Contact e-mail: Meditation and Prayer on a Pumpkin Seed (Useful to have a seed available—hold it in your hand) Think about this life form, the seed, which you hold in your hand. This seed is special, it is a life waiting to break out. Our lives are precious, just like the seed, because we all have our gifts from God which are often waiting to break out too. Dear Lord, Thank you for each precious life. A seed grows into a tree; it life that is valued by many. From an acorn a huge oak tree grows. It is like baby growing into an adult. We also pray for those who can't grow strong, and for those who are lacking courage in Christ. May we and they grow in your love, 0 God, Amen. Look at the seed, see it sitting on the earth, rather insignificant, but only at its birth. As the farmer cares for it, it starts to expand into a giant pumpkin - looking very grand. We wait patiently for this seed to grow. It does not grow in an instant. It needs love, care and time to grow and flower. You have to work for the future of the seed. It is how God works. St John the Evangelist In Partnership with All Saints Church in the Mickleover MMA In Covenant with all the Churches Together in Mickleover Devonshire Drive, Mickleover Parish Magazine October 2014 60p Dear God, Help us to be patient like the seed, because God's best plans for us are long-term. Help us to gradually grow in God's love, the grace of friends, the word of the Bible and worship together. May we grow in your love, 0 God, Amen. The seed becomes a pumpkin. Large, colourful, nourishing and wonderful. God calls us to share his love with others, but we only do this with the help of God's Spirit. Dear God, help us to go into the world to show your love. Give us gifts to share so we can tell the world about you. We cannot do this without you. Guide us all through our life so that we may , just like this seed, grow to in your love. Amen. Adapted from one used in Godalming Parish Church WHO’S WHO in ST. JOHN’S CLERGY Priest in Charge Rev’d Peter Walley, Tel: 513793 The Vicarage, Etwall Road , Mickleover Friday is Peter’s day off. It would be much appreciated if you could avoid contacting him on this day, unless it is an emergency. Curates Rev’d Alun Rowlands Rev’d Phyllis Bainbridge Rev’d Paul Pritchard Retired Clergy Rev’d Michael Huggett LAY MINISTRY TEAM Readers Mrs Joy Andrews Mrs Helen Walley Mrs Dawn Perry Tel: 549212 Tel: 513793 Tel: 605166 Mr Michael Vick 17 Heath Ave. L’over Tel: 361260 Mrs Judi Witcomb* Mr Ray Lee* Mrs Elaine Pritchard* Mr Brian Seager Mr Adrian Shore Mrs Joy Templer Mr Andrew Templer* Mrs Eunice Upton PCC Secretary Awaiting new Appointment Treasurer Sacristans Mrs Geraldine Galloway Tel: 510809 Mr Andrew Templer Mr Paul Gribbin Mrs Dorothy Pickering Mr Keith Godley Mrs Jenny Rowlands MAGAZINE: Editor Hall + Link Bookings Contact Joy Templer - 01332 515293 Tel: 517964 Tel: 0777 643 4792 Tel: 512530 Parochial Church Council (PCC) * These are also members of Deanery Synod Sunday Bulletin For booking baptisms, weddings and other business, please contact Rev’d Peter Walley our Priest in Charge Tel: 01332 513793 Times of Worship Churchwardens Mrs Terry Thompson 10 Bancroft Close, Hilton Tel:01283 735931 Church Flowers Hall and Link Bookings Contact for Official Business: Mrs Kath Ratcliff Mr Robert Gill Mrs Geraldine Galloway Mrs Joy Brandrick Mrs Eunice Upton Tel: 517460 Mrs Joy Templer Tel: 515293 Mrs Joy Templer Tel: 515293 Email: Advertising: Mr John Owen Tel: 512131 Distribution: Mrs Lesley Paginton Tel: 513489 Sundays 8.00am Holy Communion - Common Worship (said) 10.00am 6.30pm 6.30pm 4.30pm Parish Communion - Common Worship Morning Praise - usually on the First Sunday in the month Holy Communion (and Healing) - Second Sun. of the month Praise and Prayer - Third Sunday of the month “Teatime on Sunday” - Fourth Sunday of the month Details of services at All Saints Church are after “Our Diocese” During the Week Monday + Tuesday Monday 10.00am Monday 2.00pm Wed 2.00pm Friday 2.00pm Friday 1.30pm Home Groups meet -Ask the clergy /wardens for details Internet Café - Computer Support in the Link Café Link Friendship Group - over 60’s Café Link St John's Tots for children and their carers Mickleover Mission and Ministry Area (MMA) Mission Statement The Churches of All Saints and St John’s are in partnership to inspire the people of Mickleover ...... to come to Christ ...... to grow in Christ ..... .and to share the love of Christ to the glory of God Dear friends, After Church on 7th September Jenny and I, along no doubt with many of you, went to see the ‘Giant Mickleover Water Slide’ in operation. Due to the liberal application of most of Tesco’s available stock of washing up liquid and the loan of the Fire Brigade’s mighty hoses much fun was had by the riders. Those watching the participants had smiles on their faces as well. People were also enjoying the attractions on the field with much laughter, delighted screams, more smiles and lots of conversation. It made me think of the theme of ‘Communities’ for my letter to introduce Contact this month. The word community can simply be considered as ‘com’ meaning with and ‘unity’ meaning ‘having a common union.’ So the work ‘Our Mickleover’ are doing with their events such as the slide, the Scarecrow Festival and the Christmas events are about building community in Mickleover. Or in other words people meet ‘with’ each other ‘having a common union’ on those grand occasions. Isn’t it marvellous that they come in their thousands! Also the various local churches under the Christians Together in Mickleover (CTM) operate together as a distinct community within these events and other times when we have joint worship or Lent Courses. Our recently agreed and signed Covenant between us lays out how we will work together and separately within this community and serving the wider community of Mickleover. Our relationship with All Saints under Peter as our Priest in Charge is yet another community which also connects with the other communities mentioned above. We come together for joint events and celebrations but also have our own distinct identities in our own individual communities of St. John’s Church and All Saints Church. I could go on to describe in detail the individual communities within the individual churches too but I’m sure Joy, our editor, has interesting articles to fill the pages with without me doing that. Of course, it may be that some of those articles are about activities in these smaller communities as well! The point is though that we humans are meant to be together as we are a social people. The first verse of Psalm 133 from The Message Bible puts it very well. ‘How wonderful, how beautiful, when brothers and sisters get along!’ This sentiment captures the laughter, delighted screams, more smiles and lots of conversation that went on at the Mickleover Slide event and is often in evidence when the other communities meet as well. Honestly, give some of the joint events a try if you don’t currently and see what I mean. Why is this though? Why should we have fun and companionship when we do get together in community? Well I would like to suggest that the answer is contained in verses such as Matthew 18 verse 20 again using The Message Bible ‘when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I’ll be there.’ So we do need to be in community. We need to meet together to be social, to pray together, to study together and worship our God together. We need to meet with the various communities of our fellow Christians. We need to meet with the wider community to serve their needs and share with them the reason for our community, the Christ whose Church we are the local representatives of. The Christ who is there ‘when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I’ll be there.’ Then we will experience the feeling described by the psalmist ‘How wonderful, how beautiful, when brothers and sisters get along!’ What a better world that would be. Alleluia! God bless you and your communities! Alun. Don’t forget .... EXPLORING THE NEW TESTAMENT A twelve week Bible Study Course Starts Wednesday 1st October Contact Margaret Huggett for more details Tel: 511219 or email Dear friends, After Church on 7th September Jenny and I, along no doubt with many of you, went to see the ‘Giant Mickleover Water Slide’ in operation. Due to the liberal application of most of Tesco’s available stock of washing up liquid and the loan of the Fire Brigade’s mighty hoses much fun was had by the riders. Those watching the participants had smiles on their faces as well. People were also enjoying the attractions on the field with much laughter, delighted screams, more smiles and lots of conversation. It made me think of the theme of ‘Communities’ for my letter to introduce Contact this month. The word community can simply be considered as ‘com’ meaning with and ‘unity’ meaning ‘having a common union.’ So the work ‘Our Mickleover’ are doing with their events such as the slide, the Scarecrow Festival and the Christmas events are about building community in Mickleover. Or in other words people meet ‘with’ each other ‘having a common union’ on those grand occasions. Isn’t it marvellous that they come in their thousands! Also the various local churches under the Christians Together in Mickleover (CTM) operate together as a distinct community within these events and other times when we have joint worship or Lent Courses. Our recently agreed and signed Covenant between us lays out how we will work together and separately within this community and serving the wider community of Mickleover. Our relationship with All Saints under Peter as our Priest in Charge is yet another community which also connects with the other communities mentioned above. We come together for joint events and celebrations but also have our own distinct identities in our own individual communities of St. John’s Church and All Saints Church. I could go on to describe in detail the individual communities within the individual churches too but I’m sure Joy, our editor, has interesting articles to fill the pages with without me doing that. Of course, it may be that some of those articles are about activities in these smaller communities as well! The point is though that we humans are meant to be together as we are a social people. The first verse of Psalm 133 from The Message Bible puts it very well. ‘How wonderful, how beautiful, when brothers and sisters get along!’ This sentiment captures the laughter, delighted screams, more smiles and lots of conversation that went on at the Mickleover Slide event and is often in evidence when the other communities meet as well. Honestly, give some of the joint events a try if you don’t currently and see what I mean. Why is this though? Why should we have fun and companionship when we do get together in community? Well I would like to suggest that the answer is contained in verses such as Matthew 18 verse 20 again using The Message Bible ‘when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I’ll be there.’ So we do need to be in community. We need to meet together to be social, to pray together, to study together and worship our God together. We need to meet with the various communities of our fellow Christians. We need to meet with the wider community to serve their needs and share with them the reason for our community, the Christ whose Church we are the local representatives of. The Christ who is there ‘when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I’ll be there.’ Then we will experience the feeling described by the psalmist ‘How wonderful, how beautiful, when brothers and sisters get along!’ What a better world that would be. Alleluia! God bless you and your communities! Alun. Don’t forget .... EXPLORING THE NEW TESTAMENT A twelve week Bible Study Course Starts Wednesday 1st October Contact Margaret Huggett for more details Tel: 511219 or email Church Mouse’s friend reports on the PCC. St John’s Church, Mickleover Many of you will know that our “Church Mouse” has had a short spell in hospital—she is recovering slowly and steadily. We hope to see her out and about again soon. Eleven members of the PCC met in October. Opening prayer was led by Rev Alun Rowlands and Brian Seager chaired the meeting. We are still in need of a secretary to record the minutes, is there anyone who feels they could do this for us? We approved a trial period for software that will assist the clergy in putting services together and may look to purchasing the product in the near future. We have also set up a working party to look into improvements to the sound system (new batteries will hopefully help in the short term) There was plenty of discussion about the MAP ( Mission Action Plan) for St John’s which has been developed by our Planning Group. This will be shared with the wider congregation soon. All the actions require prayer and some need personnel and training. Look out for the new banner announcing that St John’s is open during the day for people to come and explore and experience. Our prayers are asked for Happy Hens as they continue to consider their future—new rules and regulations always make working with young people and in the food industry difficult. However, on a very positive point, their wind turbine is proving very successful. CHARITY AUCTION Saturday 11th May In the Church Hall Devonshire Drive , Mickleover Viewing from 10.00am - Catalogue 50p Auction starts 2.00pm prompt This is a fun charity auction Do come along, purchase a catalogue and hopefully pick up a bargain There will also be a stall for books and DVDs available from 50p Almost any item (in working order) is suitable for auction small furniture, quality bric a brac and ornaments, jewelry, pictures, rugs, kitchen gadgets, garden items We are still searching for the right person to be our “Care in Community” co-ordinator. Please pray that someone will feel called to this task Refreshments available Quite a few renovation/refurbishment tasks are now complete— the new broom cupboard, toilets and (very nearly) the vestry and we are planning to replace the sky-lights in the “blue room” and hall lobby soon. We also agreed to replace the heating pump —this should help to make the Church cosier when the winter winds arrive! We hope you like the new sign for the Church Hall