Serving Ministry Church Cleaning th 18 October: Paul H & Kondwani Family th 25 October: Volunteers please Greeting / Stewarding This week: April; Cassie th 19 October: April; David B PowerPoint / Sound This week: Robert / Paul th 19 October: Robert / Paul Evening Greeters This week: John & Catharine th 19 October: John & Catharine Hospitality Please ask a Deacon Setting up This week: Karlis; James M th 19 October: Gisele & Miguel Refreshments This week: Andrew K; Sandra th 19 October: Andrew K; Sandra Crèche This week: Joan; Penny th 19 October: Ali; Gisele CHURCH ELDERS DEACONS Rev. Paul Levy Chris Cradock Andrew Rae Daphne Colpman Paul Hosier John Silva Graham Weeks Paul Meiners Chuck Phillips INTERNATIONAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY 12th OCTOBER 2014 Morning Service Alison Kelly Adrian Little Susan Barnes Sunday 10:30am CHURCH STAFF Paul Levy - Minister Rachel Evans - Church worker Steve Frost - Outreach Stuart Cashman – Assistant Minister Chris Roberts - Church worker Jess Lefroy - Admin 12 “Our help is in the name of the LORD who made heaven and earth.” Psalm 124: 8 International Presbyterian Church Ealing, 53 Drayton Green, Ealing, London W13 0JE (020) 8997 4706 CCLI.No.773 Welcome The Women's Bible Study on Tuesday mornings is now well under way! It meets at the church building, 53 Drayton Green from 10:00 – 11.30am. There is a crèche to make it possible for those with young children to come. Today Sunday School for Children 9.30am Meet in the crèche at the end of the corridor Sunday School for Adults 9.30am Meet in Room A162 down the corridor (“Phrases you think you know – Being filled with/in the Spirit”) or Room A203 (Heidelberg Catechism) upstairs (look for notices) Refreshments 10.15am In the foyer All are welcome! Please speak to Rachel Evans or Froukje Cradock for more information. Bonfire Night Coming up on Sunday 2nd November after the evening service in the IPC garden. There’ll be sparklers, food and a fantastic bonfire! Morning Service 10.30am Stuart Cashman will be preaching Route 66 4.45pm Why not invite your friends to the evening service beforehand? Meet @ 53 Drayton Green Marta and Rachel may ask you to bring a small contribution, so watch your emails. Evening Service 6.00pm At 53 Drayton Green. Children Advance Warning…. We welcome children of all ages to the service, and also provide a crèche for children under 4. Sheets will be given out to the children to help them follow the sermon. There’s one for little tots called ‘Gold Diggers’, and one for older children called ‘Fact Finders’. Parents / Carers The service is relayed through to the foyer so you can listen to the service while caring for very young children. Please be aware that children need to be supervised after the service, and are not allowed to roam around the building as there are other groups who are meeting in the school. An adult needs to be with the children in th Clocks go back early on Sunday 26 October Sunday Schools are now starting at 9.30am and finishing at 10.15am for refreshments. From next week there will be two new streams to follow in Adult Sunday School. The first is a series of studies on God’s Illustrations – Images in the Bible. Translation For overseas visitors there are Bibles in various languages 2 Sermon Recordings If you would like a recording of any of the sermons preached at IPC please email In the second stream, we will be looking at “The Covenant – the God who commits”. 11 Information & Dates for your diary Early Morning Prayer Gathering at IPC Tuesday 21st October Any time between 6.30 and 8.00am House Groups have now started the new term — studying John If you'd like to join a group you'd be more than welcome — do pick up one of the leaflets at the back or speak to one of the greeters and they can direct you to the right people. International Café for Students will be meeting next on Monday 20th October 7.00 – 9.00pm at Harris+Hoole Café, Ealing Broadway Book Of The Term: Taking God at his Word — Why the Bible is worth trusting, knowing and loving. 1 Chronicles 29 (ESV) Does it shape the way we think and feel and act? We all have questions about it. Leader: Blessed are you, O Lord, Can we trust it completely? Does it really contain everything we need for our complicated lives? Can we really know what it teaches, or just our own interpretation of it? and you rule over all. Only £7 October Half Term Arrangements Ealing Lunchtime Talks and Thursday/Friday day-time Bible Studies will still be meeting. the God of Israel our father, forever and ever. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all. Both riches and honour come from you, And shouldn't we focus on Jesus, rather than the Bible? Little Stars, Tuesday Women’s Bible Study and all the Kids’ Clubs will take a break during half term (27/10 – 31/10). 10 Call to worship By Kevin DeYoung The Bible stands at the heart of the Christian faith, but what do we really believe about it? All: In your hand are power and might, and in your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all. And now we thank you, our God, and praise your glorious name. 3 Opening Hymn – O Worship The King! Psalm 104 Robert Grant (1779-1838) What’s On This Week 1 O worship the King, 4 Your bountiful care all-glorious above; what tongue can recite? O gratefully sing It breathes in the air, his power and his love: it shines in the light, our shield and defender, it streams from the hills, the Ancient of days, it descends to the plain, pavilioned in splendour and sweetly distils and girded with praise! in the dew and the rain. 2 O tell of his might! 5 Frail children of dust O sing of his grace, and feeble as frail, whose robe is the light, in you do we trust, whose canopy space! nor find you to fail; His chariots of wrath your mercies how tender, the deep thunder clouds form, how firm to the end and dark is his path our maker, defender, on the wings of the storm. Redeemer and friend! 3 The earth, with its store 6 O measureless Might! of wonders untold, O infinite Love! Almighty, your power While angels delight has founded of old, to praise you above, established it fast your ransomed creation, by a changeless decree, with glory ablaze, and round it has cast, with true adoration Club 16 For school years 1-6 6.00 – 7.00pm like a mantle, the sea. shall sing to your praise! 24-7 For school years 6-9 7.00 – 8.15pm Route 66 For school years 10-13 8.15 – 9.15pm MON 13 th Little Stars Baby / Toddler Group 9.15 – 11.15am @ IPC TUE 14 th Ealing Lunchtime Talks 1.10 – 1.40pm @ Ealing Town Hall Women’s Bible Study (with crèche) 10.00 – 11.30am @ 53 Drayton Green Contact: Rachel Evans House Group 7.00pm @ the Raes’ WED 15 th English Language Classes 10.00am @ 53 Drayton Green House Groups 8.00pm @ 53 various locations THUR 16 th NO Women’s Bible Study Lunch and Prayer 12.30pm @ 53 Drayton Green Children and Youth Clubs at 53 Drayton Green: FRI 17 th NO Daytime House Group Prayer For God’s Blessing SAT 18 4 Reading Of God’s Word – Deuteronomy 2: 14-19 & 2: 24-37 p 144 (page 144 in the church Bibles) th SUN 19 th Book Table Offering literature and informal discussion in West Ealing Broadway (by Sainsburys) Contact: David Barnes Adults’ and Children’s Sunday Schools (see page 11) 9.30am @ Drayton Manor High School 9 Hymn - Salvation Belongs To Our God Closing Hymn – O Church, Arise Keith Getty & Stuart Townend © 2005 Thankyou Music 1 O church, arise 3 Come, see the cross and put your armour on; where love and mercy meet, Adrian Turner & Pat Howard 1 Salvation belongs to our God 2 And we the redeemed shall be strong who sits upon the throne in purpose and unity hear the call of Christ our captain; as the Son of God is stricken; and unto the lamb declaring aloud for now the weak can say that they are then see his foes be praise and glory, wisdom and thanks praise and glory, wisdom and thanks honour, and power, and strength honour, and power, and strength! strong lie crushed beneath his feet, in the strength that God has given. for the Conqueror has risen! Be to our God forever and ever Be to our God forever and ever With shield of faith and belt of truth And as the stone is rolled away, be to our God forever and ever be to our God forever and ever we'll stand against the devil's lies; and Christ emerges from the grave, be to our God forever and ever Amen be to our God forever and ever, Amen an army bold whose battle cry is “Love!” this victory march continues till the day reaching out to those in darkness. every eye and heart shall see him. 2 Our call to war, to love the captive soul, but to rage against the captor; and with the sword that makes the wounded whole 4 So Spirit, come, put strength in every stride, give grace for every hurdle, that we may run with faith to win the prize we will fight with faith and valour. of a servant good and faithful. When faced