Undervisningsbeskrivelse Stamoplysninger til brug ved prøver til gymnasiale uddannelser Termin Juni 2011 Institution HTX Skjern / Uddannelsescenter Ringkøbing-Skjern Uddannelse Htx Fag og niveau Engelsk A Lærer(e) Søren Iversen Hansen Hold 208HTX Oversigt over gennemførte undervisningsforløb Titel 1 A Scientific Look At Addiction Titel 2 British and American Science Fiction Titel 3 Bret Easton Ellis and Postmodernism Titel 4 Racial Prejudice In The American Society Titel 5 Robotics Titel 6 Cults Titel 7 Virus and Bacteria Titel 8 Gun Control and School Shootings Titel 9 Surveillance Society Titel 10 The Vietnam War Titel 11 The British Empire and Modern British society Titel 12 Den skriftlige dimension og litteraturanalyse Side 1 af 22 Beskrivelser af undervisningsforløbene Titel 1 A scientific look at addiction Indhold Anvendt litteratur og andet undervisningsmateriale: How addictive is your personality? FOCUS Magazine, November 2000 Cannabis link to mental illness strengthened By Emma young New Scientist November 2002 Smoking is bad for the brain By Duncan Graham-Rowe New Scientist December 2004 Drink and cigarette spiking www.rfts.sky.com The thrill-seeker‟s gene links junkies and bungee jumpers By Martin Bright www.guardian.co.uk Alcoholic blackouts may lead to heavier drinking By Shaoni Bhattacharya New Scientist April 2003 Porn panic over eroto-toxins New Scientist November 2004 Sexual Addiction www.medicinenet.com Gambling Addiction and Problem Gambling www.helpguide.org Internet Addiction Guide www.psychcentral.com/netaddiction/ Should students be free to take mind-enhancing drugs? www.bccfocusmagazine.com Responsible drug use www.wikipedia.com Side 2 af 22 The Guardian Tuesday 17 November 2009 “Doctors may have found the “female Viagra” after new antidepressant had unexpected side-effect” Addiction info web pages: www.talktofrank.com www.erowid.org Audio-visual material: DVD: Documentary HBO Series on societal, personal and scientific aspects of addiction. 2008 DVD: Documentary “Teenage Gamblers” 2008 DVD: Movie “Owning Mahoney” 2003 Omfang Anvendt uddannelsestid 16 timer Særlige fokuspunkter Emnespecifik terminologi. Rehabiliteringsaspektet. Den nyeste forskning indenfor afhængighed. Side 3 af 22 Titel 2 British and American Science Fiction Indhold Anvendt litteratur og andet undervisningsmateriale: From ”Forerunners” Red. Aage Kousgaard: Forlaget Systime, 1984 ”The Veldt” by Ray Bradbury From “Man belonging or not belonging” Edited by Kaj Frandsen and Bjørn Gyland Gyldendal 3. Oplag 1977: “The Pedestrian” by Ray Bradbury “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut “From a Clock Work Orange” Internetsider: The Pedestrian (5:00) (Animation) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6HAA_tVdwM&eurl=http://www.y outube.com/watch_popup%3Fv%3DSyB6Wi3_pjE&feature=player_detail page#t=300 A conversation with Ray Bradbury on youtube.com: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UU51N2s3B78&feature=related Audio-visual material: DVD: Minority Report (2002) DVD: Fahrenheit 451 (1966) DVD: Imposter (2001) Omfang Anvendt uddannelsestid 16 timer Særlige fokuspunkter Genrekarakteristika Ekstrapolation Side 4 af 22 Titel 3 Bret Easton Ellis and postmodernism Indhold Anvendt litteratur og andet undervisningsmateriale: From “The Informers”: On the Beach by Bret Easton Ellis Picador, USA, 1989 Excerpt from “American Psycho” by Bret Easton Ellis Chapter: Chase Manhattan pp. 347-352 Vintage USA 1989 Excerpt from “The Rules of Attraction” by B. E. Ellis First Vintage Contemporaries Edition, Juni 1998 s. 13-17 s. 24-27 s. 30-42 s. 148-154 s. 278-281 A short history of Literature in English Postmodernism s. 79-95 Gitte Vest Barkholt and Jørgen Døssing Jepsen