Challenge Level Phonological Awareness and Phonics (P) Vocabulary (V) P11* Sounding out regularly spelled (decodable) one-syllable or two-syllable words using letter-sound correspondence knowledge EXAMPLES (regularly spelled one and two syllable words): bat, kitten, classroom R:WID:1:1.1 P10 Identifying the primary sounds represented by most letters (Sound-symbol correspondence)[in response to a question] R:WID:K:1.6 P9 Recognizing and naming all upper and lower case letters R:WID:K:1.5 P8* Demonstrating a basic understanding of how the letters of phonetically regular words (going from left to right), represent their sounds[sounds word out] R:WID:K:1.1 P7 Reading high frequency words including names, environmental print, sight words (as appropriate to the child's personal and classroom experiences) R:WID:K:1.4 P6 Distinguishing between printed letters and words [in response to a question] R:ERS:K:2.1 P5 Identifying the first [sound]of a word ERS:K:2.3 P4 Identify letters by sounds ***PA1 P3▪ Producing pairs of rhyming words R:ERS:1:1.5 P2 Blending and segmenting phonemes in one syllable words (e.g., f-i-sh, r-u-n) R:ERS:1:1.2 P1▪ Recognizing pairs of rhyming words.[match, produce] R:ERS:K:1.5 V4 Using strategies to unlock meaning (e.g., activating prior knowledge, using cues, using context clues, or asking questions during read-alouds or text reading) R:V:1:1.1(LC) V3 Organizing words by category (e.g., sorting pictures or objects into groups) R:V:K:2.3 V2 Selecting appropriate words to use in context R:V:1:2.2 V1 Identifying synonyms or antonyms (e.g., big/large; hot/cold) to connect new words to known words EXAMPLE: What word means the same as _____? R:V:K:2.1 Emergent Reading Letter Word/ID-Literary Emergent “Recognizing”, as related to this standard, will be defined as Naming or Choosing from an array of options. Credit will be given if student demonstrates recognition of two or more upper AND two or more lower case letters, but not all as written in standard. Upper and lower case letters do not need to be independent of each other (i.e. Aa, Bb, Cc, are acceptable) Challenge Level Identify Concepts of Print (I) Text Organization (T) Emergent Reading Structure of Text & Story-Literary Emergent I6 Demonstrating 1-1 matching of words spoken to words in print R:ERS:1:2.6 I5 Following text with finger-pointing [or head and/or eye movement] (e.g., charts, simple books), demonstrating left-to right and top-to bottom directionality R:ERS:K:2.2 I4 Shows front and back of book, print, illustrations, right way up, recognizes first, last, and/or beginning/end.[in response to specific questions] R:ERS:K:2:4 I3 Indicates print carries message, "Where do I start reading?” [in response to a question] ***ICP3 I2 Distinguishing between print and pictures [in response to a question Example: Point to the picture.] ***ICP2 I1 Student initiates turning pages of text through communication or action. ***ICP1 T4 Distinguishing between literary and informational texts (LC) R:LT:1:1:4 T3 Identifying title, author, illustrator R:ERS:1:2:4 T2 Identifying literary devices as appropriate to genre: rhyme, repeated language (e.g. "teeny - tiny") EXAMPLE: In Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what words are repeated in the story? (LC) R:LT:1:1.5 T1 Uses pictures and other non-print text features to gain meaning. (e.g., illustrations, charts, graphs) ***TO:1 Conventions (Sentence Structure, Complexity & Grammar) (C) C3 Identifying basic punctuation marks and their usage (e.g. question marks, periods, quotation marks) [in response to a question] R:ERS:1:2.5 C2 Noticing when simple sentences fail to make sense (while listening to a read aloud or reading a simple text) R:RS:K:1.1 C1 Using pictures, syntax or repetitive language patterns to help predict upcoming words R:RS:K:1.2 I5 Top to bottom demonstration is not possible at this level. Credit will be given without top to bottom demonstration. The word “And” will be ignored, as it relates to this standard. Reading Initial & Literal Understanding-Literary Emergent Emergent Challenge Level Identifying and Describing (D) D2♪ Identifying characters or setting in a story [in response to a question} (LC) R:LT:1:1.1 D1♪ Identifying characters in a story [in response to a question] (LC) R:LT:K:1.1 Obtaining Information for a Purpose (OI) OI1 Generating questions during read alouds (LC) R:LT:K:1.3 Organizing Information (O) O1 Responding to simple questions about a book's content(e.g. "What did that hungry caterpillar eat?” EXAMPLES (of responses): drawing, reenacting parts of a story, etc. (LC) R:LT:K:1.2 ♪ In this situation, credit may be given for both standards within the same challenge level (total of 2 scorable units) if student response matches the words of the standard –as written (and therefore satisfies the requirement of the standard) - even if performance is the same for both standards. At the Emergent Level, identifying and describing only “setting” in a story can only be credited for the higher of the two similar emergent standards since this word is not used in the prior standard at this level. Reading Analysis & Interpretation-Literary Emergent Emergent Challenge Level Connections and Making Predictions/Inferences (MP) MP3 Using Strategies while reading or listening to literary and [or] informational text to make connections (text to self, text to text, and text to world) (See Metacognition Strategies for Comprehension of Texts) R:RS:1:2:1a (LC) MP2 Using strategies while reading or listening to literary and [or] informational text to make predictions and/or text based inferences. (See Metacognition Strategies for Comprehension of Texts) R:RS:1:2.1b (LC) MP1 Comparing stories or other text to personal experience, prior knowledge, which might include other texts R:LT:K:4.1 (LC) Literary Elements (Character, Point of View, Theme, and Details) (L) Gathering and Evaluating Information (Synthesizing, Fact and Opinion) (G) NONE NONE
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