 07518 420547 07591 479007 07947 874784 07947 874784 07513 019630 Information is on our website: www.lboro.ac.uk/campus-living Student User Guide This information is a guide to help you with the facilities provided. Section 1 Security1 Section 2 Fire Alarm Systems / Equipment2 Section 3 Accident & Emergency3 Section 4 Damages3 Section 5 Kitchen Appliances 4 Section 6 Kitchen Storage in Self Catered Halls6 Section 7 Housekeeping7 Section 8 Toilet / Bathroom Facilities / Hot Water7 Section 9 Heating and Ventilation8 Section 10 Laundry Facilities8 Section 11 IT Connections & TV Licence9 Section 12 Fault Reporting9 Section 13 Waste, Recycling and Energy 10 Section 14 Bicycle Storage 11 Section 15 Insurance Cover12 Section 16 Parcelz and Card Office13 Section 17 Medical Centre13 Section 1 Security rity www.lboro.ac.uk/fm/secu h low light levels during hours of darkness wit on ain rem l wil ng hti lig ell n Corridor and stairw tors, tamper proof window restric ve ha or flo d un gro the on those falling from a n Most windows including to minimise the danger of d an de tsi ou the m fro try ur safety to prevent forced en t be removed to ensure yo no st mu e es Th . ide ins the height from um. All halls y access at the very minim ke nt ide res e uir req s ck d can blo n All doors to individual l require locking on exit an wil ors do l ua ivid Ind ss. ce rd ac have restricted proximity ca key the door handle or resident via ide ins the m fro d ke be loc contractors will be block. University staff and ur yo o int ow kn n’t do u yo recorded by n Don’t let anyone keys will be signed out and All . es dg ba me na d an identifiable by ID cards rsity Key Office Hall Managers or the Unive d for d fire doors and are designe oo rdw ha d rce nfo rei are n Doors to individual rooms vent the spread of fire maximum security and to pre is closed duty subwarden if the office the ct nta Co . on pti ce Re ll the Ha n Spare keys are held at to the Student Parcelz and card office next the m fro d ne tai ob be n required) ca n Lost student ID cards be cancelled at Security if n ca rds ca ID t los te no ease Accommodation Centre (Pl 6966 contact number is 0800 52 n The emergency Security land line, 222141 from a mobile or 9 50 01 ll ca s irie qu en rity n For general Secu everyday of the year Security are available 24/7 Essential Hall User Guide 1 Section 2 Fire Alarm t n e m ip u q E / s m te s y S Fire Safety in Campus Living Accommodation located re will be a blue fire notice the , om dro be nt de stu ur n In yo on the notice board or door d. Fire Assembly Point is locate the ere wh ow kn u yo re su n Make nager or Warden Team If not sure ask your Hall Ma y fire extinguishers. Close an e us T NO DO fire a of t en n In the ev ll point and the nearest break glass ca doors behind you, activate ment el should use the fire equip nn rso pe d ine tra ly On te. evacua at any time. evacuations will take place fire m, ter the t ou gh rou Th n . out weekly (short ring only) Fire alarm tests are carried te the ua y time then you must evac If the ring is continual at an building at once nt and tamper with fire equipme to ce en off l na mi cri a is n It ed for se as well as being charg you will be fined for misu tors in also relates to smoke detec is Th nt. me uip eq ing lac rep T be covered your rooms which MUST NO 2 Essential Hall User Guide y c n e rg e m E & t n e id Section 3 Acc either your Hall ort what has happened to rep to ed ne u yo t en cid ac rred n In the event of an e of day the accident occu tim at wh on t en nd pe de Manager or Warden Team d First Aiders. the contact details of traine ve ha l wil am Te n rde Wa or n Your Hall Manager sist at all times Security are also able to as a mobile or calling 0800 526966 from by cy en erg em an in rity n You can contact Secu land line has lance call 999 stating what bu am / ic ed ram pa the ng diately after n In the event of contacti RITY on 0800 526966 imme CU SE T AC NT CO ST MU lance is on U occurred. YO m that a paramedic/ambu the orm inf to s ce rvi se cy save crucial time contacting the emergen edic/ambulance. This will ram pa the t ec dir n ca rity route so Secu ntact rity must