entrance too. Further details available from: Dawn Wheeldon 514130 John + June Owen 512131 Steve + Terry Thompson 01283 735931 The Treasurer updated us with the current financial situation and we were able to agree that there would be no change to Hall fees for 2015. Already we have bookings for the Hall coming in so need to think about what WE as a Church want to do next year. Any suggestions? We were reminded that our next meeting will major on finances—The Budget and Charitable Giving. Some pre-event storage for small items is available We welcome delivery to Church Hall on Friday 10th after 4.00pm The meeting closed with The Grace at 9.25pm JHT If you have any items that you would like to donate for the Auction, please contact any of the above. Please note: Small, working electrical items considered. No large “white” goods (i.e. fridges, freezers, washing machines etc) No large furniture. No jumble clothes. ALL PROCEEDS TO ST JOHN’S GENERAL FUND Church Mouse’s friend reports on the PCC. St John’s Church, Mickleover Many of you will know that our “Church Mouse” has had a short spell in hospital—she is recovering slowly and steadily. We hope to see her out and about again soon. Eleven members of the PCC met in October. Opening prayer was led by Rev Alun Rowlands and Brian Seager chaired the meeting. We are still in need of a secretary to record the minutes, is there anyone who feels they could do this for us? We approved a trial period for software that will assist the clergy in putting services together and may look to purchasing the product in the near future. We have also set up a working party to look into improvements to the sound system (new batteries will hopefully help in the short term) There was plenty of discussion about the MAP ( Mission Action Plan) for St John’s which has been developed by our Planning Group. This will be shared with the wider congregation soon. All the actions require prayer and some need personnel and training. Look out for the new banner announcing that St John’s is open during the day for people to come and explore and experience. Our prayers are asked for Happy Hens as they continue to consider their future—new rules and regulations always make working with young people and in the food industry difficult. However, on a very positive point, their wind turbine is proving very successful. CHARITY AUCTION Saturday 11th May In the Church Hall Devonshire Drive , Mickleover Viewing from 10.00am - Catalogue 50p Auction starts 2.00pm prompt This is a fun charity auction Do come along, purchase a catalogue and hopefully pick up a bargain There will also be a stall for books and DVDs available from 50p Almost any item (in working order) is suitable for auction small furniture, quality bric a brac and ornaments, jewelry, pictures, rugs, kitchen gadgets, garden items We are still searching for the right person to be our “Care in Community” co-ordinator. Please pray that someone will feel called to this task Refreshments available Quite a few renovation/refurbishment tasks are now complete— the new broom cupboard, toilets and (very nearly) the vestry and we are planning to replace the sky-lights in the “blue room” and hall lobby soon. We also agreed to replace the heating pump —this should help to make the Church cosier when the winter winds arrive! We hope you like the new sign for the Church Hall entrance too. Further details available from: Dawn Wheeldon 514130 John + June Owen 512131 Steve + Terry Thompson 01283 735931 The Treasurer updated us with the current financial situation and we were able to agree that there would be no change to Hall fees for 2015. Already we have bookings for the Hall coming in so need to think about what WE as a Church want to do next year. Any suggestions? We were reminded that our next meeting will major on finances—The Budget and Charitable Giving. Some pre-event storage for small items is available We welcome delivery to Church Hall on Friday 10th after 4.00pm The meeting closed with The Grace at 9.25pm JHT If you have any items that you would like to donate for the Auction, please contact any of the above. Please note: Small, working electrical items considered. No large “white” goods (i.e. fridges, freezers, washing machines etc) No large furniture. No jumble clothes. ALL PROCEEDS TO ST JOHN’S GENERAL FUND October 4th is a busy day—here’s selection of things for you to do! Mickleover Prayer Walk 9.30am Saturday 4th October Meet at All Saints Church Saturday October 4th 10.00am to 12.00 (Noon) Once again, the chance to help the Friends of Mickleover Meadows & Bramblebrook to tidy-up and plant in Bramblebrook Park. Don’t forget to bring some gardening tools (if you can) though some will be provided. Even if you can only manage a short time—your