Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 12, 2014 NEWS CONCERNING THE HOLY CROSS HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING I would like to share with you the most current information concerning the old Holy Cross High School Building concerning its safety and future use so that we all have an understanding of what has happened and what will happen in the future. Five years ago the City of Santa Cruz designated the building as an unreinforced masonry building that needed to be brought up to certain earthquake standards. It was decided at that time not to retrofit the building but to look for alternative uses for it. Mercy Housing came forward and was interested in developing the building as a senior citizen residence. They would incur the expenses involved with the retrofit and lease the property from the parish for a designated period of time. When the financial markets imploded a few years ago, funding dried up and Mercy Housing was forced to drop out of the project. Over the last two years the Parish Finance Council has diligently pursued other options for the building. It is important to note that the building structure itself is made of reinforced concrete. The problem is that in the 1920’s, when the building was constructed, they used clay tiles for the interior hallway walls. This is what has caused the city concern. Two weeks ago we met with city officials and engineers and went over our plan to bring the building up to code. The plan calls for the demolition of the hallway walls so that all the clay tiles could be removed and replacing them wood framed walls. This would have the effect of removing the safety concerns that the city has as well as making the building ‘lighter’ and more flexible during a seismic event. As part of the project, work will also be done on the roof to tie it in with the rest of the building. We are currently waiting for our engineer to submit plans to the city building department for their approval. Once that happens, work will begin, however, until this work is complete, the city has issued a vacate order on the building effective October 29, 2014. It is believed that the retrofit will take four to six months to complete. During that time some parish ministries will be relocated to the rectory at 126 High St., with the exceptions of Sr. Barbara, who will move temporarily to the Meeting Room under the Hall, and the Food Pantry, which will be located elsewhere on the parish campus. All private tenants and non-parish outreach programs will have to find new locations. What is all this going to cost? A lot, literally! In anticipation of this major capital expenditure, the parish has sold the lots it owned on Mora St. to a developer and has restricted these funds as starting funds for the high school repair (approximately $675,000). We still do not have a final cost estimate for the project and I assume that the final cost of the retrofit will be higher. How much higher depends on materials and unforeseen delays and problems. We ask for your continued prayers, support and patience over the next several months as we work to repair the building so that it can once again be the ministerial center of our parish. If you have question, please speak with Fr. Joe or a member of the parish staff. Annual Ministry Appeal 2014 Year-end Pledge Commitment Deadline The Annual Ministry Appeal 2014 will close on December 31, 2014. If you made a pledge to this year’s campaign please meet your pledge commitment prior the closing date so that our parish receives credit for your gift. A very special “THANK YOU” to all our volunteers and supporters who helped make last Sunday’s Parish and School Carnival a success. It was a fun filled day and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. We will give you a complete report as soon as it is available. Once again, THANK YOU! READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday, October 13: Galatians 4:22-24,26-27,31 -5:1; Luke 11:29-32 Tuesday, October 14: Galatians 5:1-6; Luke 11:37-41 Wednesday, October 15: Galatians 5:18-25; Luke 11:42-46 Thursday, October 16: Ephesians 1:1-10; Luke 11:47-54 Friday, October 17: Ephesians 1:11-14; Luke 12:1-7 Saturday, October 18: 2 Timothy 4:10-17; Luke 10:1-9 Sunday, October 19: Isaiah 45:1,4-6; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5; Matthew 22:15-21 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes, Octubre 13: Gálatas 4:22-24,26-27,315:1; Lucas 11:29-32 Martes, Octubre 14: Gálatas 5:1-6; Lucas 11:3741 Miércoles Octubre 15: Gálatas 5:18-25; Lucas 11:42-46 Jueves, Octubre 16: Efesios 1:1-10; Lucas 11:47 -54 Viernes, Octubre 17: Efesios 1:11-14; Lucas 12:1-7 Sabado, Octubre 18: 2 Timoteo 4:10-17; Lucas 10:1-9 Domingo, Octubre 19: Isaías 45:1,4-6; 1 Tesalonicenses 1:1-5; Mateo 22:15-21 COLLECTION COLECTAS SEMANALES COLLECTION-LA COLECTA DE LA SEMANA PASADA FUE $5,348.00 Consistent Giver: $3,522.72 TOTAL COLLECTION: $8,870.72 WEEKLY SUNDAY PLATE BUDGET: $6,635.00 SECOND COLLECTION SEGUNDA COLECCIÓN $1,249.50 Last Week—Semana Pasada:Respect Life This Week—Esta Semana: Capital Development Next Week—Próxima Semana:Propagation of the Faith Gracias por su generosidad ahora y durante todo el año. We thank everyone for their generosity, now and throughout the year. PRAYER INTENTIONS~ ORACIONES PARA LOS ENFERMOS Recuerde en sus oraciones—Please pray for those who are unable to join us: Rance Johnson, Sr. Chris Kelly Cesar Groyon, Sr. Linda Mauregard Robert Borges Ardith Campbell Virgina Cooper Wilbert Patten Matt Iden Patty Machado Erma Dalbesio Pedro Jose Lahoz Deanne Knapp Debbie Wilson Freddy Herrera Rita Mockus John Rodriquez Elena Aspromonte Ed Lesnowicz Susie Shelton Gloria Patten Gino Panelli Jackie Ryan Angelo Ross Richard Knapp Lynda Sue McMath If you know someone who is in need of prayers or if someone should be taken off the list, please call the office at 423-4182. INTENCIONES DE MISA + MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, October 11 5: the Riley family Sunday, October 12 7: the Byrne family 8:30: Chippo Ramirez, James Seibert 10:30: Eric Easter, Nell Donovan 12:30: Alex Acevedo, Mercedes Acevedo, Monday, October 13 8:30: Patricia Byrne Tuesday, October 14 8:30: int. of Rance Johnson. Sr. Wednesday, October 15 8:30: William & Nancy Graham Thursday, October 16 8:30: Joseph & Winifred Byrne Friday, October 17 8:30: int. Carlos Eusse Gil Saturday, October 18 5: Stan Prolo, Marilyn Navoni Sunday, October 19 7: the Byrne family 8:30: Greg Varenkamp, Sylvia De Bernardo, Charlotte Mascia 10:30: Dolores & Leo Esposito, Jim Keefe, Ken Miller 12:30: int. of Patty Machado DIRECTORY - DIRECTORIO Rev. Joseph L. Occhiuto, K.H.S.: Pastor/Párroco (423-4182 ) Deacon Hugo Patiño: Pastoral Associate/Asciado Pastoral (423-4182) Dan McNamara: Office Manager, Secretary, Director de la Oficina, Secretario (423-4182) Lynette de Lara: Administrative Assistant and Bulletin Editor/Asistente Administrativo y Boletín Editor (423-4182) Kimberly Cheng: Principal, Holy Cross School (PS8 Coed), 150 Emmet St., Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (423-4447) Sr. Barbara Ann Long, O.P., L.H.S.: Liturgy and Music/Liturgia y Música (423-4973) Sr. Liza Raphael, I.M.: Faith Formation, Baptism, and Sacramental Preparation/Formación en la Fe y la Preparación Sacramental (458-3041) Elizabeth Borges: High School Youth Ministry/High School Ministerio de Jóvenes (423-4182) Frank Benko: Junior High Youth Ministry/Junior High Ministerio de Jóvenes de Secundaria (458-3041) Crissy Roubal: Director, Holy Cross Preschool (425-1782) Toni Giovannoni: Business and Facilities Manager/ Contender y Administrador de Instalaciones (469-3560) Sr. Betty Pedrazzi, I.H.M.: Missión Galeria, Mission Museum and Shop/Museo y Tienda de la Mision (426-5686) Newman Center: UCSC & Cabrillo College Ministry/ Ministerio Universitario-285 Meder St., Santa Cruz (423-9400) St. Francis Soup Kitchen: 205 Mora St. (459-6712) Siena House Maternity Home: 108 High St. (425-2229) Anne McGuire: Pastoral Assistance Coordinator, Diocese of Monterey, Promise to Protect, Pledge to Heal – Diocesan Victim Abuse Coordinator (1-800-321-5220) Holy Cross Food Pantry…… an item per week is all that we seek! Thank you! The Holy Cross SCRIP Team and Holy Cross School would like to thank Father Joe and the entire Holy Cross community for your continued support of our SCRIP program. Through your purchases of SCRIP gift cards over the past few months, we have raised close to $800.00 for Holy Cross’ Tuition Assistance Fund. We are incredibly grateful and will continue our efforts in selling SCRIP gift cards on the first and third Sunday of each month after the 5 p.m. Saturday Mass and the 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday Masses. Thank you again for your generosity and support! RECONCILIACIÓN~ LUNES A 7 P.M. EN LA CAPILLA CON PADRE MANNY WELCOME TO HOLY CROSS We are glad and grateful to have new people celebrate with us. If you would like to register at Holy Cross, please fill out the form below and place it in the collection basket, or mail it to the parish office. BIENVENIDOS A HOLY CROSS Estamos felices y agradecidos para celebrar con nuevas personas. Si usted no está registrado, por favor llene la siguiente forma y regrésela en la canasta de la colecta o mándela por correo a la oficina. NAME/ NOMBRE___________________________________ PHONE/ TELÉFONO__________________________________ ADDRESS/ DIRECCIÓN________________________________ City/Ciudad________________________ ZIP_________ { } New Parishioner/Nuevo Miembro a la Parroquia { } New Address/Por Favor Corrijan Mi Dirección { } Please Send Me Sunday Envelopes/Envíenme Sobres Dominicales I WOULD LIKE TO SERVE HOLY CROSS AS A/QUIERO AYUDAR EN LA PARROQUIA