contact them. Co cu Se , ed uir req are e lic Po or n When the Fire Brigade 66 or 888 internal phone 69 52 Security on 0800 Section 4 Damages can happen. ges, and at times accidents en all ch n ow its s ng bri ity ir own Living in a commun to take responsibility for the e on ery ev k as we r, tea d We expect general wear an you would your own home. area; treat it with respect as nager as possible to your Hall Ma on so as it ort rep s en pp t you. If an incident or accident ha ed the more they can assis orm inf are y the r rlie ea e Th and/or Hall Warden. the be attributed to individuals ot nn ca y the if d an s ge ma da Charges will be made for all . ed arg flat or block may be ch full fees-documents-forms for n/ tio da mo om cc /a ng ivi pus-l rden Team. See www.lboro.ac.uk/cam to your Hall Manager or Wa k tal or ss ce pro es arg ch details on the damage er with Endsleigh – please ref e nc ura ins y lic po ck blo ll your ha modation/ You may be covered under .uk/campus-living/accom ac ro. lbo w. ww ls tai de r the to the following link for fur .pdf sleigh%20LU%202014-15 fees-documents-forms/End Essential Hall User Guide 3 s e c n a li p p A n e h c it K 5 Section is supplied with a: n Each self catered kitchen - Microwave - Fridge freezer - Toaster - Kettle orporated (gas or electric) - Cooker with oven/grill inc (kettle) (microwave) is supplied with a: n Each Gyp / Kitchenette microwave Oven Combi - Microwave and / or on the - Larder fridge . The only pans to be used ly) on lls ha ed ter ca y da (5 - Induction Hob you arrive pplied in your kitchen when su es on the are b ho n tio induc - Toaster - Kettle on. e contact your Hall Recepti as ple nt me uip eq s thi of y an chen. If you find you are missing ove can be found in your kit ab ted lis nt me uip eq the Instructions for all of nform to ed in kitchens. They must co us be to ed ow all are ers g. Only British rice cook CE mark on the cable or plu the y pla dis d an s ard nd European Sta (induction hob) owed in the study rooms. No cooking equipment is all 4 Essential Hall User Guide The Banned List . ed in your accommodation ow all t no are t tha ms ite of fore being there are a number you could have watched be n To maintain your safety ich wh D DV i Un at fe / Sa y Sta pus-living/accommodation am /c .uk This is also supported by the ac ro. lbo w. ww at d D can be viewe allocated your room. The DV halls/videos/ h prior approval Banned items are: tion of Medical reasons wit ep exc the ith (W n tio era rig - Any type of ref ) rk) – will be supplied by us as these hold a CE Kite Ma UK the in ed as rch pu t no - Rice cookers (if ucepans - Chip pans / oil in sa - Deep fat fryers any kind - Personal Heaters of - Electric blankets - Extra furniture sticks - Candles or incense - Socket cube adaptor - Inside BBQ trays -Fireworks remove r or Warden will ask you to ge na Ma ll Ha ur yo ty rsi ive d. into the Un these too will be confiscate , us ero ng If these items are brought da as red ide ns n Standards ms not listed but co should conform to Europea them. If there are other ite nts ide res d an nts de stu longing to Personal electrical items be on the cable or plug. rk and display the CE Kite ma od working order. could cause All equipment must be in go nt across the floor as these me uip eq l na rso pe m fro s ble Students should not trail ca a trip hazard. Smoking on Campus any ould be within 3 metres of sh ing ok sm No . ing ild bu any University arettes (E-cigs), No smoking is permitted in mpus includes electronic cig ca on ing ok sm No . ors do and building especially windows ing Shisha pipes. lud stule of smoking pipes inc mpus, your accommodation on ca in ts pe ve ha or ng bri to regulations . It is against any University the exception of guide dogs h wit m the e ov rem to d ke as if any are found you will be Pets Essential Hall User Guide 5 e g ra to S n e h c it K 6 n o ti c Se in Self Catered Halls ere cupboards ace allocated to them. Wh sp e rag sto en ch kit s ha nt n Each reside y on arrival supplied with your room ke are lockable the key will be re pots, pans and underneath the sink to sto rds oa pb cu al ion dit ad be n There may other utensils