2013Sou uthDaakotaaTech hnicalInstitutes Acco ountaability yReport perSDC CL13‐48A totheCou ncilonHig gherEducaationPoliccyGoals,P erformancce, andAcccountabilitty South Dakkota’s techniccal institutes take pride in responding tto the state’s workforce neeeds and providing access to postsecondary e education in an affordablee way. The daata provided iin this report work to increaase the pool oof skilled and effective wo orkers bolsterring highlightss the technicaal institutes’ w the state’s economy. Graduation Improveementsto on‐timedeegreecomp pletions Graduate es by Year and d Technical In nstitute MTI 267 7 303 3 262 2 380 0 478 8 445 5 LA ATI 478 490 497 493 523 633 2007 Graduates 2008 Graduates 2009 Graduates 2010 Graduates 2011 Graduates 2012 Graduates STI 810 699 646 738 872 916 WDT 320 273 285 319 416 318 TOTAL 1,875 1,765 1,690 1,930 2,289 2,312 Te echnical In nstitute Graaduates 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 320 273 2 810 699 6 267 478 303 3 490 4 285 646 262 497 4416 318 8872 916 4478 445 SSTI 5523 633 M MTI 319 738 380 493 W WDT LLATI 1 Te echnical In nstitute Graaduates in High Needs Fieelds 2,500 2,000 1,500 Other Fields Graduaates 1,000 500 High Need Fields Graduates 0 High Need ds Fields iden ntify graduate es from the fo ollowing Care er Clusters: A Architecture & & Constructio on; Finance; H Health Sciencce; Informatio on Technologyy; Manufactuuring; Sciencee, Technologyy, Engineeringg & Math (STEEM). Technical Institute R Retention 100% 90% LLATI 80% 70% M MTI 74% 71% % 73% 70% 7 75% SSTI W WDT 60% SSystem 50% on 2010 Reteention 2011 R Retention 2009 Retentio 20012 Retention 2013 Retention Degree Comp pletions On‐time D Complettion of Degrees in 100% off Normal Tim me (eg., 2 Yea rs for AAS, 1 Year for Dipllomas) LATI MTI STI WDT 2006 Cohort 569 375 550 408 Grad % 73% 62% 41% n/a 007 20 Coh hort 563 322 578 517 Grad % 76% % 65% % 24% % 37% % 2008 Cohorrt 578 291 541 365 Grad % 72% 61% 33% 22% 2009 Cohort 648 343 665 411 Grad % 67% 57% 27% 35% 2 Completion of Degrees in 150% of Normal Time (eg., 3 Years for AAS, 1.5 Years for Diplomas) 2006 2007 2008 2009 Cohort Grad % Cohort Grad % Cohort Grad % Cohort Grad % 569 74% 563 78% 578 73% 648 70% LATI MTI 375 62% 322 70% 291 65% 343 64% STI 550 47% 578 38% 541 34% 665 38% WDT 408 40% 517 39% 365 36% 167 41% Cohorts are based on full‐time, first time in post‐secondary, degree‐seeking students. Although each technical institute has programs in place specifically aimed at improving minority success, at‐risk students are defined not on any demographic, but rather upon sub‐standard achievement (where attendance as well as academic performance are indicators). At‐risk students are provided remedial education, tutoring, and one‐on‐one assistance opportunities. Data pertaining to the requested subgroups is below. Degrees Awarded to Low‐Income Students LATI MTI STI WDT 224 2009 229 91 153 327 2010 218 140 177 410 2011 272 215 215 518 2012 359 183 217 396 2013 326 179 182 Low income: Students receiving Pell grants. Degrees Awarded to American Indian Students LATI MTI STI WDT 6 4 2009 5 29 10 0 2010 8 37 8 14 2011 11 28 12 4 2012 9 25 13 14 2013 22 23 System 697 862 1,112 1,277 1,083 System 44 55 61 50 72 3 Degrees Awarded to Nontraditional Students LATI MTI STI WDT 71 142 2009 70 106 82 189 2010 88 137 116 233 2011 87 201 109 290 2012 112 171 128 285 2013 91 131 Nontraditional: Students age 24 or 25 and older. System 389 496 637 682 635 Degrees Awarded to Underprepared Students LATI MTI STI WDT System 21 65 2009 6 74 166 19 84 2010 9 85 197 13 87 2011 11 109 220 17 119 2012 9 76 221 10 121 2013 27 58 216 Underprepared: Students requiring remedial math or English courses prior to enrollment in credit‐ bearing coursework. Sources: Annual Technical Institute Placement Reports (2007‐2012 Graduates), Annual Technical Institute Retention Report (Fall 2009‐2013), IPEDS Affordability Affordabilityforstudents Tuition and fees, by program: Lake Area Technical Institute: http://www.lakeareatech.edu/future/financialaid/tuition.html Mitchell Technical Institute: http://mitchelltech.edu/media/mti/documents/Student%20Info/MTI%20Cost%20Sheet%2013‐14.pdf Southeast Technical Institute: http://catalog.southeasttech.edu/content.php?catoid=4&navoid=259#Tuition_and_Fees_Schedule Western Dakota Technical Institute: http://www.wdt.edu/wp‐content/uploads/2012/12/WDT‐cost‐sheet‐2013‐2014‐FINAL‐IV.pdf 4 As an example of tuition and fees overtime, Western Dakota Technical Institute provided the following: WDT Tution & Fee Analysis 09‐10 Tuition (per credit hour) 10‐11 11‐12 12‐13 13‐14 $84.00 $90.00 $95.00 $99.00 $104.00 14.00 19.00 ‐ 1.00 3.00 23.00 22.