presence will be much appreciated. We hope you have bought your tickets for.... Harvest Supper Saturday 4th October 6.00pm for 6.30pm meal There’s a hot main meal followed by deserts at this celebration supper. Bring a bottle if you would like a special drink Tea and coffee available The cost is just £3 per person. Any surplus will go to our Harvest Charity Please contact Joy/Andrew Templer on 515293 BEFORE WEDNESDAY 1st October if you would like to come. Looking ahead to Events in November Early November—Fund-raising Textile collection We’re still awaiting the exact date but we will be having a textile collection in aid of the Kitchen Fund in early November. Any textile can be brought for this—clothes, curtains, bedding, towels, material oddments, old tea towels etc. As long term storage is a problem we hope to have a couple of days when delivery to church/hall is possible so please keep and eye out for the date! So—if you can’t send it to the Auction—donate it to our textile collection! Saturday 1st—Seed planting in Mickleover Meadows A good opportunity to link with the Friends of Mickleover Meadows and Bramblebrook to do a bit more to help the environment. Sunday 2nd —Annual Bereavement Service An afternoon service of reflection and celebration for all whom we have loved and lost. Saturday 8th—Alternative Christmas Market Watch out for details about charities we can support at this event, to be held at All Saints Church. Sunday 9th—Remembrance Day There will be a parade, Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial and Services for the uniformed Youth Groups and members of the Royal British Legion in the morning. Monday 24th to Saturday 29th—Mickleover Nativity “Inspire” a Christian outreach group will be leading activities for school children at a number of Churches (including St John’s) during this week Sun 30th—Our Mickleover Christmas Event. This is Advent Sunday and once again, part of Uttoxeter Road will be closed for a Mickleover Christmas Festival Knit and Natter with God Oct 13th - 2pm to 4pm **Note the new time ** If you do crochet you are also welcome. If you have a project, bring it to show us. We meet on the 2nd Monday in the month in The Link during Cafe Link For more details contact Judi on 01332 517640 ADVANCE NOTICE St John’s Advent Fair (Yes we have returned to its old name!) Saturday 6th December 1.00pm—4.00pm We are reviewing our approach to the Fair this year . A new team is heading this up. Most of our popular stalls will be back but we want to make sure we offer quality products. Watch out for more details in the bulletin after Harvest. MICKLEOVER EAST TOWNSWOMENS GUILD Meet in St John’s Church Hall First Wednesday of each month - 7.00pm New members and visitors (£2.00) are very welcome to attend 1st October—Harvest Supper and Auction For more details - please contact Mrs R Cresswell Tel: 517230 Services at All Saints Church in October 2014 Dates for your Diary - October 2014 Wed 1st Sat 4th Sun 5th 7.15pm 9.30am 10.00am 6.00pm New Testament Study Group @ the Huggetts Prayer Walk—starts at All Saints Church Bramblebrook Park Tidy Up Harvest Supper 16th Sunday after Trinity—Harvest Festival 8.00 am Holy Communion. 10.00 am Harvest Praise Mon 6th 2.00 pm Knit and Natter with God +The Link Café Sat 11th 10.00am Viewing of items for ……... 2.00pm Charity Auction Sun 12th 17th Sunday after Trinity 8.00 am Holy Communion. 10.00 am Parish Communion 6.30 pm Holy Communion + Prayers for Healing Sun 19th 18th Sunday after Trinity 8.00 am Holy Communion. 10.00 am Informal Communion Sun 26th Last Sunday after Trinity (British Summer time ends) 8.00 am Holy Communion. 10.00 am Parish Communion 4.30 pm Tea time on Sunday Looking Ahead to November Sun 2nd 4th Sunday before Advent 8.00 am Holy Communion. 10.00 am Morning Praise 3.00 pm Bereavement Service Note from the Editor: Deadline for articles for the November issue of Contact is: MONDAY 21st October Please note: all services at All Saints will take place in the Church Centre whilst the Church is rewired and phase one of their alterations take place. 5th Oct 10.15 am Holy Communion 6.30 pm Praise and Prayer 12th Oct 9.15 am Holy Communion 11.15 am Family Worship 6 .30 pm Evening Prayer 19th Oct 9.15 am Holy Communion 11.15 am Family Worship 26th Oct 9.15 am Holy Communion 11.15 am Family Worship/Parade for Harvest 29th June 9.15 am Holy Communion 11.15 am Family Worship 6.30 pm Holy Communion with Prayer for Healing CAFÉ LINK In St John’s Community Link Call in for a drink, biscuit and a chat with your friends Mondays 2.00pm to 4.00pm Fridays 2.00pm to 4.00pm There’s also the ever changing book swap facility! And of course, don’t forget our very popular Internet Cafe Mondays 10.00am to 12noon Offering friendly advice, support and training for all things computer related. Includes laptops, i-pads, tablets and surfaces! Services at All Saints Church in October 2014 Dates for your Diary - October 2014 Wed 1st Sat 4th Sun 5th 7.15pm 9.30am 10.00am 6.00pm New Testament Study Group @ the Huggetts Prayer Walk—starts at All Saints Church Bramblebrook Park Tidy Up Harvest Supper 16th Sunday after Trinity—Harvest Festival 8.00 am Holy Communion. 