E-mail Address: uplands@summer.com Web SiteAddress: http://sd67.bc.ca/schools/Uplands Phone: 250-770-7678 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Welcome back to all of the returning students and a special welcome to those families new to Uplands School. I am so excited to begin my third year at Uplands. I am once again pleased with the enthusiasm, positive attitudes and eagerness to learn that I have already observed. I would like to extend a warm welcome to a number of new staff members this year. We thank them for fitting in so quickly and helping get our year off to a great start! We are also fortunate to have four returning staff who were hopeful to be back and are with us for another year. In addition to my role as principal, I will be teaching during the week. My office schedule will be posted once it has been finalized. Thank you for respecting my teaching schedule as that is my time dedicated to working with students. We will be sending forms and requests for information next week. It is extremely important that our records are thorough, accurate and meet ministry standards. I am thanking you in advance for returning these forms as soon as possible. At the first PAC meeting I will be reviewing the role of the School Planning Council. Each year a council is formed that looks at the school’s goals and gives parents the opportunity to become active in helping to improve learning for all students. Three parents are elected by secret ballot (one must be a PAC Executive) to serve on the council for the school year. If you are interested please plan on attending the first PAC meeting once it is scheduled. I believe strongly that educating your child is built on a foundation of open communication and look forward to working with all students, staff and parents to meet the needs of each and every learner. Please feel free to stop by and introduce yourself if we haven’t already met. We hope to see many parents at our Uplands Open House – Thursday, October 16th. Details in this newsletter! Sincerely, Mrs. Lisa Edwards Principal New Bell Schedule Morning Bell 8:40 a.m. Classes Begin 8:45 a.m. Recess 10:15- 10:30 a.m. *Lunch 12:10 – 12:55 p.m. *Dismissal 2:34 p.m. Newsletters will be sent home by email beginning in November. If you wish to have a paper copy instead please let Mrs. Kerr know in the office. Div. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Teacher Mr. Tony Biollo Mrs. Chris Irvine Mrs. Sharron Smith Ms. Judy Street Mr. Scott McIntosh Mrs. Jocelyn Beckingham and teacher tba Email address Room Grade tbiollo@summer.com cirvine@summer.com shsmith@summer.com jstreet@summer.com smcintosh@summer.com jbeckingham@summer.com 21 20 18 26 17 10 5 4 3/4 3 2/3 2 7 Mrs. Carla Garrett cgarrett@summer.com 11 1/2 8 9 10 11 12 Mrs. Alicia Moura Mrs. Alice Hancock Mrs. Tiffanie Naylor Mrs. Deanna Barrett Mrs. Mary Hamilton amoura@summer.com ahancock@summer.com tross@summer.com dbarrett@summer.com mhamilton@summer.com 9 8 7 6 5 1 1 K K K Principal Secretary Library / Music Sp. Ed. /Learning Support Teacher Education Assistant Education Assistant Education Assistant Education Assistant Education Assistant Education Assistant Counsellor Psychologist Speech/Language Therapist Teacher - Deaf and Hard of Hearing Custodian in Charge Custodian Library Assistant Mrs. Lisa Edwards Mrs. Kim Kerr Mrs. Cyndie Salting Mrs. Kathie Bryce Mrs. Debbie Gratton Ms. Sheri Mahovlic Mrs. Laurie Hepso Ms. Poppy DeGeorgio Mrs. Wanda Berry Mrs. Mandy Smith Mrs. Lucy Stephens Ms. Shayna Marshall Ms Heather McMillan Mr. Arnold Moliker Mr. Richard Morgan Mr. Tom Simas Ms. Karen Hellyer Mrs. Kim Kerr ledwards@summer.com kkerr@summer.com csalting@summer.com kbryce@summer.com dgratton@summer.com smahovlic@summer.com lhepso@summer.com @summer.com wberry@summer.com msmith@summer.com lstephens@summer.com smarshall@summer.com hmcmillan@summer.com amoliker@summer.com rmorgan@summer.com tsimas@summer.com khellyer@summer.com kkerr@summer.com UPLANDS’ BELIEFS Uplands’ beliefs are that success is built on the strengths of staff, students, parents and community. The staff is working collaboratively to develop systems within the school that support all learners and focus on positive attitudes, behaviour and academic progress. We look forward to working with all of the Uplands so that they can meet or exceed our expectations. Setting goals, reaching milestones and celebrating success are all part of the learning process. OPEN HOUSE and PIZZA PICNIC We have set the date for our Uplands Open House! We hope you can join us on Thursday, October 16th. This is a great opportunity to meet your classroom teacher, families in our community and reconnect with old friends. Please see details on the yellow pizza order form at the back of this newsletter. QSP MAGAZINE SALES Magazine Sales will begin shortly. Ordering and renewing subscriptions is easy and make great gifts. Watch for the information package to come home in your child’s backpack after we launch this fundraiser on October 6th in time for the Thanksgiving weekend in case relatives are interested. MEDICAL ALERTS Medical alert forms are available at the office and must be updated each school year. If your child has a potential life threatening or medical condition, a form needs to be completed immediately. Please contact Mrs. Kerr in the office if you need forms or more information. SAFE ARRIVAL Please contact our office at 