Systime, 2010 Web pages: Three interviews with Bret Easton Ellis: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8Bwt4MDIxM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqnSmjXyYQQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MS7Iq2GcwSo Audio-visual material: DVD: American Psycho (2000) (centrale uddrag heraf) DVD: The Rules of Attraction (2002) Omfang Anvendt uddannelsestid 16 timer Særlige fokuspunkter Emnespecifik terminolgi. Side 5 af 22 Postmoderne karakteristika i litteratur og film. Væsentligste arbejdsformer Klasseundervisning/individuelt / pararbejde /skriftligt arbejde/ Side 6 af 22 Titel 4 Racial prejudice in the American society Indhold Anvendt litteratur og andet undervisningsmateriale: Rubin “Hurricane” Carter Biography (1937- ) www.biography.com/articles/Rubin-Carter-9542248 The other side of the story – Rubin Carter Hurricane www.graphicwitness.com/carter/ Hurricane Lyrics by Bob Dylan and Jaques Levy www.bobdylan.com Jasper, Texas: A historical perspective on a brutal killing. The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, 1999 The Jasper Trail. The Economist, 1999 Jasper, Texas: Six years after the nation‟s most hideous crime The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, 2004 A brain primed for violence? Helen Phillips. New Scientist, 25 March 2006 Teaching with documents lesson plan: An Act of Courage, The Arrest Records of Rosa Parks www.archives.gov › Teachers' Resources American Rhetoric: Martin Luther King, Jr. - I Have a Dream Full text and video and audio of Martin Luther King's I Have A Dream speech. www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mlkihaveadream.htm DVD: American History X (1998) The Hurricane (1999) Documentary: DR1 1997: The Civil Rights Movement Side 7 af 22 Omfang Anvendt uddannelsestid 25 timer Særlige fokuspunkter Emnespecifik terminology. Civil rights movement. White supremacy. Race relations. Væsentligste arbejdsformer Klasseundervisning/individuelt / pararbejde /skriftligt arbejde/ Side 8 af 22 Titel 5 Robotics Indhold Anvendt litteratur og andet undervisningsmateriale: Issac Assimov‟s ”Laws of Robotics” http://www.rogerclarke.com/SOS/Asimov.html www.asimovonline.com/ New Scientist Interview: The Shape of android robots to come New Scientist 25 July 2007 New Scientist: Antisocial robots go to finishing school New Scientist 19 September 2006 New Scientist: Rise of the replicators New Scientist 02 July 2010 Robotics for Healthcare http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/activities/health/docs/studies/robotics_healthc are/robotics-in-healthcare.pdf Toy Robot History robotnut.com/history ezinearticles.com Robotic surgery is no more fiction! http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/01/110112161000.htm Sex and marriage with robots? Could it happen? www.msnbc.msn.com/id/.../technology_and_science-innovation/ - USA Android rights – blog on humanoid robots’ rights www.newscientist.com/blog/.../2007/.../android-rights.html Gadgetophilia: Top 10 Household Robots gadgetophilia.com/top-10-household-robots/ New Scientist article: Plan to teach military robots the rules of war New Scientist 18 June 2009 New Scientist article: Regulate armed robots before it‟s too late New Scientist 10 March 2009 New Scientist article: Beware the helpful robots in your home New Scientist 18 February 2006 New Scientist article: Industrial robot hones virtual autopsies New Scientist 27 October 2009 Side 9 af 22 Audio visual material: DVDs Movies: “I, robot” (2004) ”The Animatrix” (2003) “Blade Runner” (excerpt) (1982) ”Bicentennial Man” (1999) Documentaries on DVD: Insektrobotter (DR2) Roboter til sex og skraldespand (DR2) Da Vinci Surgical Robot (BBC Special) Internet based