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 27.00 25.00 ‐ 2.00 16.00 15.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 19.00 ‐ 1.00 3.00 29.00 44.00 44.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 $144.00 $153.00 $168.00 $176.00 $183.00 State Fees: Facility Fee (per credit hour) Program Fee (per credit hour) ‐ Technology Fee (per credit hour) Maintenance & Repair Fee (per credit hour) Total State Fees Local Fees: Institutional Fee (per credit hour) Total (Tuition, State Fees, Local Fees Per Credit Hr) *WDT charges a resource fee ($125.00) per semester to high cost programs. *WDT charges a online fee ($35.00) per credit hour for online courses. *WDT charges the following one‐time fees: matriculation fee ($100.00), confirmation fee ($55.00), testing fee ($15.00). Scholarships: As an example of scholarship information, MTI has provided the following: Mitchell Technical Institute offers a variety of scholarships to qualified applicants. MTI also accepts any scholarships brought in by entering or returning students. Statewide Scholarships such as the South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship, Dakota Corps and Critical Needs Scholarship are offered for students meeting the eligibility requirements. MTI offers institutional scholarships that have their own unique qualifying criteria. They include the Legacy, Star and Exploration scholarships. Mitchell Technical Institute offers several endowed scholarships customarily ranging from $500 to $1,000 for incoming MTI students and current MTI students on an annual basis. In addition, the Foundation works with a number of individuals, financial institutions, businesses, community groups and associations that make direct grants to MTI students. These additional grants are awarded in conjunction with various technical programs at MTI or locally based organizations and often require specific criteria for eligibility. In 2013‐2014, $135,300 scholarship dollars were provided to MTI students. 5 Note: The cost of each technical program differs, based upon the equipment and tools students are required to access in pursuing their certificate, diploma or degree. Sources: Technical Institute Program Expenses Placement TheplacementofgraduatesinjobsorfurtherstudyinSouthDakota 71% 2008 Graduates 1,766 1,443 82% 296 1,139 1,104 97% 77% 997 90% 792 72% 2009 Graduates 1,690 1,418 84% 311 1,100 1,023 94% 72% 888 87% 714 70% 2010 Graduates 1,930 1,708 88% 400 1,298 1,239 96% 73% 1,070 86% 843 68% 2011 Graduates 2,289 2,019 88% 350 1,653 1,581 96% 78% 1,348 85% 1,078 68% 2012 Graduates 2,312 2,093 91% 324 1,760 1,713 97% 82% 1,520 89% 1,289 75% % Employed Total Employed Employed in Field 824 % Total Placement 91% Total Employable 81% 1,055 Continuing Education / Military 97% % Responding 1,875 1,435 77% 233 1,193 1,163 Responding 2007 Graduates Graduates % Employed in Field in SD Employed in Field in SD % Employed in Field Placement Summary of Technical Institute Graduates 2008 Placement 2009 Placement 2010 Placement 2011 Placement 2012 Placement Lake Area Technical Institute Mitchell Technical Institute Southeast Technical Institute Western Dakota Technical Institute 2007 Placement Placement, by Technical Institute 98% 96% 97% 97% 98% 96% 97% 97% 96% 89% 95% 94% 98% 95% 96% 94% 98% 93% 96% 96% 99% 98% 97% 96% 6 Placement & & Employm ment from Technical Institutes 100% 97% 97% 4% 94 96% % 80% 81% 77% 72% % 73% 96% 97% 78% 82% 60% % Tottal Placement (Conttinuing Educatiion/ Militaary/Employment) 40% % Em mployed 20% 0% 20 2010 2011 2012 2007 009 0 2008 duates Graduaates Graduatees Graduates Graduates Grraduates Grad Techn nical Institu ute In‐FField and IIn‐State Em mploymen nt 100% 80% 60% 91% 90% 71% 72% 7% 87 0% 70 86% 85% 68% 68% 89% 75% 40% % Emplloyed in Field 20% % Emplloyed in Field in SD 0% 2007 2010 2011 2008 2009 2012 Graduates Graduates Gradu uates Graduattes Graduates Graduates Note: Graaduates are su urveyed six m months follow wing graduatioon. Based on the responsees, placementt rates are calculated. Sources: A Annual Technical Institute Placement Reeports (2007‐‐2012 Graduaates) 7
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