250-770-7678 to advise if you child is going to be away or late for school for any reason. Please feel free to leave a message on our answering machine before or after school hours. Mrs. Kerr’s office hours have changed and therefore she will not always be in the office to answer the phone. STUDENT PHOTO DAY Lifetouch Photography (Formerly MJM Studios) will be here once again to take Individual student photos on October 23rd. As in previous years, the proofs and ordering information will be sent home 7 – 10 days after photo day. A reminder will be sent home prior to the 23rd. STUDENT PLANNERS Gr. 1 - 5 Please use your child’s planner to inform his/her teacher of important information regarding your child. If you are picking up your child early for doctor appointments or other activities or if there is a change in normal routine, we ask that you put a note in the planner☺. The planner fee is included in the $10.00 activity fee per student. Please submit payment to your student’s teacher. Payment can be cash or cheques payable to “Uplands Elementary School”. Thank you for sending your payment in. STUDENT SUPERVISION For safety reasons, please do not send your child prior to 8:30 in the morning. Outside supervision is provided at this time. All students are expected to leave the school grounds promptly by 2:50 pm unless they are accompanied by a parent or guardian. Many students are arriving well before the start of school. Please try to make alternate arrangements if necessary. Perhaps dropping students off at a friends and having them walk to school is a great option! STUDENT PHONE Uplands PAC supports the student phone located in the main hallway. Students may use this phone in with permission from their teacher. This phone is not to be used to for making play dates or alternate transportation arrangements. Students are expected to make these arrangements the night before so everyone is aware of the changes to routines. A note in the planner to your child’s teacher would be helpful as well. Students who are feeling sick MUST call from the office. SCHOOL SPIRIT DAYS… Uplands T-Shirt Friday School Spirit Days are every Friday at Uplands. Wear your school clothes or black or red to show your school spirit. Samples of school clothes and order forms are located in the general office. You may view anytime between 8:00 am and 3:30 pm. CROSS COUNTRY RUNNING TEAM Students in grade 4 and 5 have the opportunity to participate in two district Cross Country Running races this fall. A notice has been sent with interested students. DAILY PHYSICAL ACTIVITY/SCHOOL WIDE RUNNING School-wide running is underway for the entire school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 11:40 am on the school field. Green permission forms are included with this newsletter and must be signed for students to participate in the neighbourhood run. For those who have not returned their forms they will continue to run laps on the field. VOLUNTEERING IN THE SCHOOL Parents, grandparents and community volunteers are always welcome and needed in our school in varying capacities. School District #67 (Okanagan Skaha) Policy #507 requires that ALL VOLUNTEERS need to have a Criminal Record Check on file. Volunteers include anyone who will be in contact with students during any school sponsored activities. Forms are available in the office. Walk and Wheel to School Week – October 6-10 Uplands Elementary is participating in “Walk and Wheel” week this year. The goals of Walk and Wheel to school week are: - Celebrating active transportation and encouraging daily physical activity - Promoting opportunities to practice safe walking and biking skills and identifying safe routes to school - Enhancing the connection between students, parents, schools, and communities in a fun and interactive way - Reducing school traffic congestion and vehicle emissions Stickers will be given to each student who walks or wheels at least once during the week. Thanks to Ann Hurst for registering our school and getting us involved this year. TRAFFIC CALMING FOR UPLANDS ELEMENTARY The City of Penticton is hosting an Open House in the Uplands Gymnasium from 5:00 – 6:00 pm on Monday, October 6. City Representative and a traffic consultant will: - provide a brief presentation of the issues and potential solutions - answer questions - collect information via a questionnaire available at the meeting UPLANDS’ SCHOOL CALENDAR 2014 – 2015 This is a draft outline of our Fall calendar. Some dates are yet to be confirmed and others are subject to change. Please see notices and monthly newsletters for updates and information. Days that schools are closed are also listed on the District Calendar below. October October 6 October 6 October 9 October 13 October 15 October 16 October 16 October 21 October 22 October 23 October 24 October 31 November 4, 5, 6 November 5 November 10 November 11 November 12 November 28 December 5 December 16 December 18 December 19 January 5 PAC Meeting 6:30 pm – Library Traffic Calming Open House 5-6pm Gym Magazine Fundraiser Launch Trout Creek Run Thanksgiving Statutory Holiday – schools closed Naramata Cross Country Run Open House/Pizza Picnic Shakeout BC Earthquake Drill Pizza by the Slice Day Magazine Fundraiser Closes Individual Pictures Professional Development Day – schools closed to students Halloween Costume Parade Early Dismissal (1:34pm) for parent teacher interviews Hot Lunch begins