STATE-FUNDED SERVICES SERVICE SERVICE CODE AUTHORIZATION GUIDELINES REV 10.10.14 REQUIRED DOCUMENTS (Initial) REQUIRED DOCUMENTS (Reauth) EXCLUSIONS Developmental Therapy H2014HM-Individual 10 hours/week max., up to 1 year (or end of PCP) (DT) H2014U1-Group Psychological Evaluation, PCP, NC SNAP NC SNAP, Updated PCP, Progress Information New Admissions: children ages 3-21. At age 22, must transition to PC. Need Prior Auth, not LME referral. Cannot receive PA, ADVP, Day Activity. Personal Assistance (ages 5 and up) YP020 10 hours/week max., up to 1 year (or end of PCP) Psychological Evaluation ,PCP, NC SNAP NC SNAP, Updated PCP, Progress Information Must live in Natural Home or AFL. Cannot receive ADVP, Day Activity or DT. Respite YP010 20 hours/month, up to one year (or end of PCP) ADVP YP620 30 hours/week, up to one year (or end of PCP) Annual NC SNAP (Updated PCP-IF other services are provided) NC SNAP, Updated PCP, Progress Information Must live in Natural Home or AFL. Available for adults and for children ages 3 and up. Cannot receive DT, Personal Assistance or Day Activity. Day Activity YP660 36 hours/week, up to one year (or end of PCP) Annual NC SNAP IF other services are being provided MUST be on PCP. No New Admissions to this service other than those admitted to HDS DDA homes. NC SNAP, PCP, Psychological No New Admissions to this service other than those admitted to HDS DDA homes. Psychological Evaluation, PCP, NC SNAP NC SNAP, Updated PCP, Progress Information Cannot receive DT, Personal Assistance or ADVP. IDD Long-Term Vocational Support Services (Extended Services) Group Living and Supervised Living YA389 10 hours/week, up to one year (or end of PCP) Psychological Evaluation, PCP, NC SNAP NC SNAP, Updated PCP, Progress Information Cannot receive any other periodic services. YP770 Group Living-365 units/year, up to one year (or end of PCP) Moderate YP710 Supervised Living-Low Psychological Evaluation, PCP, NC SNAP NC SNAP, Updated PCP, Progress Information Cannot receive DT, Personal Assistance, or Respite. New Admissions must be stepping down from a higher level of care. IDD Benefit Guidelines STATE-FUNDED SERVICES SERVICE SERVICE CODE AUTHORIZATION GUIDELINES REV 10.10.14 REQUIRED DOCUMENTS (Initial) REQUIRED DOCUMENTS (Reauth) Family Living YP750 365 units/year, up to one year (or end of PCP) Psychological Evaluation, PCP, NC SNAP Developmental Day YP610 10 hours/day N/A- No prior authorization required N/A- No prior authorization required IDD Benefit Guidelines NC SNAP, Updated PCP, Progress Information EXCLUSIONS Open admisssions for people stepping down from higher level of care (Institutional Care). Available for children from 3-12 B3 MEDICAID SERVICES SERVICE SERVICE CODE AUTHORIZATION GUIDELINES REV. 10.10.14 REQUIRED DOCUMENTS (Initial) B3 Respite (hourly) (over age 3) H0045 U4- Individual Maximum 16 hours (64 units) per day Max NC SNAP yearly, testing that confirms the I/DD diagnosis (either formal psychological, school psychological H0045 HQ U4-Group of 384 hrs (1,536 units/24 days) per 12 month or other diagnostic information relevent to the scope of practice of the professional completing the assessment) period, any combination B3 respite Prior Auth Required, every 12 months B3 Respite (community) (over age 3) S5151 U4 B3 Respite (crisis) (over age 3) H0018 U4 B3 Community Guide T2041 U4 (over age 3) B3 Initial and Intermediate Supportive Employment (age 16 and older) H2023 U3 U4 B3 Long Term Vocational Support (age 16 and older) H2026 U3 U4 Maximum 16 hours (64 units) per day Maximum 24 Days (1536 units) per 12 month period, of any combination of B3 respite codes. Prior Auth Required, every 12 months NC SNAP yearly, testing that confirms the I/DD diagnosis (either formal psychological, school psychological or other diagnostic information relevent to the scope of practice of the professional completing the assessment). Needs PCP if receiving other services. Maximum 16 hours (64 units) per day Maximum 24 Days (1536 units) per 12 month period, of any combination of B3 respite codes. Prior Auth Required, every 12 months NC SNAP yearly, testing that confirms the I/DD diagnosis (either formal psychological, school psychological or other diagnostic information relevent to the scope of practice of the professional completing the assessment), Needs PCP if receiving other services. **For Crisis only, TAR and docs may be submitted within 48 hours after admission 1 unit/month, up to one year (or end of PCP) Prior Auth Required, every 12 months PCP, NC SNAP yearly, testing that confirms the I/DD diagnosis (either formal psychological, school psychological or other diagnostic information relevent to the scope of practice of the professional completing the assessment). PCP/treatment plan/vocational plan, service order, NC SNAP yearly, testing that confirms the I/DD Initial job development, training and support: a Maximum of 86 hours/344 units diagnosis (either formal