with trials on every side, As saints of old still line the way, we know the outcome is secure, retelling triumphs of his grace, and Christ will have the prize we hear their calls and hunger for the day for which he died — when, with Christ, we stand in glory. an inheritance of nations. Confession Of Sin All: O God our Father and King, forgive us for thinking less of you than we ought; for we think your truth too high, your will too hard and your power too remote; but they are not! We pray that you would resolve our confused minds with your Word, redirect our divided wills with your law, restore our troubled consciences with your forgiveness, and revive our anxious hearts with your presence, for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ, Benediction – Declaration Of God’s Blessing The LORD bless you and keep you; who loved us and gave himself for us. Amen. Numbers 6: 24-26 the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift his countenance upon you and give you peace. The Assurance Of Pardoning Grace (1 John 2: 1b-2 ESV) ... [I]f anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Do stay for tea and coffee after the service. You are welcome to join us at our evening service at 6.00pm, which will be held in our church building at 53 Drayton Green, West Ealing, W13 0JE righteous. He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world. 5 Hymn – My Heart Is Filled With Thankfulness Stuart Townend & Keith Getty 1 My heart is filled with thankfulness to him who bore my pain; who plumbed the depths of my disgrace and gave me life again; 3 My heart is filled with thankfulness to him who reigns above; who crushed my curse of sinfulness, and clothed me in his light, whose wisdom is my perfect peace, and wrote his law of righteousness whose every thought is love. with power upon my heart. For every day I have on earth is given by the King. 2 My heart is filled with thankfulness So I will give my life, my all, to him who walks beside; to love and follow him. who floods my weaknesses with strength and causes fear to fly; whose every promise is enough for every step I take; sustaining me with arms of love and crowning me with grace. Pastoral Prayer Confession Of Faith – Heidelberg Catechism (Lord's Day 41) Q 108 What does the seventh commandment teach us? A 1 That all unchastity is cursed by God. We must therefore detest it from the heart and live chaste and disciplined lives, both within and outside of holy marriage. 1 Lev 18:30; Eph 5:3-5. Q 109 2 Jude 22, 23. 3 2 3 1 Cor 7:1-9; 1 Thess 4:3-8; Heb 13:4. Offering 2 Corinthians 8: 9 (ESV) “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that, though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich.” There will be an opportunity to give to support the ministry at IPC during the following hymn. Details about how to give tax-efficiently can be found in the foyer. Hymn – Lord Of The Church Timothy Dudley-Smith 1 Lord of the church, we pray for our renewing: Christ over all, our undivided aim; fire of the Spirit, burn for our enduing, wind of the Spirit, fan the living flame! 3 Lord of the church, we long for our uniting, We turn to Christ amid our fear and failing, true to one calling, by one vision stirred; the will that lacks the courage to be free, one cross proclaiming and one creed the weary labours, all but unavailing, to bring us nearer what a church should be. reciting, one in the truth of Jesus and his word! So lead us on, till toil and trouble ended, 2 Lord of the church, we seek a Father’s blessing, one church triumphant one new song shall sing, a true repentance and a faith restored, to praise his glory, risen and ascended, a swift obedience and a new possessing, Christ over all, the everlasting King! with the Holy Spirit of the Lord! filled We turn to Christ from all our restless striving, unnumbered voices with a single prayer: the living water for our souls’ reviving, in Christ to live, and love and serve and care. Does God in this commandment forbid nothing more than adultery and similar shameful sins? A Since we, body and soul, are temples of the Holy Spirit, it is God's will that we keep Preaching of God's Word – Stuart Cashman ourselves pure and holy. Therefore he forbids all unchaste acts, gestures, words, 6 1 thoughts, desires, and whatever may entice us to unchastity. 1 Mt 5:27-29; 1 Cor 6:18-20; Eph 5:3, 4. 2 1 Cor 15:33; Eph 5:18. 