10.00 am Harvest Praise Mon 6th 2.00 pm Knit and Natter with God +The Link Café Sat 11th 10.00am Viewing of items for ……... 2.00pm Charity Auction Sun 12th 17th Sunday after Trinity 8.00 am Holy Communion. 10.00 am Parish Communion 6.30 pm Holy Communion + Prayers for Healing Sun 19th 18th Sunday after Trinity 8.00 am Holy Communion. 10.00 am Informal Communion Sun 26th Last Sunday after Trinity (British Summer time ends) 8.00 am Holy Communion. 10.00 am Parish Communion 4.30 pm Tea time on Sunday Looking Ahead to November Sun 2nd 4th Sunday before Advent 8.00 am Holy Communion. 10.00 am Morning Praise 3.00 pm Bereavement Service Note from the Editor: Deadline for articles for the November issue of Contact is: MONDAY 21st October Please note: all services at All Saints will take place in the Church Centre whilst the Church is rewired and phase one of their alterations take place. 5th Oct 10.15 am Holy Communion 6.30 pm Praise and Prayer 12th Oct 9.15 am Holy Communion 11.15 am Family Worship 6 .30 pm Evening Prayer 19th Oct 9.15 am Holy Communion 11.15 am Family Worship 26th Oct 9.15 am Holy Communion 11.15 am Family Worship/Parade for Harvest 29th June 9.15 am Holy Communion 11.15 am Family Worship 6.30 pm Holy Communion with Prayer for Healing CAFÉ LINK In St John’s Community Link Call in for a drink, biscuit and a chat with your friends Mondays 2.00pm to 4.00pm Fridays 2.00pm to 4.00pm There’s also the ever changing book swap facility! And of course, don’t forget our very popular Internet Cafe Mondays 10.00am to 12noon Offering friendly advice, support and training for all things computer related. Includes laptops, i-pads, tablets and surfaces! Contact e-mail: Meditation and Prayer on a Pumpkin Seed (Useful to have a seed available—hold it in your hand) Think about this life form, the seed, which you hold in your hand. This seed is special, it is a life waiting to break out. Our lives are precious, just like the seed, because we all have our gifts from God which are often waiting to break out too. Dear Lord, Thank you for each precious life. A seed grows into a tree; it life that is valued by many. From an acorn a huge oak tree grows. It is like baby growing into an adult. We also pray for those who can't grow strong, and for those who are lacking courage in Christ. May we and they grow in your love, 0 God, Amen. Look at the seed, see it sitting on the earth, rather insignificant, but only at its birth. As the farmer cares for it, it starts to expand into a giant pumpkin - looking very grand. We wait patiently for this seed to grow. It does not grow in an instant. It needs love, care and time to grow and flower. You have to work for the future of the seed. It is how God works. St John the Evangelist In Partnership with All Saints Church in the Mickleover MMA In Covenant with all the Churches Together in Mickleover Devonshire Drive, Mickleover Parish Magazine October 2014 60p Dear God, Help us to be patient like the seed, because God's best plans for us are long-term. Help us to gradually grow in God's love, the grace of friends, the word of the Bible and worship together. May we grow in your love, 0 God, Amen. The seed becomes a pumpkin. Large, colourful, nourishing and wonderful. God calls us to share his love with others, but we only do this with the help of God's Spirit. Dear God, help us to go into the world to show your love. Give us gifts to share so we can tell the world about you. We cannot do this without you. Guide us all through our life so that we may , just like this seed, grow to in your love. Amen. Adapted from one used in Godalming Parish Church I wonder how many of you made it to the seaside this summer? Did any of you go for a solitary wander along the beach? Here’s a prayer-poem about this experience. Beside the Sea by Grace Holt Litchfield I walked alone beside the sea And as I walked there seemed to be An unseen friend walked by my side As I wondered at the changing tide. He rules the sea, the sky, the land The moon and stars hear his command All else, but man, joins his melody Of love and faith and harmony His gentle voice spoke from the sea "Be not afraid just follow me" I noticed not the time or way As we walked and talked that day Family Events—September 2014 DIAMOND WEDDING—18th September Congratulations to Ann and John Milburn R.I.P We give thanks for the life of: Pat Adams And