agreement d for each resident and an foo re sto to le ab ail av is n A fridge/freezer e is shared idents as to how this spac res n ee tw be de ma be ld shou Meals in Catered Halls ed otherwise. your own hall unless advis All meals must be taken in s can be viewed your dining hall and menu in d ye pla dis are es tim al ddiaries Me /food-drink/halldiningfoo ng ivi s-l pu am /c .uk ac ro. at www.lbo are picking up y meal service (unless you an at ed us be n ca it un al *Please not only 1 me d meal that day) a packed lunch for a misse n and end of tmas period, Easter vacatio ris Ch the er ov ed uc red are Catered services days. able on University closure ail av t no is ing ter Ca . ek fun we term Meals in Self Catered Halls Visit Struggling for meal ideas? tewaste.com/recipes ha od http://england.lovefo for some great recipes. Meal Cards odation hall or self catered accomm ed ter ca y da 5 a in are u If yo use in hall dining rooms. you can buy meal units to ersplus pus-living/food-drink/din am /c .uk ac ro. lbo w. ww it Vis for further information. CASH+ 6 Essential Hall User Guide us Living shops, cafes great savings across Camp ke ma d an rd ca ID ur yo t for most Upload cash onto . CASH+ is also convenien es as rch pu e rag ve be d an plus/ and bars to spend on food pus-living/food-drink/cash am /c .uk ac ro. lbo w. ww it Vis campus laundries. g in p e e k e s u o H 7 n o Secti Our service to you: ght will be cleaned once a fortni y ilit fac ite su en d an om n Your study bedro a weekly basis n Kitchens are cleaned on es a week ed a minimum of three tim an cle be l wil ies ilit fac let and toi n Communal bathrooms nager cleaning day by your Hall Ma r ula reg ur yo of ed vis ad n You will be k that you: ce to a high standard we as To help us deliver this servi n Clean up all spillages clean and tidy n Keep refrigeration units your crockery and cutlery n Wash up and put away sis or en suite on a regular ba n Clean your wash basin ve your room tidy n On your cleaning day lea ld ‘do your bit to scheme as to how you shou ard rew r sta ld go en ch kit n Please refer to the keep your kitchen tidy page ste, Recycling and Energy n See Section 13 on Wa m o ro th a B / t e il o T 8 Section r te a W t o H / s ie it il c a F dual flush feature n En suite toilets have a ter installed in order to save wa and basins is supplied n Hot water for showers k which has been from a hot water storage tan the normal demand designed and sized to meet of residents residents when showering n Please consider other more hot water as longer showers will use ter by not leaving n Please help us save wa cessarily taps/showers running unne Essential Hall User Guide 7 n o ti la ti n e V d n a g n ti a Section 9 He ing odours to disperse steam and cook nts ve w do win or ll wa in nta n Kitchens co nction ich can be activated in conju wh s fan tor rac ext in nta co n En suite bathrooms ntinual extraction) with the light switch (UPP co automatic ventilation n Shared bathrooms have (where fitted) om by the thermostatic valve dro be ur yo in ors iat rad n Please adjust the vironment to provide a comfortable en your Hall ng in your room, speak to ati he of el lev the h wit d al fie n If you are not satis tem is operated by a centr sys ng ati he e Th n. tio ua sit Manager who will assess the summer and winter heating for es tim t -se pre h wit r ile bo down, uired in the event of break req are se the If rs. ate he extra n Please do not bring in vide them n your Hall Manager ca pro ors on ws open and leaving radiat do win g vin ha oid av y, erg n To conserve en s ie it il c a F ry d n u a L 0 Section 1 available for There are laundry facilities super wash, your use. Costs are £2.80 drying is £1.20. £2.50 standard wash and te the machines You will need coins to opera s which will be or you can buy wash credit ID card. loaded onto your University at Further details are available iving/ www.lboro.ac.uk/campus-l udents/laundryfacilities/ accommodation/currentst 8 Essential Hall User Guide s n o ti c e n n o C IT 1 1 n o ti c Se allnet/ h / it s/ e ic rv se k/ u c. .a ro o b www.l rvices vided by the University IT Se n The data network is pro ernet