psychological, school psychological or other diagnostic information relevent to the per month the First 90 days; Intermediate scope of practice of the professional completing the assessment). Note if receiving an enhanced service must use PCP. training and support: a Maximum of 43 hours/172 units per month for the Second 90 days. Prior Auth Required, every 3 months Max 10 hours (40 units) month, Prior Auth Required, every 3 months PCP, NC SNAP yearly, testing that confirms the I/DD diagnosis (either formal psychological, school psychological or other diagnostic information relevent to the scope of practice of the professional completing the assessment) IDD Benefit Guidelines B3 MEDICAID SERVICES B3 Individual Supports T1019 U4 (age 18 and older) B3 One time Transitional Costs H0043-U4 REV. 10.10.14 Max 240 units (60 hrs) month, Prior Auth Required, every 3 months PCP annually, reflects the strengths, needs and preferences of the person served. The goals incorporated into the Service Plan must justify the hours requested, and must include a step-down plan which identifies and utilizes natural supports, LOCUS score, Progress information/report to support ongoing requests To be consistent with the NC Innovations community Transitions service definition and limitations. Max $5000, lifetime limit. Prior Authorization Required PCP, NC SNAP yearly, testing that confirms the I/DD diagnosis (either formal psychological, school psychological or other diagnostic information relevent to the scope of practice of the professional completing the assessment), to be consistent with the NC Innovations community Transitions service definition and limitations. IDD Benefit Guidelines INNOVATIONS SERVICES SERVICE SERVICE CODE REV. 09.29.14 MAXIMUM AUTHORIZATION LENGTH ECBH Care Coordinators submit ALL Authorization requests (TARS) for Initial Plans, Annual Plans, or Revisions that change service or frequency. Providers are Assistive Technology Equipment and Supplies T2029 Plan Year Community Guide T2041 Plan Year Community Guide-Training T2041 U1 3 Months Community Networking* H2015 6 months Community Networking - Classes and Conferences H2015 U1 Plan Year Community Transition T2038 Plan Year Primary Crisis Response H2011 U1 Plan Year if it is a planned intervention, or up to 14 days per unplanned crisis episode. TAR must be submitted within one (1) business day of service occuring if unplanned Crisis Behavioral Consultation T2025 U3 Plan Year if it is a planned intervention, or up to 14 days per unplanned crisis episode. TAR must be submitted within one (1) business day of service occuring if unplanned Out of Home Crisis T2034 Plan Year if it is a planned intervention, or up to 14 days per unplanned crisis episode. TAR must be submitted within one (1) business day of service occuring if unplanned Day Supports - Individual* T2021 Plan Year Day Supports- Group* T2021 HQ Plan Year Day Supports - Developmental Day* T2027 Plan Year Home Modifications S5165 Plan Year In-Home Intensive Support* T1015 Every 90 days In Home Skill Building* T2013 6 months In Home Skill Building - Group* T2013 HQ 6 months Individual Goods and Services T1999 Plan Year Natural Supports Education S5110 Plan Year Natural Supports Education - Conference S5111 Plan Year Personal Care* S5125 Plan Year Residential Supports Level 1 * H2016 Plan Year Level 1 AFL* H2016 CG Residential Supports Level 2 * T2014 Plan Year Level 2 AFL * T2014 CG Residential Supports Level 3 * T2020 Plan Year Level 3 AFL* T2020 CG IDD Benefit Guidelines INNOVATIONS SERVICES SERVICE SERVICE CODE REV. 09.29.14 MAXIMUM AUTHORIZATION LENGTH Residential Supports Level 4* H2016 HI Plan Year Level 4 AFL* H2016 HI CG Respite - Individual S5150 Plan Year Respite - Group S5150 HQ Plan Year Respite - RN T1005TD Plan Year Respite - LPN T1005TE Plan Year Respite - Facility S5150 US Plan Year Specialized Consultation Services T2025 Plan Year Supported Employment* H2025 Plan Year Supported Employment - Group* H2025 HQ Plan Year Vehicle Modifications T2039 Plan Year * Providers must submit the most recent progress summary for any reauthorization during the plan year, and must submit all available progress summaries IDD Benefit Guidelines ICF SERVICES Service Service Code Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) 100 Therapeutic Leave 183 REV. 06.12.14 Maximum Authorization Length Authorization may be up to one year. LOC forms must still be submitted every 180 days from doctor's signagure by fax or mail, even when there is an authorization. RUBICON members must follow the process outlined by RUBICON. For Rubicon members, do not send LOCs directly to ECBH, please forward to RUBICON Management. All other facilities forward LOCs to the following ADDRESS: ECBH I/DD UM, PO Box 20743, Greenville, NC 27858-0743 FAX: ECBH UM/UR – Attention I/DD UM at 252-215-6875 Auth for Calendar Year (Jan-Dec) Maximum of 60 units IDD Benefit Guidelines
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