remember in our prayers her family and friends We hope over the next few months to bring you a selection of personal memories connected with events, festivals and seasons from members of our congregation. Joy ( a regular 8 o’clocker and PCC member) has bravely agreed to start with a few memories of childhood harvests. “Down Memory Lane” ......... “ Harvest Time” A new feature for “Contact” Here are a few of my earliest memories as a young child on a farm. I lingered there until the sun Dipped in the sea, and day was done My cares, my fears all slipped away Because I walked with Him that day. Dad and a workman would get the Fordson tractor out and hook it on to the Binder. The Binder cleverly cut the corn and tied it into sheaves. These had to be stoked—stood up in groups of 6-8. I hurried home, by duty called All seemed right within its walls My hopes renewed, tears washed away Because I talked with God that day. The Church bells had to ring for three Sundays before the sheaves would be carted in and stacked ready Mickleover WI Meets at St John’s Church Hall at 7.30pm on 2nd Thursday of month October 9th—Making a NGS Garden New members welcome Tel: Jill 01332 517105 for more details Or visit our website for threshing in the winter. The stacks would be thatched to weatherproof them. Joy B Note from the Editor: If you have a few memories to share—please let me have them ( handwritten is fine!) - and I’ll try and include some each month. I wonder how many of you made it to the seaside this summer? Did any of you go for a solitary wander along the beach? Here’s a prayer-poem about this experience. Beside the Sea by Grace Holt Litchfield I walked alone beside the sea And as I walked there seemed to be An unseen friend walked by my side As I wondered at the changing tide. He rules the sea, the sky, the land The moon and stars hear his command All else, but man, joins his melody Of love and faith and harmony His gentle voice spoke from the sea "Be not afraid just follow me" I noticed not the time or way As we walked and talked that day Family Events—September 2014 DIAMOND WEDDING—18th September Congratulations to Ann and John Milburn R.I.P We give thanks for the life of: Pat Adams And remember in our prayers her family and friends We hope over the next few months to bring you a selection of personal memories connected with events, festivals and seasons from members of our congregation. Joy ( a regular 8 o’clocker and PCC member) has bravely agreed to start with a few memories of childhood harvests. “Down Memory Lane” ......... “ Harvest Time” A new feature for “Contact” Here are a few of my earliest memories as a young child on a farm. I lingered there until the sun Dipped in the sea, and day was done My cares, my fears all slipped away Because I walked with Him that day. Dad and a workman would get the Fordson tractor out and hook it on to the Binder. The Binder cleverly cut the corn and tied it into sheaves. These had to be stoked—stood up in groups of 6-8. I hurried home, by duty called All seemed right within its walls My hopes renewed, tears washed away Because I talked with God that day. The Church bells had to ring for three Sundays before the sheaves would be carted in and stacked ready Mickleover WI Meets at St John’s Church Hall at 7.30pm on 2nd Thursday of month October 9th—Making a NGS Garden New members welcome Tel: Jill 01332 517105 for more details Or visit our website for threshing in the winter. The stacks would be thatched to weatherproof them. Joy B Note from the Editor: If you have a few memories to share—please let me have them ( handwritten is fine!) - and I’ll try and include some each month. Looking ahead to Events in November Early November—Fund-raising Textile collection We’re still awaiting the exact date but we will be having a textile collection in aid of the Kitchen Fund in early November. Any textile can be brought for this—clothes, curtains, bedding, towels, material oddments, old tea towels etc. As long term storage is a problem we hope to have a couple of days when delivery to church/hall is possible so please keep and eye out for the date! So—if you can’t send it to the Auction—donate it to our textile collection! Saturday 1st—Seed planting in Mickleover Meadows A good opportunity to link with the Friends of Mickleover Meadows and Bramblebrook to do a bit more to help the environment. Sunday 2nd —Annual Bereavement Service An afternoon service of reflection and celebration for all whom we have loved and lost. Saturday 8th—Alternative Christmas Market Watch out for details about charities we can support at this event, to be held at All Saints Church. Sunday 9th—Remembrance Day There will be a parade, Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial and Services for the