Remembrance Day Assembly Remembrance Day Observance (schools closed) Okanagan Symphony Brass Trio 11:00am Professional Development Day – schools closed to students First Term Progress Reports sent home Gingerbread Houses Winter Sing-a-long 11:00am Winter Break begins Schools reopen SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 67 (OKANAGAN SKAHA) 2014-2015 SCHOOL CALENDAR FOR ALL SCHOOLS Schools Open Thanksgiving Day – schools closed Tuesday, September 2, 2014 Monday, October 13, 2014 Provincial Pro D Day – schools closed Friday, October 24, 2014 Remembrance Day observance – schools closed Professional Development Day – schools closed Schools close for Winter Vacation Tuesday, November 11, 2014 Friday, November 28, 2014 Friday, December 19, 2014 (last day of school) Schools Reopen Family Day – schools closed Monday, January 5, 2015 Monday, February 9, 2015 Professional Development Day – schools closed *Schools close for Spring Break Friday, February 20, 2015 Friday, March 13, 2015 (last day of school) Schools Reopen Good Friday – schools closed Monday, March 30, 2015 Friday, April 3, 2015 Easter Monday – schools closed Professional Development Day – schools closed Victoria Day – schools closed Monday, April 6, 2015 Friday, May 1, 2015 Monday, May 18, 2015 Administrative Day (students not in attendance) Friday, June 26, 2015 “Like” our Uplands PAC Facebook page for regular reminders and updates! PAC NEWS The first 2014/2015 PAC meeting will be soon! A number of executive positions are open. Elections will be held during this meeting. Any parents interested in these positions please contact Tracey Foreman at 250-462-6200 for more information. Please come, share your ideas and visions for the school, and volunteer to coordinate or be a part of a dedicated group of parents who work to make Uplands the welcoming and supportive community school that it is. Our Principal, Mrs. Edwards, will also be in attendance for those of you who have not yet met her. The more volunteers the better! As School District funding decreases, we see the requests for financial assistance from individual schools increase. Without the fundraising efforts run through school PACs, the ability to purchase equipment and programs for the school becomes limited; therefore, the need for volunteers to coordinate and facilitate fundraising events is very important. Please consider these positions for next year to help support our children's educations. HOT LUNCH PROGRAM New this year – Pizza Tuesdays! Starting October 21st $2.50 per slice $1.00 milk or juice For the first few weeks please continue to send some lunch with your child in case we run out of pizza. It may take a few weeks to see the demand and adjust our orders accordingly. Thanks for your support! November 5th will be our first Wednesday Hot Lunch. Munch-a-lunch will be open for ordering the week of October 6th. If you require a paper copy they will be available in the office. We thank Cara Garnett for volunteering to be the Hot Lunch Coordinator. As always we are looking for volunteers who can assist on both days. Please contact Cara Garnett at caragarnett@gmail.com or call her at 250-488-2417. FARM BAG FUNDRAISER Once again this year, we are pleased to be offering the Farm Bag Fundraiser, an innovative fundraising program that earns $6 per bag for our school!!! Invite your friends and neighbors to participate. Eat healthy, locally grown produce and raise money for Uplands! Sign up deadline is Oct. 6th, 2014 Sign up at www.localmotive.ca and select Uplands Elementary as your group Bags consist of approximately 20lbs of 7 -10 different types of local organic produce. Cost is $30 per bag. Program runs from October to February. All orders must be received by October 6 for the October shipment. Payment can now be made online using PayPal or credit card. For more information, please see our school bulletin board or visit www.farmbagfundraiser.com. BC FRUIT AND VEGGIE PROGRAM The trucks are rolling bringing fruit and vegetable snacks to our school! Did you know that our school is participating in the BC School Fruit and Vegetable Nutritional Program? Students will receive a free snack. This snack is not meant to replace food normally consumed at recess or lunch. The goal is to increase fruit and vegetable consumption. Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, antioxidants and fibre that promote health and prevent disease. Studies show that Canadians in general are not eating enough fruits and vegetables. Eating one more fruit or vegetable a day can make a difference. You can get the school year off to a good start with healthy good tasting fresh fruits and vegetables, too. For back to school lunches: • Pick freshly harvested BC fruits like apples, pears, plums, grapes and vegetables like carrot and celery sticks, cherry tomatoes, and colourful pepper slices. • Wash fruits and vegetables before packing in lunch bags. • Enjoy the great taste of local fruits and vegetables. If you do not wish your child to participate in the program please return the green permission form to your classroom teacher as soon as possible. It is included in this package. PARKING AND DROP OFF Uplands school is a very busy place in the mornings and afterschool. We ask that everyone keep the following safety measures in mind when dropping off and picking up their children: Please DO NOT stop or park where there are YELLOW markings – these are no stopping zones. Please DO NOT drop students off in the parking lot. This is an extremely dangerous area for children to be. Please DO NOT stop in the parking lot unless you are in a parking spot. The bus needs to be able to park, allow students to safely get to the curb and navigate out of the lot. Cars are blocking the bus and delaying the arrival of students. There a number of other safe locations to drop students off in the morning. Westminster Avenue to the south of the school has sidewalk access to Uplands. Uplands Place and McCauley Place back on to the school grounds and students can walk up to the field. Please leave yourself a few extra minutes in the morning to park and walk together. 