2 7 Hymn – My Heart Is Filled With Thankfulness Stuart Townend & Keith Getty 1 My heart is filled with thankfulness to him who bore my pain; who plumbed the depths of my disgrace and gave me life again; 3 My heart is filled with thankfulness to him who reigns above; who crushed my curse of sinfulness, and clothed me in his light, whose wisdom is my perfect peace, and wrote his law of righteousness whose every thought is love. with power upon my heart. For every day I have on earth is given by the King. 2 My heart is filled with thankfulness So I will give my life, my all, to him who walks beside; to love and follow him. who floods my weaknesses with strength and causes fear to fly; whose every promise is enough for every step I take; sustaining me with arms of love and crowning me with grace. Pastoral Prayer Confession Of Faith – Heidelberg Catechism (Lord's Day 41) Q 108 What does the seventh commandment teach us? A 1 That all unchastity is cursed by God. We must therefore detest it from the heart and live chaste and disciplined lives, both within and outside of holy marriage. 1 Lev 18:30; Eph 5:3-5. Q 109 2 Jude 22, 23. 3 2 3 1 Cor 7:1-9; 1 Thess 4:3-8; Heb 13:4. Offering 2 Corinthians 8: 9 (ESV) “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that, though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich.” There will be an opportunity to give to support the ministry at IPC during the following hymn. Details about how to give tax-efficiently can be found in the foyer. Hymn – Lord Of The Church Timothy Dudley-Smith 1 Lord of the church, we pray for our renewing: Christ over all, our undivided aim; fire of the Spirit, burn for our enduing, wind of the Spirit, fan the living flame! 3 Lord of the church, we long for our uniting, We turn to Christ amid our fear and failing, true to one calling, by one vision stirred; the will that lacks the courage to be free, one cross proclaiming and one creed the weary labours, all but unavailing, to bring us nearer what a church should be. reciting, one in the truth of Jesus and his word! So lead us on, till toil and trouble ended, 2 Lord of the church, we seek a Father’s blessing, one church triumphant one new song shall sing, a true repentance and a faith restored, to praise his glory, risen and ascended, a swift obedience and a new possessing, Christ over all, the everlasting King! with the Holy Spirit of the Lord! filled We turn to Christ from all our restless striving, unnumbered voices with a single prayer: the living water for our souls’ reviving, in Christ to live, and love and serve and care. Does God in this commandment forbid nothing more than adultery and similar shameful sins? A Since we, body and soul, are temples of the Holy Spirit, it is God's will that we keep Preaching of God's Word – Stuart Cashman ourselves pure and holy. Therefore he forbids all unchaste acts, gestures, words, 6 1 thoughts, desires, and whatever may entice us to unchastity. 1 Mt 5:27-29; 1 Cor 6:18-20; Eph 5:3, 4. 2 1 Cor 15:33; Eph 5:18. 2 7 Hymn - Salvation Belongs To Our God Closing Hymn – O Church, Arise Keith Getty & Stuart Townend © 2005 Thankyou Music 1 O church, arise 3 Come, see the cross and put your armour on; where love and mercy meet, Adrian Turner & Pat Howard 1 Salvation belongs to our God 2 And we the redeemed shall be strong who sits upon the throne in purpose and unity hear the call of Christ our captain; as the Son of God is stricken; and unto the lamb declaring aloud for now the weak can say that they are then see his foes be praise and glory, wisdom and thanks praise and glory, wisdom and thanks honour, and power, and strength honour, and power, and strength! strong lie crushed beneath his feet, in the strength that God has given. for the Conqueror has risen! Be to our God forever and ever Be to our God forever and ever With shield of faith and belt of truth And as the stone is rolled away, be to our God forever and ever be to our God forever and ever we'll stand against the devil's lies; and Christ emerges from the grave, be to our God forever and ever Amen be to our God forever and ever, Amen an army bold whose battle cry is “Love!” this victory march continues till the day reaching out to those in darkness. every eye and heart shall see him. 2 Our call to war, to love the captive soul, but to rage against the captor; and with the sword that makes the wounded whole 4 So Spirit, come, put strength in every stride, give grace for every