broadcast: TED: Catherine Moor: Surgical History http://www.ted.com/talks/catherine_mohr_surgery_s_past_present_and_robotic_future .html TED: Rodney Brooks: Robots will invade our lives www.ted.com/talks/rodney_brooks_on_robots.html Omfang Anvendt uddannelsestid 30 timer Særlige fokuspunkter Emnespecifik terminolgi. Surgical robots Humanoid robots Væsentligste arbejdsformer Klasseundervisning/individuelt / pararbejde /skriftligt arbejde/ Side 10 af 22 Titel 6 Cults Indhold Anvendt litteratur og andet undervisningsmateriale: The Corpse and the Cult Newsweek, 6. December 1999 Messiah Life Magazine, 14. May 1995 The Manson Murders US News Magazine: Special Report, 1992 Where Are They Now? www.crimelibrary.com/manson/update1.htm Sunshine by Anne Billson The Big Picture, Gyldendal 1993 Cult of the Dead Cover story on Jonestown Newsweek, 4. December 1978 The Children of Jonestown by Kenneth Wooden McGraw Hill Paperbacks, 1986 The Messages Behind Today‟s Cults www.csj.org/studyindex/studycult/study_zimbar.htm The Mormon Tom Green – sentenced http://articles.cnn.com/2001-0519/justice/utah.polygamy_1_polygamy-mormon-church-bigamycharges?_s=PM:LAW Waco, Texas History - Allegations surrounding the siege - Prelude - The raid en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waco_siege The Unification Church www.familyfed.org/ www.religionfacts.com/unification_church/index.htm Audio-visual materials DVD: Documentary “Jonestown”, 2005 Side 11 af 22 DVD: Documentary “In the Shadow of the Moon”, 1999 DVD: Documentary “Tom Green – the mormons in Utah”, 1998 DVD: Documentary “Scientology – the Church of Greed” DVD: Documentary “Charles Manson – God or Satan?” DVD: Documentary “Waco, Texas – The Rules of Engagement” Audio: Skype Interview with Jonestown survivor Laura Kohl. Omfang Anvendt uddannelsestid 30 timer Særlige fokuspunkter Analyse og sammenligning af forskellige sekter rekruteringsstrategier. Særlige kendetegn ved religiøse sekter. Anvendelse af ny terminologi. Side 12 af 22 Titel 7 Virus and bacteria Indhold Anvendt litteratur og andet undervisningsmateriale: Pesticides and catastrophe by Dr. Göran Löfroth (originally published 50 years ago) New Scientist 16 Nov. 2006 Dinner parties responsible for most cases of home food poisoning New Scientist 09 Nov. 2001 Bacteria get a bad rap Knight-Rider News 23 Aug. 1995 Bacteria lingering in the body may pose future food poisoning risks Pharma Business Week 1 March 2004 Bacteria: the good, the bad and the itchy Current Health 1 Sept. 2002 Bacteria gobble up antibiotics Deseret News 4 April 2008 Virus link with chronic fatigue syndrome resurfaces New Scientist 25 Aug. 2010 Food poisoning monitor gives almost instant results New Scientist 08 Oct. 2001 The rise and rise of food poisoning New Scientist 17 Dec. 1994 Viruses are most troublesome creatures on earth Tribune Business News 30 April 2003 Ebola “suspect list” drawn up as outbreak hits New Scientist 20 Nov. 2003 Virus accomplice helps drugs fight cancer New Scientist 07 Nov. 2008 Side 13 af 22 Lethal parrot disease may be caused by horse virus New Scientist 11 Aug. 2008 US syphilis experiment scandal: probes begin New Scientist 03 March 2011 SARS virus is mutating, fear doctors New Scientist 16 April 2003 Audio visual material: DVD: Pandemi (1) Danmarks Radio DVD: Pandemi (2) Danmarks Radio DVD: Mirakelgiften (DDT) Danmarks Radio (1:3) DVD: “Outbreak” Internet: A Virus Walks Into a Bar...' and Other Science Jokes - Brian Malow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7DkeQ0roAM&feature=related TED: Nathan Wolfe's jungle search for viruses | Video on TED.com Virus hunter Nathan Wolfe is outwitting the next pandemic by staying two steps ahead: discovering deadly