connection. to get started with your int w ho on ite bs we s ce rvi Se rted n Please consult the IT .uk/it/hallnet/gettingsta ac ro. lbo w. ww at: nd fou ro.ac.uk This can be 33 or email it.services@lbo 23 22 9 50 01 on k es lpd or by calling the IT He .uk/it/hallnet r FAQ go to: www.lboro.ac ou d an on ati orm inf re mo r Fo h hardware Clinic in the library, althoug PC the by ed vid pro is ms from ble p.m. Monday to Friday and Free assistance for all IT pro 0 8:0 to . a.m 0 9:0 are ening hours repairs will incur a cost. Op m time turday & Sunday during ter 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sa bs-availability www.lboro.ac.uk/it/labs/la to: go lab r ute mp co e fre st To find your neare TV & Licences l need a TV licence n If you have a TV you wil ents-aud1 n For more information: d-one/for-your-home/stud ee u-n -yo -if ck he /c .uk .co www.tvlicensing g in rt o p e R lt u a F 2 1 n o Secti enance odation in respect of maint mm co ac ur yo h wit ms ble ort online at n If you have any pro ntact your reception or rep co e as ple s ce rvi se er ce oth issues or dation/forms/maintenan mo om cc /a ng ivi s-l pu am www.lboro.ac.uk/c se ry and although most of the ssa ce ne are s ing ild bu d d aroun sions when n Sometimes works in an n periods there will be occa tio ca va g rin du ce pla e as tak works are planned to deavour to inform residents en l wil ing Liv us mp Ca t. ou d nager work does need to be carrie please contact your Hall Ma s ue iss y an ve ha u yo if t soon as they can bu contact details of ntact the duty subwarden, co e as ple s cie en erg em n For out of hours nt of this booklet which are shown at the fro ac.uk/campuscan be found at www.lboro. rks wo ce an en int ma for n Response times tudents/serviceleveltargets nts rre cu n/ tio da mo om cc living/a Essential Hall User Guide 9 Section 13 Waste, y Recycling and Energ ts ges/recycling_for_studen www.charnwood.gov.uk/pa e What to do with your wast plastics, . In these you should put: ing ycl rec ur yo for d lie pp are su aerosols. Please rinse tins pty em n Recycling bags or bins d an l foi r, pe pa rd, , cardboa yclable items! cans, cartons (‘tetra-packs’) te with food, glass or unrec na mi nta co n’t do d an t firs and cans ould rinse glass out before sh u Yo ss. gla for s en ch kit et in your bank regularly. n You have a plastic buck pty it at your nearest glass em d an ed vid pro et ck bu c lied for this. placing it in the plasti there is a separate box supp re; he in ss gla n ke bro t pu Please don’t the lid closed, chen. If you do please keep kit ur yo in y dd ca ste wa d aging, liquids n You may have a foo and please do not put pack , nd ou mp co bin st are y in ne empty it regularly at your ITE) have a food waste cadd UN g din clu (Ex lls Ha ed ter lf Ca ur nearest bin or oils in this caddy. All Se sed, empty it regularly at yo clo lid the ep ke e as ple , this caddy. your kitchen. If you do packaging, liquids or oils in t pu t no do e as ple d an , compound BE recycled! for everything which CAN’T is s thi ; bin ste wa ral ne ge n You also have a nce. t living in our halls of reside ils wh e ycl rec to ed uir req n You are ery other month carrying out spot checks ev be ’ll we , ue ag Le nt me students will on As part of the Envir ur recycling is up to scratch yo d an k ec ch a for ted lec flat or block. if your flat is randomly se of chocolates for their hall x bo a or 0 £1 rth wo ER HAMP receive a MINI FAIRTRADE www.lu.el The Environment League the greenest! between halls to see who is n tio eti mp co a is ue ag y at the Le The Environment ll of the Year and a big troph Ha s ard tow s int po , 50 £7 Your hall can win up to ored DODO Awards in June! ycling! These are all monit rec d an n tio uc red y erg en activity, Your hall gets points for Pro to: constantly, so remember pliances when not in use n Switch off lights and ap me time en and heating on at the sa op ws do win ve ha to t no n Try n you need n Don’t boil more water tha ating on! Gran before sticking the he ur yo m fro r pe jum r ee nd your hall, n Bring out that rei Environmental Champion for an me co be n ca u yo w ho t ou Facebook! For more details or to find a Environment League” on fbr “Lu t ou k ec ch or rep C talk to your FREE Surface Water Drains rain water only and Surface water drains are for must any other liquid under NO CIRCUMSTANCES wn them. That means (or solid) be disposed of do ducts or even no oils, chemicals, food pro soapy water. 