hurdle, that we may run with faith to win the prize we will fight with faith and valour. of a servant good and faithful. When faced with trials on every side, As saints of old still line the way, we know the outcome is secure, retelling triumphs of his grace, and Christ will have the prize we hear their calls and hunger for the day for which he died — when, with Christ, we stand in glory. an inheritance of nations. Confession Of Sin All: O God our Father and King, forgive us for thinking less of you than we ought; for we think your truth too high, your will too hard and your power too remote; but they are not! We pray that you would resolve our confused minds with your Word, redirect our divided wills with your law, restore our troubled consciences with your forgiveness, and revive our anxious hearts with your presence, for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ, Benediction – Declaration Of God’s Blessing The LORD bless you and keep you; who loved us and gave himself for us. Amen. Numbers 6: 24-26 the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift his countenance upon you and give you peace. The Assurance Of Pardoning Grace (1 John 2: 1b-2 ESV) ... [I]f anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Do stay for tea and coffee after the service. You are welcome to join us at our evening service at 6.00pm, which will be held in our church building at 53 Drayton Green, West Ealing, W13 0JE righteous. He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world. 5 Opening Hymn – O Worship The King! Psalm 104 Robert Grant (1779-1838) What’s On This Week 1 O worship the King, 4 Your bountiful care all-glorious above; what tongue can recite? O gratefully sing It breathes in the air, his power and his love: it shines in the light, our shield and defender, it streams from the hills, the Ancient of days, it descends to the plain, pavilioned in splendour and sweetly distils and girded with praise! in the dew and the rain. 2 O tell of his might! 5 Frail children of dust O sing of his grace, and feeble as frail, whose robe is the light, in you do we trust, whose canopy space! nor find you to fail; His chariots of wrath your mercies how tender, the deep thunder clouds form, how firm to the end and dark is his path our maker, defender, on the wings of the storm. Redeemer and friend! 3 The earth, with its store 6 O measureless Might! of wonders untold, O infinite Love! Almighty, your power While angels delight has founded of old, to praise you above, established it fast your ransomed creation, by a changeless decree, with glory ablaze, and round it has cast, with true adoration Club 16 For school years 1-6 6.00 – 7.00pm like a mantle, the sea. shall sing to your praise! 24-7 For school years 6-9 7.00 – 8.15pm Route 66 For school years 10-13 8.15 – 9.15pm MON 13 th Little Stars Baby / Toddler Group 9.15 – 11.15am @ IPC TUE 14 th Ealing Lunchtime Talks 1.10 – 1.40pm @ Ealing Town Hall Women’s Bible Study (with crèche) 10.00 – 11.30am @ 53 Drayton Green Contact: Rachel Evans House Group 7.00pm @ the Raes’ WED 15 th English Language Classes 10.00am @ 53 Drayton Green House Groups 8.00pm @ 53 various locations THUR 16 th NO Women’s Bible Study Lunch and Prayer 12.30pm @ 53 Drayton Green Children and Youth Clubs at 53 Drayton Green: FRI 17 th NO Daytime House Group Prayer For God’s Blessing SAT 18 4 Reading Of God’s Word – Deuteronomy 2: 14-19 & 2: 24-37 p 144 (page 144 in the church Bibles) th SUN 19 th Book Table Offering literature and informal discussion in West Ealing Broadway (by Sainsburys) Contact: David Barnes Adults’ and Children’s Sunday Schools (see page 11) 9.30am @ Drayton Manor High School 9 Information & Dates for your diary Early Morning Prayer Gathering at IPC Tuesday 21st October Any time between 6.30 and 8.00am House Groups have now started the new term — studying John If you'd like to join a group you'd be more than welcome — do pick up one of the leaflets at the back or speak to one of the greeters and they can direct you to the right people. International Café for Students will be meeting next on Monday 20th October 7.00 – 9.00pm at Harris+Hoole Café, Ealing Broadway Book Of The Term: Taking God at his Word — Why the Bible is worth trusting, knowing and loving. 