http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/nathan_wolfe_hunts_for_the_next_ aids.html TED: Joe DeRisi solves medical mysteries | Video on TED.com Biochemist Joe DeRisi talks about amazing new ways to diagnose viruses (and treat the illnesses they cause) using DNA. His work may help us understand malaria, SARS, av... http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/joe_derisi_hunts_the_next_killer_vi rus.html Omfang Anvendt uddannelsestid 25 timer Særlige fokuspunkter Emnespecifik terminologi. Biologen Rachel Carsons bog ”Silent Spring” betydning for miljøtænkningens paradigmeskifte. Globaliseringens indvirkning på udbredelsen af virus. Væsentligste arbejdsformer Klasseundervisning/individuelt / pararbejde /skriftligt arbejde/ Side 14 af 22 Titel 8 Surveillance Society Indhold Anvendt litteratur og andet undervisningsmateriale: World in Motion Antologi af Lars Ulrik Tambjerg-Ravn Mai-Britt Østergaard Nielsen Systime 2004 Surveillance-afsnittet: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Keeping 1984 in the Past Your Papers, Please Watching Your Every Move Surveillance Cameras to Predict Behavior Big Brother’s Eyes Private Virtue Breaches of Netiquette Derudover et kompendium om surveillance: (Teksterne er fra New Scientist online archive 2003-2008): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. In-flight surveillance could foil terrorists in the sky Surveillance made easy Surveillance system scrambles people’s faces UK and US labeled “endemic surveillance societies” CCTV footage shows London suicide bombers Smart statistics keep eye on CCTV Surveillance system spots violent behavior How to evade the web ad trackers Police state 2.0 Global web censorship on the rise Police launch eye-in-the-sky drone above L.A. ID revolution – prepare to meet the new you Snoop software makes surveillance a cinch DVD: DR1 Dokumentar september 2006: ”Skjulte Øjne” (Modern surveillance technologies). Omfang Anvendt uddannelsestid 40 timer Særlige fokuspunkter Identifikation af ny emnespecifik terminolgi. Anvendelse af terminologien både mundtligt og skriftligt. Side 15 af 22 Overvågningsteknologiens positive og negative potentiale. Væsentligste arbejdsformer Klasseundervisning/ debat /gruppearbejde / individuelt arbejde /skriftligt arbejde/ fremlæggelser. Side 16 af 22 Titel 9 The Vietnam War Indhold Anvendt litteratur og andet undervisningsmateriale: With god On Our Side Red. Lars Stæhr Jensen og Peter Frederiksen A Vietnam War Anthology Systime 2001: “America’s stake in Vietnam” “Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam” “A World Turned Upside Down” The Things They Carried Short stories by Tim O‟Brien Flamingo 1991 : How to tell a true war story Ambush On the Rainy River Home Before Morning Novel by Lynda Van Devanter Warner Books Edition 1983 The Riverside Reader Anthology Houghton Mifflin Company 1990 On Patrol by ron Kovic Statistical information about casualties of the Vietnam War http://www.archives.gov/research/vietnam-war/casualty-statistics.html The Vietnam War: Annotated Internet Resources: http://newton.uor.edu/Departments&Programs/AsianStudiesDept/vietnamwar.html The Vietnam Center and Archive: http://www.vietnam.ttu.edu/vietnamarchive/ Asia Insights - Free Internet Links http://www.asiaportal.info/AsiaInsights/search.tkl?query= Audio-visuelt materiale: Side 17 af 22 Dokumentarfilm: Vietnamkrigen dokumentarfilm i boks-sæt: “The Enemy” “A long and brutal war” “The Grunt‟s War” Fra DR1 Dokumentarudsendelser september 2008: Vietnamkrigen set fra USA 1-3 ”Regret to Inform” en dokumentar af Barbara Sonneborn ”Dear America: Letters Home From Vietnam” TV2 Dokumentar: Det tabte år I Irak (2006) Spillefilm: “Full Metal Jacket” (1998) Omfang Særlige fokuspunkter