10 Essential Hall User Guide wareness/sel/index.html nability/a http://lboro.ac.uk/sustai e g ra to S le c y ic B 4 1 n o Secti eption nts. Please ask your Hall rec ide res all for le ab ail av are n Secure bike sheds for a key. e. h a D-Lock when not in us wit e bik ur yo re cu se u yo t e. Both are n It is recommended tha adequate lights on your bik ve ha u yo t tha re su en service. o You should als offer a free cycle registration o als ey Th . rity cu Se m fro available to purchase is located in all your cycling needs which for op sh le cyc us mp ca n COGZ is your on 40). the village (building number certified on block, unless you are a ati od mm co ac y an in ed e bag n No bikes are allow your bike should be in a bik er mb me a are u yo If b. m from the member of the Cycle Clu A copy of the permission for y. fel sa red sto d an m roo and kept in your m. d to your Hall Reception tea bike club should be supplie Essential Hall User Guide 11 r e v o C e c n ra u s In 5 1 Section iversity ration of your stay within Un du the for e nc ura Ins s on belongings within We have provided Possessi nce. This covers a range of ura Ins gh lei ds En gh ou It does thr accommodation nt, clothes and frozen food. me uip eq l ica ctr ele d an s your room, including sport campus. not include bicycles kept on ms in on covering some of the ite es us foc u yo for ed vid pro e following The student room insuranc eck what is covered, view the ch To k. ris od flo d an e fir your room for theft, viewcover link: www.endsleigh.co.uk/re u may wish outside of your room so yo red ve co t no are es on ph . Laptops, tablets and to protect these essentials r ve co al ion dit ad t ou ing to consider tak What’s covered: n rst ainst theft, fire, flood and bu ssessions in your room ag £5,000 cover for your po pipes to £2,000 ment in your room only up uip eq r ute mp co d an s top n Desktops, lap ge) (excluding accidental dama ur room truments up to £600 in yo Ins al sic mu & 0 ,00 £1 to n Sports equipment up in your room ons and CD or DVD players isi ev tel as ch su nt me uip n Visual & audio eq ver to University property n Accidental damage co What’s not covered: items (outside your room) n Laptops and electrical n Mobile phone cover trical) tside of your room (non-elec n Possessions you take ou n Bicycle cover tection n Tuition fees and rent pro ver to student possessions n Accidental damage co 12 Essential Hall User Guide Paula Radcliffe Athletics Stadium 83 81 Cayley Pitch e c ffi O rd a C d n a lz e Section 16 Parc 35 82 80 34 Water Based Hockey Pitch Haslegrave Cricket Ground 34 odation/ m m o cc a / g n vi li su p m ca www.lboro.ac.uk/ elsandpost currentstudents/parckew ell, Elvyn Richards, D CARD 34 EHB Rubber Crumb 34 32 77 79 33 32 78 34 34 36 33 33 33 73 37 48 PARCELZ AN ms for Robert Ba 33 n Parcels and secure ite , yce Ro 39 ay, rad 39 38 illips, David Collett, Fa 31 Hazlerigg-Rutland, John Ph 32 39 d an 39 urt Co r 64 tle Bu d for Eggington, Tel Rutherford, Cayley, Falkner 31 39 ce offi rd 31 Ca d 41 42 ted from the Parcelz an 40 Towers Halls can be collec 48 30 ing 47 41 ild (bu e ntr 31 Ce 49 on ati od mm co Ac nt de Stu 51 the to 63 xt 41 ne d 30 ate 41 loc 31 me na 52 r 62 r parcel has31you you e sur ke ma ase Ple 53 ). number 49 41 41 ss on the29parcel.31 43 46 ID number and hall addre 54 43 ls llect parce co you en wh ID of m for 1 28 41 27 43 n You must bring nd under 27 ll address which can be fou ha r you r pe as is lls ha all for d use be 56 57 .ac.uk/campus-living/ n The postal address to Centre webs44ite (www.lboro on ati all od 21 t mm llec co co 26 n Ac ca nt lls de ha Stu er 41 55 each hall on the reception. All oth 45 r hall can be collected from you st po ry ina Ord ). on ati od accomm 20 22 their own hall reception their post and parcels from 24 ent cannot be held 23 dents and the Hall Managem stu er oth h wit red sha