2014-2015 To: All parents of School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) In order for students to be eligible for transportation services, they must qualify under the following guidelines: Grade K-3 must reside more than 4.0 km from their catchment area school Grade 4-12 must reside more than 4.8 km from their catchment area school Over the past years, the School District has been able to provide some students with transportation even though they have not qualified under these guidelines. These students are classified as Courtesy Riders. Please be advised that from time to time the School District may be required to limit the number of courtesy riders on some bus routes. TIPS TO MAKE BACK TO SCHOOL SUCCESSFUL Parents play a key role during the school year by keeping their children safe and healthy. Here are some ways to achieve this: Make sure your children eat breakfast every day so their minds have the fuel they need for school. Ensure your children’s backpacks are no more than 10 to 20 per cent of their bodyweight and that your children use both shoulder straps. Make sure your children know safe routes to and from school. Start a Walking School Bus or Bicycle Train program in your neighbourhood. Schedule regular dental and any necessary medical check ups for your children Students are often more successful in school when they develop good study habits early on. Parents can help their children study by: Setting up a homework area away from the TV and with adequate supplies and lighting. Letting your children see you reading and setting aside time each day to read as a family. Keeping an assignment calendar on the fridge or bulletin board for quick reference of due dates, exams and other activities Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance Did you know that School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) does not insure expenses for student injuries that happen on school grounds or during school activities? You are responsible for these expenses as a parent or guardian. IAP Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance offers protection against the high costs of serious injury from unexpected accidents, and is especially valuable for families who: • do not have medical or dental plans, • have limited plans, as it may help supplement health and dental benefits, or • have active children who enjoy sports and outdoor activities. For your convenience, we have made arrangements for families to voluntarily purchase student accident insurance through the IAP Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance program, underwritten by Industrial Alliance Pacific Insurance and Financial Services Inc. (“IAP”). Accidents can, and do, happen. IAP Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance has a selection of plans to suit most budgets. Benefits include coverage for: • the full school year (September to September), 24 hours a day, whether at school or at home; • expenses that are often limited or not covered by private or group insurance plans, or Provincial Health Insurance Plans - such as ambulance, physiotherapy, private tutoring, counselling, and much more; • injury-related dental treatment (including future dental treatment up to age 26); • out-of-province or country emergency medical expenses. If you change address during the school year, your IAP Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance plan is transferable from school to school, anywhere in Canada. Insurance premiums range from $13.50 to $31.95 per year, depending on the plan selected, and your child is covered all the time, not just while at school. A discounted premium is available for families with 3 or more children. For more information or to apply online, please visit www.iapkidsplus.com. Brochures have been handed out to each student. UPLANDS ELEMENTARY October 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Saturday 2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 24 25 DAILY PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IS CROSS COUNTRY RUNNING PLEASE HAVE PROPER FOOT WEAR AT SCHOOL EVERYDAY. 5 6 7 8 Trout Creek Pumpkin Run Traffic Calming OPEN HOUSE 5-6pm GYM Magazine Fundraiser begins Farmbag deadline 12 13 14 Thanksgiving Day 15 Naramata Run Open House and Pizza Night 5:00 – 6:00pm No School 19 SHAKE OUT BC Earthquake Drill 20 Staff Meeting 21 Pizza By the Slice Day 22 23 Magazine Fundraiser ends Individual Photos 26 27 28 Pizza By the Slice Day 29 30 Professional Development Day No School 31 Halloween Costume Parade SAFE ARRIVAL 250-770-7678 Students arriving after 8:40 am must check in at the office! Thank you.
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