COMO___________________________ E-MAIL _______________________________________ EL GRUPO DE ORACIÓN DE HOLY CROSS les invita a sus reuniones los miércoles de cada semana a las 7 p.m. en la Misión. Es una buena oportunidad para orar y crecer en comunidad. Para mayor información, por favor contacte a Juanita al 332-9224. Todos están bien- FACEBOOK You have the opportunity to visit and follow your church on Facebook. Join us at ADULT CONFIRMATION (for ages 16 and above) For individuals seeking the Sacrament of Confirmation, sessions will be held, in the Cottage, on Tuesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. For more information call 458-3041. WANT TO LEARN ABOUT THE CATHOLIC FAITH? We have a wonderful process for those who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is for anyone who has never been baptized, or was baptized in another faith or even the Catholic faith and would now like to complete their sacraments of initiation with Eucharist and Confirmation. Meetings are on Thursday evenings at 7:30 in room 108. Please call 578-4338 for more information. BENEDICTINE OBLATE MEETING Please join us on October 18 at 10 a.m. at St. Angela Merici Church in Pacific Grove. Father Stephen Coffey O.S.B. from the Monastery of the Risen Christ will speak on the Rule based on Michael Casey’s book, The Road to Eternal Life. He will also review the Camaldolese response to the New Evangelization. Don’t miss this opportunity to appreciate Benedictine spirituality and a guide to practical Christian living in daily life! All are welcome to attend. For more information you may call Kathy at (831) 3757692. Check out our website….. YOUTH MINISTRY & CONFIRMATION SATURDAY, October 11 First Year Retreat at Shaffer Park followed by Rite of Welcome at the 5 p.m. Mass If you have questions please call Elizabeth at 457-2724 or email her at A STUDY OF GENESIS THERE WILL BE A HIATUS IN FR. MIKE MARINI'S STUDY OF GENESIS DURING THE MONTH OF OCTOBER. SESSIONS WILL RESUME ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5. A SPOON FULL OF KINDNESS AT ST. FRANCIS KITCHEN On Saturday, November 15, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. St. Francis Catholic Kitchen/Jesus Mary Joseph Home will host a benefit for the hungry & homeless, featuring a hearty soup lunch, a multi-cultural Christmas bazaar, offered by Rising International, and an opportunity to win great prizes. For event or donation information, contact board member Beatrice Easter at or 345-7523. Purchase event tickets in advance at http:// SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Do you long for a deeper life and richer awareness of God in your life? Villa Maria del Mar Retreat House is offering a free information evening on Spiritual Direction for those seeking to discern how the Holy Spirit is working in their life. Facilitator: Sr. Molly Neville, SNJM Time: 7-8:15 p.m. Date: October 14 OR 27 Call or email Mary at the Villa to reserve your place, 475-1236, BETH MOORE BIBLE STUDY Holy Cross Women's Ministry would like to invite you to a study of the Fruits of the Spirit: Living Beyond Yourself by Beth Moore. Please join us on Friday morning from 9:15 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the Casita (the cottage behind the rectory). For more information please call Kathy Pappas 425-4714. DOMINICAN MOBILE WELLNESS CLINIC The Dominican Mobile Wellness van will be at Holy Cross on the second, fourth and fifth Wednesdays (October 22 & 29) of each month from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Bilingual services will be provided (English/Spanish) and will include evaluation and treatment of episodic medical conditions, identification of medical homes for those patients with chronic needs, and identification of social services and resources in the community. There is a fee of $15 at the time of the visit. For more information call 457-7166. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Today’s gospel challenges us to come together in His name. Is God in your Marriage? The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend will be held on October 24-26, at the Saint Francis Retreat Center in San Juan Bautista, California. For more information call Mary Jo and Rich Castello, at 831-704-6322 ( or register online at All Souls Day envelopes are available in the back of the church. Día de los Difuntos sobres están disponibles. INFANT BAPTISM CLASSES Parents are asked to register their child for baptism at least one month prior to the desired date for baptism. To participate in parent – God parent- preparation classes please call Vince Lieggi at 515 – 7110. Classes are done Second Monday of the month at 6 p.m. at the Casita. Baptisms are celebrated third Saturday of every month except during Lent. To schedule the date of baptism please call the office at 458-3041. LAS CLASES DE BAUTISMO PARA LOS PADRES Para inscribir a