Anvendt uddannelsestid 45 Få grundlæggende indsigt i de historiske forhold vedr. Vietnamkrigen. Perspektivering til krigen i Irak. Emnespecifik terminolgi. Væsentligste arbejdsformer Klasseundervisning/virtuelle arbejdsformer/projektarbejdsform/anvendelse af fagprogrammer/skriftligt arbejde/eksperimentelt arbejde Side 18 af 22 Titel 10 The British Empire Indhold Anvendt litteratur og andet undervisningsmateriale: BBC History: http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/state/empire/index.shtml ”The White Man‟s Burden” by Rudyard Kipling “The Triangular Trade” “The East Indian Company” The Sepoy Rebellion http://www.english.emory.edu/Bahri/Mutiny.html The Riverside Reader Anthology Houghton Mifflin Company 1990 Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell Britain Past and Present ”An Area Study” Chris Plougheld Systime 2008 DVD: The Rising (about the Sepoy Rebellion) Omfang Anvendt uddannelsestid 30 timer Særlige fokuspunkter Fagspecifik terminologi Indsigt i East Indian Company’s rolle i det British Empire Perspektivering til moderne “kolonisering” Væsentligste arbejdsformer Klasseundervisning/individuelt og pararbejde. Side 19 af 22 Titel 11 Gun Control and School Shootings Indhold Anvendt litteratur og andet undervisningsmateriale: Current Issues & Enduring Questions Bedford Books of Saint Martin‟s Press , Boston 1993 The Case for Firearms by J. Warren Cassidy Why handguns Must Be Outlawed by Nan Desuka Experts scrambling on school shooting http://www.apa.org/monitor/aug98/shoot.html Kip Kinkel‟s Parents were normal parents of teens http://parentingteens.about.com/library/specials/blkinkel.htm Start „Em Young http://www.vpc.org/studies/start3.htm 10 Myths About School Shootings http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15111438/ DVD: Bowling for Columbine Imdb.com reviews of Bowling for Columbine: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0310793/ DVD: DR 1 Dokumentar: The Killer At Thurston High School - Kip Kinkle PBS Material About Kip Kinkle: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/kinkel/talk/index2 .html Wikipedia resource library on school shootings: http://wikinfo.org/index.php/School_shooting Omfang Særlige fokuspunkter Anvendt uddannelsestid 25 timer At få indsigt i de komplicerede årsager til at school shootings finder sted. NRA’s position i det amerikanske samfund. Præventive politikker i forhold til school shooting Side 20 af 22 Intensivt arbejde med en case. Emnespecifik terminologi. Væsentligste arbejdsformer Klasseundervisning/virtuelle arbejdsformer/projektarbejdsform/anvendelse af fagprogrammer/skriftligt arbejde/eksperimentelt arbejde Side 21 af 22 Titel 12 Den skriftlige dimension: Herunder grammatik, skriveøvelser og litteraturanalyse Indhold Anvendt litteratur og andet undervisningsmateriale: English in Danish Sprogiagttagelse og sproglig bevidsthed i engelsk Ole Buhl og Marianne Larsen Systime 2008 Rediscover Grammar David Crystal Pearson Education 2004 Fejlstøvsugeren Jens Bøgh & Jørgen Hovgaard Musagetes New Materials 1987 Writing English Vivian Lindhardtsen Forlaget Academic 2004 Fra “the workshop” –seven decades of the Iowa Writers‟ Workshop Edited by Tom Grimes Hyperion 1999 The Story of My Life by Kim Edwards Fra: American Voices, Munksgaard 1998 red. Nina Nørgaard, ”Me and Mr. Harry” By Batya Swift Yasgur, (1994) Omfang Anvendt uddannelsestid 30 timer Særlige fokuspunkter Funktionel meta-forståelse af det engelske sprogs opbygning. Det eksemplariske princip som metamodel. Tekstanalysemetoder og perspektivering af tekster. Væsentligste arbejdsformer Klasseundervisning/individuelt / pararbejde /skriftligt arbejde. Side 22 af 22
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