1 Chronicles 29 (ESV) Does it shape the way we think and feel and act? We all have questions about it. Leader: Blessed are you, O Lord, Can we trust it completely? Does it really contain everything we need for our complicated lives? Can we really know what it teaches, or just our own interpretation of it? and you rule over all. Only £7 October Half Term Arrangements Ealing Lunchtime Talks and Thursday/Friday day-time Bible Studies will still be meeting. the God of Israel our father, forever and ever. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all. Both riches and honour come from you, And shouldn't we focus on Jesus, rather than the Bible? Little Stars, Tuesday Women’s Bible Study and all the Kids’ Clubs will take a break during half term (27/10 – 31/10). 10 Call to worship By Kevin DeYoung The Bible stands at the heart of the Christian faith, but what do we really believe about it? All: In your hand are power and might, and in your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all. And now we thank you, our God, and praise your glorious name. 3 Welcome The Women's Bible Study on Tuesday mornings is now well under way! It meets at the church building, 53 Drayton Green from 10:00 – 11.30am. There is a crèche to make it possible for those with young children to come. Today Sunday School for Children 9.30am Meet in the crèche at the end of the corridor Sunday School for Adults 9.30am Meet in Room A162 down the corridor (“Phrases you think you know – Being filled with/in the Spirit”) or Room A203 (Heidelberg Catechism) upstairs (look for notices) Refreshments 10.15am In the foyer All are welcome! Please speak to Rachel Evans or Froukje Cradock for more information. Bonfire Night Coming up on Sunday 2nd November after the evening service in the IPC garden. There’ll be sparklers, food and a fantastic bonfire! Morning Service 10.30am Stuart Cashman will be preaching Route 66 4.45pm Why not invite your friends to the evening service beforehand? Meet @ 53 Drayton Green Marta and Rachel may ask you to bring a small contribution, so watch your emails. Evening Service 6.00pm At 53 Drayton Green. Children Advance Warning…. We welcome children of all ages to the service, and also provide a crèche for children under 4. Sheets will be given out to the children to help them follow the sermon. There’s one for little tots called ‘Gold Diggers’, and one for older children called ‘Fact Finders’. Parents / Carers The service is relayed through to the foyer so you can listen to the service while caring for very young children. Please be aware that children need to be supervised after the service, and are not allowed to roam around the building as there are other groups who are meeting in the school. An adult needs to be with the children in th Clocks go back early on Sunday 26 October Sunday Schools are now starting at 9.30am and finishing at 10.15am for refreshments. From next week there will be two new streams to follow in Adult Sunday School. The first is a series of studies on God’s Illustrations – Images in the Bible. Translation For overseas visitors there are Bibles in various languages 2 Sermon Recordings If you would like a recording of any of the sermons preached at IPC please email In the second stream, we will be looking at “The Covenant – the God who commits”. 11 Serving Ministry Church Cleaning th 18 October: Paul H & Kondwani Family th 25 October: Volunteers please Greeting / Stewarding This week: April; Cassie th 19 October: April; David B PowerPoint / Sound This week: Robert / Paul th 19 October: Robert / Paul Evening Greeters This week: John & Catharine th 19 October: John & Catharine Hospitality Please ask a Deacon Setting up This week: Karlis; James M th 19 October: Gisele & Miguel Refreshments This week: Andrew K; Sandra th 19 October: Andrew K; Sandra Crèche This week: Joan; Penny th 19 October: Ali; Gisele CHURCH ELDERS DEACONS Rev. Paul Levy Chris Cradock Andrew Rae Daphne Colpman Paul Hosier John Silva Graham Weeks Paul Meiners Chuck Phillips INTERNATIONAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY 12th OCTOBER 2014 Morning Service Alison Kelly Adrian Little Susan Barnes Sunday 10:30am CHURCH STAFF Paul Levy - Minister Rachel Evans - Church worker Steve Frost - Outreach Stuart Cashman – Assistant Minister Chris Roberts - Church worker Jess Lefroy - Admin 12 “Our help is in the name of the LORD who made heaven and earth.” Psalm 124: 8 International Presbyterian Church Ealing, 53 Drayton Green, Ealing, London W13 0JE (020) 8997 4706 CCLI.No.773
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