la clase de bautismo por favor llamen a la oficina al número 458-3041. Las clases será n primer lunes del mes a las 6:00p.m. en la Casita. Bautismos se celebran primer sábado de cada mes excepto durante la Cuaresma. Para programar la fecha de bautismo, por favor llame a la oficina al 458-3041. CLUB NOAH We are looking for volunteers to help re-start this ministry! Please call Sr. Liza for more information at 458-3041. BENEFIT CONCERT Elisabeth Von Trapp, from the family whose story inspired The Sound of Music, will be performing a benefit concert for Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Monterey at the Old Mission in San Luis Obispo on Friday, November 14 at 7 p.m. Admission is $50. Proceeds will assist those in need throughout our Diocese. For tickets:, or (831) 233-3307. LIFETOUCH PICTURES If you had a picture taken for the Directory, and did not purchase additional pictures, your free 8x10 was delivered to the rectory. Please drop by and pick up your picture. SIGNING UP FOR CONSISTENT GIVING IS EASY! For more information call Toni at 469-3560 ¡PARA DAR COHERENTE ES FÁCIL! Para más información favor de comunicarse con Toni al 469-3560 SYNOD-MASS Oct-5-2014 Opening family synod, pope warns bishops of hypocrisy, pride and greed By Francis X. Rocca - Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Opening a two-week Synod of Bishops on the family, Pope Francis warned participants against the temptations of hypocrisy, pride and greed, urging them instead to serve the church with "freedom, creativity and hard work." "We can thwart God's dream if we fail to let ourselves be guided by the Holy Spirit," the pope said Oct. 5, during Mass in St. Peter's Basilica. "The Spirit gives us that wisdom which surpasses knowledge, and enables us to work generously with authentic freedom and humble creativity." Pope Francis' homily drew on the day's reading from the Gospel of Matthew (21: 33-43), in which Jesus describes the people of God as a vineyard, farmed by tenants who betray its owner and seek to take it over for themselves. Evidently addressing his words to the 184 bishops and 69 others who would take part in the synod, the pope said Jesus aimed his parable at the "chief priests and the elders of the people, in other words the experts, the managers," whose job it was to "nurture, tend and protect" God's people. "But Jesus tells us that those farmers took over the vineyard. Out of greed and pride they want to do with it as they will, and so they prevent God from realizing his dream for the people he has chosen," the pope said. "We are all sinners, and we too can be tempted to take over the vineyard, because of that greed which is always present in us human beings. God's dream always clashes with the hypocrisy of some of his servants," the pope said. The synod is slated to discuss a range of "pastoral challenges of the family" in preparation for a larger world synod in October 2015, which will make recommendations to the pope. "Synod assemblies are not meant to discuss beautiful and clever ideas, or to see who is more intelligent. They are meant to better nurture and tend the Lord's vineyard, to help realize his dream, his loving plan for his people," Pope Francis said. "In this case the Lord is asking us to care for the family, which has been from the beginning an integral part of his loving plan for humanity." One of the most discussed topics at the 2014 synod promises to be a controversial proposal by German Cardinal Walter Kasper that would make it easier for divorced and civilly remarried Catholics to receive Communion. Pope Francis has said the predicament of such Catholics exemplifies a general need for mercy in the church today. The pope alluded to the need for mercy when he said that "evil pastors lay intolerable burdens on the shoulders of others, which they themselves do not lift a finger to move," a paraphrase of Jesus' words against the hypocrisy of scribes and Pharisees in Matthew 23: 4. OPPORTUNITIES FOR PRAYER ON MONDAY The Blessed Sacrament is exposed every Monday in the Mission Chapel from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. All are welcome. EXPOSICIÓN DEL SANTISMO Recuerden de acompañar a Nuestro Señor en la Exposición y Adoración del Santismo Sacramento en la Capilla de la Misión todos los lunes después de la Misa de las 8:30 a.m. Pray the Rosary BULLETIN ADVERTISEMENT Have you ever thought of placing an advertisement in our Sunday Bulletin? Advertising would allow your fellow parishioners to patronize and support your business as well as support our church. If you would like to place an ad on the back of the Sunday bulletin you need to contact J. S. Paluch at 1-800-231-0805 for size and pricing information. The following number is needed to identify our church, 523307, for proper ad placement. Thank you for your support!!
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