National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, Inc. ID 28 rev100814 Name Change Request Form NBCOT® candidates and certificants who have had a name change should use this form. If only your address has changed, you do not need to complete this form. Instead, you can update your address by logging into your MyNBCOT portal at Thank you. NBCOT requires legal documentation in order to process a name change. Only copied documents should be submitted. If you submit an original to NBCOT, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope so that we may return it to you. If your name has changed please submit along with this form a copy of one of the following current valid government-issued IDs that records your current legal name: driver’s license, state-issued ID, passport, military ID. Some examples of unacceptable IDs are: social security card, library card, student ID. Fees: The amount due (if applicable) will vary according to individual circumstances. Certificants (those who have an NBCOT Certificate) Name Change without new Certificate and Wallet ID Card or submitted along with Certification Renewal Application No charge Name Change with new Certificate and Wallet ID Card $30.00 Wallet ID cards not available without ordering a certificate. Upon receiving your completed request form [below] and appropriate documentation, your certification record will be updated. You will be notified by email that your name change has been updated (provided a current email address is on file). Please allow 10-15 business days for processing. Candidates (those who have not yet taken the Certification Exam) New Name Information Select Status First Name: Certificants (if you have an NBCOT Certificate): Middle Name: If the ATT Letter has not been issued yet No charge If the ATT Letter has been issued $75.00 Last Name: I am not requesting a new Certificate and Wallet ID Card at this time (no charge) Prior Last Name: Please send me a new Certificate and Wallet ID Card ($30.00) Date of Birth: Candidates (if you have not taken the NBCOT Certification Exam): NBCOT Certification Number (if applicable): My ATT Letter has not been issued yet (no charge) Has your contact information also changed? My ATT Letter has been issued ($75.00) Street Address: City: State/Province: Country: Postal Code: Phone (day): Email: Send your form and documentation: NBCOT, Inc. 12 S. Summit Avenue, Suite 100 Gaithersburg, MD 20877 Email: Fax: 301-869-8492 (No check or money order payments accepted by fax or email.) Questions? Contact NBCOT: (phone) 301-990-7979 Choose a Payment Method: Checks/money orders should be made payable to “NBCOT,” and must be drawn on a U.S. bank. Personal Check Money Order Visa MasterCard Credit Card Number: Expiration Date (mm/yy): 3-Digit CVV Code: Credit Card Holder: Card Holder’s Billing Address (required): Signature of Cardholder: I authorize the amount indicated to be charged to my credit card. (e-mail) (website)
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