uniformed Youth Groups and members of the Royal British Legion in the morning. Monday 24th to Saturday 29th—Mickleover Nativity “Inspire” a Christian outreach group will be leading activities for school children at a number of Churches (including St John’s) during this week Sun 30th—Our Mickleover Christmas Event. This is Advent Sunday and once again, part of Uttoxeter Road will be closed for a Mickleover Christmas Festival Knit and Natter with God Oct 13th - 2pm to 4pm **Note the new time ** If you do crochet you are also welcome. If you have a project, bring it to show us. We meet on the 2nd Monday in the month in The Link during Cafe Link For more details contact Judi on 01332 517640 ADVANCE NOTICE St John’s Advent Fair (Yes we have returned to its old name!) Saturday 6th December 1.00pm—4.00pm We are reviewing our approach to the Fair this year . A new team is heading this up. Most of our popular stalls will be back but we want to make sure we offer quality products. Watch out for more details in the bulletin after Harvest. MICKLEOVER EAST TOWNSWOMENS GUILD Meet in St John’s Church Hall First Wednesday of each month - 7.00pm New members and visitors (£2.00) are very welcome to attend 1st October—Harvest Supper and Auction For more details - please contact Mrs R Cresswell Tel: 517230 October 4th is a busy day—here’s selection of things for you to do! Mickleover Prayer Walk 9.30am Saturday 4th October Meet at All Saints Church Saturday October 4th 10.00am to 12.00 (Noon) Once again, the chance to help the Friends of Mickleover Meadows & Bramblebrook to tidy-up and plant in Bramblebrook Park. Don’t forget to bring some gardening tools (if you can) though some will be provided. Even if you can only manage a short time—your presence will be much appreciated. We hope you have bought your tickets for.... Harvest Supper Saturday 4th October 6.00pm for 6.30pm meal There’s a hot main meal followed by deserts at this celebration supper. Bring a bottle if you would like a special drink Tea and coffee available The cost is just £3 per person. Any surplus will go to our Harvest Charity Please contact Joy/Andrew Templer on 515293 BEFORE WEDNESDAY 1st October if you would like to come. WHO’S WHO in ST. JOHN’S CLERGY Priest in Charge Rev’d Peter Walley, Tel: 513793 The Vicarage, Etwall Road , Mickleover Friday is Peter’s day off. It would be much appreciated if you could avoid contacting him on this day, unless it is an emergency. Curates Rev’d Alun Rowlands Rev’d Phyllis Bainbridge Rev’d Paul Pritchard Retired Clergy Rev’d Michael Huggett LAY MINISTRY TEAM Readers Mrs Joy Andrews Mrs Helen Walley Mrs Dawn Perry Tel: 549212 Tel: 513793 Tel: 605166 Mr Michael Vick 17 Heath Ave. L’over Tel: 361260 Mrs Judi Witcomb* Mr Ray Lee* Mrs Elaine Pritchard* Mr Brian Seager Mr Adrian Shore Mrs Joy Templer Mr Andrew Templer* Mrs Eunice Upton PCC Secretary Awaiting new Appointment Treasurer Sacristans Mrs Geraldine Galloway Tel: 510809 Mr Andrew Templer Mr Paul Gribbin Mrs Dorothy Pickering Mr Keith Godley Mrs Jenny Rowlands MAGAZINE: Editor Hall + Link Bookings Contact Joy Templer - 01332 515293 Tel: 517964 Tel: 0777 643 4792 Tel: 512530 Parochial Church Council (PCC) * These are also members of Deanery Synod Sunday Bulletin For booking baptisms, weddings and other business, please contact Rev’d Peter Walley our Priest in Charge Tel: 01332 513793 Times of Worship Churchwardens Mrs Terry Thompson 10 Bancroft Close, Hilton Tel:01283 735931 Church Flowers Hall and Link Bookings Contact for Official Business: Mrs Kath Ratcliff Mr Robert Gill Mrs Geraldine Galloway Mrs Joy Brandrick Mrs Eunice Upton Tel: 517460 Mrs Joy Templer Tel: 515293 Mrs Joy Templer Tel: 515293 Email: Advertising: Mr John Owen Tel: 512131 Distribution: Mrs Lesley Paginton Tel: 513489 Sundays 8.00am Holy Communion - Common Worship (said) 10.00am 6.30pm 6.30pm 4.30pm Parish Communion - Common Worship Morning Praise - usually on the First Sunday in the month Holy Communion (and Healing) - Second Sun. of the month Praise and Prayer - Third Sunday of the month “Teatime on Sunday” - Fourth Sunday of the month Details of services at All Saints Church are after “Our Diocese” During the Week Monday + Tuesday Monday 10.00am Monday 2.00pm Wed 2.00pm Friday 2.00pm Friday 1.30pm Home Groups meet -Ask the clergy /wardens for details Internet Café - Computer Support in the Link Café Link Friendship Group - over 60’s Café Link St John's Tots for children and their carers Mickleover Mission and Ministry Area (MMA) Mission Statement The Churches of All Saints and St John’s are in partnership to inspire the people of Mickleover ...... to come to Christ ...... to grow in Christ ..... .and to share the love of Christ to the glory of God
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