are xes 92 registered post n Please note that post18bo ms of value must be sent by ite All st. 19 po of ms ite ng ssi responsible for mi f addressed sticky 17 17 of your occupancy then sel d en the at 18 g ctin ire red st r po post is returned 13 require you If you els are not provided then all lab If r. ge na Ma ll Ha the to 91 labels should be provided 17 15 16 urs ho r. de ing sen en to ation Centre. The office op to the Student Accommod xt ne d ate loc is 15 ce Offi rd to 2pm term time only. The Parcelz and Ca to 5pm and Saturday 9am am 10 ay Frid m, 6p to m to Thursday 9a 85 are Monday 14 ening times. op on ati vac for ite bs 84 we Please check the 32 Paddock Pitch Under development Multi-storey 12 4 e tr n e C l a ic d e M 7 1 n Sectio Paula Radcliffe Athletics Stadium 83 edicalcentre.coS ser.uvickes to registered patients. www.lborounim NH regular GP surgery providing 11 Holywell I Pitch Hydrogen vehicle refuelling station Under development Cayley Pitch 81 35 82 Holywell Soccer Pitch a n The Medical Centre is student vill34age. tre of campus close to the cen It is situated in the to Friday service to patients Monday34 Nurse es vid pro e ntr Ce al dic Me and n The 34 They provide a range of GP m. 0p 6.3 d an m 8a en tion 34 ep twe ac be ntr co ing lud inc ics 34 ecialised clin appointments including sp ll 0133509 222061. ca nt, me int po ap an ok bo 32 and sexual health. To 34 ntre,33 Ce 32 36 al dic Me the at red iste 33 n If you have not yet reg 33e on fill or 32 their website 37 you can print off a form off 33 e. 39 ntr Ce al dic Me the in at 38 31 32 39 39 care or advice al dic me t en urg e uir req 31 n If you 39 41 or during31weekends/42 40 between 6.30pm and 8am, 30 41 1. 11 31 ll ca ase ple , ays lid ho bank 41 30 41 31 bsite we the it vis n ca you on 31 ati orm n For further inf 41 o.uk or 31 41 www.lborunimedicalcentre.c 29 43 46 . 62 20 call 01509 22 43 80 Water Based Hockey Pitch Holywell II Pitch Holywell Ill Pitch 8 28 27 78 48 EHB Rubber Crumb MEDICAL CENTRE 73 39 64 47 Paddock Pitch 44 77 79 41 43 27 Haslegrave Cricket Ground 48 49 51 63 52 62 53 54 Essential Hall User Guide 13 56 57 17b Flu Advice: ECT AGAINST INFECTION OT PR TO KE TA N CA U YO MEASURES transmission ne can help to reduce the ctices and good hand hygie General infection control pra e: man swine flu. These includ hu the ing lud inc es us vir of all ssible zing, use a tissue when po ee sn or g hin ug co en wh d mouth n Covering your nose an promptly and carefully n Dispose of dirty tissues to reduce ently with soap and water qu fre s nd ha ur yo sh wa ; giene aintain good personal hy people n M ur hands to face or to other yo m fro us vir the of d rea the sp 17c Meningitis in adults maybe as follows Typical Meningitis symptoms drowsiness headache confusion and/or d ise ral ne ge t tan ns co A n cold ugh hands and feet may be n High temperature, altho sometimes with diarrhoea n Vomiting, stomach pain, n Rapid breathing neck be painful at the back of the l wil t es ch the to in ch the g n Neck stiffness – movin skins) that darker than normal, in dark (or s ise bru or ots sp e rpl y not n A rash of red or pu ger against them – this ma fin or r ble tum ss gla a ss do not fade when you pre ges be present in the early sta n Joint or muscle pain evision hts, daylight or even the tel n Sensitivity to bright lig appear at the same time. These symptoms may not all be aware of it is therefore important to is, git nin me nt ve pre to al y There is no known wa y deteriorate quickly – medic ma y the ll we un s me co be ce. e rity who will call an ambulan the danger signs. If someon cu Se e on Ph is. git nin me t u suspec advice must be sought if yo Urgent Care Centre Epinal Way d the Hospital) (Opposite Fire station, behin pointments only Tel: 01509 222 061 for ap ation and other queries Tel: 01509 222 062 Inform medical d 365 day a year and is for an ek we a ys da 7 y, da a Open 24 hours ry is closed. emergencies when the surge Centre by n contact the Urgent Care ca u Yo nt. me int po ap an You do not need calling 01509 568800 14 Essential Hall User Guide 59420/D&PS/Oct 2014
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